If you SPEND MONEY on a stripper because you are HOPING that the stripper you are spending MONEY on will see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE and/or have a RELATIONSHIP with you, at what point do you GIVE UP and/or move on to another stripper?
You are not going to outsmart them in this game. If they do not agree to date you the first time you ask forget it. If you think you are going to ask them at some point do it as soon as possible then when they say no forget about it. If by some miracle you do get to date them outside the club the second they give you any reason to doubt how serious they are forget about it. If you try to get something physical from the first date but you don't then forget about it. If they are at all unsure but trying to hint they may change their mind later forget about it. You really need to play hardball on this one to avoid getting burned.
Oh if you are getting "mixed messages" then forget about if. Remember the words from the movie Ronin in this case "when there is doubt, there is no doubt".
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