It's Simple Really (My Final Post)
Ok, it all makes sense to me now. I'll offer you all four nuggets of wisdom, although a good deal of it I gleaned from reading your own posts (thus deep down you will know what I say to be true even though you might wish to make some superficial attempts at denial here in order to save yourselves from the guilt of not putting in the hard work to changing your lifestyle or admitting what's really been wrong all these years. You will convince no one, not least of all yourselves, with your specious reasoning so don't even bother posting it):
a) Sex and friendship are not things in life that a person ought to pay for. (If a person thinks otherwise they have some serious self confidence issues: Just do the friggin' work (get rid of your weight problem, or whatever) and find yourself a real friend/lover.)
b) Because of a) the customers you will find in strip clubs will almost exclusively be PLs.
c) Because of b) the kind of girls you find working in strip clubs will almost exclusively be PLs.
d) Given a), b), and c) there is no good reason anyone should work for or patronize a strip club. Leave that world to the PLs of the world.
a) Sex and friendship are not things in life that a person ought to pay for. (If a person thinks otherwise they have some serious self confidence issues: Just do the friggin' work (get rid of your weight problem, or whatever) and find yourself a real friend/lover.)
b) Because of a) the customers you will find in strip clubs will almost exclusively be PLs.
c) Because of b) the kind of girls you find working in strip clubs will almost exclusively be PLs.
d) Given a), b), and c) there is no good reason anyone should work for or patronize a strip club. Leave that world to the PLs of the world.
The last time I went to southern Florida was years ago in July I think. It rained almost all day long and the temps dropped into the 50's by the afternoon. Guess you need to pay attention to the weather forecast before planning a trip to a sub tropical area. I don't really like visiting places where the road is the only place above water but I suppose it's not normally like that.
Anyway just before the monsoon started, our tour guide the bus driver took us on a little walk on some boards going out into a swamp. It started raining cats and dogs right in the middle of the scenic swamp and all 30 of us on the tour bus got to see about 100 alligator eyeballs appear just above the surface of the swamp water. It didn't feel very safe. One slip off of those boards and you were toast. I don't think anyone was happy after that tour. I got to see a tornado form while I was on a tour bus at Cape Kennedy. No one seemed especially concerned. I forget which shuttle was on the pad at that time. Travelling can be a hassle.
a) Sex and friendship are not the business reason for strip clubs. It is an ENTERTAINMENT business only. Why don't some people understand that?
b) Using poorly defined logic where where the first statement is incorrect doesn't make the next statement correct. Customers of strip clubs are not PL's because they are engaging in entertainment. Are you a PL just because you go see a movie you like? That's another form of entertainment some people engage in.
c) Obviously wrong also since a and b are wrong.
d) Poster must not see any benefit from watching pretty girls for a few dollars admission. Or poster believes it's all about sex and no entertainment.
Of course I am not considering running for any office so I am not trying to get any moral authority votes or anything of that sort. The only reason I may be defending strip clubs is because I'm afraid of too much ignorance will cause fun evenings to dissappear just to appease those who think it's evil and must be stopped. Kinda of like the days of prohibition of alcohol. The moral oppressive folks thought it was evil and shut it down or out. Please don't let one or two dissenters shut down everything.