avatar for robofan


joined Jun 2004last seen Feb 2015

Comments made by robofan

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15 years ago
avatar for Drippy
Anyone been to Landing Strip in Romulus, Mi
I have read that they are open for business but still under construction. No food yet, bar not completely stocked, stuff like that. They do have music and dancers and a LD area. Here is their web site: http://www.thelandingstripclub.com/ not much there. The official grand opening was supposed to be last Friday. Don't know if it happened or not.
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15 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
From "Musta123" on Penthouse Club in Detroit
From what I understand the club was shut down on a technical issue. Within the city limits of Detroit dancers are required to obtain an entertainment license to work at a strip club. What ever department checks on such thing found that there were dancers working at the club without the proper paper work so they shut it down for 24 hours.
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15 years ago
avatar for casualguy
Have you been asked to show your ID lately before you can buy a beer?
In my local area the police are known to run sting operations all the time. The have undercover people who are under age but look older go into a store or bar and try to purchase alcohol. If they get served the police move in and ticket the place for selling alcohol to a minor. Due to the number of sting operations many places have developed a policy of carding everyone regardless of how old they are or look.
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16 years ago
avatar for Drippy
Strippers real names
The reason that dancers don't use and give out their real names easily is stalkers. If you know any dancers then you know that stalkers is a real problem. To Drippy if you think that you are tricking them into giving you their real name then you are kidding yourself. My question why do you need to know their real name? What possible difference would it make?
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16 years ago
avatar for samsung1
shower shows
I know of three places that have shower shows. Two are in Canada and one in the U.S. The two in Canada had girl on girl shows and the one in the U.S. was solo. One in Canada was a nude bar with the shower built on the second level with a glass floor so you looked up at the action. The other was also a nude bar with the shower in the back of the stage. Lately I have only seen them used for bachelor parties. They strip the bachelor down to his under ware and do stuff to him in the shower. Several years ago there used to be girl on girl shows but not so much anymore. The one in the U.S. had a shower that rose out of the center of the main stage. I haven't seen them use it for at least five years but I'm sure it is still there. To me it seems that shower shows were a thing of the past.