Kissing on the lips
I was thinking that the times that I have gotten a kiss on the lips from a dancer it has always been from a good looking women. I am not saying that I would want to kiss a bad looking girl but I just find it weird that the dancers that were not great looking and average at best have never tried to give a kiss. Maybe it's the fact that the "goodlooking" dancers knew that I liked them and that maybe I sort of initiated things by kissing one of them on the hand before the dance and kissing one of them on the cheek. Maybe it was just a matter of fact of the dancers being comfortable with me. The fact that they either had known me for a while or the fact that I presented myself as a gentleman.
I don't favor banning people unless they specifically have broken rules. A part of me hopes that folks like RomanticLover and davids can change for the better or at least keep their unpleasantness in check enough to be civil, no matter how unlikely and farfetched that might seem.
As if.
You people can't even be honest about what you want and do what it takes to get it. Pathetic.
Your comments about my comments about Godel's theorem and your attempts at revisionist history are not even worthy of comment. You aren't fooling anyone including yourself so I have no reason why you are posting. Grasping at straws I guess. (You seem to have a thing for STRAWs: STRAWmen, grasping at STRAWs, is your favourite hair color STRAWerry blonde by any chance?)
But the truth is I KNOW you are AN IDIOT. 20 years of blah, blah... What fucking good has it done you?
You are truly a pathetic moron, a loser, and a liar. No wonder women don't like you and you have to pay them for sex or near sex or whatever.
Bye-bye. Go become an alcoholic now or whatever it is that losers like you with NO CLUE end up doing in the end.
I enjoy kissing on the lips with strippers. as a matter of fact I got a couple of real good kisses from a very busty, very soft lipped stunner who had just let me titf**k her as I fingered her. not a bad afternoon at all.
1) all reptiles are animals
2) all snakes are reptiles
3) all snakes are, hence, animals
4) AN is an idiot for not realizing that all snakes are animals (pretend he had claimed this at some point).
Perfectly valid reasoning.
An ad hom argument would run along the following lines
1) AN thinks that some snakes aren't animals.
2) AN is an idiot.
3) Therefore all snakes are animals.
The latter reasoning is not valid, but it is another invalid logic form that AN and many others (SC) constantly try to use against me. But to no effect other than to make themselves look dumb.
a) are lying
b) went to a really bad school
c) didn't do well but managed to get some lower end job anyway.
One thing I'm sure is that you are no professor. Probably just some low end "code monkey" or something.
I present this gift to appease your nerdiness (something you'll need to work on if you want to get chicks and stop squandering your life in strip clubs, btw). Don't bother posting a five page convoluted rebuttal because I am not going to bother to read it, and I'm sure no one else will either:
Godel's incompleteness theorem says that there are true statements in mathematics, other than the axioms, whose truth cannot be proven from the axioms and using the rules of formal logic.
It's possible that Goldbach's conjecture: that every even number greater than two is the some of primes is an example of this. The statement has never been proven true or false, and it is possible that no proof either way exists.
Godel incompleteness theorem showed that Bertrand Russell's goal of creating a framework to formally prove every true mathematical statement (which he started in Principia Mathematica) was impossible. Hence your statement that Hume (who lived long before Russell) already knew of Godel's result is pure bunk.
Also your statement as to what Godel's incompleteness theorem states is also pure bunk. The undecidable statements are not then just "assumed": Which would you assume the statement or its negation? Indeed, Godel showed that some statements, like the continum hypothesis (there is no set with cardinality between the naturals and the reals) and its negation can both be shown to be consistent with the other axioms.
The incompleteness theorem does not apply to all logic systems, but to any complex enough to due number theory.
Another of Godel's theorem: his less reknownwed completeness theorem showed that in predicate calculus, by contrast, there was a formal proof for any true statement.
Your other question asked about women in general, but let's confine the topic just to strippers:
In the minds of most strippers those who are paying them for conversation or sex or LDs or whatever are the ones treating them, not as equals, but like prostitutes or escorts and hence like .... This is why many strippers have no problems with trying to "use" such customers.
If it was a relationship based on true friendship and mutual respect no money would need to change hands: what you put into the conversation or sex would be reward enough for them to participate.
Since many here seem to have good jobs, think of it this way: Think of the guys who are trying to kiss up to/kiss the ass of the boss at work. If boss is at all decent he will see through this in about 5 seconds and disrespect the ass kisser.
This is the same way most strippers are going to view the strip club regular who is trying to be a "nice guy" by paying her "for her time" and what not. Are there some boss who like and reward ass kissers? Yeah. Some strippers who like "nice guy" regulars... Possibly.
My take (confirmed by ITC experience) is: Be a man, make a stand, don't pay them and, contrary to what you expect they will respect you for it.
What I am really wondering, however, are the secret he only tells his ATF. Is that he knows that he is a pussy afraid of everything? Or that he knows that he wants sex from stripper type girls and he knows he is repressing it? Perhaps he tells her that he is a liar? Saddest case I've ever seen. Even on a strip club discussion forum which, of course, is about as low as one can get in the world.
Neither am I, unless I find the woman in question to be physically attractive, or I am really horny.
Umm, actually I could talk about this. Not frequently, but enough. I know all the arguments against it, and they are all absolutely valid. But sometimes good sense goes on vacation.