I was surprised I was being asked to show my ID last night before I could buy a beer at a restaurant. Maybe the girl just wanted to see who I was. I certainly didn't think I looked that young. Do all of you older guys still get asked to show your ID before you go into a strip club (that you're not known at) or if you're buying drinks? Maybe I should consider it a compliment if a girl is asking to see my ID.
I was actually quite surprised I was being asked for my ID last night. Maybe she thought I was suspicious sitting down at the bar right next to the 21 sign they had posted and was wondering if I was a cop. I sat at a table for 5 minutes with no service so I moved to the bar.
I'm 67 now but got ID'd a year ago buying a pack of cigarettes at a gas station in Augusta GA. My usual grocery store will ask for my birth date when buying cigarettes but I do not get ID'd unless I purchase booze. The liquor stores that I frequent NEVER ask for my ID. The places that do this are doing so because they have been busted for selling to underage people. It is managements way of preventing this from happening again. NO EXCEPTIONS! Strip clubs that I have been to will check for ID's at the door if there is any question about your age. The over 18 but under 21 are admitted but have to wear a glow in the dark wrist band. I have been ID'd by strippers that don't believe how old I am.
A long long time ago on my buddies 21st birthday his dad took us to Vegas. He looked very boyish but never got ID'd for buying a drink but when he won a small jack pot on a slot machine, they checked.
In my local area the police are known to run sting operations all the time. The have undercover people who are under age but look older go into a store or bar and try to purchase alcohol. If they get served the police move in and ticket the place for selling alcohol to a minor. Due to the number of sting operations many places have developed a policy of carding everyone regardless of how old they are or look.
I'm not as old as the rest of you, but I got carded last week trying to buy beer at a different store than the usual one. Then again, cops were there at the time, so maybe that was it. I also got carded several weeks ago at a restaurant I was eating at, but I'm told that's standard operating procedure there.
I've used my drivers license so much, it has separated into two halves. Lol, maybe I should ask which part of my license they want to see. I wonder if the DMV would replace it free of charge? They made it defective.
I would bet I've not shown an ID for age verification more than a dozen times in my life. Ironically, the first time I was asked, I was already 21, and I'd been places where I had to be older.
last commentA long long time ago on my buddies 21st birthday his dad took us to Vegas. He looked very boyish but never got ID'd for buying a drink but when he won a small jack pot on a slot machine, they checked.
I didn't know that McD's had "senior prices". Their prices aren't low enuff already? lol...