
I'm beginning to think...

Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:12 PM
That RL is actually the most intelligent poster here (although his writing style and lack of responding after the initial post is a bit irksome).


  • dragman
    19 years ago
    my grandfather had a saying that fits at times..."anything that bleeds one week out of every month and doesn't die, is pure evil"
  • TopGunGlen
    19 years ago
    Davids, never underage, and always use a condom...heheheh... But since you are morally infallible, you will never know the joy...:-)
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Hi ShotDisc, That might be an interesting observation. Please elaborate if possible. I would think Davids would hold me in lower esteem than you do! :) Of course, I could be wrong.
    19 years ago
    The most I've ever had a woman try to hustle me was by a young gal who was never employed as a stripper or in any other area of the sex industry. She was a lot of fun to hang out with but she was constantly after me for money so I eventually kicked her to the curb. Some people are just dishonest and are takers, makes no difference what profesion they choose.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    davids, i think you and Kyle1111 should chat. i bet you two could be come best buds.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    By a librarian? No, most likely not. How about the hot chick at the Gym who signes you up to have $50 a month deducted from your checking account for the rest of your life after you answer an add that says "JOIN NOW FOR ONLY $19.99!!! How about real estate agents, insurance saleswomen, car saleswomen.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Is there a rule saying I have to be positive about lying, stealing, scamming, and sleaze when I post? I don't think these are things to be positive about. If it's truly a free country then I am free to not be positive about these things, and also to post here that I do not find these to be positive things. Take your own advice: if you don't like my posts then don't read them.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    This is a good one! It amazes me how many people come here and lay their ignorance and stupidity out for everyone to see and read. If you don't like the site, don't visit. if you don't like a member, don't read their posts. if you don't like strip clubs, spend your money somewhere else. it is a free country. no matter where you go, there are always a few jerkoffs among the many positive participants. davids i think you know which one you are.
  • johnnylingo
    19 years ago
    Hey davids: Not a Librarian, no. But haven't you ever noticed that most women working in sales are attractive, flirtatious, and not dressed too conservatively? I have a female friend who recently got a job at GNC. She knows absolutely nothing about nutrition, but is 19 years old, tan, blonde, and has a 38DD rack. Doesn't take a genius to see she was hired so guys would spend longer in the store. Isn't that scamming? Sex sells. At least in a strip club, they're mostly up front about it.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: are you more likely to be scammed by a woman doing a normal job (say a librarian) or by a stripper. Question is so obvious you don't even need to answer. I think I said I was done with patronizing strip clubs, not with posting here, though I may be done with that soon at the rate things are going.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: Normal? Again, thats not what I said. My point is that there are plenty of women outside of dancing who scam men too. I'm talking about reality. I guy who goes through life with binders on is just as likely to get scammed by a woman who is not a dancer-and quite possibly for a lot more than mere money. I'm not expecting to change your mind and I don't really care what you think of me. I think you should let mouse speak for himself. The fact remains you keep saying you are done with this site and yet you are still here posting.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: you say all the time that you think strippers are just normal girls doing normal work except that they can do all the lying, stealing and scamming they want. Well at least until you start to lose that argument then you say you never said it at all. We've been through all this before. Mouse and I have also demonstrated that you are the one who hates women in general. I'm not going to rehash all the arguments here. You know you are wrong and so do I so does everyone else who reads this board and is not a complete fool. Also I have no interest in dating strippers given their lack of morals and education, and given all the addictions they have and given that most already have a bunch of children. Sex with them would also be distateful for the more or less the same reasons. Glen: shadowcat seems to be more the type to go on a Thai sex trip ISO of sex with underage girls. Given his moral stance on other issues, it won't surprise me one iota. I suspect it's also something you would be into given that idea popped into your head in the first place. Why don't you and him get together and do it? Hope it lands you two in jail for several years too.
  • johnnylingo
    19 years ago
    > The fact that you can't get lucky with one doesn't make them all bad people. Owned.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I don't think anybody should be banned, at least not based on the current sate of this board. RL has a problem ad Davids just doesn't like women. That's their right. Oh, by the way Davids; You keep insisting that I think all strippers are angelic and moraly upsatanding. I don't think you'd ever be able to find a post where I actualy said either of those things. What I HAVE said is that, by and large, strippers are no different from any other women what they do is part of their job. The fact that you can't get lucky with one doesn't make them all bad people.
  • TopGunGlen
    19 years ago
    I never said (or thought) that strippers are "morally infallible", or any other human on the planet for that matter. But some of them do look mighty angelic...or devilish...heheheh... Hey, why don't you and RL hook up and take one of those Thailand sex junkets together? I can see the headlines now: 2 Americans jailed for demanding free sex in Bangcock...
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    Let's all complain to Founder and see if he can do something about banning posts from RL and davids because all they want to do is post negative shit.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    If RL gets banned I'm boycotting this board and will consider myself to have been seriously ripped off. I like that RL takes a dissenting opinion on things. That way we don't just have to listen to Yoda and shadowcat sing about how angellic and morally infalliable strippers are all day. (With all their disingenuity I sometimes wonder if they have some kind of financial stake in the game, but maybe I'm just getting a bit paranoid.)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Close Yoda, it's really because I love you: and RL. (Assuming you are not one and the same, teheh.)
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Well fine, read RL's posts and shut the F*** up then.We are all tired of your promising to leave and then, just when we get our hopes up, you come back with some feeble attempt at a post. The truth is, you are still here because you love the attention.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: I know why you are here too: because you are a bunch of old PLs. And the reason it is hard to walk away is b/c I find RL's posts so amusing.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: The rest of us all know why we are here. What's your reason and why is it so difficult for you to walk away from this board?
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    If you had only stopped after "think" I was going to say it's about time.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    You are on the right track, shadow and sheik: indeed if I were smarter I would not be posting/reading here at all. This board is for the dregs of society to discuss their paid sex with the dregs of society. Have fun!
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