
What type are you?

Seems to me a lot of the disagreements on this board are because we're of diferent types: different age and experience, different income, different marital status, and we're looking for different things. What type are you?

I can think of about half a dozen differrent types of customers: young single guys who go in groups, make fun of the girls, and spend little; old guys who go alone and like to hang with cute young girls and don't mind spending a lot; younger single guys looking for a girl friend or to get laid; middle aged guys looking to purchase sex; middle aged guys looking for fun and entertainment; and lonely guys of limited social skills of all ages. I fit the second category - I'm an old married guy who likes spending time with pretty young girls and doesn't mind paying for it. I've been going to clubs off and on for many years, started because I used to travel a lot on business and found that for a stranger in town strip clubs are often friendlier and more fun than normal bars. I enjoy both the conversation and the intimacy of an SC. But I'm really not looking for anything beyond that. How about you?


    20 years ago
    I don't think that most clubs come anywhere near maximizing their income. But I'm not sure if it's because the managers and owners are dumb or because the place is a front for something else and they don't care. Probably some of each. I think someone who understood basic marketing concepts could make a fortune as a consultant to clubs by taking a percentage of the increased income that he was able to help them generate. The only hard part would be getting the clubs to hire him in the first place.
  • apunkrockcowboy
    20 years ago
    What club is this, or what city...I know in Austin no clubs run off juke boxs. The fact that customers and dancers are saying its too loud and the jocks are still playing it loud is ludacris. Were they my jocks, they'd get there shit together or they'd be unemployed till I could get sombody else in there. I have been hired as a DJ manger for a club that was having trouble with their DJ's not following music format, getting blitzed and unable to run a decent show. First thing I did was to call a meeting and hand all three of them their walking papers. I worked 13 shifts for a week and half till I could get caliber of DJ's I wanted.

    Incidently, after doing this, with the new musical format in place, the clubs liquors sales incresed 23% in the first month. Door sales increased 14% in the first month as well. A club is like a car and it is the dj's responsibility to steer it in the right direction.
    20 years ago
    I think we're both crediting the owners and managers with more moxie than they deserve. The truth probably is that they just don't give a shit. The DJ does his thing and ignores what anyone else tells him. Personally I prefer a club that doesn't have DJ's and lets the girls pick their own songs on a juke box. I think for clubs to hire DJ's is a huge waste of money on their part. The club where I usually go plays the music quietly enough that you can sit and talk and the DJ never says anything other than to announce the dancers. But I bet that's unusual. That's also during the day, I suspect it's quite different at night.
    20 years ago
    When I first started going to my current favorite club, the music was too loud. I posted this opinion on their web site and several other customers agreed with me. And guess what happened? Their music is quieter now. Try it.

    I also told them they were over priced. I'm not holding my breath on that one.

    Anyway I think the real reason the music is so loud is that the girls like it that way, it makes it easier to dance. Or maybe the DJ's are all deaf from overexposure to loud music.
  • apunkrockcowboy
    20 years ago
    because there jock isn't doing his job...rule of thumb, if the bartender can't hear the waitress ordering a drink across the bar, it's to loud.
  • apunkrockcowboy
    20 years ago
    The type behind the mic.
    20 years ago
    I think he just described half the SC customers in the US. Or bars in general for that matter. Go into any bar in the country at almost any time of day or night, with or without strippers, and you'll see half a dozen guys who meet that description.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Divorced, live alone, usually go to clubs solo, professional income, generous tipper, a regular who takes no B.S.
    20 years ago
    Makayla, I've noticed that many clubs often have off-duty dancers there as customers, it seems to be pretty common, especially in inexpensive neighborhood clubs. And you've hit on one of the main reasons I enjoy strip clubs: I'm an older guy and, unlike regular bars, the young ladies in strip clubs seem very comfortable around older men, almost to the point where they seem to prefer our company. Unlike a lot of bars, strip clubs can be very friendly places even when you don't know anyone.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi ShotDisc,

    Hmmm . . . seems like you might finally be starting to figure out that YOU are in LOVE with GCs. :)

  • ShotDisc
    20 years ago
    kyle, once again you find it necessary to critique my choice of clubs. i wish you would just keep your stupid commentary to yourself. if you were more informed, you would know that the clubs i frequent are far from high end, classy gentlemans clubs. but i guess compared to the dog pounds you frequent, they might seem that way.
    20 years ago
    TGG, it seems like most of us are old farts here. Maybe we're the only ones with enough time to do this.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    As for me, I 'm just an old fart, who doesn't mind spendng money on a sweet smelling, pretty young gal...heheheh...
    20 years ago
    Hey, it wouldn't be the first time I faked a trip to see a stripper. In fact if you ever saw me play golf you'd probably prefer that I faked it.
    20 years ago
    Shadowcat, why would I have to fake it? We could always play a little golf in the mornings.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi ShotDisc,

    Looking at your reviews it seems like your prefer expensive clubs. So basically you like expensive dives? If a non-GC is expensive, then in my book it loses a lot of its value.

    Anyway comparing FIVE DOLLAR clubs with the expensive clubs is like comparing apples and oranges. A rotten apple might be better than a perfect orange. :)

  • ShotDisc
    20 years ago
    Shadowcat: happy birthday!

    as for me, I am in my mid forties, a professional, middle class married man who only visits SC's while out of town on business trips. As I have said before, I hate Gentleman's clubs or ShowBars. My faves range from PP in Columbia and Memphis, to 24K in Atlanta. I am a big fan of high mileage and extras.
    20 years ago
    I would guess that in general the older dancers are higher mileage than the young ones (although I've certainly run into exceptions.) I'm guessing that there are several reasons for this. First, I think the longer a girl dances the looser her standards are likely to become, simply because she gets used to doing things and gradually doing a little more and more. Second, the older dancers probably have to work a little harder to make good money. And third, an older person is likely to be less idealistic, so doing sexual things for money is less of a big deal. The only times that I have ever been offerred extras in a club were by an older dnacer. I'm also guessing that extras and high mileage are more important to a younger customer than to an older one. So maybe that helps explain why some of us older guys tend to like the younger girls and the younger guys like the older girls. I also think intelligence plays a role: many of today's dancers (although by no means all) are more highly educated and intelligent than their predecessors were and are more interesting conversationalists, and a lot of us old guys like to sit and talk.
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    Kyle hits it on the mark for me - it's mileage, but attitude is big part too. You'd think the girls in their 20s would be friendlier towards someone their own age, but 9 times out of 10 I get the same treatment as a guy who's 50. The more experienced dancers seem warmer to you both before and after the dance, and seem happy when they pull in a younger guy. I had one who started jumping up and down before the dance (I had been using a hard sell on her all night) and did some cuddling afterwards. It was a nicer than hearing "let's go" and "take it easy" 3 minutes later. That kind of exchange really spoils the fantasy.
    20 years ago
    What especially attracts me is neither great physical beauty nor high mileage. I prefer cute to beautiful, and I like the childlike behavior of the young girls. I used to tell my ATF that she had an uncanny ability to see the world through the eyes of a child. When I took her places it was always like she was seeing the world for the first time. I'd sometimes take her shopping for clothes and she was like a little kid in a candy store. To me that is more enjoyable than any high mileage will ever be.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Fondl,

    That has been true in my experience and I believe it to be the norm. I think it is because the young guys are supercharged and don't need the eye candy, but would rather have mileage and right attitude. As an old guy mileage really isn't a big deal because that is pretty much a given with older women seeming to be much more aggressive and willing. What good is the offer of unlimited mileage cheap or free if my battery is dead? The young woman provides the eye candy that gets me supercharged. I see very attractive older women who I'm very compatible with, but *unfortunately for me* there is no sexual desire on my part. Their sexuality is wasted on me. The young women who I may have nothing in common with will send me to heaven.

    Blubber is almost always a total turn-off--young women or old women. The one exception was this young fat women. She took her clothing off and WOW! I'm supercharged. Her *skin glowed* and that is what got me all excited.

  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    FONDL: I don't think it's generally true, but it's true of me. Maybe it's the fact they are obviously different from you. One of the people I occasionally talk to at work, a white guy, only goes for black girls when he's out at the SC. I think experience also has something to do with it. Most young dancers don't do much for me because they almost seem pubescent. There aren't, at least in my experience, any dancers who are over 30 and with the supermodel body. They are all flesh goddesses. Not necessarily fat, but with abundant amounts of flesh anyway.
    20 years ago
    DD, you raise an interesting question. I've noticed in other postings that a lot of younger guys like you seem to prefer older dancers, while some old guys like me prefer the really young ones. I wonder if this is generally true. And if it is I wonder why.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    I am 32 and generally go looking for fun and entertainment. I live in the Omaha area, which is a dead zone, so i have to drive a ways to get to a decent club. I've driven at least 3 hours away just to go to strip clubs before. I generally go for dancers who are my age or somewhat older and don't mind spending money on lapdances. I work nights, so I don't have a shot at seeing the day shift, but nowhere I go to regularly has a dayshift, so I guess I don't miss out on much.
    20 years ago
    I'm also curious to know what regions are represented here, since regional differences are HUGE in this industry. Personally, most of my clubbing experience is in the Northeast plus some Midwest and a litte Southeast. Most of my good experiences have been around Providence, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Morgantown and Indianapolis. I've also been to Key West and Atlanta a couple of times. South Carolina and Seattle seem to be well represented here. Any where else?
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    I don't see where anyone is discussing anything about their personal life. The question was what social group do you fall into when you go to a stripclub. FONDL didn't ask where you work at, how many if any kids you have etc. That is what I think of as personal information not what you category you fall into for stripclub goers.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    FONDL: No harm in asking the question....

    I like to refer to the youngins' as "BBC guys" (backwards baseball cap guys). They gather 3 or 4 around a girl at the stage, put up a single dollar bill between them and then high-5 each other when the girl takes the tip...morons.

    One of the clubs I go to allows 18 and over on weeknights and the girls dread it. The average 18 year old has no idea how to act around a hot stripper and no money to sped. The clubs make thier money off of the cover and drink charges. Ultimately they don't really care if the girls make any money or not.
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    You're right there aren't many 19 year old guys on here, and that's probably a good thing. Part of the reason I joined this site is lots of the other had reviews like "I went here for my 18th birthday and it was awesome!!! So-and-so is frigging hot!! The lame dance with no touching allowed was amazing!!". Yeah...uhh..that's really helpful. I'm mainly looking to get a feel of the club's atmosphere, prices, and rules before I come in, and hopefully have the names of the better dancers (and which to avoid).

    Amen to hitting the day shifts! My first daytime experience was last week. It felt strange, but was a nice time. Pretty sure I was the last guy in the place when I walked out around 5 (kinda curious if they continue dancing if there's no customers lol). I only wish I had a chance to do it more often.
    20 years ago
    Sorry guys, I didn't mean to pry into anyone's personal life. I was just curious to get a feel for the kind of customers represented here. I'm guesing we don't have many of the young studs with baseball caps on backwards and their pants falling off saying "Yo, sup?" I just love those guys in clubs. Occasionally you'll even see one of them tip a girl onstage. But most of us are probably a little older and some of us are a lot older. Actually I'm guessing that most of us tend to go to clubs that are fairly nice but not really gentlemen's clubs (except Kyle of course), that we usually go alone, we each have one or a few favorite girls we see regularly, we go fairly often, we tip fairly well, we always buy multiple private dances, and we try to treat the girls well because we like them. In other words, we aren't your typical SC customer. But maybe I'm the only one here who almost always goes during the day when places aren't very crowded, in fact I'm sometime the only customer. If you haven't tried that, I highly recommend it. It's a totally different experience.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    for once davids and I agree.
  • davids
    20 years ago
    Think I know what girl that is Johnny. Have fun!
  • davids
    20 years ago
    I'd rather not discuss my personal life with strangers.
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    I'm a younger guy in good financial shape, who like FONDL started going because it was the nicest way to spend time when out of town (entertainment + social interaction). After moving last year and hearing how good the local places were however, I got curious and had to see for myself. The first time out, I was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to find the one wild girl in the club, and have been going to see her weekly. The experience is completely different from any girl I've dated. We don't even discuss money or what is going to happen - just hit the booth and go at it (she leads, of course). Basically, those 20 minutes makes me feel like I'm in the back of a car on prom night. I've realized this is probably the appeal for a lot of you older guys - not really so much the sex, but feeling younger and getting to relive a simpler time of life. I don't feel great about spending the money for it, but do come out of there feeling like a Million bucks.

    I've stopped in at a couple other clubs, and it's not to look for sex or a girlfriend (I can't say either would *never* happen, but know that it's not the best place to be looking). Rather, more just for adventure, relaxation, and excitement of meeting girls I might have similar chemistry with. When looking at other customers in a club, I'll occassionly see other younger guys that look well off and are by themselves. I'm guessing most are looking for sex (or to "cheat" on their GFs via some fantasy), or just PLs who can't get a date. But I don't fall in to any of those, so can't assume.
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Let's see what type of clubber am I? Well I guess I fit in the fairly young crowed at 31. There is only 1club I go into where I enjoy talking to my favorite dancer otherwise I am looking for a good lapdance and good mileage. Just give me a good lapdance and I am happy. I don't need to get my drink on or hang with the fellas to have a good time. Most of the time I go I am by myself anyways so I guess I don't fit in the norm for the younger crowd.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago

    I'm old/middle aged. Low income and frequent strip clubs as often as possible. I love spending time with attractive young dancers, but feel guilty just talking to them because they need to be earning the $$$. Too often they don't value themselves highly enough and get confused about their real worth. If they're only earning a little, then they mistakenly think they're only worth a little. :( Sex or extras isn't a requirement, but I'm interested in those services after I get to know the dancer. If she doesn't do extras, then that's fine. I don't want a "free lunch" (discount lunch is very much appreciated) or a real relationship. I expect some *scamming* and usually only stay angry for about a day or 2 depending on the scam. Also, I would prefer to be very friendly with just one or two dancers and give them all or most of my business.

    20 years ago
    Shadowcat, point well taken. Actually I would guess it's neither the young guys nor the old guys who most often look for extras. I'd guess it's the guys in between, guys who have reached the point where the marriage has cooled off, especially the sex part of it, but they aren't looking for an outright affair because that could cost them a marriage with which they're comfortable. I'd think that single guys of almost any age could find sex easily enough. And I'd expect that to be even more true for old guys, since there are so many more single old women than there are men. But if you like them young, well I guess that limits things a bit. Anyway, I think it's important for us old guys to get as much exercise as possible, and it sounds like you've found a fun way to do that.
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