Comments by robofan
discussion comment
15 years ago
I have read that they are open for business but still under construction. No food yet, bar not completely stocked, stuff like that. They do have music and dancers and a LD area. Here is their web site:
not much there. The official grand opening was supposed to be last Friday. Don't know if it happened or not.
discussion comment
15 years ago
From what I understand the club was shut down on a technical issue. Within the city limits of Detroit dancers are required to obtain an entertainment license to work at a strip club. What ever department checks on such thing found that there were dancers working at the club without the proper paper work so they shut it down for 24 hours.
discussion comment
15 years ago
In my local area the police are known to run sting operations all the time. The have undercover people who are under age but look older go into a store or bar and try to purchase alcohol. If they get served the police move in and ticket the place for selling alcohol to a minor. Due to the number of sting operations many places have developed a policy of carding everyone regardless of how old they are or look.
discussion comment
16 years ago
The reason that dancers don't use and give out their real names easily is stalkers. If you know any dancers then you know that stalkers is a real problem.
To Drippy if you think that you are tricking them into giving you their real name then you are kidding yourself. My question why do you need to know their real name? What possible difference would it make?
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16 years ago
I know of three places that have shower shows. Two are in Canada and one in the U.S. The two in Canada had girl on girl shows and the one in the U.S. was solo.
One in Canada was a nude bar with the shower built on the second level with a glass floor so you looked up at the action. The other was also a nude bar with the shower in the back of the stage. Lately I have only seen them used for bachelor parties. They strip the bachelor down to his under ware and do stuff to him in the shower. Several years ago there used to be girl on girl shows but not so much anymore.
The one in the U.S. had a shower that rose out of the center of the main stage. I haven't seen them use it for at least five years but I'm sure it is still there.
To me it seems that shower shows were a thing of the past.
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16 years ago
In Canada they only have coins for $1 and $2. I have seen strippers get tipped these coins on stage lots of times. It has never been a problem.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
I have seen Kid Rock he left with some on the house carry out. Sean Penn and Madonna way back when they were together. Back Street Boys. John Cusack. Lots of athletes. The dancers tell me that baseball players spend the most. Football and basketball players expect everything for free. I know of one hockey player who spent over 100k on a dancer during the time his wife was pregnant and dropped her like a hot potato as soon as his wife delivered the baby. The wrestler know as the Undertaker he was the largest person I have ever seen. I would guess 6'7" 280 - 300 lbs of solid mussel. Steroids?
The only reason I knew any of these people were in the club is that some dancer pointed them out to me. Usually my attention is elsewhere.
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16 years ago
I usually go more often in the summer. I don't have to battle the weather to get there - only road construction. I also like the fact the the club is less crowded.
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16 years ago
The only other city in the US where that might work would be New York City. Everywhere else people generally rent cars and don't use taxi cabs to get around.
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16 years ago
The clubs I go to will not allow a chubby dancer to work there. If a dancer gains even a little weight they send her home and tell her not to come back until she has lost the extra weight. You never see baby fat or mommy fat or fat of any kind. However they do not discriminate if a dancer starts doing drugs and becomes too thin they will also send her home and tell her not to come back until she gains some weight.
discussion comment
16 years ago
In the Detroit area all the high end clubs pay big money to employ a top chef and have full menus better than most restaurants. Most of the rest serve excellent bar type food. Its usually cheaper and you get better food in the strip club than you do in restaurants.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Detroit, Michigan
The city council already passed the no lap dance and dancers can't come within 6 feet of any customer rule. That happened when Kwame was first elected he just chose not to enforce it. The problem that the city council has is they have no authority to enforce anything. The mayor and chief of police have to agree with whatever they pass or it is meaningless. To me this is just another attempt to extort more money out of bar owners. They do this every 3 or 4 years and nothing ever seems to change.
It also seems that whenever the Federal Government start investigating the city council they suddenly all get religion and spout off about cleaning up the city. Soon about half of them will be in jail or under inditement and all of this will go away.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Never anything big but years ago I hung out at a club that would once or twice every night make all the dancers put on logo teeshirts and parade around the stage in them. When they exited the stage they would give them a logo coffee mug. The idea was that the next guy to get a LD from them would get a bonus teeshirt and coffee mug. It worked for a while but they ran the promotion for too long and too often. After a while everyone who went there had a drawer full of teeshirts and a shelf full of coffee mugs.
discussion comment
16 years ago
There is no way to really know if there is an upward bias in the ratings because there are no guidelines for any of the rating categories. Each is left up the individual writing the review to interpret which pretty much makes them meaningless.
For example what exactly does Club rating mean. Does it mean rate this clubs facilities, atmosphere, location, mileage, staff or all of the above in combination? What constitutes a 1 club a 5 club or a 10 club. There is no standard in which to judge your review against.
How high of a club rating would you give the following place? It is a near dive neighborhood type strip club with no private lap dance area. Lap dances are given in the open on rock hard chairs that look like they are from a 1950's dining set which are lined up against one of the walls. Lap dances are mostly grinding and there is no skin to skin touching of the privates allowed below the belt. Extras are not available. Most of the liquor is of the cheap variety, beer is mainly the domestic types such as Miller and Bud. The atmosphere could best be described as dark. There is no high tech lighting system an average sound system no DJ the dancers use the juke box. Service varies from waitress to waitress and is usually average so order by the pitcher to make sure you don't run out.
So would you rate this place a 10 how about a 9 or 8. Well the place I described is the number 7 ranked club in the US here on TUSCL the Hip Hugger. I personally would not give this place a club rating above 5 but there are many here who give it a 9 or a 10. I wonder what they would give the Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas?
So you see that without some kind of guidelines and standards to base a numerical rating system on it is pretty much useless. Just read what people write about a place. There is where the value is in the reviews and ignore the numerical ratings.
discussion comment
16 years ago
There could be some adverse effects as well:
Found the below at
Pomegranate juice: The marketers who tout pomegranate juice as an antioxidant superpower are right: Ounce for ounce, it contains more antioxidant polyphenols than blueberries, cranberry juice, green tea, or red wine. Moreover, preliminary research suggests that the juice can help reduce systolic blood pressure, slow the progression of atherosclerosis, and possibly even reduce cholesterol. But there's a downside: Like grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice appears to interfere with an enzyme that's critical to the proper metabolism of many common medications. If you take any drugs regularly, check with your pharmacist or physician before trying pomegranate juice.
discussion comment
16 years ago
I wouldn't worry about dancers being undercover cops. What do you think that in the middle of a bj that they will whip out their badge and place you under arrest. If there are any cops who work as dancers on the side they would want to keep it more secret that you do.
discussion comment
16 years ago
The Greater Detroit Area
Londonguy here is a little strip club history for you. This is pretty general and apples to most places but there is always exceptions.
Topless bars did not start up in the US until the late sixties around the same time as hippies, rock and roll, the sexual revolution and so on. At the time they all served alcohol. Then after some time they began to evolve into fully nude clubs. Once that happened the government decided that fully nude clubs were a bad thing and tried to close them down. The club owners fought back and took the case to the Supreme Court where it ruled that nude dancing was an expression of free speech and protected behavior under the First Amendment.
Some more time passed into the Eighties and the government was still unhappy with nude clubs so they took a different approach and decided to not allow any place with nude dancing to serve alcohol. Again the owner of the clubs took the matter to court and again it went all the way to the Supreme Court. This time the Supreme Court that under the 21st Amendment, this is the amendment that repealed prohibition, the states have the right to regulate activities where liquor is served. So instead of having one rule for the whole country there could now be thousands of different rules depending on what the individual local governments wanted to do.
At the time most governments went with the rule that with nude dancing no alcohol was allowed. If you wanted to serve alcohol then only topless dancing would be allowed. Keep in mind that this was the Eighties.
Enter the Nineties. Somewhere along the way the lap dance came about. Up until then it was look only and no touch. When lap dancing came about it was pretty much in the topless bars. This gave them a way to compete with the nude bars because just being able to serve alcohol was not getting the job done.
Now we are post 2000 and since the Eighties it has been left up to local governments to decide what is and is not allowed. So you end up with a complete mix of everything depending on the local area you are in.
So now you need to do your research because it literally varies from city to city. That is one of the things that makes this site such a valuable resource.
discussion comment
16 years ago
If you really want to see what is going on then get yourself a 1080p screen and a Blu-Ray player. The clarity is unbelievable.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Your 8-1-1 question seems to have been answered in full.
The clubs I go to all have plasma, LCD and huge projection screens all over the place including in the rest rooms. I tend not to go to the clubs when ever there is a sporting event I want to watch. To many distractions to pay attention to a game.
My question is why do you care about sports when you are in a strip club?
discussion comment
16 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
The clubs I frequent in the Detroit area do not have tip rails or stage side seating at the main stage. The only time you should tip a dancer is if you would like her to come over and give you a lap dance after she gets off the stage. It is a way to signal your desire for a LD. That and make sure to tell her that you would really like her to come over and dance for you. In that case $1 is not going to get the job done. The dancer will usually go and give LD's to the person who has tipped her the most and work her way down. If you are tipping $1 she will probably be back on stage again before she gets to you.
Also the dancers do not do anything extra when you give them a tip. Many will just pull their g string away from there side and let you put the money under the string. Some will pull the front out and give you a peek but that's about it.
I know that this practice varies in other parts of the country so do your homework ahead of time. There is no one right or wrong way to tip it depends on what part of the country you are in.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
It was 1968 in the city of Detroit. I was eighteen years old with a solid phony ID. The drinking age was 21 at the time. The place is long since gone and I'm getting to old to remember the name anymore. The place started out as a go go bar where the dancers would wear small costumes and white go go boots. It eventually became a topless bar. The women were always really hot there. Even back then the dancers made a lot of money. It was a pretty small place with a half circle stage coming out along one of the walls. There was seating at the stage and tables on three sides all with a good view. I would go there at night and nurse my beers as long as I could to keep my spending down. Beer was $1.25 which was about four to five times the cost at a regular bar.
Most of the nights the dancers would only dance topless eventually getting down to bikini bottoms, no g strings yet, and high heel shoes. This one particular night I was sitting where I could see the dancers on stage and beyond that the guy at the door who checked Id's when you came in. They hadn't thought of cover charges yet either. At one point in the night I could see the manager give a nod to the guy by the door. He got up off his stool and locked the doors from the inside. I remember thinking that it was odd. The manager then nodded to the dancer and she started her dance routine. The first song she got topless. Again I thought that it was odd because they never got topless on the first song they usually waited until the third song. The second song started and she began to tease like she was going to take her bottoms off pulling them down and then back up again. When the third song started she pulled her bottoms all the way off tossed them to the side and danced the entire third song completely nude. This was the beginning of nude dancing in Detroit. I remember sitting there mesmerized with my heart pounding. At first only certain dancers would go completely nude and for what ever reason they always locked the doors. After a while they all danced nude.
For me that first night was a complete surprise and totally unexpected. That's probably why I remember it so well and why it was so erotic. I have literally seen thousands of women dance nude over the years but none are as vivid and forever etched in my memory as that first time.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I have never gotten off from grinding alone. I wish I did it would have saved me a fortune over the years.
I know where you are coming from and I agree with your sentiment but over the years I have seen and know many people who went to strip clubs for reasons other than to get off. How many reviews have you see where the reviewer says something like all the girls went to sit with their regulars after they got off stage. The guys didn't even get any dances. I have known many strippers who have regulars who pay them to just sit and talk with them. For them it's sort of like hitting the lottery. They are getting paid really well and all they have to do is sit and talk. I personally would never do that but there is a lot of guys who will.
I also have a friend who's job it is to entertain clients at the strip club. He pays for there dances but since he is working he does not get any of his own. So there is lots of reasons people go to strip clubs other than getting off.
discussion comment
16 years ago
judyjudy I understand that you want to fulfill a fantasy and more power to ya. I think that part is great but please the Bada Bing is the absolute bottom of the barrel club in the Detroit area.
Are you aware that the club used to go by the name Atlantis and was closed down about six months ago because they employed a sixteen year old high school girl who OD'ed on cocaine and died? The club is bad news. Since they don't serve alcohol and most of the people who go there are under age gangsters and drug dealers. Find another club to fulfill your fantasy. Get away from there before something bad happens.
You might want to try Henry the Eights South or Chapeau Vert Lounge maybe even La Chambre. Good luck and remove yourself as quickly as possible from Bada Bing.
discussion comment
16 years ago
The Greater Detroit Area
If the place serves alcohol then it is topless. Full nude bars can not serve alcohol. So if the girls are getting naked in the VIP room consider yourself lucky and enjoy. I wouldn't tell anyone else who works there what is going on you could get the dancer in trouble.