
Comments by Jpac73 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What ever happened to our old friend Kyle??
    Glad to hear from you Kyle.
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    19 years ago
    I hate it I don't have any good SC's that I can go to ofter
    Superdude: As far as I know it is still open. I only went there one time about 7years ago. Isn't Atlanta a no-contact Town as far as dances? I think some of the clubs like strokers might do a little more than what they are allowed to do according to the town ordinaces.
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    19 years ago
    Need advice on a non SC related subject
    Actually this is the 1stmessageboard that I have posted anything about this situation. I just thought that sometimes talking about SC's only can get a little stale. I figured that we would like to here about something different even if it's a personal situation. I know what I must do. Those blackgirls whether it be customers or other employees haven't shown that they are interested in me so I shouldn't give a Dam'n what they think. I also wanted to clarify that the guy I work with Brandon isn't prejudice it's just that he pokes fun at some of the blackguys who are with Whitegirls that aren't attractive or are not "fine." This girl isn't ugly, she is kind of cute actually but she is just on the skinny side which he probably wouldn't think too much of her. If she was so called "fine" then he would give me "props" for trying to talk to her but since she is skinny he would probably be wondering why I am wasting my time with her. Again I just have to look myself in the mirror and tell myself it's about what I want.
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    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    In Central GA around the Warner Robins area the prices go $30 to 35bucks for the 1stdance and 20dollars there after. Management gets half the cut from the girl on the 1stdance. On the other hand in Dothan Alabama Lapdances or Tabledances(depending on the club) usually run 20 to $25dollars.
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    A woman puts an ad in the newspaper stating that she is looking for a Husband. She states that she is looking for a man who makes alot of money, Is kind & thoughtful, and is a good lover. The 1st guy comes by the house and rings the doorbell. She opens the door and greets him. She asks him does he make alot of money? He replies I own a chain of restaurants where I live. She then asks " Are you thoughtful & kind?" He says I donate money every year to the underprivledged kids in town. She says okay " are you a good lover?" He replies Well I don't know it's been a while since I have had any. She ends up turning him down. Another man comes by to answer the Ad. She opens the door as before and greets him. She then asks him the same 3questions. Are you a good lover? He says I am a professional Pornstar. So I guess I am good. So do you make a lot of money? Yes, I have a 6figure income. She said well are you thoughtful of others? He replies "Well I don't have much time with my schedule to concern myself with others. The lady ends up turning him away. Weeks go by and no man seems to fit the bill until one day this guy comes to her house. She hear's the doorbell ring and opens the door. The guy says Hi I am here to answer you ad in the paper. She says " Well I have 3questions for you. First of all, do you make alot of money? The man replies " I guess I do alright, I am a disable veteren, and recieve compensation for disabiltiy. The lady says okay are you thoughtful and kind of others? He replies I used to treat my Late wife like a queen. I would buy her flowers everyweek. The lady smiles and says "That's nice." I have one more question which I don't think you can fill. I am looking for a good lover, how can you be a good lover when you don't have any legs or arms? The man just looks at her and says " Hell I rung the doorbell didn't I?" Let this one Marinate on you a bit folks.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    Yoda: That is excatly one of the reasons why the charge 10 to 15dollars extra for the 1st dance in middle and South GA. Those clubs DON"T sell alcohol therefore they are probably trying to make that money back through the lapdances. The clubs in Dothan Alabama are either topless or Pastie they charge $20bucks at most places.
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    19 years ago
    How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
    One of the club charges $7.00dollars before 6:00pm and 8.00dollars after. They also have a policy that you have to buy a soda or something equivlant for $3.50. The other club charges a straight $10.00dollar cover but still try to push you to buy a drink even though it isn't mandatory.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Just when I thought my SC visits were going stale
    I forgot to mention that I have another stripper trying to obtain my services. When My cousin and I were getting ready to leave we were saying goodbye to the dance name Libby. Libby told me that someone at the table wanted to speak to me. I went to the table and notice in was a dancer named "Q". Q is a young lightskined blackfemale with a nice complexion although she is lesbian. She told me she forgot to thank me for my tip( I was the only guy to tip her). She then asked me when would I be back and I said It might be 2 or 3weeks before I come through again. She kind of frowned at that but said she would wait for me. I said okay and told her goodbye. I know that Q is really trying to get me to be one of her customers because I know she saw me getting a few dances from Lola and Babygirl. Hey it's good to be in demand.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How do some strippers stay employed when they aren't making much money?
    davids: This club isn't a ritzy highclass club even though they use to be called a gentleman's club. A good dancer at this club would probably bring home around 400hundred something on a good night, but on the average a good dancer probably on averages close to $300 a night.
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    19 years ago
    Why can't I get my change back in my hand?
    Chandler described exactly what I am talking about. I want may to big of a deal out of it since I hardly visit that club anyway(might never go back) but it's just something I had been noticing. Laying my money down on the counter was one thing but most doormen usually had me my Driver's license back in my hand and not throw it down. One of the dancer's(whom is white) that I spoke with that night stated that most of the customers that come there are rednecks as opposed to my favorite club where she use to work at which is more of a mixture of people. Hmm maybe I am not wanted at that club?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Trying to figure out how she makes more money at current club
    Dandydan: I think you might have "Hit the Nail right on the Head." As I recall I have gotten lapdances from her at the otherclub and although they were decent they weren't as sexual as some of the other girls dances. She even admitted to it in a email. I had wrote a review about the other club and mentioned that I liked her dances. She said she usually doesn't get that compliment. I think she is using the money issue as an excuse to stay. She might very well be making a little more or the same but the determining factor is she doesn't have to give contact in order to make the same dough. She is doing what she wants to do and I am going to continue doing what I like to and that is going to clubs that offer contact.
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    19 years ago
    Partition Theory
    davids I have to disagree on some of your theories. First off Strippers might see you as a "Bullshitter" if all you do is come into the club just to sit and talk with them and never tip or buy dances. Secondly, you can do all the planning you want and smooth talking but if you aren't their type(someone that she naturally finds attractive) your 9 times out of 10 never going to become their lover no matter how smooth your approach is when getting to know her.
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    19 years ago
    How do you find out if a stripper REALLY CARES about you?
    terymac sounds like you got yourself a high class HO. She may appear to be a nice girl(good one's put on a good act) but the bottom line is any female doing that in a club isn't a chick I would want to date, maybe a fuck buddy at best.
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    Shadowcat that was a good one. I bet you have told some of your favs that joke?
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    19 years ago
    What makes a PL?
    So davids if a person pays for lapdances because he gets sexual gratification from it does that make him a PL? He doesn't ask the strippers for dates or actually thinks that the strippers or his "Real" friends.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Conversation With A Stripper
    Sounds like she is admitting alot of Strippers are Pathetic Losers. That guy is just gullable(sp). He probably falls for anything a girl ask for in "Real Life".
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Things that you should be cautious of doing
    I also have another tip as far as the drinks. I remember one time I had bought this dancer a shot of liquor. I asked her how did it taste? She said "Do you want to taste some of it?" I said yeah I'll give it a try. She ended up getting another shot glass and pouring half of the shot in my glass. I didn't think about it then but later I thought to myself that I had just gotten back some of my money. So this is a strategy you can try as well if you think the dancer is being too pushy and trying to make you spend money on her when you don't want to do so.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Things that you should be cautious of doing
    Shadowcat: I don't worry about over spending because I already have a budget limit before I go in the club. I also don't go to the ritzy gentlemans club so I can have a good time without spending a alot of money. There also might be some guys who might feel intimadated or feel guilty if they say no to a dancer therefore I was stating it so they wouldn't get anything started. If I was a dancer I would rather a customer offer me a drink than for me to ask for one because it's show that they like you but I guess some strippers don't care as long as they are getting what they want out of the deal.
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    19 years ago
    Things that you should be cautious of doing
    Superdude: Your first post happened to me last week. I knew the dancer was up for a bunch of bullsshit when she told me to save her a seat(The club was pretty much empty and no one was sitting with me). Sure enough she came back and sat down and asked for a drink after about 2 or 3minutes of conversation. I flat out told her that I didn't come into the club to buy drinks. She replied you must be on a budget? I said yeah you can say that if you want. She went on to try imply that I wasn't being a gentleman and what not, she soon got up and left after she got the point I wasn't going to spend any money on her. There was a guy at the table next to me whom said he didn't like her as well. She had hit him up for a drink before I got to the club. I just don't like lound & aggressive dancers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top stripclub suggestions
    Well this might be more of a fantasy than being realistic but I would love to recruit some of my old or current favorites to come work for me. My old favorites were usually "down to earth" so I think that also would provide for a good working environment and I wouldn't have to worry about the strippers who lack professionalism or character.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Don't you hate it when your follow up visit sucks?
    Chandler: No my followup visit wasn't on the same day of the week. My first visit was on a Wednesday, it wasn't as busy and they didn't seem to play the same type of music. My last visit was on a Thursday which in this club's case is kind of the beginning of the weekend.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Should you ask a stripper why she acts a certain way?
    Thanks for the input, I don't know if I will fool with her again or not. I felt like I was at work giving her a massage. I guess she felt that I would like it because I got to touch her but it's hard to enjoy it if the person isn't giving you any positive feedback. She always ends up coming over to my table. At least she is serious about making some money even on a slow night some of the other girls were content to talk among each other and would occasionally come over and ask if I wanted a dance. I have plenty of time to decide before I go back and I think I will have a buddy with me. This helps keep away unwanted attention.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    I have never gotten to any trouble at a Stripclub. There might of been times when I should have went off but I didn't. It's not good to get in troulble if you are by yourself in a strange town away from home. There was a incident when I first started doing SC's some 8 or 9years ago when I had overspent my limit. I had enough to cover the dances I got from the stripper but was tempted by her to get a photo of her. Well after I got to the counter I noticed I didn't have enough to cover the bill. I couldn't find my ATM card. So the on duty manager asked for my Driver's license. He said he would hold that until I came in with the money. Luckily for me I found my ATM card in my car on the floor. I would have been pissed having to drive back to the club which was about 2 1/2hours from my home town.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Kissing on the lips
    What about average looking? Ever got a dance from a girl that was decent looking but gave high Mileage? I did forget most of you live in the big cities.
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    19 years ago
    How much money do you take with you?
    For me it depends on what club that I go to visit. Neither of the 2 or what you would call ritzy gentleman's club and the cover is $4.00dollars at one and 10.00dollars at the other one. I ideally want to take about $80.00dollars with me to the club and will usually spend that amount if I have it to spend. There are other times where I have other stuff to take care of and will only spend around $60 to $65dollars at the club. I usually go at least 1 time a month to one of my current clubs sometimes it is a little bit longer.