
Comments by ozymandias (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
    One word: smokeless. O.
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    15 years ago
    Percentage of strippers who like what they do...
    Really, how many people in ANY job like what they do? From conversation, not many. Me? I'd do my job for free if I had to... my work fascinates me. But most of the folks I know in conventional corporate jobs pretty much dread Mondays. Why? because they gave up part of their life for a paycheck... it's what people do. And strippers are no different; some love it, would do it for free probably, but for most, it's just a job. O.
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    15 years ago
    "It was the Woman--She Beguiled Me"--More legal problems with strippers
    I had a stripper use my Amex once, but nothing is easier to reverse than an Amex charge. Still wasted 10 of my seconds, though. O.
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    15 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    Amen to that. Of course, I'm "more right" than other people, but still... variety is a good thing :P
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    15 years ago
    Yet almost every Asia, China or Jade I've ever met... has been black! O.
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    15 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    Sorry, Americans ARE obese. I travel internationally often, and whenever I've been away a few weeks and come back, the first thing I notice off the plane is how goddamned fat everyone is. It's pretty disgusting and, frankly, inexcusable. O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    On-Line Dating / Hook-up Services
    A campus setting is a nice, miniaturized world to play in. The best thing to do is meet girls in a setting you're comfortable in, where you can shine a bit and act "yourself". The best way to do this is meet them in hobby or interest-oriented clubs - that way you know the chick shares your interests. This is especially useful if you have geeky interests (like playing tabletop RPGs or being in a trivia team) which normally would steer girls *away* from you... suddenly they become plusses. And who doesn't like a hot gamer chick? The sex aspect you just can't control that well - different women are more or less into it. From experience, young college girls generally are pretty sexual creatures (being young and also educated), but obviously don't expect professional-level services from them! O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    It's not a stripper mentality per se, it's pretty typical behavior for low socio-economic class women lacking an education. Give me any clerk at Wal-mart, and I'll show you a woman who explains away her underemployed common-law husband's abuse as "well, he jus' jealous cause he love me". Granted, many strippers are drawn from this level of society (though all aren't, of course), possibly even most of them, but it's "stupid young woman" behavior, not stripper behavior. As far as club owner, most club owners I've known (and I've only known fairly major ones, like Jack Galardi, so maybe they play by different rules) have had some of their strippers as girlfriends, but really didn't go around dipping their dick into the employee pool. Not out of moral restraint, but because (i) it's just not professional, and therefore is bad business and (ii) they're actually pretty busy guys, and it's not worth the drama. O.
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    15 years ago
    two fers
    Usually I find it's just a more experienced girl helping out a less experienced friend. That said, I'm more of a 1 on 1 guy myself: I avoid the 2 fers. O.
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    15 years ago
    latch ons / red lights
    It amazes me that this problem exists, I guess. I wonder: if you were at a restaurant, and the waiter brought you an entree you didn't order - didn't even like, maybe - and then billed you for it, would you just "suck it up"? If so, PLEASE let me know because I'd LOVE to have you as a customer ;) O.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers, taxes and the homeless
    My approach to panhandlers is practical: if they saw where I parked, I give them a dollar; otherwise, I just ignore them. I certainly think it's unfortunate that there are homeless people, but at the end of the day they're really just people at the bottom of a string of bad decisions. When I was a kid, I was studying when other kids were partying. I went to good colleges, chaining together jobs and scholarships to support myself because my parents couldn't afford to foot the bill... while others were goofing off, partying, getting pregnant, whatever. In my first job, I stayed late at the office while others clocked out at 5. And now they're on the streets? or on the dole? and expect money from ME? I don't think so. And this "let's redistribute income so that it will be fair" is pure nonsense; I worked my proverial ass off while the useless and ignorant were out getting drunk, knocked up, and laid off. I deserve my money, and they deserve their misery. Period. I've often pointed out that the big difference between America and some of the various welfare nations (like Holland, say) is that in America there's no limit to how high you can go... and no limit to how far you can fall. Everyone's lot is as good or bad as they are. Me? I prefer it that way. O.
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    15 years ago
    latch ons / red lights
    I just tell her I'm not interested in company... dancers don't want to waste their time, generally. O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pretty Good Stripper Act
    That's insane. If I had to guess, I'd say she had a second cloth "stored" all along. Interesting magic shows they have in Montreal, though ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
    My good reviews are real, at least! Generally speaking, good reviews will be shorter and less detailed than bad reviews, because people tend to go on and on when they rant or criticize than they do when they complain, not just for strip clubs but for movies, restaurants, books, whatever. Human nature, it seems. The "post a review, get free access" model here (and at other sites such as TER) virtually assure there will be many fake reviews, however. Usually a review which is completely generic is fake, I assume. O.
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    15 years ago
    Georgia Poll Tax
    They should at least connect the tax to some issue that's strip-club related, like "lap dance groin injuries" or "advances in glitter removal from cloth". O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Petite and fuckable = spinner. And yes, the etymology derives from "small enough to spin on your dick". O.
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    15 years ago
    Blackjack players... I have "Q" for you.
    The best way to make money off gambling is to develop a "system" for beating the house... and then sell the system online. That, or BE the house. Just don't be the actual gambler ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have a pretty high success rate translating "phone number" to "OTC", but I tend to spend a lot on the girls as well... also, I'm not single mindedly focused on "OTC action", but I'll call girls up to see if they want to do lunch, dinner, go to a party, see a show, whatever. That is, I tend to treat them more like friends than hirelings. That said, I've noticed a few interesting dancer "phone number" tricks over the years. (1) The "wrong number" trick - dancers will do this with a customer they've just met, who's not a club regular, but who's spending a lot of money. They offer to give their phone number, but they'll give the *wrong* number. In a day or two he'll call, but it's a wrong number. What does he do? goes back to the club (after all, she intended to give the number, made a mistake, but she's clearly interested, right?) and of course, spends a lot of money. Plus, he's one step closer to becoming a regular. (2) The never-answering dancer - similar to the "wrong number", but the customer gets her vmail, leaves messages, but she never calls back. Typical result as above: he goes back to the club. A variation on this is the dancer answering, saying "hey, let me call you back"... but she never does. The customer, consumed by impatience and curiosity, returns to the spiderweb for more spending action. (3) "I'll give you my number when I get a phone/number/place etc" - I'll confess to having bought cell phones for dancers before, and for having paid their monthly bills. So, I know ploy to get customers to buy phones and cover bills works! Incidentally, if you ever get a cell phone for a dancer, make sure to get unlimited texting... dancers text A LOT. (4) The straightforward plea - if a girl wants a sugar daddy, he needs to be able to get in touch. Pretty simple! O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do ALL strippers, 100%, have a price?
    Of course not - that's just too absolute. I'd say most do, probably... actually, most people in the general population have "a price". Are strippers more inclined to "have a price" than the general population? I would surmise as much, lacking actual data. O.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers I will always remember
    Well, I've had a few who became friends whom I knew even after they stopped stripping, and whom I know to the present day... so obviously I *remember* them. So I'll assume you mean strippers who made a big impression with limited exposure. I guess for me it's those rare occasions when you see the stripper who is PERFECT, as though some cosmic sculptor had peered into you fantasies and made them flesh. I can think of a few whom I can visualize perfectly, but I can't really recall their names... not sure if that counts ;) I guess I have a habit of keeping the keepers. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should I stop???
    Probably the best policy is simply to put BobbyI/Dougster on ignore and leave it at that... it's pretty obvious that he/she/it is either a juvenile (my theory), a mental case, or both. When grown men start in with schoolyard accusations of "gay", it's simply time for the ignore button. Obviously, he/she/it will continue making new accounts, but it's easy enough to click "ignore". Back to strip-club-ology discussions ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    run in
    There's always been parity between "Christian" and "Stripping". That's why Catholic school girls wear stripper costumes for uniforms! O.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Years resolutions.
    I resolve to keep on keepin' on, pretty much... I'm very content and in a good place, so nothing to change, really. I did buy myself a cracked-out bicycle (a carbon-fiber framed Specialized Sirrus Pro) and I'm going to ride daily (get my cardio that way instead of running for a while) and use it for destinations within 5 miles of the house - be green and get exercise at the same time. I'm also going to the firing range every Thursday, really work on my accuracy and speed with my other new toy (the awesome Sig P226), and maybe join a shooting club. I'm going to try to hike more, too... I used to hike every weekend, but somewhere along the line I got "busy" and now it's like once a month. So, back to weekly. So those aren't really "resolutions" so much as "reacting to new stuff". Well, the hiking is a resolution, I guess. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    At the more "neighborhood" type clubs, the dollar is absolutely going a lot further - I'm amazed at how cheaply girls are offering up the goods. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Escorts who also dance are hard to find...
    Well, it really is two different professions. I expect many escorts would feel ridiculous stripping for a customer. Several years ago, when I was in Thailand, I had a conversation with a young prostitute; she was VERY beautiful, flawless, and I commented that she could make more money dancing in a US club then she could turning tricks in Bangkok... but the very thought was out of the question for her. Why? "I'm too shy", she said... this a girl who had no sexual limitations otherwise. Also, frankly, stripping erotically *is* a skill. Ever seen, say, a drunk amateur "stripping"? Aside from the novelty value, it's usually not very good! I do know a few escorts who started as strippers (its a not uncommon entree to the profession) and who would be happy to oblige, the the typical escort isn't going to feel comfortable with it. O.