
Comments by davids (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do you do when your ATF's lapdancing has become stale
    Oh, I'd try asking her out once/trying to get her in the sack. I mean there is only like a 1% chance it will work (or less), but there is nothing left to lose at this point. When she says no move on to the next one. If by some miracl she says "yes" then have fun but very careful you aren't getting toyed with. In either case never get another dance from her. If she wants to talk with you just as friends that's ok, but don't spend another penny on her.
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    20 years ago
    They will all see you o/s the club
    2nd line of shadowcat's post should say "Hell no! I'm not a f*ckin' prostitute!"
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    20 years ago
    Is the 2nd or 3rd dance always better than the 1st?
    This is one of the cardinal rules of strip clubs: If you don't like the 1st dance don't get a 2nd one! If she tells you it will get better she may be right but you have obviously run into a hustler. Always run from hustlers. Find a dancer whose first dance is good. Only buy dances as long as they are good. If they start to turn bad don't get anymore. If she tells you she is sorry they got bad, and she'll do better later, say "sorry, I don't deal with hustlers". Only exception to this: you are told there are $20, $30, and $40 dances. Always try the $20 for starters. Only if you like should you try the $30. If it the $30 is indeed better then try the $40, otherwise leave. In general keep in mind the saying from Ronin when dealing with strippers: "when there is doubt there is no doubt". If you aren't sure that the 2nd dance will be better that is doubt. Have no doubt: get up and leave, and don't tip the b*tch either because you won't be returning for more.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Dancers don't even keep in touch with each other
    I never lose touch with my best friends from school or work. A true friendship is for a lifetime. Casual friends come and go.
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    20 years ago
    How many visits to a strip club can you stand before getting tired of it?
    Hmmmm... I did like six in one night when I was in Vegas. Needless to say after getting to bed at 5am I was too tired for more the next night. FWIW, I think I should have just done six visits to the Olympic Gardens but I'll know better for next time.
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    20 years ago
    Customers who want to BUY AFFECTION from strippers - how much would you PAY?
    Trick question. If you pay her to like her she loses respect for you and can't like you, so it's not possible. (You would feel the same way if you were the stripper.) Did you intend this as a serious question?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone been BETRAYED by a stripper FRIEND who found a NEW BOYFRIEND OUTSIDE THE
    Too funny. Who is this RL character anyway?
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    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever given you a FALSE PHONE NUMBER
    I call a couple of strippers who gave me their numbers before I learned my lesson. They were always real numbers. Since then I've learned better and just don't call them even if they give me their numbers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Most of the strippers I've talked to either tell me that they are single or single mothers (the % in the latter group is way higher than in the general population, I think). I guess I can see girls lying about being single mothers to scare guys from asking them for dates, but do you think many of the ones who say they are single are lying in order to keep a PL's fantasies going?
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    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Nah, if you *happen* to meet a woman doing a normal job (say teaching a cycling class) and you like each other then asking her out is OK and you are not a PL. Lots of things are different with strippers: some will act interested when they aren't and then get offended if someone get confused. I beleive there is also the stripper's own self esteem issues (partly due to the lack of respectablity of their "profession") which is what I was trying to get at in my original post.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    casualguy: Yes I think you are onto something in you first paragraph. It was what I was trying to get across: a neglected reason strippers won't date their customers (with rare exceptions) is because they don't see the customers as liking them for reasons beyond sex. This is partly based in reality and partly based in their own self esteem issues. Some just cannot imagine customers liking them for reasons beyond sex. The reasoning in your second paragraph seems like it ought to make sense, but I don't beleive this is the case in practice. I am not arguing that any stripper is going to have a problem getting all the sex she wants. Some might even be banging ten guys at once. Won't doubt that at all. But I beleive that in practice most do not have SERIOUS boyfriends (as in interested in them beyond sex) outside the clubs. Here are some of the reasons why: a) many are single mothers which are not exactly redhot commodities on the dating scene b) if a guy is going to be a serious boyfriend he is not going to want her in that line of work. I mean would you want your girlfriend bouncing up and down 20 other guys cocks every night or do you want her going to school or doing some kind of work that actually helps her in the long term? c) The strippers I know who have told me that they do have serious boyfriends (or are married) are reluctant to put very much effort in pleasing their customers. I suspect this is because if they really got to into it they would, somewhat rightfully, feel like they were being disloyal to their SOs. d) I beleive that nearly all strippers are as guilty of self esteeem issues as their customers. Although they are usually pretty and ought to be able to have serious boyfriends they have trouble with that because they see guys as only being interested in them for sex. Many of the single strippers I have talked to have admitted to me that it is hard to find guys they know are interested in them for more than sex. Heck that's a problem for any pretty girl I would imagine. Now, I certainly don't regard strippers as the most honest group of people in the world. In fact, as a group, they are probably on the same level as used car salesmen or politicians (and customers need to keep this in mind when talking to them), but this is what I've gathered for talking to them: Most do not, in fact, have serious boyfriends outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    I agree that Yoda's model is rather simplistic, and his view of strippers too idealistic. There is also an irony in his last post: It is wrong for customers to think we know how strippers think but it is ok for them to think they know how we think: only interested in sex?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Strippers are constantly breaking the rules (if they didn't how much business do you think they would get?). Therefore I really don't think if a club has a rule against dating or giving out phone numbers it's going make that much of a difference. Actually if a club has that rule, then it's probably just so the girls can have a convenient excuse to turn down customers. Never heard of the term "golfer". What's it mean? Something to do with balls or something, but I can't quite put it together.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are the strangest comments strippers have said to you?
    One stripper at the Sapphire in Vegas told me that I had nice teeth. I said to her, "Really? That's odd. I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years." Same girl with you maybe?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Outrageous Lie a Stripper Has Ever Told You
    I personally am not impressed by people who lie. I mean I guess there are circumstances under which lying is justified: If the Gestapo knocks on your door during WWII and asks where the Frank family is for instance. Or maybe to spare someone's feelings (although not as often as most would imagine even here). But it's just plain sleazy to do it for personal gain.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    Truly pathetic. Strippers tell so many lies and then they call the customers the PLs! And then people like Yoda worship them like they are goddesses. I'm not impressed by all the lie telling. Why not just tell the truth like normal people? Is money really that all imortant to you?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    "If it doesn't result in me spending more money and it does result in me having more fun, whare's the harm?" No harm if you tell an untruth that the other party isn't going to beleive. In that case it's more of a joke. A lie is when you have the intention of misleading the other person. In should be obvious why that is not good.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    They lie by saying they go to school or have other jobs when they don't to protect themselves? WTF? More likely they do it to seem more attractive (and hence make more money) and to protect themselves from being seen as being PLs in the customers eyes. (Oh wait, I'm sure Yoda or someone is going to chime in and say the dancers really don't care what the customers think of them. Right?)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    I see strippers as being more willing to lie to make money than most people. Their "careers" are pretty much centred around misleading people. That's an important difference between this group and other sections of society. They are other important demographic differences between them and "most people" that I've alluded to in this thread. I don't think strippers are an average group of people by any stretch, as non-PC as that is for me to say.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    You guys (girls) can post all the crazy rationalizations you want. The strippers lie to make more money off those customers inexperienced enough to beleive them. That is their primary motivation. Strippers are as sleazy as anyone else who lies, and you can try and pretend otherwise but that's the bottom.
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    20 years ago
    top 10 Lies from strippers (as if you didn't already know)
    I think a better rule would be: don't talk to them. Just get dances.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Yoda, this is pretty simple, you know: if she wants to protect her privacy then she can then say that that information is personal. No need to lie.
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    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Ok, Yoda: don't try to cloud the real issues by bringing in this privacy BS then. The strippers are not lying to protect their privacy since they could just honestly say they don't wish to discuss their private lives. They lie instead of doing that because they think it would turn off their customers to say they don't want to disucss something as opposed to lying and saying they are single, this is their part time job, and they are in medical school. Hence they are lying to HUSTLE customers out of their money. They are greedy to the point that they let it affect their moarlity. It's that simple. Not sure why you worship these girls the way you do. I think many are PLs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is it ever wrong for a customer to lie?
    Man, lying about having more money than you do seems really dumb: I mean either they are going to think you are a liar and hate you or they are going to beleive you and try and hustle you out of all of it. My favourite lie to tell a stripper: when she asks why I don't want a dance I'll sometimes say "I don't know" when I do know but don't care to tell. Usually they conclude that I'm extremely lame and leave me alone after that. If they persist in bothering me then I'll just keep shrugging my shoulders until they leave. When I first started going I was a bit too shy of telling the truth for the sake of hurting their feelings. I didn't tell any lies about myself or what I thought of them but I might have said that I might get a dance later when I really had no intention of doing that... Now that I've realized that most strippers don't have any feelings in any normal sense so it doesn't bother me anymore to just tell them the truth. :-) LOL! That last sentence is a joke. Actually, after I realized how much they lied to me and how much I disliked it, I decided if I was not to be hypocritical I had to try and be honest with them. Unfortunately most do not seem to have repayed me that favour. But what do you expect when you slum around strip clubs, eh?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Blah! You guys keep saying shit don't stink but it does. I think the best strategy is: just get dances from the strippers don't talk to them.