
Rate your least favourite Posters

Avatar for davids

This should be more fun...

  1. Yoda

  2. AN

  3. FONDL

for me. How about the rest of you?


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Avatar for Yoda

So you are denying that you have, at least twice, come onto this board and told us you where leaving never to return? Who's kidding who davids? BTW, I've never said I was going to ignore or refuse to respond to your posts.

Avatar for Shekitout

All those posters who actually replied to the question! BTW your spelling of "favourite" leads one to believe you're Canadian, British or Australian-which is it?

Avatar for Yoda

Davids: Intersting that you see me as blatant and not yourself...

When the subject matter here is boring I don't post. When it's interesting I do. You are the one who announces to the entire board that you are leaving....only to return again when you miss the attention.

Avatar for davids

Yoda: Yeah, and people say they will never read or respond to my posts again and then they do. shrug Got any more blanks in your oh so terrifying verbal arsenal that you want to fire?

Avatar for rockie

Least Favorite : Davids

Favorite: Yoda

Davids: I read subject matter hear for some info and for amusement. Your prior post on this topic is the 1st time you've provided amusement. While I've been entetained by many here, if I'm someone flunky - it's yoda. Rockie, er I mean Rookie

Avatar for davids

Hmmm... "he/she"... I have sometimes wondered if RL is really a stripper mocking the rest of us pathetic regulars. Whoever it is clearly has some inside connections.

Avatar for casualguy

My least favorite poster is no longer posting and hasn't been for quite a while. RL's posts can be a bit irritating since he/she nevers responds to anything anymore except with stupid one liners sometimes months later such as "anyone care to respond?" but usually it looks worse than that. I thought one time he was on to something when he discussed observing mental instability but then I don't know if he was talking about strippers or looking in the mirror. Apparently he/she didn't care to respond.

Avatar for davids

Yoda: I might believe it was just a name if wasn't also your BLATANT attitude.

I take breaks, you take breaks, FONDL takes breaks, everyone takes breaks.

Avatar for Yoda

Davids: It's a name. That's all. You've once again reached that point where you have nothing to offer other than insults. Maybe it's time for you to take another break from the board.

Avatar for Officer

romantic lover AKA lover---he used to have some good things to say but now is just boring and repetitive

Avatar for Yoda

This board is a source of entertainment for me. Unlike you davids, I don't have a need to feel superior to anyone else. I read what's posted, post my opinions and my experiences and try not to take it all too seriously. I don't have a least favorite-just some that I find less interesting than others.

Avatar for pengo

davids is one of those people I'd like to stop to inflate my my flat tire with their hot air just in case I get one on the freeway.

Avatar for lopaw

I will abstain as well. Even the most asinine bullshit I've read on this board is usually mildly entertaining, and often quite compelling. Like a trainwreck. An ugly, horrific trainwreck of mangled steel & people-goo.

Avatar for parodyman-->

Im going to go to my grave knowing that everyone wished I would have kept my big mouth shut but... My least favorite poster is davids. I would imagine he is of those dorks that thinks he is important because he spews a lot of bullshit. And yes folks it is BULLSHIT! You can smell it coming off of him in neauseating waves. (Just try asking him where he gets his numbers from.) This coupled with the convinent timing of his finally bagging a stripper. Where did this happen? Jack off booths don't count in case you didn't know. The only way for you to prove it is to go scoolyard and let one of the other posters smell your fingers. Personally I bet they smell like dick!

Avatar for chitownlawyer

One of the veteran sportswriters in St. Louis died last week. In eulogizing him, a colleague said that in 40 years, he never heard the deceased say a cross word about another person.

That sounds like high praise to me, so I think I'll abstain.

Avatar for davids

Yoda: Oh please, you name yourself "yoda" and have no need to feel superior to anyone? Anyone familar with your posting history knows what a blatant lie that is.

It would be good however, if you didn't have a need to feel superior to anyone, b/c then you won't be disappointed by 99.9% of people. Idiot.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Flagooner was an odd duck. We got along great via PM. In discussion threads?... not so much.

Rockie is the only one in this necro-thread that still posts actively.

Avatar for nicespice

another fake post by NICESPICE.. now claiming to be underage, but by her/his lies he is much older including the liver and ONIONS statement

ASK yourself.. who the fuck.. under 60 has ever eaten liver and onions ... much less what stripper has admitted to eating at a LUBY'S


PS.. not the first time i have called this profile out for false posting!! (based on his own admissions)

Avatar for nicespice

Oh shit…wrong account 😢

Avatar for rickdugan

Who the fuck has the time to dig up threads from 16 years ago? LOL.

Avatar for 48-Cowboy

Who the fuck has time to ne bothered to post on a 16 year old thread, then bitch about someone digging it up? Fucking boomers

Avatar for rickdugan

Commenting on it took seconds. Finding it must have been a real exercise.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Lil_Bumper has as much time as a fugly stripper on Sunday day shift. 🤷

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

For what it's worth... my least favorite poster remains SCPandit.

He hasn't been active in a good long while, and that's a good thing.

Avatar for gobstopper007

Favorite poster - the Farrah Fawcett with the striped background and big hair from the 70’s.

A close second is a Tab soft drink poster with a then-unknown Elle MacPherson. The commercial with her walking on the beach was awesome.

Avatar for skibum609

The Follow up Cheryl Tiegs poster was better lol

Avatar for Tetradon


  1. Icey (the ultimate immoral, immature, obnoxious dumbass)

  2. CJKunt (who posts the same 3 posts everywhere, though he occasionally contributes)

  3. SJG (for bumping all his own threads though he hasn't been as bad recently)


  1. Papi (articulate across a range of topics)

Avatar for Tetradon
  1. Eve (miss her, she always has interesting shit to say)

  2. Shadowcat

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