Going to strip clubs alone

avatar for LAG3
You guys ever go to a strip club by yourself? Sometimes I go with friends, sometimes I go alone. Do you feel weird going by yourself? Do you think strippers think guys who are at clubs alone are losers?


last comment
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Back way back when I was a newbie, I wouldn't even consider going to an SC alone because I thought you'd have to be pretty fuckin' desperate and depraved not to have friends with you. Then, I was on a solo trip to Nashville and I got bored staying in my hotel one Sunday night, so I went to Deja Vu. It was there and then that I realized, wait a second, I *am* pretty fuckin' desperate and depraved. So now I almost always go by myself because I don't want my friends seeing or knowing what I do in there.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Jesus Christ davids, you don't sound like too much of a serial killer in your posts. Get help man!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"kensinge": Do you like your regulars? Do they know your real name, telephone number, e-mail address, and home address.

Do you spend time with them outside of work even when you are not paid to?
avatar for kensinge
19 years ago
Stippers do not think guys are losers if they go alone. We usually think of them as "regulars".
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Ok, I routinely call ppl like AN and Yoda liars yet I believe all on TUSCL to be the truth. Makes ALOT of sense there, cluelessguy. Please clue in some day.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Btw, I meant "from" in the sense of either was born there or live currently live there. Thought u were bright enough to figure that much out, but I can we can't credit South Carolinans with any sense whatsoever. 'Tis a shame.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
You don't come from there, but you just live there? Dude, that's even worse.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
apparently it does for you davids.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Yeah, but your mother's a real bitch, cluelessguy. She deserves it.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
You're a fool davids. I am not from South Carolina. I just enjoyed laughing at you for a while in your ignorance believing all on here to be the truth. However I don't believe it's fair to be putting down a whole state. Now if you want to condemn the place you come from, I think that would be fair. I bet it was really hot but it must have froze over and let someone out.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Speaking of South Carolina, I have a question for the South Carolinans reading this board (although I would like to hear from others if the situation applies to you):

Does exploiting women who are poor and desperate for cash, and possibly stripping/prostituting because they were sexually abused as children turn you on?
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Thats really funny.

davids claims he wants only the truth so he goes to a strip club site where there is a big disclaimer "all reviews and comments on this site should be considered works of fiction."

Guess he can't get much smarter than that.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I guess casualguy is the one who is not that bright (figures since he is from South Carolina: a state reknowned for being poor and backward): The disclaimer is clearly there for legal reasons. Clue in, cluelessguy.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
davids, I'll say it one more time, with no hope that it'll do any more good this time, but what the hell. Your problem on this board is that you don't believe anybody could have motivations or goals different from yours. I want to go to a stripclub for some fun. I don't want to date the strippers or take them home and fuck them (well I do, but only in the fantasy sense). I want to buy drinks, flirt with, and grope a hot looking woman, then go home. When I go home I don't have to worry about what she thinks of me, when I'll see her again, how long to wait to call, or any of that crap. I had a completely self contained good time. To have that good time I need to spend money. Strippers do not give lapdances for free in the clubs.

Now let me recap. I do not want OTC meetings or sex or dates or friendship with strippers. I want to see them naked and grope them. To do this in the club costs money, and since I get something I want for my money I am happy to give it to them. These are not your goals. I know this because you have explained ad nauseum that your goal is to go to a club, spend virtually no money, and get dates with the strippers. Good luck to you.

Now, given that my goals are entirely different than yours any advice you have for me must take that into consideration. In short, your advice on how to score with strippers is useless to me because I am not trying to score with strippers. If I were trying to build a birdhouse and you came along with plans for a coffee table and started insisting I was doing everything wrong, what would you expect? Yet as many times as I and others try to explain this to you you keep insisting that no, we're trying to build a coffee table and we haven't a clue how to do it. I just want to build my birdhouse and discuss the best way to make a birdhouse with others interested in birdhouses. You won't let us do this without telling us that we will never make a decent coffee table the way we're doing things.

Your next argument will be that based on our statements we obviously want sex OTC and friendship from strippers because we talk about it. Well yes, in a decade of going to clubs I have hooked up a few times. It was not my plan, it just kind of happened. At the time it was exciting, fun, all of that, but it didn't end particularly well and I don't really want to do it again. A very few times I've given in and done something I am generally against doing, that's part of being human. It does not reveal anything deeper in my desires or psyche other than I will give into temptation like many others. A few times I have met strippers ITC whom I genuinely liked and considered real friends. I enjoyed their company and friendship, but it was not something I planned or went looking for, it is something that happens occasionally when people spend time with each other, regardless of where they meet. They also considered me a friend, but given the nature of where and how we met I was never comfortable taking things OTC. It's the nature of the beast. Much as you like or want to trust someone you have to hold out the possibility that they are not who they seem. If we'd met at a church social or through mutual friends it might be different, but the fact that we met at a place where she tries to get money and some men try to get sex has to influence the way you see things.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
My problem with South Carolina is that it is a poor state populated mainly by rednecks, and idiots: You, shadowcat and cluelessguy are prime examples of the latter. Also you guys like to exploit poor women for cheap sex in strip clubs. That is just plain wrong. Yeah, like I really want to visit such a place!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
davids: Why don't you bring your ass to South Carolina so I can kick it back to wherever you exist? I don't know what your problem is with South Carolina but I sure would like to meet you in person at a strip club in South Carolina-you just might not make it back home, you fucking sorry son of a bitch!
avatar for corey
19 years ago
ummm its a strip club it is a fantasy world.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I don't know what CG expects me to do:

The observations of the pathetic losers here simply do not jibe with what works in reality. They also don't conform to the feedback I get from strippers and other club employees (who I do not pay for such information thereby decreasing their incentive to lie.)

I guess the TUSCL circle jerk loser concensus make for nice little THEORIES in some idealized fantasy world, but personally, I only care what is empirical observed to work in the real world.

I guess that's the fundamental problem here: While I am TRUTH oriented, t the rest of the board is FANTASY oriented. And the board hates me for pointing out their fantasy notions do not jibe with reality.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
It is typically better to just ignore davids and RomanticLover even though it's tempting to respond to what seems annoying.

They are just trying to argue their views regardless of anyone else's. Basically davids got burned badly by a stripper and now he is out to put us all down for going to strip clubs in one way or another. He knows he right and nothing we can say can change that.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Yoda: well she has been a stripper for 11 years. Hence she qualifies as a lifer. Definitely your type. Have fun!
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Card: I like you already!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
You should get into politics, Card. ;-)
avatar for Card
19 years ago
davids - ok, I see this is going nowhere and I`m just going to say this. If you can go into a club and spend nothing and still have a good time, well good for you!
I`m done with this conversation.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Do you go to strip clubs to LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND? If so, you may get a chance to talk to strippers (WITHOUT SPENDING MONEY) when you are alone.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Card: No you didn't answer the question at all. I didn't ask if one or the other was guarenteed to be a loser, or who you thought you were more likely to make money off of, I ask which one was more likely to be a loser. You answered an entirely different question.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Card, he's trying to get you to say that any guy who buys dances earns your immediate disdain as a pathetic loser who has to pay for conversation and sex. Short of that, he wants you to say that all of the rest of us on this board are losers. This is his only topic and why we (usually) ignore him on threads he doesn't start. See above for my synopsis of davids' stripclub theories.
avatar for Card
19 years ago
davids - Look, I already answered your question, and I don`t know what you`re trying to get me to say here. A guy who comes in alone on a regular basis and buys dances is someone I would be alot more likely to have interaction with then a guy who comes in once in blue moon in a mixed group. I might never even speak to the mixed group guy. Sometimes in groups, the group members are talking, socializing, drinking, etc amongst themselves and don`t seem to paying much attention to dancers. A guy sitting by himself is more likely to want to have a little conversation then a guy who is already talking to a bunch of other people. It doesn`t make one or the other a loser it`s just 2 different situations. Another thing about groups - especially the younger guys - the guys tend to get a little louder and rowdier then if they were alone, I think. Like maybe showing off a bit for their friends, you know?

Well, I hope I`ve answered your question, and this is just my personal opinion and I`m not speaking for all strippers.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Card: So it sounds like you consider a go who comes in alone regularly to buy lap dances to be less likely to be a loser than a guy who comes in once in a blue moon in a mixed guy/girl group. Is that correct?
avatar for Doverman
19 years ago
Please don't feed the trolls... it only keeps them here.
avatar for Card
19 years ago
davids - I`m going to try to answer your question, but it seems like we are straying away from the orginal point of the thread here, a bit - which was about guys coming into strip bars alone - which I think is totally fine.

If we`re going to be throwing the word "loser" around - then, well I`m sure we both have different agendas and different interpretations of who is a "loser". But yes, a guy who comes in on a regular basis and tips, (my club is a BYOB - so buying drinks is not really an issue), and buys lap dances would be more of a prefered customer to me then some guy who comes in once in a blue moon with a mixed group of guys and girls. I feel much more uncomfortable in that type of situation - I never know which girl is which guy`s boyfriend, or whatever and who is cool with what - most times it seems like it`s just a place to hang and drink for these types of groups (in my club anyway).

I see many familiar faces of guys that come into my club on a regular basis - some may be there to see a certain girl, that is ok with me! As long as they are polite and tell me that - I don`t mind.

avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
davids: Can't you just use your gypsy fortune telling to find out what you want to know? That way you wouldn't have to ask questions where the answer is out of your control. Woulden't that be better for you?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Hello, Card. I have a question:

In your 11 years of experiences which type of customer is more likely to turn out to be a loser: A guy who regularly comes in to buy lap dances and/or drinks or a guy who shows up once every blue in moon a mixed guy/girl group? I mean on average.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Hi Card, thanks for speaking up. I was going to add something else but I don't want to feed the animals and get them stirred up again. lol
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
Interesting that it was mentioned that guys who are alone are more approachable. Maybe it's just the clubs that I have gone to, but it seems like groups certainly get their fair share of attention - sometimes more than single guys.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Komey, at clubs I go to they both get their share. That was just one dancer's opinion. Moreover, four semi-approachable guys might represent as much cumulative approachability as one solo guy.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Thanks for posting Card. I always appreciate an actual dancers opinion. It's usually a lot more logical than what the "experts" try to convince us of. Thanks!
avatar for Card
19 years ago
You`re welcome, Yoda! I`ve been lurking around here for awhile and enjoy reading the threads and if you guys don`t mind I will jump in once in awhile and give my opinion/thoughts/whatever. Not that I claim to speak for all strippers of course, but I`ve got quite a bit of time invested in the biz, so I think I know a little and may shed some insight here and there, perhaps.
avatar for Card
19 years ago
Is anyone interested in an actual stripper's opinion here?

I don`t see how someone who isn`t a stripper can be so positive of what strippers think or perceive, anyway.
I`ve been dancing for 11 years and I work at one of the top-rated clubs on this site. Never that I can recall in all that time - myself or another stripper thinking of a guy as a "loser" or weird or anything SOLELY on the fact that the guy was in the club alone.

I like it when guys are by themselves!! They are more approachable - it`s easier to strike up a conversation. I don`t like groups, especially mixed male/female groups.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
hugevladfan: If by that you mean that you will no longer encourage the troll, then good for you and welcome to our ranks. If you were not around for the worst of our troll problems a few weeks ago, believe me it wasn't pretty. Thankfully, the ignore button, which was added expressly to combat davids' and RomanticLover's topic spamming, has been a big help. That still leaves it up to us to act like adults and ignore their provocations within other threads. Because, actually, this board has never had a "troll problem". We've had a troll feeding problem. Most boards have trolls. The boards that thrive manage to ignore theirs. We can do it.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
Fucking hell I thought trolls only populated liberal blogs. Thx for the heads-up
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
FunSeeker, hugevladfan, AbbieNormal, casualguy, etc.: PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLL. The rest of us are trying to carry on a discussion on this board. Please show some respect and take your antics to one of the troll threads where we can ignore you. Thank you.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Hey, chandler: Instead of trying to sublimate your frustrated paternal drives here, why not just let people decide for themselves when they wish to respond to someone and when they don't. Who are you to tell people what to do?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Oopps, it looks like I am getting of a strawman myself here:

huge asked if the engineers he mentioned WERE losers not whether strippers preceived them as such.

I think the engineers you mention are far less likely to be losers than individuals picked at random from the population. It is still possible that some are losers, but I doubt that many are.

But as I said before, unfortunately it doesn't matter to most women how good your engineering ability is in their perception of whether you are a loser or not.

To very intelligent or mature ones who get it themselves it will matter, but to most it is irrelevent. In determining whether you are a loser or not most in the stripper bracket will look at other factors such as: how well you dress, how good your body language is, how much confidence you project, whether you are there with friends, if so how many are hot women, etc. in determingin whether you are a loser or not. Mathematical/engineering ability doesn't factor in, in all but the most exceptional cases.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"I guess by davids logic that anyone who comes to a casino and bets basketball games and plays some blackjack is a pathetic loser. If they drink and toke the waitresses or dealers than the chances they are a PL skyrockets"

Oh, come on you can mangle things better than this:

"I guess by davids's logic anyone who buys FOOD to eat is a pathetic loser. And if he/she does not clip coupons and carefully count every penny of change and, heaven forbide, tell the teller to keep the change then the chances you are a PL skyrockets."

Or how about this

"I guess by davids's logic everyone who wakes up in the morning is a pathetic loser. And if the same person gets out of bed then the chance you a PL skyrockets."
avatar for davids
19 years ago
huge: "So buying a stripper a LD or a drink means that the probability that I am a loser skyrockets say from 50.1% to 90%? "

Read what I posted (fuck I get tired of all the strawmen you idiots post on this board): I was talking about dancers perceptions, not what the actual probabilites are by my own estimations.

I don't think I've even mentioned in this thread what I think the real probabilites are, or what I think the criteria for PL'dom is. You people just love to create your strawmen b/c it's easy to argue against; make yourselves feel smart; and look good to the rest of the TUSCL PLs:

Me: "Dancers think that customers who go in alone are more likely to be PLs than those who go in mixed girl/guy groups"
TUSCL idiots: "Dude, that's fucking ridiculous. Not every single dancer thinks that every single guy who goes in alone is a pathetic loser. What a crazy arguement."
Me: "That would be a crazy argument. How no one has ever argued that way."

avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I've seen several dancers pass up groups of people to sit with me when I was sitting alone. This can be a problem if you don't want a parade of girls going to your table. However if the girls just want to chat or have some fun, it can be enjoyable. Something you might not get with a group of guys is a dancer sitting in your lap instead of a chair. I told one dancer she's welcome to come sit in my lap whenever she wants to. We talked for a few minutes even though I told her I wasn't interested in any lap dances at the moment (something I seem to say a lot). I believe I like the trend where the dancers sit on your lap instead of a chair.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
hugevladfan, you missed it. davids learned to count cards. He even wrote computer programs so he could learn blackjack. He tried to explain to all the PL's at the blackjack table what losers they were while they were losing and he was winning all the time but they were in denial also. Also he was friends with the casino manager who knew he counted cards and laughed with davids about all the losers who didn't count cards. They are still friends. davids apparently didn't think counting cards was worth it.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I guess by davids logic that anyone who comes to a casino and bets basketball games and plays some blackjack is a pathetic loser. If they drink and toke the waitresses or dealers than the chances they are a PL skyrockets.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Chandler, I like your comment, with one modification. When I'm traveling I don't look at stripclubs as a place to "meet" women, unless by "meet" you mean procure and grope in exchange for money with no intention of ever seeing them again. If I wanted to "meet" them I'd go to the Hillel night or the church social. I think, at least in the major commerce centers, stripclubs actually prefer and cater to the traveling buisnessman, who is often visiting alone.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
Hey Davids,

Where did you get the idea that the strippers think those who to the clubs alone are loses. Most or almost all the dancers don't think so. They mingle, treat and have conversations just like any patrons.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
There are places - some restaurants, for example - where it's understandable to feel a bit insecure about going alone. Strip clubs are definitely not among them. The very concept of a strip club - a place where men (or Lopaw) can go and meet women - is obviously designed to appeal to those going alone.
avatar for SuperDude
19 years ago
Alone, you have the dancer to yourself. Less likely to get (too) drunk. Control over the money and the drink tab. And if you get lucky, she's all yours.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
So buying a stripper a LD or a drink means that the probability that I am a loser skyrockets say from 50.1% to 90%? Buddy that muss mean there are roughly 10-20 million losers in this country and hundreds and hundreds of thousands on any given night. damn it here I thought that people that work for General Dynamics and Raytheon making some of the most lethal weapons known to man might be losers as opposed to someone who enjoys a night out a club every so often Thx for the clarification.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
hugevladfan, you've missed the months of discussion of davids' theories. I'd bring you up to speed, but I think you got the gist of it already. To summarize, if you go to a stripclub and buy dances and drinks and have fun without worying what the strippers think of you, you are a deluded PL, and probably old and ugly too, and certainly a liar since nobody who goes to a stripclub on a regular basis wants anything other than to date and have sex with strippers. If you go to a stripclub with the intention of picking up strippers for dates and getting sex OTC, spend virtually no money, and obsess about how you come across to strippers, you are enlightened.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
FS: Hey, I didn't say that ALL guys who goto strip clubs alone are GUARENTEED to be losers. I just said that strippers think the guys who are alone are more likely to be losers than the guys in all guy groups and are especially more likely than to be losers than guys in mixed girl/guy groups.

In any case, nearly all strippers think you are a loser merely by showing up alone (by probably I mean with a probability greater than 50%). If you buy them a drink or a LD then the probability sky rockets. If you do this regularly then there is virtually no chance you will not be preceived to be a loser. (But, OTOH, 99.44% of people outside of the TUSCL circle jerk observing observing such behavior would come to the same conclusion.)
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I almost always go alone. If I'm traveling I'm alone to begin with (as FONDL correctly guesses). If I'm home it is usually a spur of the moment trip to blow off some steam before heading home, so I don't bother organizing things with others. I've gone with friends a few times. I like going alone better.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
I usually go alone. Occasionally, I will go with friends, usually for a bachelor party. If I see somebody I know at a club, I'll say hello and hang out with them -- with the unspoken pact that neither of us were at the club. I don't care if anyone knows that I go, but I don't think my married friends would like their wives to know.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
I strongly disagree with the your statement that - guys go alone are losers. No way. I've seen many people they come to the clubs alone. They are having lots of fun. They sure don't look losers at all.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
When I'm around home I'm usually with friends or family. I only visit clubs when I'm away from home alone and have nothing better to do. My impression is that a lot of us are like that.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
I also wanted to say that most strippers don't think about the customer being a loser if they are alone. The few times I was at a club and was asked why I was alone, they figured that I would have more fun being with a few of my friends. Remember they are thinking from a woman's perspective. Some of men might go out alone but you will almost always find a single woman with her girlfriends if she is at a club.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
That's a very good insight, Jpac. It might also explain why so many strippers don't realize that "How come you're here all alone?" is not a very good opening line.
avatar for Jpac73
19 years ago
The only downside to going alone is that you can get alot of unwanted attention. Having to constantly fight off the dancers you don't want until the one you do is available isn't fun & can be uncomfortable. On the flipside if you are with a group, they are less likely to approach and if they do you can excuse yourself while your buddies deal with the ugly chick. I don't necessarily like going alone, I usually hang with my cousin when he is available to go but lately work schedules have permitted me to fly solo.
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
I always go alone. It has been years since I went to a SC with another person.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"the only losers are those who worry about what people who can't know them think."

I guess by that logic, strippers, who obviously need to care what people who can't know them think, are losers. (Not saying that I agree w/ chandler's reasoning, there are tons of other trivial counter examples showing he is wrong: just making fun of the old PL a bit.)

Anyway, I'll let others pick apart the rest of this post.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Almost always alone. I feel weird going with friends. A hot stripper might come by and sit on my knee, and we'll get to talking as a group. The next thing I know, we've strayed off from the kind of talk that gets me ready, and I'll have to ask her for a dance before it's too late.

By the way, strippers think every customer is a loser, regardless of whether you come in a group. Of course, the only losers are those who worry about what people who can't know them think.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
I almost always go alone. The only exceptions would be on two occasions when Chandler and I have happened to be in the same town at the same time, and have met up at a club for the purposes of advancing the cause of scientific research--a sacrifice we willingly made for the good of others.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
I always go alone. Dancers are much more likely to approach you when you are alone since most groups of guysare a pain in the ass in strip clubs. They don't care if you are a loser or not. All they see is $$$ when they look at you.
avatar for Doverman
19 years ago
I'll add my "always go alone" vote to the conversation. The only time I go with a group is when I'm travelling out of town and am with a bunch of friends at a convention or conference.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I usually go alone, never have considered myself a loser for doing so and wouldn't mind going with a friend juss for a different dynamic.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
I always go alone anymore, unless I'm visiting old friends out of town and we decide to go to a club. I used to go with friends earlier in my clubbing days, but as we moved away from each other, I found myself going more and more alone. I prefer going alone, because I get the dancer all to myself. In fact, I don't think they ever go for groups.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I started off going with friends. Then their schedules got busier and I still wanted to have some fun so I went alone. I've run into a few dancers that wanted to meet me outside the club just to hang out and talk etc. Well it was usually just one dancer at at time. I doubt that situation would have occured if I had been with a group. I believe I enjoyed going to strip clubs better than playing war games with some friends. I haven't done that though since the Iraq war started. There's nothing quite like staying up all night playing a war game or dressing up in camouflage and shooting it out in the woods with your friends (with paintball semi-automatic rifles). Those hurt a lot if you get hit at point blank range.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
I prefer to go alone, but sometimes it's fun to go in a group, especially if you're celebrating something.

I don't think that most strippers think of the lone club-goer as a loser. An ATM, definitely...but a loser? Nah. Everyone has their own story and we all have our own reasons why we're in the club, regardless of how much $$$ we each spend. Even strippers won't lump together every customer under one label (at least I'd like to think they won't). And like casualguy said - who cares what others think anyway? We're there to have fun, and enjoy the fantasy...not to worry about what everyone else (strangers, no less) are thinking about us.
avatar for LAG3
19 years ago
Yea, definitely girls approach you more when you are alone. You think the girls might consider you a loser?
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Should I say a prayer now thanking God that I am not where davids is from? I don't know what kind of loony bin place that might be but it must be awful there.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
LAG3, sorry about the little flame war with the old trollster. If you want to continue on this thread or start another, I will refrain from responding to one trolls flames.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
CG: "Obviously it takes a loser to recognize one"
CG: "aka davids, the loner loser."

Once again, CG calls himself a loser. Doesn't take too many posts to catch you in a contradiction, CG. Did you go to the AN/Yoda school of logic? Why not get a clue before you post? At least your initials are on the mark: CG=Clueless Guy.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I'm not trying to use logic here. To argue logic with an idiot is total lunacy.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Of course since I am not good at arguing on the idiot level, davids I have to admit, you got me beat there.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
aka davids, the loner loser. You can tell he is as soon as he opens his mouth. At least I understand what kind of person ticks strippers off so much after reading davids posts.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
CG does have one accurate claim in his post (even a stopped clock is right twice a day). Strippers are indeed less likely to bother with groups. Especially all guy/younger groups. Remember these strippers are look for lonely loser types to make easier money off of.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
So by casualguy's own reasoning: "takes a loser to recognize one" along with his claim that I am loser, it follows that casualguy is calling himself a loser. What a fucking loser. Think before you post, retarded South Carolinan. (Then again maybe I should be kinder. Perhaps there is not enough money in the South Carolina for people to afford to buy books to learn basic logic.)
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Obviously it takes a loser to recognize one and I believe davids knows.

As far as worrying about it, who cares what condemning crap davids posts on here. Forget what other people may or may not think about you and just go have fun whether its alone or with a group. I don't worry about it. I think you do get approached by less strippers if you are in a group. I remember I was sitting with a large group of females one time and the strippers didn't approach me as much.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Obviously guys who always go to strip clubs alone are going to be considered more likely to be losers than guys who go with friends (and especially more so than guys who go in mixed groups). But remember it is losers that strippers make their money off of.
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
I always go alone. I don't think it's a big deal.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
I always go alone. May be, once in a blue-moon I do go with others.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
On a more sombre note: huge mentioned the thing about guys who are eccellent engineers: would strippers think they are losers or not?

Unfortunately ones engineering ability, by itself, has almost no value to most strippers. For some it is even a negative attribute. For a very few it will be a positive attribute. ( If y is the for whom it is netural, p is then number which it is positive and n the numbe for which negative then y >> n >> p.) Guys don't think like that (engineer ability is definitely a plus to most guys) but for immature, loser women, like most strippers are it neutral, negative, with a few exceptions.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
CG: "I'm not trying to use logic here."

Apparently not. Guess it is beyond the grasp of South Carolinans.
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