Q for Guys Looking for A Girlfriend in a Strip Club

avatar for davids

I have a question for the guys out there who have the GUTS to admit that they go to strip clubs looking for a girlfriend:

When you are in a strip club looking for a girlfriend and strippers ask why you are there do you flat out say, "I am in a strip club looking for a girlfriend." If you do respond this way how do strippers typically react?


last comment
avatar for badboy60148
18 yrs ago

The way I heard it, Clifbar goes to strip clubs looking to pick up men so he can tounge their hairy scrotums and polish his teeth with the…

avatar for RomanticLover
18 yrs ago

What about the deep french kissing?

avatar for RomanticLover
18 yrs ago

Do you enjoy this?

avatar for parodyman-->
18 yrs ago

RL and davids you are! Report back to us on how many of the "girls" you DEEP FRENCH KISSED.

avatar for RomanticLover
18 yrs ago

Who is doing this?

avatar for parodyman-->
18 yrs ago

davids you might consider trying a TV/TS club... Probably more your speed.

avatar for FunSeeker
18 yrs ago

OK, Ok, OK......

I'm DESPERATE, buying dancers' drinks for conversation with the dancers, hoping for a friend, buying lap dances because I'm desperate to have great times!!!!!!!

avatar for FunSeeker
18 yrs ago

OK, Ok, OK......

I'm DESPERATE, buying dancers' drinks for conversation with the dancers, hoping for a friend, buying lap dances because I'm desperate to have great times!!!!!!!

avatar for FunSeeker
18 yrs ago

Do you think most of the poeple who go the clubs dumb or clueless or uneducated or brainless?

Most of the people who go to the clubs know what…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

The party I belong to advocates "resettling" all subhumans (like parodyman) outside of the country.

avatar for hugevladfan
18 yrs ago

That would be a left leaning leftist. Anything but a libertarian or capitalist.

avatar for parodyman-->
18 yrs ago

I know what party davids belongs to --- (wait for it) --- THE BOTTOM FEEDING COCKMASTER FORTUNE TELLERS OF AMERICA! He dosen't lean left. He dosen't lean right.…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

I can't even figure out what the republicans consistently stand for. I guess pro-life and intelligent design and christianity, sort of. I think they you used to sort…

avatar for hugevladfan
18 yrs ago

Wait then you're independent right? I am as far on the opposite end of the spectrum from Republican as one can get.

avatar for casualguy
18 yrs ago

davids do you come from Russia? You don't seem to understand sarcasm very well.

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

I am indeed Russian.

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

I am on here when I am playing chess or blackjack online. Which is, indeed, admittedly probably more than I should.

avatar for casualguy
18 yrs ago

Since when I have been consistent? I say it doesn't make sense to argue with an idiot than I go ahead and do so.

avatar for casualguy
18 yrs ago

davids do you live on this site? You seem to be on here almost every time I am lately.

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

To answer your question: Yeah, I still collect numbers then don't call. Since when did I say I was nice?

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

Dude, I thought you had me on me on "ignore". Did I "get out of jail free"?

avatar for casualguy
18 yrs ago

so davids, are you still asking for strippers phone numbers and then not calling them? That is so nice of you.

avatar for hugevladfan
18 yrs ago

This is a bit of a tangent but I hafta know. davids are you a Republican? I get the feeling you would be because you love to judge…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

No, I'm not a republican. How about you?

But I think I just realized something: Perhaps AN is right and really does not want to date a stripper. Well…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

I must also admit that I know a couple of other guys who go to Rick's like me to just be friends with the strippers: they don't girls…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

Ah, the "just creepy" thing indicates to me that it was your guilt about dating strippers and hence your customer/potential suitor ambiguity that was the problem. I think…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

AN: Sorry, AN, but when you did your survey of strip club habits: You remember that long questionaire, you admitted to both seeking it out sex and having…

avatar for AbbieNormal
18 yrs ago

Oh, and just to clarify davids, I don't have strip club problems, I keep things in perspective. The only unhappy outcomes I've had with the strippers I've…

avatar for AbbieNormal
18 yrs ago

RL, Yes, I knew their real names. Yes, I had their phone numbers. I never used them for the aforementioned reasons. I did not ask,…

avatar for RomanticLover
18 yrs ago

To "Abbienormal" - "A few times I have met strippers ITC whom I genuinely liked and considered real friends"

If they are REAL FRIENDS of yours who you "GENUINELY…

avatar for AbbieNormal
18 yrs ago

davids, I'll say it one more time, with no hope that it'll do any more good this time, but what the hell. Your problem on this board…

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

Is being this upfront a good idea or not?

avatar for davids
18 yrs ago

I think it's pretty clear what AN's strip club problems are and I am sure there are many like him across the country:

He is either dishonest to himself…

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