Comments by davids
discussion comment
20 years ago
Yeah, Rick's is a great and pretty straight forward club. I think even RL would do well there: Come in, try a couple of dancers, find one that does extras, have your fun and leave. If you are smart and don't waster money on girls who don't give great dances you should be able to take care of business in $200 or so (even less after you find a regular and before you get bored with her). Most strippers don't try to fuck with your mind unless you really ask for it either. (I am beginning to wonder if RL might fall into that latter category, however. Maybe he is just meant as comic releif for this board, however.)
discussion comment
20 years ago
I am sure you know the mechanics of how it works but if it not here it goes:
Men are biologically wired to be attracted to good looking young women. Strip clubs have a reasonable supply of these (although strippers are not as good looking on average as the popular culture would lead you to beleive).
Women, on the other hand, are attracted to confident men who exude that they can HAVE whatever woman they want. Once a man walks through the doors of strip a club he stating in a pretty bold voice that he is there to PAY FOR PUSSY. Hence he has "lack of confidence" written all over him. (If he was confident he could get any pussy he wanted he would be in a singles bar picking up women for FREE).
Thus when a customer asks the stripper to see him outside the club for free, chances are she is not attracted to him. Now honest girls would just say so, but strippers are not exactly reknowed for their morals, so what they do is, instead, lie and lead on the customer in hopes that he will continue to provide them with MONEY.
(Sometimes strippers will rationalize this in their own minds as follows: well he is just trying to use me for sex anyway, so it is fair for me to just use him for money. Other popular rationalizations are: If I don't take this sucker's money someone else is just going to; If I don't take his money he is just waste it all on other strippers anyways.)
discussion comment
20 years ago
"like members of any profession, are unique individuals and you can't make any valid generalizations about them."
I think your logic is a little broken here, FONDL. Trivially I can't even generalization that they are members of the profession? Being a little less trivial I cannot generalize that math professors are good at math?
discussion comment
20 years ago
RL: yes almost always about money.
The strippers want you to have their number so it's easy for you to know when they are working so you don't end up spend your finite amount of money elsewhere. That accounts for exactly 92.3% of all cases.
But there are exceptions. Some strippers have rules about never being friends or dating any customers under any circumstances whatsoever But many do not. The break down is approximately 50/50.
discussion comment
19 years ago
Blue Ridge Foothills
Say you're just in the club to visit some of your friends.
discussion comment
19 years ago
Yoda: Oh please, you name yourself "yoda" and have no need to feel superior to anyone? Anyone familar with your posting history knows what a blatant lie that is.
It would be good however, if you didn't have a need to feel superior to anyone, b/c then you won't be disappointed by 99.9% of people. Idiot.
discussion comment
19 years ago
Let's get casualguy's comments on the original question. Seems he has a good track record.
discussion comment
19 years ago
How come most regulars end up asking out strippers at some point then?
How come the regulars here get so excited when they think a strip might actually like them, for real, and post like they have conquered the world?
How come the old men pine so pathetically about their ATFs (the "vacation" thread), and the times they paid for sex (the "grope" thread), even when it's totally off topic?
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19 years ago
AN: Yeah, the US does lots to stop genocide: Like how it stepped to stop the genocide of American Indians.
How about genocide in Indonesia if you want a more recent example?
Oh, still not recent enough? How about how we stopped the Iraqis from massacaring Kurds after the first Gulf War?
US will stop genocide if the genocide threatens American economic interests, but otherwise the US could care less.
Fuck you're a retard, AN. Lay off the alcohol long enough to get a fucking clue, please.
discussion comment
19 years ago
Bumping an intelligent question to the top!
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19 years ago
CG: "I'm not trying to use logic here."
Apparently not. Guess it is beyond the grasp of South Carolinans.
discussion comment
19 years ago
On a more sombre note: huge mentioned the thing about guys who are eccellent engineers: would strippers think they are losers or not?
Unfortunately ones engineering ability, by itself, has almost no value to most strippers. For some it is even a negative attribute. For a very few it will be a positive attribute. ( If y is the for whom it is netural, p is then number which it is positive and n the numbe for which negative then y >> n >> p.) Guys don't think like that (engineer ability is definitely a plus to most guys) but for immature, loser women, like most strippers are it neutral, negative, with a few exceptions.
discussion comment
19 years ago
I think it's pretty clear what AN's strip club problems are and I am sure there are many like him across the country:
He is either dishonest to himself or at the minimum unclear what his objectives are and hence is not implementing a very effective strategy to acheive them.
He admits to meeting strippers he genuinely liked as real friends and a couple he even had sex with. Yet he feels guilty about it and also admits that things did not work out well after the sex. He blames this on meeting them a strip club. However, I do not think that is what the real problem is:
One of the real problems is that he started off as a customer, hence the awkwardness and determental effect on the relationship. Also although he admits he enjoyed his "relationships" and friendships he nows feels guilty about seeking them out.
I think a better strategy for him, and the countless men like him across the nation, is to simply not feel guilty about looking for relationships/friendships/(free) sex in a strip club. Also to not confuse the strippers as to whether you are there as a customer or have other objectives. So go into strip clubs and when asked why say you are "there to make friends, find a girlfriend", and then act consistent with this statement. You may be surprised at the results.
Why not try that one for a while, AN, and see if things work out better for you. Also if you have any more questions, please don't feel afraid to post: RL and I are here to help out men like you. Good luck.
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19 years ago
SuperDude: Did you go to regular night clubs and bars more when you were younger?
discussion comment
19 years ago
Gentlemen: The general rule is this. Don't buy gifts for women you want to date/have sex with until after you've had sex with them*. (And I'll add "for free" since certain posters here might get confused otherwise.)
* a possible exception might be if they bought you a gift first
discussion comment
19 years ago
I've noticed that strippers have a particular thing for threesomes. About 1/2 the OTC encounters I've been offered (both paid (back in THOSE days) and unpaid) have involved threesomes.
Had one pair of sisters offer and OTC threesome, they were smoking hot, but unfortunately very blonde, so when I let them handle the logistics nothing ever became of it.
So what is it with strippers and threesomes?
discussion comment
20 years ago
Hey, Yoda, look! A stripper who is an admitted liar with a deadbeat boyfriend. Still think strippers are just normal girls with normal jobs and generally just like any others girls you would meet their age?
discussion comment
20 years ago
Oh, another thing about dating strippers: Some of them don't look so good outside the club when the lighting is better. This is especially true of the cheapo bleach jobs.
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20 years ago
Many strippers tell me that I am handsome, sweet, and smart, but then when I then ask them for dates they always say "no". Isn't it strange that they aren't interested in dating handsome, sweet, and smart guys? :-)
Seriously, though, I had one girl who didn't have an ounce of fat on her tell me that she had a baby two months ago... Either a strange lie to tell, or strange that she won't have a bit of fat left to show for it.
discussion comment
20 years ago
I think the strippers would want you to spend all your money on them, screw your car (or your bills, mortgage, kids for that matter). That's the greedy short-sited majority. The ones with more a strategic mind would realize you need that car fixed so you can keep coming in.
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20 years ago
Wrong FONDL: treat them well and they will peg as you as a chump and try and scam you.
discussion comment
20 years ago
You are on the right track, shadow and sheik: indeed if I were smarter I would not be posting/reading here at all. This board is for the dregs of society to discuss their paid sex with the dregs of society. Have fun!
discussion comment
20 years ago
I had the feeling RL was a Seattle local. Posts in the chat about Rick's for instance.
discussion comment
20 years ago
Oh if you are getting "mixed messages" then forget about if. Remember the words from the movie Ronin in this case "when there is doubt, there is no doubt".
discussion comment
20 years ago
You are not going to outsmart them in this game. If they do not agree to date you the first time you ask forget it. If you think you are going to ask them at some point do it as soon as possible then when they say no forget about it. If by some miracle you do get to date them outside the club the second they give you any reason to doubt how serious they are forget about it. If you try to get something physical from the first date but you don't then forget about it. If they are at all unsure but trying to hint they may change their mind later forget about it. You really need to play hardball on this one to avoid getting burned.