
Comments by johnnylingo

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
    To be fair to davids, the posters on this board are probably more "enlightened" than the average SC regular. We've done been around long enough to know the name of the game, and have concluded that going is for entertainment purposes only. Not everyone has figured that out yet, or perhaps they have and are in denial. When I see the same guys in a club night after night, hugging their "favorites" goodnight, I always wonder to myself about their perspective.
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    20 years ago
    What are the strangest comments strippers have said to you?
    One told me I had nice eyelashes. My eyelashes are very long, and she's the first person I've ever met to have complimented me on it. A little strange, but nice.
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    20 years ago
    Customers - if a stripper TELLS you that she wants NOTHING to do with you OUTSID
    Well, I've been "asked out" by strippers twice. The first time was a few months ago at a bikini bar in San Jose. It seemed so weird, I didn't say yes, just kind of changed the topic. I talked to another dancer later and asked what the story was. The girl that asked me out had moved there last week and was looking for a guy to show her around town. Since I wasn't from San Jose, it wasn't really an option, so whatever. The second time (and the stranger one) happend last week. I stopped in a small club for the first time last week in the late afternoon. Get a couple $20 dances, have a nice conversation, and she encourages me to stop in again. Then as I'm getting up to leave she says maybe nex time, I could give her my number and we could go out for a beer sometime. Now, I know better than to think this was a legitimate offer. More than likely it was just a trick to get me to come back. Could also have been a signal she works as an escort on the side. Anybody else have ideas?
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    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    True, but even in football there are rules, penalties, and "cheap shots" which can lead to some nasty confrontations. Most of the examples here are clear cut - lying about personal life is fine, while charging for a service that was not delivered is fraud. The example of offering a "real lap dance" and then giving cookie cutter one is more borderline and really comes down to personal ethics. I had one dancer who said she was "a lot of fun", then when we got back for the dance, implied that having "a lot of fun" with her was going to cost $60 for the dance. I should have just walked out right there, but instead offered $40, and ended up with a lame dance while she looked around for the next victim. I'm sure this falls within strip club rules, but whenever I feel I'm being hustled by a dancer, I just remember that experience and realize it's my money, and I'm going to be happier spending it on the ones that are honest and upfront.
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    20 years ago
    Customers who PATHETICALLY want to PRETEND that strippers like them
    Speaking of pathetic, how about these postings? This is just a guess, but sounds like you got burned (as so many have) and are trying to keep others from making the same mistakes. Why not just admit that, rather than asking these silly questions that we all know the answers to?
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    20 years ago
    What Kind of Sleazy Shit Do Customers Pull?
    My favorite mentioned one that makes her sick - guys that ask her to "turn around slowly" so they can get a close look, and probably have no intention of getting a dance. She's learned that if someone asks that, to just leave.
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    20 years ago
    Is it ever wrong for a customer to lie?
    If you're really getting heckled for dances and saying just "no thanks" or "you're just not my type" doesn't work, tell them they remind you of your sister, mom, aunt, etc and it's just too creepy. That will shut them up quick, and leave you free to persue other options.
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    20 years ago
    Most Outrageous Lie a Stripper Has Ever Told You
    Down in LA a few months ago, I spoke for nearly an hour with a 40 year old dancer with a German accent, who claimed to be from Germany and said she'd be going back there in a few months. The DJ said she was a playboy playmate from Idaho, but she said that was wrong. I decected something fishy, so when I got home I did some research and found out she was the club's "feature" performer for th emonth, and had done about 20 porn movies in the late 90s. The biography said she was 100% American raised in LA, so I rented one of her movies and found she didn't have an accent at all. Wasn't mad about it at all, just thought it was funny she had gone through all that trouble to create this "character". Maybe she was moving on to Germany soon and just needed some practice speaking.
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    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    My very first time in a strip club, within two steps of walking in the door, a dancer turns to me and pinches my nipple through my shirt. Don't know if she was just bored or thought I was someone else, or what. Anyway, I was pretty nervous so it was actually a good icebreaker. I'm sure dancers discuss and ridicule customers all the time, but in private. Just like any other practice, saying bad things about a customer is about the worst business move you can make. All customers expect a basic level of respect and privacy. Ignore that, and they will certainly leave, along with many others.
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    20 years ago
    DO NOT repeatedly pester THE SAME STRIPPER to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    This is true for all women, not just strippers. If they're not interested in you, there's only one thing to do - move on. Of course, looking for love in a strip club is just a plain bad idea. The odds are so stacked against you it's not even funny. But there are the Han Solos out there who say "Never tell me the odds"....
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    20 years ago
    Please Post Your Story RL
    Thanks for saying what I'm sure we're all thinking, davids. RL seems to have issues. Why don't we all pitch in $10 and send him to Rick's for a night? That always perks me right up when I'm in a bitter mood.
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    20 years ago
    DO NOT repeatedly pester THE SAME STRIPPER to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Oh yeah, if you are going to look for love in a club, try a bikini bar or another such place that doesn't do private dances. Those girls are just there to make a little extra money on the side, and are less likely to have alterior motives if the topic of seeing each other outside the club comes up. I basically got asked out by a dancer in a bikini bar once. She was new in town and basically looking for a guy to show her around. Unfortunately I was just visiting on a business trip, so it wasn't a match.
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    20 years ago
    Please Post Your Story RL
    That really is the beauty of Rick's, isn't it? You don't hear too many tales of guys "falling in love" at such places, because everything is straight forward and there are so many good choices. At Vu clubs, you're much more likely to find dancers using "emotional hustle" techniques to get business rather than just giving good dances. Is it a huge shocker when guys get suckered in to these traps, develop a crush, get burned, and end up a little bitter about the whole experience? I'll bet money this is what happend to RL, just like so many others.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    I had similar experience on the 2nd and 5th dances I ever got (different cities, different girls). Having now done about 20 dances, I can say it is rare but it can happen if you meet the right dancer and things click. Talking to my favorite last week, I get the impression she'd rather spend time with guys she's comfortable with and make modest money rather than be trolling the floor all night, or end up in the VIP room with some a-hole who's going to treat her like crap. Sounds like you have the right attitude - enjoy it for the value you're getting, and nothing more. Just because she's comfortable with you and giving away some extras doesn't mean it's a love story.
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    20 years ago
    If a stripper will only spend time with you when you are spending MONEY on her,
    There's a difference between being "friendly" and being "friends". Customers are "friendly" towards certain dancers because we think they're hot, and enjoy spending time with them. Dancers might be "friendly" towards certain customers as they feel comfortable with them, and of course have money. Being "friendly" in a club is part of the game. Of course if you're truly "friends" with someone, money doesn't matter.
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    I'm the exact opposite - 27 years old, and go for dancers around my age or older. People always want what they can't have, right? Are we talking about being a regular of certain club(s), or a certain dancer(s)?
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    I've been going every Wednesday to a certain club for the last month (don't know if that really makes me a regular yet). But I think it comes down to three reasons: 1) Got a favorite, who shows me a really good time. Finding an experience similar to what she provides would take a lot of time and money. 2) There's a about 2-4 new girls every week, which is exciting because you never know who you're going to see. If it was the same girls every night, I'd be looking to move on pretty soon. 3) It's just a nice way to break up the week. The stage shows are pretty good, and it never gets too crowded. Everything's relaxing yet exciting. They have in-out priviledges to, so I can spend an entire night there and not get bored.
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    20 years ago
    Any customers REFUSE to spend MONEY on a stripper who REFUSES to see them OUTSID
    No, but I'd like to try that sometime and see what type of response I'd get...
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    20 years ago
    Why Do Some Customers Become Regulars?
    I'm 27, but lots of similarities with FONDL. Mainly to get away from it all, like I said I go on Wednesdays to break up the week, but will go other days if I'm having a bad day. I can almost always find a girl who will cheer me up at any club. Also, the whole dynamics of things are fun - where the women are asking the men and you get to decide who to spend time with without any commitment. Ahh, if only it worked that way outside.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers - if a stripper TELLS you that she wants NOTHING to do with you OUTSID
    It might be a little awkward enjoying yourself if she told you that in a blunt fashion, but assuming she does it for you and you have a good time, then sure why not keep going with her? Unless you are looking for something outside the club, then of course it's time to accept things and move on. Doesn't that seem obvious to everyone? Maybe if I phrase this differently, RL will understand: STRIP CLUBS are for seeing and talking to STRIPPERS. If you want an experience OUTSIDE THE CLUB, that is what DATES and ESCORTS are for. If you ask a STRIPPER to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for no charge, you are asking her to DATE you. If you ask a STRIPPER to see out OUTISDE THE CLUB for a fee, you asking her to BE AN ESCORT. In either case you will be DISAPPOINTED when she likely TURNS YOU DOWN, and gets ANNOYED at you for asking. So just don't do it, OK? If a dancer wants to see you outside the club, she'll make the first move and then you just have to figure out if she's just dicking you around, asking for a date, or asking for a (ahem) 'date' if you get my drift.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers - if a stripper TELLS you that she wants NOTHING to do with you OUTSID
    I doubt that, considering we just did a couple $20 dances, and I gave no indication of having money to spare (which, I do not anyways). Also, she's 29 and seems to have been dancing for a while. I'm willing to bet it's either an offer for friends, or code to say she works as an escort. But, perhaps that's just what I want to believe, since there wouldn't be malicious intent behind either. In any case, I'll hopefully find out in the next couple weeks and will post what the deal is.
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    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    I'm a younger guy in good financial shape, who like FONDL started going because it was the nicest way to spend time when out of town (entertainment + social interaction). After moving last year and hearing how good the local places were however, I got curious and had to see for myself. The first time out, I was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to find the one wild girl in the club, and have been going to see her weekly. The experience is completely different from any girl I've dated. We don't even discuss money or what is going to happen - just hit the booth and go at it (she leads, of course). Basically, those 20 minutes makes me feel like I'm in the back of a car on prom night. I've realized this is probably the appeal for a lot of you older guys - not really so much the sex, but feeling younger and getting to relive a simpler time of life. I don't feel great about spending the money for it, but do come out of there feeling like a Million bucks. I've stopped in at a couple other clubs, and it's not to look for sex or a girlfriend (I can't say either would *never* happen, but know that it's not the best place to be looking). Rather, more just for adventure, relaxation, and excitement of meeting girls I might have similar chemistry with. When looking at other customers in a club, I'll occassionly see other younger guys that look well off and are by themselves. I'm guessing most are looking for sex (or to "cheat" on their GFs via some fantasy), or just PLs who can't get a date. But I don't fall in to any of those, so can't assume.
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    20 years ago
    #1 Reason Not to Ask Strippers for Dates
    FONDL and Kyle makes a good points above, and I was going to say something similar. From what I've seen, the majority of dancers will not go to any level just to get your money. Maybe it's altruism, or just knowing that going too far is going to get them in trouble down the road. My second time ever in a strip club, I was told by an experienced dancer that I "didn't belong" there. I was a little offended at first, but she went on to explain all the typical types of men that go to clubs. I thought it could be some reverse psychology crap she was pulling, but later found out she was 40, had a 5 year porn career, and was close to retirement. So, she didn't need my money and was just making sure I understood the real reasons most people go. Obviously it didn't prevent me from going, but when I do go, have a much better understanding of the dynamics, and respectful, and enjoy myself without getting carried away.
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    20 years ago
    Too Much of a Good Thing . . .
    I know exactly what you mean. The local club I frequent doesn't have a huge number of hot dancers, but that's kind of nice in a way. On any given night, there are only 3 - 5 that will do it for me based on looks, so it's easy to narrow it down to a couple based on eye contact and conversation. Then, it's whoever gives the best dance and we have a winner. The first time I went to the "premeir" club it town...oh boy, that game plan wasn't of much use. There's nearly 10 dancers that are my type lookswise, all of them can make a nice conversation, and all except maybe one give a mighty fine dance. I decided not to come back for at least a month, because even just doing one dance from each I'd be in over $250 for a night. Obviously, not too many of us can afford doing multiples with several dancers, unless it's a once in year type thing. Do you guys think it's better to go with variety and keep the dance count low, or find a favorite and give her all your money?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What type are you?
    You're right there aren't many 19 year old guys on here, and that's probably a good thing. Part of the reason I joined this site is lots of the other had reviews like "I went here for my 18th birthday and it was awesome!!! So-and-so is frigging hot!! The lame dance with no touching allowed was amazing!!". Yeah...uhh..that's really helpful. I'm mainly looking to get a feel of the club's atmosphere, prices, and rules before I come in, and hopefully have the names of the better dancers (and which to avoid). Amen to hitting the day shifts! My first daytime experience was last week. It felt strange, but was a nice time. Pretty sure I was the last guy in the place when I walked out around 5 (kinda curious if they continue dancing if there's no customers lol). I only wish I had a chance to do it more often.