Pomegranate Juice health update, can make strip clubs a better experience in my

avatar for casualguy
Well I posted a message back some time ago stating I read that it removes plaque from your arteries and has many other health benefits possibly better than any drug on the market. I read more recently it also lowers the bad cholesterol the LDL stuff. My brother's LDL cholesterol dropped from the 200 range to well within the 100 range and he claims he wasn't doing anything different. I've been drinking it pretty regularly myself and I believe I have more energy. I've been drinking a little bit before breakfast and little bit before supper. I read 1.5 oz a day of the pure stuff no sugar added was the amount used in most studies but I drink more because I've been drinking blends. I haven't had my cholesterol checked recently so I don't know my results. I found this site and the information appears true about what I read.

It might not be a cure but it's the best natural product I've heard about other than doing good diet and exercise. Anyone heard much about it or been using it?


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avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
Someone must be buying it in my local area because they keep selling out of it in the pure concentrate form. I had thought about telling other people in my local area but decided not to after seeing it not stay on the store shelves. I like mixing the pure stuff into the blended stuff after the blended stuff gets about halfway empty. It tastes better that way to me.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
There could be some adverse effects as well:

Found the below at http://www.consumerreports.org…

Pomegranate juice: The marketers who tout pomegranate juice as an antioxidant superpower are right: Ounce for ounce, it contains more antioxidant polyphenols than blueberries, cranberry juice, green tea, or red wine. Moreover, preliminary research suggests that the juice can help reduce systolic blood pressure, slow the progression of atherosclerosis, and possibly even reduce cholesterol. But there's a downside: Like grapefruit juice, pomegranate juice appears to interfere with an enzyme that's critical to the proper metabolism of many common medications. If you take any drugs regularly, check with your pharmacist or physician before trying pomegranate juice.
avatar for how
16 years ago
As with all things:

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
just wondering how much do you guys pay for Pomegranate juice? I was at the grocery store today and the apple juice in the same size bottle costs $1.19..while the Pomegranate juice costs $6.99...big price difference but I bought it anyways just to try it. I just think it is expensive compared to the other juices...
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
Found the thread here again.
Cost: At Walmart, they've been sold out of the pure unrefrigerated Pomegranate juice in the 32 FL OZ jar for over 2 weeks now. I believe the cost in my local Walmart was around $3.88 or so. I found a jar I still have and they have a web site. www.northlandjuices.com
I was wondering if I could buy direct since Walmart only had a very expensive pure pomegranate juice that cost like $11 for not much more in the refrigerator section.

The blended stuff such as a 64 FL OZ bottle of Northland Pomegranate Blueberry blend costs around $2.97 where I live at. I know Walmart will up the price in neighborhoods that are more affluent. I figure the blended stuff is only 1/3 pomegranate juice so I drink a bit more.

As far as mixing or causing problems with medications, the little bit my mother drinks she hasn't noticed any problems but she drinks it before she eats since I read it also can help with blood sugar levels besides lowing LDL cholesterol and removing plaque from the arteries. She has been feeling better since she started drinking it. Me too.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I don't need to worry about medications so consult your doctor if you are concerned.
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
Actually I did not read any marketing hype about the juice. Thanks for the links above though. I read about some Israeli studies in a group of over age 60 adults who had severe artery blockages. After 3 months of drinking the pure juice, I believe the study indicated they had about a 30 percent reduction in plaque in their arteries. The control group was even worse. After one year, the group drinking the juice had further reduction in plaque in their arteries. I can imagine until a drug is developed, some groups won't want this be too widely known except of course for those selling the juice. My thoughts were to drink this to help avoid taking medications. 1.5 oz a day is not much if you drink the pure stuff and split it up so you drink a little before breakfast and a little before supper.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 years ago
My opinion:

Similar effects from juices of cranberry and cherry, which are generally a bit less expensive. Pomegranate has more positive effects, definitely, but you can still get some benefit. Most of us are probably living excessively rich lifestyles -- tobaccos, alcohols, fatty foods -- and the general 'cleansing' from more acidic juices is a useful thing as a simple antidote. It won't cure real gout, but cherry juice will forestall borderline gout if you're tending toward some symptoms, for example.

There are lots of little things you can continually do, to help yourself along.

If you don't want to do without sugary treats, for example, you can try to eat them with a lot of fiber so they zip through your system faster than usual. Fresh-fruit marmelades, rather than white-sugar cookies, just one example.

If you don't have time to exercise each and every day in some sustained fashion, you can climb the stairs, or do your work standing up. (There are actually computer stands that put the monitor, keyboard, and mouse-pad lifted up three feet above the desktop, so that you stand in front of it, either as a permanent set-up or as a change of pace for part of the day.)

These are all "obvious" silly little things. I think I'll do some of them today.

There's also stimulants. Really: tobacco, obviously; caffeine; but also, some of those low-calorie energy drinks. Everything in balance. A little of this, a little of that ...

It's not hard to do many of these things. The hard part is remembering to do them consistently.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
While there are lots of natural foods/juices out there that help promote healthy living, maintaining that lifestyle does not rule out the randomness of events that can still cause a person a heart attack, cancer etc.

Sometimes they may just give you a false sense of security.
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