
Is it ever wrong for a customer to lie?

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:58 AM
Sure dancers tell lies but so do customers, all the time, only we call it bullshit. I bet girls get especially tired of hearing guys brag about how rich they are (yeah, right!)So what's your favorite line of BS that you feed the ladies?


  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    If you're really getting heckled for dances and saying just "no thanks" or "you're just not my type" doesn't work, tell them they remind you of your sister, mom, aunt, etc and it's just too creepy. That will shut them up quick, and leave you free to persue other options.
    20 years ago
    Makayla, I don't lie to dancers and I expect them to be reasonably honest with me. And if they aren't I'll find someone who will. But I agree with Shadowcat, it is a game and a certain amount of role-playing is part of the game. That's partly what makes it fun - we all enjoy being someone different at times. My usual response to "wanna dance?" from a girl who doesn't interest me is to say I'm waiting for someone else. It's always true but I'm not always sure who the someone else is. Unless I just got there and haven't had a chance to get settled and look around, then saying "maybe later" is actually true. I once ended up being a regular of a girl that I said that to on her first approach.
    20 years ago
    Davids, I agree that pretending to have more money than you do is really dumb but an awful lot of guys do it, not only in clubs but all the time, and not only verbally but through their actions. Like driving a car they can't afford - we all know tons of young guys who do that. Show me a young guy driving an expensive car and I'll show you a guy who is going to be broke all his life.
  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    If it's the "Maybe Later" lie, it is. A variation is I get a relatively lame lapdance from some dancer, and she tells me we should do this again, and I always say I'll stick around, but usually I don't. Of course, for some dancers, if I say that, it is true I may want one later.
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    I don't lie. Nearly impossible to remember who you lie to. And what is the point?
  • davids
    20 years ago
    Man, lying about having more money than you do seems really dumb: I mean either they are going to think you are a liar and hate you or they are going to beleive you and try and hustle you out of all of it. My favourite lie to tell a stripper: when she asks why I don't want a dance I'll sometimes say "I don't know" when I do know but don't care to tell. Usually they conclude that I'm extremely lame and leave me alone after that. If they persist in bothering me then I'll just keep shrugging my shoulders until they leave. When I first started going I was a bit too shy of telling the truth for the sake of hurting their feelings. I didn't tell any lies about myself or what I thought of them but I might have said that I might get a dance later when I really had no intention of doing that... Now that I've realized that most strippers don't have any feelings in any normal sense so it doesn't bother me anymore to just tell them the truth. :-) LOL! That last sentence is a joke. Actually, after I realized how much they lied to me and how much I disliked it, I decided if I was not to be hypocritical I had to try and be honest with them. Unfortunately most do not seem to have repayed me that favour. But what do you expect when you slum around strip clubs, eh?
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