
Comments by Jpac73 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    black guys, white girls
    Well you know Rick Fox is of mixed race himself, but yeah lucky guy. I guess only when your an athlete or rich that you can get a good looking younger female when you are in your 40's.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    black guys, white girls
    You are not clarifying on whether you actually want a "real date" or to be with a white stripper who will show you a good time. I am pretty sure if you went to a nightclub that has a "mixed crowd "(not demoninated by one particular race) you should be able to find some there. Seems like white chicks and a nightclub get wasted more often than black females at the club. Therefore I think you have a better chance at a night club to hit it off with a white female. This is all dependant on whether you just want a one night stand or not. If you are looking for a real date you might come out better searching online at some of the dating sites.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Deputy arrested outside strip club
    What I would like to know, was the money that he grabbed his that he gave to the stripper for the dances? or was he just being gangster and going to take what he wanted because he was pissed?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper Compliments
    The main ones I can think of are "you smell good" and at times they like what clothes or shoes I am wearing.
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    15 years ago
    Bathroom Troll
    Clubber do you get that wasted that you can't piss straight and end up getting piss on your hands? Carry hand sanitizer with you, they make small bottles that fit in your pocket.
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    15 years ago
    Bathroom Troll
    This may sound a little unsanitary but if you get tired of tipping them when you use the bathroom then don't walk up to the sink. After you take a piss, just make a straight line to the door. If he asks whether you need some soap, just tell him no thank you and keep moving.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    This is somewhat of an update to this story. I was at a club that Jada use to work at. I was speaking with the owner/manager of the club. He mentioned to me that he had some customers tell him that Jada "turned tricks" on the side. Well I guess that answers my question of whether she will meet customers OTC. The thing I have to find out now, is will she turn a trick with me. I will find out the answer in the next 2 or 3weeks.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    1,000 Ways to Die
    Yeah I watched 2 hours of it last night and they showed the scene with the Strippers/cheerleaders. I also liked the clip of the one guy trying to get revenge on his Ex-Fiancee by putting ex-lax poweder in her drink. He paid the Waiter @ the ceremony $100 to do the deed. Little did he know the waiter poured the Ex-lax in his drink. WHen he had to go he couldn't find a bathroom stall that was open so he used the trash can out back. He literally got his ass stuck in the trash can and could not get out. When he rocked the trashcan over he went tumbling down the hill and I guess in the process ended up breaking his neck.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Personal Frame of Reference/Grading Standards:
    Personally I would not go to either one. $20 is too much for a club that is basically a "hole in the wall." 3 for a 100 is still a little High. So with that in mind here is how I would grade them. Club X Physical Club:5 Dancer Quality: 7 $ Value:7 Club Z Physical Club: 10 Dancer Quality: 9 $ Value: 6
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    Thanks for the advice from all, especially mmdv. i probably will try out those lines next time I am there and then see what she says.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    Oh I know she will want at least 200 bucks, but that is as much as I am willing to pay. She isn't a 10. maybe a 7 at best. ALso she only works at the club Fridays and Saturdays. Don't know if she has another job or not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    I don't feel she is the type to run to management about a customer asking her OTC, she would probably just say she doesn't do that and leave it at that. I just don't want the alienation that I may get from her if she isn't into that, however as my mom use to say "A closed mouth doesn't get fed." So guess I have no choice but to ask. It's not like she is my #1 favorite, more like #2 favorite at the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    $1 dances
    Yup they still do it in a club here in Dothan Alabama. It is fun when there are good looking girls to choose from.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is "High Mileage" to most people here?"
    Why is a no touch grind considered low Mr. Stein? You are still getting contact. There are not too many clubs where the girls will give you a hand job or let you "finger fuck" them. So I see that as being a little unrealistic. Maybe up in your area half of the clubs let things like that go on but it is more like maybe 10-20% in this region.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    You already have the right idea dave, just tell her "Hey I appreciate you coming by and talking to me, but I would like to meet some of the other girls at the club now." That should work with no problem.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs near my hometown are pathetic.
    There may be some truth to your statements.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Nasty, ugly dancers- What was your worst experience?
    I have seen Dancers with Bumps on their ass and one who had 2 bumps on her inner thigh near her Vagina.
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    15 years ago
    "You got me all wet"
    Dam'n SuperDude I would have been Mad. She sounds like a skank.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do the strippers know that you post on here?
    No most of the dancers I have met don't know of this site nor do they spend their free time talking about "stripclubs" on the internet.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Tips on how to'Make it Rain'?
    You don't necessarily have to throw the money up in the air to make it rain. I have taken 20 dollar bills in singles and steadily tipped the dancer at the stage while she is dancing in front of me. After you leave the stage, everyone will see the dollar bills lying on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club or whore house?
    I just go for a good lapdance. I never really had any extras offered at the club. If I get a good 1 way contact lapdance that is fine with me. The most 2 way contact you will get in my "neck of the woods" are touching her ass or thighs, sucking her breast, and maybe her fondling your cock through the pants. That's about as far as it goes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Would you say the dancers now aren't as hot as they were 10 to 15 years ago?
    I forgot to mention they are on a witchhunt in trying to keep gentlemen clubs from opening in my area. The county commission in Dothan AL had the govenor to sign a bill this past August that makes it illegal for any new Gentlemens club to serve alcohol. They can still operate as a Bikini club or topless bar but can't serve alcohol. A new club outside the city limits tried to open up 3 weeks ago. They were going to be a BYOB club. Well the county Commission stated that alcohol cannot be consumed on or within 500 feet of the business. The club got busted just after 2 weeks of being open. Said they allowed too much nudity(Have to have pasties over nipples) and alcohol was being consumed on the premises. The Manager got arrested. There is another Gentlemans club that just opened last friday. They were able to get there liquor license before the law was past so they are free to serve alcohol. They are just a Bikini club. Haven't went there but I guess I might as well. May see some of the dancers from the other club working there.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Would you say the dancers now aren't as hot as they were 10 to 15 years ago?
    Yeah I agree that Stripping may be more mainstream than it was years ago, but also I think there are other types of business women can make quick money. For instance, there is a sight called herbiceps.com. It is suppose to be a site where guys who like women who compete in figure & bodybuilding competitions can go and chat and most importly have WEBCAM sessions. The girl can do most anything except for get totally naked on camera. It suppose to be for women who are fit but there are some girls who don't look like they workout on there trying to make money. I am not saying that there are alot of women doing this but the fact that there is a market for this type of stuff and also charging guys for talking to them over the phone are different avenues for women to make quick money other than stripping.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    Not with me. Not enough customers coming to the local bars, so most of the good looking dancers have taken their business elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    At what point would you NOT pay for the Kitty?
    You are right Philip, I do need a new club, but the area that I live in their isn't much to choose from. Most dancers here in Southeast Alabama fall in the 4 to 7 range. Seeing a 8 or 9 is pretty rare, a 10 is practicaly non existant.