
classification of dancers by favorite status

North Iowa
Saturday, March 21, 2009 11:19 AM
I was at the club tonight, and there was a dancer I've gotten dances from in the past, but tonight, I didn't and it made me think that all dancers could be divided into 4 groups based on how much of a favorite they are: 1. ATF - These are the girls you will always get dances from no matter what. 2. Regular - These are girls you like and you may get dances from, but not every single time. 3. Newbies - These are girls you have never seen before, so they are complete mysteries. I suppose they are like what Forrest Gump said, because you never know what you'll get. 4. Non-favorites - These are girls you don't want ever, or you did and thought it was not worth the time. ROB's are only one subtype.


  • ozymandias
    15 years ago
    Now that I only go to clubs maybe 3-4 times a year, I just grab the best girl (by may standard) there and pretty much spend the evening with her. When I used to go more frequently, it was ATF or nothing - I just never saw any reason to waste resources on a dancer I wasn't going to develop a good customer-stripper relationship with. O.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    I prefer sports team analogy, breaking down by starter, reserve,draft/free agent pool. ROB's & subpars aren't on my "team".
  • whghIost
    15 years ago
    ATF must be very expensive. I think I have an ATF, but she is not always working the nites she supposed to. She calls out frequently. Sometimes she does not even give you the preference. I suppose more money talks volume. So, she might be an ATF or a regular.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Great and kprewtty pragbmatic classifications. I jwould adjust Newbie to "Newbie prospect" because youy might not want to be with just any newbie. Now, place yourself in a new club that you've never visited before and these just don't apply. So let me throw back the question--how would we categorize dancers in a first visit to a club. In other wqords, what are your "head-turner/woodie" categories and your ingnore threshold? Not quite parallel to the original, but, hey, we're having fun. Here'ss my list (remember, first time club visit and you're scoping things out): --All of these qualify for further interest Professional vamp Smooth seductress Natural/girl-next-door-spinner --All the following cross the ignore threshold. Unprofessional vamping slut (annoying etc.) Demanding drink hustler Wandering wanna girl Models with egos
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    gk- Good post & standards for choosing draft picks/free agents. Give that man a cigar!
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I find it difficult to establish "ATF" status in my mind for any given girl. I think half (at least!) of the strip-club draw, for me, is the opportunity for variety. There are some amazing women, and some who give amazing lappers, but I'm always moving on to someone new. In fact, the mere lack of variability in some clubs' stables is exactly the reason I DON'T go back to them, even if there are some excellent dancers there. I just get tired of what I've already seen, I want something I haven't yet seen.
  • icedawg
    15 years ago
    whatabout the dark horse? she has something about her (bolt-ons, kinky tat, interestingly placed piercing) and then of course theres the girl that all the other girls call a slut. shes a good place to start
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