
How to tell strip club patrons have cut back their spending....

Avatar for casualguy
  1. The club is crowded but almost no one is tipping at the stage.

  2. A regular who rarely ever buys the more expensive lap dances gets asked by over half the girls working in the club for a lap dance.

  3. At another busy club, you notice the favorites that you didn't always buy lap dances from stopped coming to the club.

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Avatar for deogol

No reserved tables.

Plenty of empty chairs.

Bathroom monkey disappears.

Avatar for DandyDan

At clubs with multiple stages, they don't use all of them, or it takes longer before they use all of them.

Avatar for imnumnutz

the girl who wrote your mortgage 2 years ago is now dancing, hoping to avoid losing her Lexus.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

girls are showing more and offering more extras

Avatar for Cougar289

My wonder girl was not able to pay her tip out twice last week. It occurred only 4 or 5 times all of last year. There are now more girls in the club grabbing for fewer dollars. She along with a few girls from the club went to work a convention 350 miles away which usually nets them $3-5K over 4-5 days. They all came home early because there were few attendees and those that came left their wallets at home.

I went to the club Saturday because I hadn't heard from my girl for a few days and went to see what was up. While I was there I got approached from a number of dancers who said your girl friend isn't here but will you do a private with me and I won't tell. They already know I only do privates with her. I didn't do any privates, but I did spend some dollars at the stage and the girls were very appreciative of the dollars. I know one dancer who has 2 children and I gave her $20 just for talking because she hadn't made a dime all day.

It is a bad situation because as I get to know some of these girls very personnally I almost feel this support obligation. I guess since I don't have a wife, spending money here makes me feel like I'm giving money to a charity. My wonder girl called me tonight and so we're getting together at her place tomorrow just so she can make a few dollars which I am more than happy to help out with. Its going to get worse before it gets better.

Avatar for casualguy

Here's another one.

The club is packed but yet you're the only one sitting at the stage tipping almost all of the dancers.

A dancer comments, "you're smiling and looking happy". I guess that was strange.

Avatar for ozymandias

I haven't "clubbed" regularly in years... I'd say now I visit a strip club maybe once every 6-8 weeks. I'll go to 2-3 clubs "prospecting", then develop an OOC arrangement with 1-2 girls. When those arrangements end, back to the club. The economy hasn't had much affect on me financially (2008 was my best year yet, income-wise) but I just don't have time to hang out in clubs.

Plus, I have other hobbies which compete for time and money. I golf about 2-3 times a month, but I've become an almost daily shooting enthusiast, and ammo probably cost me $30-50 per day depending on whether I'm mainly shooting pistols or rifles. I've started cycling as well... cycling and shooting alone soak up my "hobby" time ;)

While obviously the economy has hit adult entertainment, here's another idea: I wonder if the strip club customer demographic is aging? I will say I see fewer young guys in clubs than I did when I was young... it's kind of the same old guys who used to be the young guys at clubs. It's possible that youth culture now is sexually permissive enough that they don't "need" strip clubs. If the strip club customer IS aging, that's something that will kill the clubs off eventually. A trend to watch, certainly.


Avatar for atlforlife

Customers who used to "make it rain" are now "making it drizzle".

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I wish the girls would start offering more, or the same for less price. I haven't seen it yet. What I've seen, as the economy tanked, is different. I've been out of the club scene for a while, because I spent a lot of time in school. This means that I didn't involve myself in any slow change that might have been imperceptible to me as I watched a little bit every day. Rather, I wasn't in the clubs, then the economy tanked, then a few months later I went back in the clubs. Nevertheless, I don't see a lot of higher service or a lot of desperate women willing to sneak around a few of the rules. Rather, I see that there are more ugly girls dancing. The hotties are still there, but the uglies have congregated too.

These uglies are, basically, "normal American women," which is to say that they THINK that the statement, "Men like curves," means, "Men like obesity."

Please make them go away. :(

Avatar for deogol

the girl who wrote your mortgage 2 years ago is now dancing, hoping to avoid losing her Lexus.

LOL! That's a good one!

Avatar for casualguy

I'm actually seeing more competition among the dancers. The dancers I see in clubs look better on average than I used to see. However now that I think about it, I haven't seen any 1 to 2's on the low end of a 1 to 10 scale but I haven't seen any 10's in a while either. Just don't tell my favorites I'm not calling them a 10. Most of the 10's I met know they are hot and have tried to charge me more money for lap dances. However I do remember one said she would do a two for one but wanted two for $50. Too high a price for just slightly better looks than an 8 or 9 dancer. I guess all the 10's left where they can make big bucks if that place exists somewhere. Maybe I'm getting older and the dancers don't look as good as they once did.

Avatar for racejeff

More girls dancing per shift as they try to make up for off nights.

The result is not good as you have fewer dollars being chased by more dancers and resulting desperate dancers becoming wanna dance queens.

Avatar for gk

Some day shifts are so boring due to so few customers the girls are all smoking way more weed etc. than they used to for escape.

Avatar for gk

Cougar, your're right. Some of my day shift favs have also not been able to pay tip out or have seen their triple digit take home drop to doubvle digit and less sometimes. It's as if some are showing up just to get out of the house.

Another sign, girls buying their own drinks (At least more than usual.)

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Dangit when is demand (for dollars) going to increase supply (of girls willing to play for pay) to the benefit of MY experience!

Avatar for CowboyesFan

I think you can see dancers circulating more, instead of sitting with the same guy thats not spending any money all night.

Avatar for SuperDude

Club managers will have to face reality and stop charging for everything if they want customers to return. Hell, even the price of gasoline at the pump dropped because of slackening demand. I said on this board years ago that the day would come when clubs would not be able to charge $25-30 for laps, $20 for a booth, $6-8 for mandatory valet parking, $5 entry fee for the VIP and on on. That day is now here. Drop prices to what the market will pay or close up.

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