
What to wear?

Avatar for jayray

OK I'm a bit new to this so excuse my ignorance-BUT: what do you guys wear to a SC? If you want to take advantage of a high-mileage dance, thin clothed pants or short with no belt seems the most logical. Seems like a belt buckle would hurt the dancer.(Even trouser-like p.j.'s?)What's best? If any dancers read this column--what do you girls like best? Boxers, briefs, commando? BB or condom? What??


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Avatar for MisterGuy

Definitely no belt buckles. You're really taking your health in your hands by going BB IMO.

Avatar for giveitayank

wear shorts with no undies anderneath. With the right girl, there is a good time to be hand.... I mean HAD!!!!!


Avatar for casualguy

I've noticed some dancers do not like my belt buckle. They either take off my belt or make me take it off on occasion. Most don't seem to mind though. A belt isn't all that bad though, I remember a dancer took off my belt using her teeth while tipping her a dollar at the stage. She looked quite sexy in the process. She was the only dancer to take off my belt that way and the only one who did that at the stage (a satellite stage). I like to dress in clothes that I am comfortable in.

Avatar for ozymandias

I just can't bring myself to wear a special costume to a strip club; besides, I seldom go out with the specific intent to go to a club - more likely, it's someplace I'm stopping after an evening of doing other things, or darting in for a bit to escape rush hour. So my typical casual or business casual attire.

I can't say it's ever been limiting.


Avatar for CarolinaWanderer

No belt is a given. Microfiber shorts are great in warm weather, but it is too cool now, so thin dark trousers and a red or dark colored knit shirt to minimize to lipstick/makeup smears. Many here prefer commando, which I tried for a while, but have settled on oversized black jockey briefs. I can unzip, pull the briefs from right to left and free willy for action, and then return him when done. I personally hate the telephone pole look that comes with commando. I also like to unzip as we enter the private dance area to see what reaction it gets from the dancer.

Avatar for ericsacto2

Do people really wear shorts to strip clubs? I thought shorts was a no-no.

Avatar for ericsacto2

Do people really wear shorts to strip clubs? I thought shorts was a no-no.

Avatar for how

In warm weather: Shorts like UnderArmour Loose Gear

In cold weather: Customized workout pants with easy access and no buttons, zippers or other bothersome items on them

Shirts should be long enough to pull down over the key area, in case a quick bit of discretion is required during certain activity.

Avatar for sandyman

REI and other places sell pants that have zippers on the legs to turn them into shorts. They sell them for hiking or activities where the temperature might change. I have worn them in the winter to clubs and with the right girl, you just open the zipper and she has easy access. I wore them to a club in Vegas last December and a side benefit was the bouncer wasn't near as observant as if I had been wearing shorts. The dancer thought it was a pretty good solution for both our needs.

Avatar for MisterGuy

"Do people really wear shorts to strip clubs?"

Well, it does get warm outside sometimes yanno...if you wear them when it's really cold outside, you will get labeled as a perv by most dancers...

Avatar for Dain

I always wear stretch boxer shorts and stretch lounging pants. Perfect solution for all.

Avatar for Clubber

Like ozymandias says, I rarely plan a visit, but rather stop in on a whim. And almost always being on my bike, I will be wearing jeans. I can only recall one time, in Key West, where the dancer thought them a problem. Solution, she just lowered them to my ankles.

Avatar for how

Obviously, if you're able to simply pull 'em down to your ankles as Clubber reported, then the "easy access" considerations lose their import...

That's not typically allowed at most clubs.

Avatar for CowboyesFan

With the black lights I always try to wear something that doesn't look like you rolled around in the parking lot before entering the club.

Avatar for steve229

You might try wearing something unique or memorable that makes you stand out. This happened to me by accident recently. It was cold as hell so on my last club visit I wore a dark brown, lambskin leather jacket. The first dancer I talked to complimented me on the jacket, then started running her hands all over it, telling me how soft it felt. Ended up with a steady stream of ladies coming over to feel me up (well, to feel the jacket at least). When I decided to get a LD from the first dancer, she asked if she could wear the jacket. She looked sexy as hell dancing topless with that jacket on. At the end of the dance she whipped the jacket off and rubbed it between her legs while closing her eyes and making little moaning sounds. I will definitively be wearing that jacket on my next visit.

Avatar for Ironcat

I always wear silk or high quality synthetic that feels like silk boxers under dark colored pants. I try to pick a fabric that is soft and smooth since dancers perfer to grind on soft material. The underwear keeps the friction at just the right level during heavy grinding, which is typical at my favorite club.

Avatar for Clubber


You are correct, "That's not typically allowed at most clubs.", but then South Florida clubs are unlike "most clubs".

Avatar for Anna

Ugh...I hate when guys wear sweat pants or shorts I avoid them like the plague.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Some strippers are gold-diggers who avoid, "like the plague," those men who do their best to enjoy the experience. Some strippers, on the other hand, realize that their own job is, by definition, a sexual service, and thus recognize that the male who plans ahead is also probably the male who has adequate strip-club experience to be likely to pay well and to respect the ladies. He values her service and knows both (a) how to get the most from it, and (b) how to make sure she wants him to come back for more later.

Actually, come to think of it, ALL strippers are gold-diggers. But some are idiots about it.

Now then, on to what I like to wear.

++ Casual slacks that are baggy and nicely pleated to give extra room in the crotch. A loose knit weave is best. Some materials are worse than others, but you're shooting for something in the cotton or silk range, with a "heavy t-shirt" degree of weight and stretch. Beware anything that has no stretch -- linen, some thick wools, khaki, jeans -- because the give in stretching (whether a thick or a thin fabric) is what makes the touch enjoyable.

++ Smooth silky undies with a little lycra.

++ Button-down shirt. No undershirt. The good dancers know what to do with the buttons. Not white, because that "glows" under the black-lights. No tie.

++ Blazer or warm jacket, depending on the weather. (For the pockets!) This is not the norm -- lots of guys do without a second top layer, and I can see how they get things done, too. But I carry elaborate smokes -- pipe-bag containing tobacco, tool, pipes, lighters, cleaners, etc. -- and phone and cash and a few credit cards. It adds up, so I like the jacket-approach.

++ No belt. Nothing in my pants pockets (see above for storage).

++ Dress shoes and socks. No sneakers or cross-trainers or athletic shoes. That looks cheap.


++ Parachute-pants. Ya know, those old Arsenio-Hall style warm-up pants that are made of silky nylon or velour? Usually they come in a warm-up set, but I leave the top at home and treat the bottom as though it's "suit pants." In the dark, nobody can really tell as long as the color is correct.

++ Modified pants. If your dancer knows you and you feel comfortable with this, you can wear rather short shorts -- easy access to Mr. Happy up the leg -- or normal pants modified to remove the pockets -- easy acces to Mr. Happy through a pocket.

++ Pre-loaded condom. I very much enjoy Inspiral brand condoms, which are deliberately baggy and asymmetrical across the shaft, and lubricated on the inside. If you can make 'em stick at the root of your unit, and then you have very baggy pants on and you get a clean lapper, then the sensation of the condom wigglin' on your willie (even though it's all going on within your pants) is very much like the sensation of full coitus. Beware excess enjoyment. :)

Avatar for Anna

When I post my opinion it is obviously my PERSONAL opinion and not that of every stripper.

The definition of stripper well, I found three:

1- a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music

2- One who removes their clothing, especially as a form of paid entertainment

3- A striptease or exotic dance is a form of erotic entertainment, usually a dance, in which the performer, known as a "stripper", gradually undresses, in a teasing manner.

I do not see "sexual service"...while everyone is entitled to their own interpretation I believe the "service" ladies stand on street corners. Also, my personal opinion towards customers and the attire I prefer should be respected the same way I respect the opinions of others on this board. This of course, without being called an idiot. The goldigger label is fine.

Avatar for DandyDan

I don't see what's wrong with wearing shorts as long as its warm outside and they are not blue jean shorts or basketball shorts. I've worn them in summer and never had anyone complain. Then again, it may depend on what club you go to as well.

Avatar for Clubber


Being called an idiot on here is, many times, a compliment. One need only look at the source.

Avatar for Anna

I guess. Oh well.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Stunning how she can make an entire thread be all about her ...

Avatar for mmdv26

Anna, your "definition" is very correct and very accurate in a lot of clubs. While you have set your limits at a point that is comfortable for you, there are many dancers in many clubs whose limits go considerably further than yours apparently do.

I think much of the conversation in this thread is based on anticipated contact with those dancers.

Btw, baggy shorts or sweat pants, commando and a long-tailed loose shirt all in darker colors is good club apparel. Gives the dancer the option of making more money if she wants to. I usually pack a cover in my shirt pocket for easy access in case I encounter a really serious producer.

Avatar for ArchieB

Wear a kilt, laddie!

No better reason for buying one!

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