
Comments by ozymandias

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    classification of dancers by favorite status
    Now that I only go to clubs maybe 3-4 times a year, I just grab the best girl (by may standard) there and pretty much spend the evening with her. When I used to go more frequently, it was ATF or nothing - I just never saw any reason to waste resources on a dancer I wasn't going to develop a good customer-stripper relationship with. O.
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    15 years ago
    Two Regulars Arrive at the Same time
    Anyone stupid enough to wait 2-3 hours for just one chick at a club deserves to have his time wasted. O.
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    15 years ago
    North Carolina
    What I get from watching the dancer on stage
    One of the things I love about Japan is that when you walk by a restaurant, they have these perfect replica models of all their dishes - set up as the meals you'll get - with little placards telling what they are and how much they cost... and of course, being Japan, when you go in and order it, the meal brought to your table looks EXACTLY like the replica. It minimizes the risk profile of the purchase. Good stuff. That's what the stage is for me - risk management. I can gauge her interaction with customers who interact with her, I can examine every square inch of her body, get a pretty good idea of how wild she is by how explicit her stage show is. I NEVER have a dancer come over until I've seen her on stage first. Well, almost never. O.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?
    My current fave is black/Puerto Rican. She is a freak and a half ;) O.
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    15 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    This is probably a good time to step back, breathe, regain some perspective, and remember that stripping is a JOB. I don't know about anyone else, but if client A offers me $100 for the same job client B offers me $1000 for - hello, client B! Is anyone seriously not capable of understanding this? O.
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    15 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    You should use that total 6 hour drive time to figure out how to make more money. Then you'll be rich too. O.
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    15 years ago
    What to wear?
    I just can't bring myself to wear a special costume to a strip club; besides, I seldom go out with the specific intent to go to a club - more likely, it's someplace I'm stopping after an evening of doing other things, or darting in for a bit to escape rush hour. So my typical casual or business casual attire. I can't say it's ever been limiting. O.
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    15 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea to me
    I just pre-pay for dances. I start with a $20 and then maybe prepay in groups of 4 or 6 depending on how we're getting along. If she wants to dance more on her own dime, that's fine with me. O.
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    15 years ago
    Asian Girls in Phoenix Area?
    Well, consider that Asians comprise about 3.6% of the US population, AND that they tend to be (i) more socially conservative and (ii) better educated than the average American, and you certainly have a recipe for rarity. I'd guess that fewer than 2% of strippers are Asian. However, being a bit of Asiaphile myself, I've noticed a few trends. First, Asian strippers are most likely to be SE Asian (especially Cambodian and Laotian... girls from refugee families), Vietnamese (again, the refugee connection), Filipina (well, they're Filipina, 'nuff said) and Korean (I find they have economic interests which tend to trump their social conservatism). Also, when there's one Asian girl in a club, there tend to be several because they like working together/being in proximity to each other. So the best cities for Asian dancers are going to be those cities which were the recipients of the refugee migrations back in the 70s. The Pink Pony in Atlanta (which has a large Cambo, Thai and Laotian community in Riverdale, and loads of Vietnamese and Koreans in Doraville/Chamblee) used to have a fun group of girls who called themsleves the Asian Mafia - couple of Laotians, one Thai, two Filipinas and a Korean who (mostly) all went to high school together and all decided to become dancers - and that was the best club for Asians I ever saw. Met them when they were all 18-19. They all finally went off to college or other things (except one who's a lifer, I guess). I don't know what (if any) the big Asian populations are in Phoenix (or where they are) but I do know they've had problems with Asian gangs (like the KGK, the "Korean Girl Killers", a female gang who are known for concealing a razor blade in their mouths) so there must be *something*. I'd look at clubs near there? O.
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    15 years ago
    Amy Fisher Stripping Tour
    She's like a character from a John Waters film. O.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?
    I haven't had that happen yet, though I'm sure it will eventually. When it does, I'll just let her finish the dance, pay her, and find another, more attentive girl. O.
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    15 years ago
    Porn Star Economics
    The big money in porn is in contracts, not the "per scene" fees - the Marcelas, Charmaine Star et. al are (or were when they were really working) contract girls. As far as age goes, I think the vast majority of girls retire voluntarily before age becomes a factor; if a girl does want to stick it out to the end, there're always "gonzo" films. Plus there's ancillary stuff. Charmaine Star, for example, does shoots for fetish "smoking" sites, but mostly she deejays at clubs now (her name is a club draw in SoCal, so that's potentially bigger money than porn) and she's done some bikini bartender videos, things like that. She escorted briefly, but didn't like it... that's more potential money, though. Jade Marcella escorted for awhile (best $1k I ever spent lol), but got burned out on it. I suspect you'll find most of these girls get out of the biz with basically no savings or assets to show for it but yes, a smart girl can make a ton of money at it. O.
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    15 years ago
    Can a guy get rid of the SC itch?
    I'd go more often if I have time... lack of time is sort of akin to a "cure" in my case. I'm just really busy (in a good way), and I have so many other hobbies which compete against "mongering". I guess I go to clubs 4-6 times a year now, tops... all I have time for. O.
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    15 years ago
    Can you tell what kind of a dance it will be with an un-familiar stripper???
    I have a pretty good instinct for it (part of my job is "reading" people - I'm a psychologist), but there are always surprises. The most common surprises for me are more the "sweet" girl who turns out to be pretty wild and nasty, as opposed to the "nasty" girl who turns out to be a RIB. The overall trend nowadays is towards nasty anyway (what I like to call the hoe-ification of America) so it's not *too* surprising. Now that the media are spinning the recession as somehow "virtuous", I wonder if that might be accompanied by a return to more traditional values, though? We might all be surprised by the lack of willingness of the next gen dancers (the ones who are undergoing moral development in middle school right now) to do "extras". Or maybe not ;) O.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Valentine's Day Gifts for Dancers (besides money)
    You pretty much can't go wrong with perfume - but yes, make sure it's something young chicks will like. If you can find Casmir (by Chopard) that's a sexy-as-hell perfume. It's pretty much only sold in Europe, but sometimes you'll find it at those "Perfumania" boutiques you see at the mall that are always staffed by Indian women ;) O.
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    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I think I'll just grab some popcorn and a drink and watch this one unfold ;) O.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Valentine's Day Gifts for Dancers (besides money)
    I would never bother with it myself but I say stick with the tried-and-true: high-end candy, the aforementioned spa gift, maybe perfume you like. Just bear in mind she'll be sharing the candy with her musician boyfriend later. O.
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    15 years ago
    A Mistress?
    I was thinking the same thing... only a handful of people (Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, a few Middle Eastern plutocrats) make that and *then* it's capital gains, not salary ;) And he lets his stripper wife do temp work?
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    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I don't like being asked personal questions, and I never ask them: "do you have an SO", "what's your real name", etc. I'm probably also not interested in topical conversation, ie. politics, the economy, philosophy. I'm just not interested in a stripper's comments on these topics. I prefer keeping it to cocktail-party banter, really. "Have you been to the new whatever?" That kind of thing. O.
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    15 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    While trading is interesting to study (I have a copy of Link's "High Probability Trading" sitting right here on my desk) I just don't have time to actually do it, so I just go the boring dollar-cost-averaging and diversify-across-low-fee-non-correlating-funds approach to investing. I don't bother trying to time the market or pick things, I'm basically a "historical" investor, and I don't view investing in terms of gains per se, but in terms of wealth preservation and as a hedge against inflation. If I *do* actually make money, that's a nice cherry on top. O.
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    15 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    I don't have any debt, but I'm still saving more just because it's a wise thing to do right now, because I have *clients* who are losing their jobs, and that can affect my income, obviously. The big thing I'm doing now though is investing; securities are on sale, big time. Even if the Dow heads to 6000 (the extreme bearish position) putting money into investments maybe weekly or monthly (spreading it out for time averaging) will earn nice returns later... and don't even get me started on foreclosure deals ;) I will say that between saving more and investing more, I'm just not interested in clubs. I mean, $20 dollars spent today is probably $40+ dollars I *won't* have 5 years from now... and no dance is worth $40. O.
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    15 years ago
    hanger on
    Three words: Portable Ejector Seat. O.
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    It happens all the time. But then, I've been known to be slow about returning calls or emails, and I just classify that in the same category, so it's not especially bothersome. I'll just go have a waitress go and fetch her for me, or select another dancer. O.
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    15 years ago
    How to tell strip club patrons have cut back their spending....
    I haven't "clubbed" regularly in years... I'd say now I visit a strip club maybe once every 6-8 weeks. I'll go to 2-3 clubs "prospecting", then develop an OOC arrangement with 1-2 girls. When those arrangements end, back to the club. The economy hasn't had much affect on me financially (2008 was my best year yet, income-wise) but I just don't have time to hang out in clubs. Plus, I have other hobbies which compete for time and money. I golf about 2-3 times a month, but I've become an almost daily shooting enthusiast, and ammo probably cost me $30-50 per day depending on whether I'm mainly shooting pistols or rifles. I've started cycling as well... cycling and shooting alone soak up my "hobby" time ;) While obviously the economy has hit adult entertainment, here's another idea: I wonder if the strip club customer demographic is aging? I will say I see fewer young guys in clubs than I did when I was young... it's kind of the same old guys who *used* to be the young guys at clubs. It's possible that youth culture now is sexually permissive enough that they don't "need" strip clubs. If the strip club customer IS aging, that's something that will kill the clubs off eventually. A trend to watch, certainly. O.
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    15 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    Traffic is snarled up all over town (this is an Atlanta thing) so just pop into a club 'till rush hour subsides. Seriously, that's the main thing that gets me into a club... O.