As if Detroit didn't have enough problems
Detroit, Michigan
The Detroit City Council is 7 women and 2 men. All of the women are "community activists" or social workers. Here's what they want to do.……
I hate to say it, but maybe the city council is right depending on how one views the proper role of government.
Also, do the stripclubs provide a substantial or any net economic benefit? Here in Miami some of the clubs that I love are "shooting galleries" where not only can people end up going to Heaven quicker, but more importantly may end crippled and permanent drains of resources. Just a few crumbs for thought.
I can easily see where some people would equate stripclubs with "domestic terrorism" because innocent people get killed and the drug trade is also usually involved. Add semi-automatic firearms and heck not only should the government close the stripclubs, but dropping bombs and sending in troops might seem appropriate.
All the Detroit laws are going to do is decrease tax revenue for Detroit and increase the profitability of outlaying clubs.
OK. Let's not allow facts to encroach on the domestic terrorism angle. :)
Yes!!! The domestic terrorism angle is ALIVE and WELL. :) Checkout this snippet from a newspaper report:
"Male dancer injured in strip club shooting
Santiago Esparza / The Detroit News
Detroit -- Investigators are trying to sort through an early morning fight that occurred in a west-side strip club, leaving a male dancer in temporary serious condition at an area hospital after an officer shot him. . . . "
A fight broke out in Henry's Palace, on Fenkell Street near Livernois Avenue, between two dancers and spilled outside the club, Detroit police spokeswoman Yvette Walker said.
Police responded to the scene, and one of the officers fired one shot, striking a dancer, Walker said. She believed the man was shot in a shoulder.
It also seems that whenever the Federal Government start investigating the city council they suddenly all get religion and spout off about cleaning up the city. Soon about half of them will be in jail or under inditement and all of this will go away.
Strip clubs pay taxes? :-)
Not only do I enjoy engaging in the prolix, but to peruse. As I'd said previously in essence, facts just get in the way. :) Besides when googling I noted at least one other stripclub shooting story, but didn't peruse it because it might have lended legitimacy to the domestic terrorism angle i.e. ruin the humour. :)
Ah yes, another nexus of domestic terrorism government need quash. :)
Seems to me, there have been more sex crime in the Catholic church than strip clubs.
Detroit needs to try an apply sexual harassment laws against the stripclubs----I don't think an employee is allowed to consent to sexual harassment e.g. extra pay for extra services. These poor strippers are just as victimized as the secretary who trades sexual favors for benefits.