French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
French leader's declaration last week demonstrates his balls have hair! I couldn't sleep. I've been awake thinking about the unrest in the world.
I was in elementary school in 1979 when the hostages were held in Iran. I remember the general worry and the way adults were talking about 'war being just around the corner'. On 9/11/01 I had a hair styling appointment and had to change locations because the mall I was going to go to was closed. The lady cutting and frosting my hair was full of worry about the Mexican border being closed. She was afraid and didn't know when she'd see her family members again.
On 9/12/01 I had an important exam and everyone showed up and passed. One of our instructors took care of soldiers during WWII. She was crying (during our exam) because the 9/11 incident reminded her of her experiences during WWII.
The 1979 Iran incident and the way I felt after the 9/11 horror remind me of the way I am feeling now. I don't know what the solution is but I am concerned. It's as though I'm waiting for something horrible to happen, but hoping that is doesn't come true. Perhaps a drone could take out Hitler II. Any thoughts?
I was in elementary school in 1979 when the hostages were held in Iran. I remember the general worry and the way adults were talking about 'war being just around the corner'. On 9/11/01 I had a hair styling appointment and had to change locations because the mall I was going to go to was closed. The lady cutting and frosting my hair was full of worry about the Mexican border being closed. She was afraid and didn't know when she'd see her family members again.
On 9/12/01 I had an important exam and everyone showed up and passed. One of our instructors took care of soldiers during WWII. She was crying (during our exam) because the 9/11 incident reminded her of her experiences during WWII.
The 1979 Iran incident and the way I felt after the 9/11 horror remind me of the way I am feeling now. I don't know what the solution is but I am concerned. It's as though I'm waiting for something horrible to happen, but hoping that is doesn't come true. Perhaps a drone could take out Hitler II. Any thoughts?
The last week in June 2001, I spent in Manhattan near 30th and Lexington. One of my cousins invited me to go to the top of the WTC to Windows of the World. Instead I went to the top of the Empire State building and my child got some good photos of the WTC towers. We (child & I) went back to NYC this summer and I took two pictures of the metal structure twisted into the shape of a cross where the towers once stood.
FONDL, Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is one that invests in R&D. I've benefited from immunizations and antibiotics. Thank you for the example. I've also had a few meals and been entertained on the pharm reps expense accounts. I was offered employment as a pharmaceutical rep - the perks are tempting.
Ford and GMC: the reasons for closing plants are obvious, yet sad.
But to get back to the oil industry, it's an incredibly capital intensive industry, and if they didn't keep making huge investments oil prices would be much higher today. Just to put it in perspective - oil is pumped out of the ground from depths of maybe a mile or so, shipped half way around the world to a huge refinery where it's separated into various different products and chemically modified, then shipped hundresd of miles to your local gas station where you pay less per gallon for the gasoline than you pay the same station for bottled water that required none of the extensive drilling, shipping or processing of the oil. And the profit margin is maybe 5%, which means 10 cents on $2 gasoline. So if they dropped the price 10 cents their entire profitability would disappear. You really think they should do that? That doesn't sound like "obscene profits" to me, in fact I don't even know how to define that term. I think the amount of money TO was paid to totally screw up the Eagles is obscene, but that's another issue.
But to answer your question of an example of an industry that's plowed huge profits back into R&D for everyone's benefit I'd suggest the pharmaceuticals industry. The life-saving drugs that we have today are a direct result of their past profitability. It's the main reason why people are living so much longer today than did their parents and grandparents.
GM and Ford are closing many of their plants. This is a shame. Have you noticed that new cars dent really easily? The cars made in the 80's and early 90's still had exteriors with fairly thick metal that usually resisted most door dings. Newer cars are made out of the cheapest, thinnest metal and many of these new cars are full of dings and sustain major damage with the slightest fender bender.
Cars built with the plastic bumbers and some styrofoam looking stuff underneath are ridiculous. Bumpers are designed to fall apart in the slighted collision. Even Mercedes Benzes are made of poor quality metal.
If I were Ford or GM I'd have my engineering/design team build an attractive economy car with real, durable bumpers (metal with some rubber) and a more durable body. I think people are disappointed with cars that can't withstand a minor tap without major damage. I'd advertise the superior durability of the car, the afforable price and I bet it would sell. Parents might even feel better about having kids drive these 'safer cars'. -T
When I was in high school I had a job and always had a Summer job. I moved out when I was 17 and bounced between two or three part-time jobs while maintaining decent grades. I enrolled in Junior College summer classes two weeks before graduating from high school.
There are a lot of kids who are not getting jobs and I think that it's good for kids to work, earn their own money and have responsibility. When young people are given everything without having to work for it, it doesn't allow them struggle a bit and appreciate what the've worked for. If I needed money, I'd clean someone else's home or do what ever I had to make ends meet. I could earn a lot more giving massages or dancing but don't feel that there are many jobs that are beneath me. You are probably having trouble following my ramblings.
What I'm trying to say is that I am humble and I know and appreciate the opportunities I have here in the US.
FONDL, I'm not trying to ignore your 2 points. No, I do not believe that retired women get too much in retirement money. (If that was the question). Yes, I know that the employees get the lion's share of the salaries, medical benefits and retirement money and not the few top executives.
What I'm referring to are the few dishonest corporations that clearly violated laws in falsifying their net worth and became billionaires while employees lost out on the value of their company stock and retirement benefits.
Are you able to give me an example of a couple of large companies that have made large profits and reinvested a portion of theses profits into R&D or something else that decreased prices for consumers?
The benefactors of California's electricity fiasco that cost the state it's surplus financial reserves seems to have parallels in the current inflated gas prices and heating fuel prices that people are paying throughout the US. One could look at California as a test market that worked in favor of large corportions with making billions with little or no backlash. Prices do not need to be as high as they are. Sure we need more refineries, but the oil corportations are making obscene profits. It's not simple supply and demand, it's a money grab.
And hey if I'm bugging you with my naivity, forgive me or just suggest something for me to read or tell me gently that you don't want to discuss economics with someone who's less educated in this field. I've taken micro¯o economics, marketing & accounting. I worked for a corporation dealing with bills of lading and 4 different banks pushing to get multi-million dollar invoices paid quickly by getting the companies to accept overseas shipments that had minor discrepancies, saving the corp thousands in interest fees by getting the money paid quickly. I admit that I am naive, gullable (sp?) and influenced by the media.
I agree that lower income, middle income and some upper middle class people will spend more money when earned or given a bonus. The may upgrade their car, house or buy some luxury items or be more generous in the club. The difference I'm talking about are Haliburton Corporate owners/stock holders or people who ripped off the companies to the tune of millions or billions. With that kind of illegally gotten gains or more money than they can spend, they unlikely to put it back into the system, making prices lower for consumers. The would want to hide and protect that money in Swiss bank accounts or in off shore investments. I admit that I'm giving on opinion about something that I know very little about and may be misguided. This is only my perception. There was a film made about Enron that I wanted to see, but didn't.
Aren't there several companies that are not paying or significantly reducing retirement benefits? I heard that the Federal Gov't has made a deal with the US Post Office to pay Postal Workers who served in the military all of their retirement funds instead of getting a retirement from both the military and the post office (all of the years served plus postal years worked, combined). Are you following what I'm saying? I understand that the Federal Government is testing this plan to have the US Post Office cover the Feds responsibility. Stamp prices will likely go up to cover this cost. If this is a trend, it's a poor one - a way of weaseling out on an obligation so money can be spent on the war and other programs. The tax payers and end users will end up paying.
So what happens to money that's reinvested? Mostly it goes to adding capacity or modernizing plants to lower future costs. Take the oil industry for example. With record profits they now have more money to invest in exploring for oil and for more refining capacity, both of which will lower future prices. In other words higher prices today mean lower prices tomorrow.
And who gets the dividends? Most common stocks are owned by mutual funds in retirement accounts, so the biggest beneficiaries are retired people, present and future, the vast majority of whom are women.
So when you say you're opposed to high profits by big business, what you're really saying is that (1) you're opposed to reivnestment that will lead to lower future prices; and (2) you think reitred women make too much money. Sure there are top executives who get big bonuses, but that's peanuts in comparison to the benefits we all get. The big bonuses, while excessive in my view, don't bother me any more that equally huge sums paid to rock stars, movie and TV stars, and pro athletes. At least the executives are doing something that benefits us all.…
I trust just about anything Bowden writes. He's proven to be a very good reporter, and very adept at telling an accurate story. Another good one is Karl Zinsmeister.
I'll leave you with a quote that summs up my view of our current war and those who oppose it.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
-- John Stuart Mill
I know that there are people plotting to harm US civilians in our country, and yet it is unpopular to talk about it. "Don't worry your pretty, little head". My cousin watched the second tower fall in Manhattan from her office window.
I wouldn't want to read anything more graphic on that link. I understand what is going on and the intent. I think that a lot of people are in denial.-T
I hold a Public Nurse certification. Not so long ago Public Nurse's went out into the community to track down people with TB to give them their medicine and make sure they took it, to prevent a TB pandemic. Nurse's were known to go into bars and comb neighborhoods in search of their patients.
Many people from Mexico have been exposed to TB and test positive for exposure. Testing positive for TB as a public school applicant no longer requires a chest x-ray to determine if the person has active TB and requires no prophalactic medication to protect the person exposed and the people they will come into close personal contact with.
One of my girlfriends who works in the Pediatric ICU was exposed to someone with active TB and was given the prophallactic medication to prevent the disease. She had a severe allergic reaction to the medication and was rushed to the ED (emergency dept) for anaphalaxis treatment. So she's been exposed and will likely develop TB at some point in her life when her immune system is fragile.
I don't have concrete answers, but it's interesting to consider the options. -T
As far as the Mexican border is concerned, we're already spending a huge amount to try to stop illegals from entering but as you point out it doesn't seem to do much good. Given the length of the border we could probably spend ten time as much and it still wouldn't be very effective. Probably the only thing that would work would be if they were shot on sight, but I don't think the public would have much tolerance for that. I live in an area that is heavily agricultural and we have a lot of both permanent and migrant Mexican workers around here and they don't seem to cause much of a problem, not nearly as much as some groups of Americans cause. They're doing work that no one else wants for peanut wages, if it weren't for them food prices would be much higher. Personally I think the only answer is for the Mexican economy to grow to the point that these people can make a living at home. Which means opening our borders to Mexican imports. Which is strongly opposed by our unions. It's a complex issue.
The only rationale for rebuilding in low-lying coastal areas that have been damaged by hurricanes is if you believe that there's no global warming, that storms aren't therefore increasing in frequency and intensity, and that ocean levels aren't rising. If you think that these phenomena are real and will continue to worsen, it's insane to spend huge amounts of tax money to rebuild in these areas.
When people throughout the world are facing Mecca five times a day, every day and praying in unison, this is powerful.
Did anyone see the cartoon(s) in the Danish press that got some practitioners of the M*sl*m faith so offended?
In France people are not allowed to wear headscarves, yamikas, crosses or Stars of David in public, because the climate is combustible. Is the world becoming so religiously insane/intolerant that we're losing our sense of humor?
When people become fanatic about their religion, they sometimes start acting "religiously insane". We can't prove to anyone else that our god/higher power exists or doesn't. Each of the religious books sounds unbelievable to an outsider. this person had a 'vision', a 'hallucination', a 'visitation', or an 'immaculate conception', etc.
Now there are people murdering each other for promised virgins in the next life. It's like a fanatic wanting to take out healthcare workers at a clinic to protect the unborn. An ultimate act of violence to prove allegiance to a religion or belief which is not tolerant of others and their differences or even anothers mistakes.
Is it best to ignore these problems or to try to get community leaders talking with one another in our own neighborhoods? I ask my Palestinian Christian neighbors questions because I am curious and want to understand better how they view things. Some of my other neighbors are from Iraq, but follow western culture. Understanding how others think and what they value helps me know how I can best interact with people respectfully. So I won't be dressing up in a full pigskin costume on Sunday, even though it is Superbowl Sunday.-T
I'm not a Bush Basher. I am sincerely trying to follow what is going on with our nation economically. In California a few years ago we had rolling blackouts and electric costs went through the roof at the mercy of states that 'sold us' electricity for huge, inflated costs. In the process, California went from a thriving, financially stable state to a bankrupt one a matter of months. I'm watching money change hands and big business become wealthier as some people are unable to afford health insurance premiums and other people's retirement plans are being stolen out from underneath them. I'm curiously, almost morbidly, observing as greed and deceipt are unveiled.
You asked me how much I think it would cost to secure the US-Mexican border. I don't have an answer for you. How much does it cost not to protect the border? There was a young cop in Oceanside (a city in San Diego county) who was gunned down by an illegal Mexican gang member. The illegal had been arrested 3 times before, but he just kept coming back across the border. The officer, Tony Zapatello (sp?) was slain while trying to stop the bastard who had just robbed a bank. Tony died. How much does it cost his family to grow up without him? Money is not the answer or excuse for everything. Perhaps something isn't 100% successful but that doesn't mean that you give up, does it.
The spending priorities seem askew. Times are strange, I don't remember when dishonesty and unaccountability seemed so familiar.
The impression I came away with from the speech was that funds will continue to be spent on BS crap that only helps big business get wealthier and the illegal immigration issue will continue to be ignored because addressing this would hurt the bottom line. Americans are addicted to oil and "switch grass" (sounds like a Texas crop) will be the solution to "our addiction".
Oh well, at least I live in the US where I appreciate many freedoms and am grateful for many opportunities.
I agree it would be best if we needed less oil, but the time to do something about that was over the last 15-20 years. We still get 50% of our energy from coal for goodness sake. The only thing available to take over from oil and gas (other than coal of course) in the short term, and by that I mean the next decade or so, is nuclear power. It is presently supplying 20% of our electricity, and there hasn't been a new reactor in over 20 years. The problem is that soon all those 30 year old reactors will need to start going offline. Just to replace them we need to go on a major reactor building push. Considering the irrational resistance to anything nuclear I think we will be more dependant on foreign sources of energy in the short term.
"around the enlightenment most christians gave up on conversion by the sword and conquest."
OMG, AN is so retarded. Tell that to the American Indians massacared after this time.
Clue in, you stupid old fucked up alcoholic no mind.
"equate Bush as being similiar to a second version of Hitler"
This is not what I said. I said if was for my likely that Bush would be Hitler II than the president of Iran. I don't think either is that likely. Something you would know if you actually read my posts "unlikely chain of events...".
More evidence of how clueless casualguy is. Shoot where to start?
First if they get nukes they are very unlikely to share the technology with any of their "arab" neighbors.
Here's a clue casualguy: Iranians are not arabs. They are persians. They are very conscious and proud of the distinction too. In fact they feel threatened by the sea of Arabs around them. Won't you after the Iraq war (started by Iraq I will point out since I am sure you are too clueless to know on your own)?
One of the big reasons the Iranians desires nukes is to protect their sovereignity give their historically threatening Arab neighbors. No way they are sharing nuclear technology. Go read a history book, before you spout off, retard.
2nd of all let's get real: They will drop a nuke on Israel as soon as they get it? Um, Israel has minimum 300 nukes of their own. More than enough to wipe out the whole region, Iran included. So ain't no nukes going to be falling unless Israel or the US or France does a pre-emptive strike. That's a way more likely scenario.
As for dropping nukes making the oil radioactive and hence unsellable, will this is so clueless w/ regards to physics I am going to give you the benefit of doubt here and assume it was another one of your lame attempts at humor. Perhaps I am being too generous though.
As for the Iranian president saying he would wipe Israel off the map. Here's what he said:
"There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world. As the Imam [Khomeini] said, Israel must be wiped off the map."
He did not say he was going to do it personally with nukes or even with the Iranian military. That is just media hype.
Also note that by "wipe off the map" he probably just means make Israel cease to exist as a nation, as opposed to massacaring all its inhabitants (elsewhere he has suggested they move to the US or Canada, which makes a ton of sense).
Muslims have, historically, been much less prone to massacares of the Jews and Christians they conquered than other religions. In fact, before the creation of Israel, Muslims were probably the least anti-jewish (I won't say semitic since that properly includes arabs) people in the world.
This has been an interesting thread: I see that the cluelessness of the old people and retards here is not just confined to your opinions on strip clubs. It part of more general mental defeciencies. How about you guys focus more of your energies on getting better educated by hanging out less in strip clubs like a bunch of pathetic losers? Then maybe you could comment intelligently on these subjects.
I read that the pentagon requested the draft age be moved up to 42. Also our government is conducting nuclear exercises and apparently staying quiet about it. Supposedly testing a scenario where a 10 megaton warhead went off in a US city and we had thousands of deaths. I suppose the tests are to improve coordination between government and local officials or something. There is also a lot of chatter about possibly something happening in February maybe in Texas City or Houston, or a few other cities. Of course I think or hope that is more rumor than anything.
The Iranians say they want to spread their religious order throughout the muslim world. I take them at their word. Those who claim they really don't mean it are both infantalizing the Iranians and deluding themselves.
Also, as a matter of fact there are US military people in small numbers engaged in advisory and training roles in far more nations than most people realize. It does come very close to everywhere.
T, the best thing you can do to promote world peace is to start with yourself. Live a peaceful life free of hatred. Be the example - spread love, peace and joy to others everywhere you go and with everything you do. When enough people do that, world peace will happen. That's been the message of every great spiritual leader.
This time last year I had a boyfriend and was happier. That's what's missing - a lover to occupy more of my time.
And let's look at Iran's current geographic situation: It is surronded by US controlled states: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Won't you be worried if you were Iran and had a country with such historical antagonism toward you surronding you. Makes sense that they would seek nukes to guarentee their sovereignity?
During any of its modern history has Iran showed an expansionist ambitions? They are clearly seeking nukes for defense proposes.
Please get a clue old men and alcoholics!
"From any historical standard this war has gone spectacularly well so far. "
Oh, except for the standard of winning.
Not even getting close to that. US will run like it did from from Vietnam, Lebanon, Sudan and it will be a great victory for Al Qaeda.
Lay off the alcohol, dude. It clouds your thinking.
As for Iraq, wether people admit it or not the first gulf war never ended. We were still patrolling their airspace and they were still trying to shoot down our planes 10 years after the ceasefire. After 9/11 the logic changed and we couldn't afford to leave Iraq as a destabilizing or hostile force in the area if we were going to fight al Qaida. That is the same reason Iran is now a problem. When al Quada was sponsored by Afghanistan, a country barely out of the middle ages, they managed to kill 3000 people. What if Iraq or Iran supplied them with the means to kill 100,000? Do you think that they'd hesitate? Iran could always claim they had nothing to do with it, after all, it was terrorists.
I'm not really interested in debating Iraq other than to say that we're at war, like it or not, admit it or not. From any historical standard this war has gone spectacularly well so far. In 1944 we lost 6,000 soldiers in one day on D-Day. They were draftees for the most part. Can you imagine what our press would say about that today?
davids - where do you get this flippant attitude about violence and killing people? Do you have any real experience with either? I would guess not. You seem like the typical loud mouthed pussy who just craves attention and will talk just to hear himself. Do us all a favor and shut up on this subject until you can answer yes to one of these questions.
1. Have you ever been in a real fight? Not in grammar school but as an adult and for your life?
2. Have you either with your bare hands or a weapon hurt or killed another person?
3. Have you ever thought what gives me the right to do these things that are generally accepted as wrong?
Stop being such a loser and try to man up a little and think before you speak.
If you go to roots, 3/4th of the problems you mentioned were caused/funded by CIA that's history wheather you agree or not.
I couldn't quite follow the logic of a previous post. We are in agreement that a small radical segment of the Islamic Religion, the fringe radicals cannot tolerate us because they consider us to be infidels. They also despise us for our movie industry, pornography, alcohol consumption and the fact that women have rights in this country. I wonder though if we and are lifestyle are so offensive, why do they choose to live here?
While doing my clinical rotations I gave full physicals to Muslim men, checking their testicles for abnormalities, their prostates, their throats, lymphnodes, mouths everything so that they could collect worker's compensation. I did this as a student, as instructed by the doc. After having a friendly conversation and washing my hands I went to shake the first patient's hand and got the nub (wrist flexed to make sure I didn't touch his hand). In their culture women are unclean. I wasn't offended just surprised. I never tried to shake another Muslim man's hand.
I attended to many mothers and children who immigrated from from Somalia through Kenya where they have the English school to prepare people for immigration to America. These patients actually liked me and seemed to have a very gentle nature.
I attended a celebration at the end of Ramadan (sp?). They had a llama for the kids to ride, one of those astro jumping things that kids often have at birthday parties and food. I asked my child's friend to show me the inside of the mosque. She showed me the little general store at the entrance, the place people store their shoes when they enter, the downstairs area where the men pray. I asked her if the women were allowed inside and she indicated that they pray separately upstairs.
AN: The US cannot afford to send its young men to every area of the world to protect others. I follow what you said, but these young men dying over there in Iraq in such great numbers is heartless. I'm hoping that they all come home and that their withdrawal is safe and speedy.
Yeah, it all sounds nice, but without the US, the Europeans allowed genocide in the Balkans, the Africans allowed genocide in Rawanda, the UN turned "Oil for Food" into a black market, A.Q. Kahn set up shop as a retail outlet for Nukes, and Pakistan, North Korea, Palestine, etc, etc, etc have refused to negotiate on any number of matters without US guarantees. Grow up kids, we are the worlds cop like it or not. No country will do anything to stop any genocide, any dictator, any holocaust, because they aren't able, and because we are and they know that we will. When we won't, and when we ask them to step up to the plate, people die and things go to shit. We're in the situation we're in with Iran because we allowed the Europeans to negotiate for 3 years. The Iranians love it. They push till they get concessions, take the concessions, violate the agreements, then negotiate for more concessions.
I know it doesn't sound PC, but the president of the US IS the president of the world because the rest of the world has abdicated, not because we went looking for it.
I second that statement and I think that's one of the main reasons for issues in today's world.
First of all this statement is inhernetly contradictory. You say they don't hate us for one or two reasons, it's for one reason: b/c we are infidels.
Second of all, do you really think your average radical muslim would give a fuck about the US/UK if was not for Israel, and the US/UK's history of occupation and interference in the middle east?
Let's do a thought experiment:
Pretend you were American and Iran had overthrown a democratically elected governement and help keep a corrupt monarch in power for years. Oh, and Iran had also set up a muslim homeland in Canada (MuslimLandEh?), which the Canadians rightfully thought had not right to be there?
Then when the rest of the world continuously voted against the "MuslimLandEh's" actions for decades, Iran who held veto power was the only nation to side ith "MuslimLandEh'. Do you think many Americans would be very found of Iran?
When analyzing history, or philosophy, it always important to try and see things through their eyes and ask if they have credible grievences. To do otherwise is pretty shallow and intolerant.
I was married to someone who became a US citizen legally. It took 5 years. As American citizens we have the right to expect our government to protect us from people who are trying to enter our country illegally. Part of this protection includes having people who wish to come into the US submit to laws and regulations.
When I'm in another country, I am hypervigilent about obeying the laws. If the laws are too restrictive then they could be changed or an amnesty enacted for people who have been here for a certain amount of time or who are employed for a certain amount of time. I don't think that it's fair for a pregnant woman to 'run for the border' when she's pregnant, give birth and then have the child rewarded by becoming a US citizen, just because she was stealth enough to cross the border illegally.
I know that there are many people who work diligently and this is not about their work ethic. Along with people coming to this country for a better life are also people with mal intent. I think that protection of the US-Mexican border should be of higher priority then it is and government from the bottom to the top seems to be uninterested in addressing this issue.
Do any of us really know which is the morally superior response toward the Middle East? Are the people there better off if we withdraw and let the despots have free reign? Or are they better off if we try to give democracy a cahnce to grow? Which course of action is better for the people there in the long run? I sure don't know. I don't think our politicians know either. But I honestly think that the right course is to try to find the right answer, and it really pisses me off to see people trying to gain political advantage in what we're doing. To me the people who are doing so are those who lack morality.
I have a different perspective on the Mexican border thing, perhaps because I live so far from it. We used to condemn the Russians because they wouldn't let people leave, that is cross the border into a country where they had a better chance in life. If we close the Mexican border, aren't we doing exactly the same thing? Does it matter to the people trying to cross a border to a better life which country is stopping them from doing so? Isn't the result exactly the same? I think our fairly open policy toward Mexican immigrants is the right thing to do, and I think it has benefitted both of our countries enormously.
Yes, I agree that the US President should not try to be President of the World. I don't think that anything would happen militarily (sp?) with US forces in Iran (except maybe a drone or a special forces going after one person). I don't know though, because I never thought that anything would happen in Iraq.
I don't like to spend my time worrying about things. Power is changing hands in the Middle East. These changes affect us here and I am having trouble shaking this feeling of 'calm before the storm'. There's not much I can do except to take good care of my child, enjoy myself and pray for peace and resolution.
I don't agree that radical Muslims hate us for just one or two reasons. The radicals hate us because were are "infidels" and they can't just live and let live through tolerance.
It doesn't help Middle Eastern Public Relations that our military is in Iraq. When our military are gone from that region there will be in-fighting amongst the people for power and ownership of territory. The fighting will also continue in the other places where there are currently Radical Muslim attacks on non-military civilians.
Back to my studies . . .
"Relocating Jews has very little to do with these conflicts and would not appease those who are bent on destruction."
Israel has very much to do with why muslims are so pissed off at us. In fact it is probably the number one reason why they hate us so much. But there are others: having American troops in their holy land (Saudi Arabia) was a big concern. Then invading Iraq. Past interference in the region like overthrowing democratic governments in Iran annd supporting the Shah are also factors.
Why does the US/UK think it has any right to be involved in the region at all? Makes no sense. Get the US and Israel out of the region and what will the terrorists have to be all upset about? They will just start killing each other over who is right: Sunni or Shiite? Whatever that is all about.
TH20: "I'm not worried about Iran sending something our way at this time. I am more concerned about unrest being stirred up by the Iranian leader's hateful talk and it's potential to inspire others to take action here in our country."
Ah, now this may be a legitmiate concern. Thank you for clarifying.
Iran is mostly focused on Israel not the US. So I don't think Iran or any of its sponsored groups would directly attack the US: That's Al Qaeda's job, anyway.
But let's dig deeper, shall we?
If the US decides to do an air campaign against Iran (no way they have the forces for a ground war, I think even the incompetent military planner Neo-Cons ought to be able to recongize this.) then yeah you might see some Iranian retaliation inside the US.
But I mean realisitically, let's say they are massively successful and kill 100 people? What are the odds of it being you? 1 in 3 million? Someone you are connected to? 1 in 15,000? I won't worry about any physical harm. An least get real here is 100 people that big a deal in an histocial context?
Now OTOH, there is something else to worry beyond the economic reprucutions of an air campaign against Iran:
Let's follow this chain: The west tells the Iran to cut it out with the nukes. Iran refuses. West bombs Iran. Iran cuts off oil, and inspires suicide bombers inside the US.
The real thing to be concerned with is how the fascist Bush administration would capitalize on that to restrict/violate civil liberties and other rights even more than it currently already does.
Some maybe I have to go back on my earlier position and side with you a bit:
The Hitler II you allude to is more likely to be Bush rather than the rather sensible president of Iran.
Still I don't think the scenario is too likley though, give how long a chain of unlikely event it is:
The US, hopefully, would realize how much it had to lose economically by starting an air war with Iran and having Iranian oil cut.
But, on the OTOH, if the neo-cons are completely fascist and machivellian they might even provoke the scenario I just mentioned in order to set up a fascism INSIDE THE US.
Now you got me a bit more worried than coke over pepsi.
It's true that these are fairly peaceful times and we enjoy many freedoms. I know about the IRA attacks in London, I shopped at Harrods while the "b. team" was outside. I met an Algerian living in France. He seemed to be dissatisfied with his lot in life. He had a job as a cook on a boat and wasn't poor, he just had an unpleasantness about him. It would be difficult to live in France in poverty and have no hope. If a country is going to allow people to live within its borders, it should do so if opportunities exist for the immigrants so they can thrive and prosper. It does no one any good to be 'let in' but have no chance to earn a living.
Thank you AN for your view. Sometimes I need someone to discuss my concerns with.-T
Despite what many would have you believe America is about the most open and tolerant country in the world. I would much rather be a Mexican living in the US than a Turk in Germany, an Algerian in France, or a Jew in Russia.
And you are right, Israel has nothing to do with this other than as a scapegoat for a group of fascist thugs who are sitting on a sea of oil but need to explain to their people why they are all poor.
I don't think that having the Jews move out of Israel will accomplish anything good. Since the Gaza Strip has been turned over the call for violence has increased. The man-made wall is what is keeping the violence in the streets down. There are many other places in the world now that are having problems with radicals who want to kill and terrorize others. My geography and history are not my strong suits, but I know that budhists are being killed in Asia?, there is conflict over the Kashmir region; blasts that killed Australian tourists in Bali; 9/11 here in the US; trains being destroyed in Italy or Spain?; same in London. Relocating Jews has very little to do with these conflicts and would not appease those who are bent on destruction.
I'm not worried about Iran sending something our way at this time. I am more concerned about unrest being stirred up by the Iranian leader's hateful talk and it's potential to inspire others to take action here in our country.
I am disappointed that the Mexican border is so porous. I believe that our government should be enforcing the laws and stopping anyone at gunpoint who doesn't have reason to be here. I further believe that students and others who are not citizens shouldn't be living in the US or attending school here. It is imperative to protect our national security at home. How would you feel if militants started simultaneous fires or other more violent coordinated simultaneous destructive acts in the US, as was done in France a few months ago?
Yeah, Israel wants the US to go to war with Iran because they want to be the only country in the region in nukes. In fact, I think that was the goal of the Iraq war right from the beginning. Today bad they fucked it up and can't even take care of Iraq on their own.
The US will have to withdrawal like we did from Vietnam. Yeah will put up a pretense that the war has been Iraq'ized and they can take care of themselves, but then it will fall (unclear to whom exactly) just like South Vietnam did.
Oh, and good for Iran supporting pro-Palestenian fighters. Can you imagine if Israel had total free reign in that region? Would control everything from the nile to the euphratese.
Just admit Israel was ill-conceived from the start and move all Jews to a nice part of the US or Canada and let the Muslims fight each other over how many angels can sit on the head of a pin or whatever else they like to fight about.
Iran wants the bomb, that much is clear, and it's not because they feel threatened by their neighbors and need a defensive weapon. They've been very clear about that. They want it to wipe Israel off the map. Go to MEMRI and read what is being said in the middle east. They sound even worse when their speeches are not in english and are intended for their own audience. I think we ignore them at our peril. "Smart" people who negotiate for a living also thought Hitler's rhetoric was a pose for the masses and dismissed Mein Kampf as political boilerplate. Those "smart" people were sure that Hitler was a reasonable man like the rest of them. I hope we've learned our lesson. I think the one saving grace in Iran is that the leaders don't have popular support and the regime is very fragile.
Wish I could be more cheery, but I'm affraid things will get worse before they get better. We'll be at war with Iran soon, wether we like it or not, and wether we admit it or not. Iran is the worlds largest sponsor of islamic terrorism, or terrorism in general. We've already ignored them and Syria too long. There is no way we can allow them to get the bomb. They will use it and they will supply it to terrorists.
Don't worry about what the Iranian president says: it is blown out of all porportion by the media. In fact, if you read it directly you will find that it makes alot of sense.
The Iranian president is the one with the balls, IMO: I like his plain spokenness.
Also funny as hell to see Hamas get elected by the Palestenians.
US should just sevre all ties with Israel: maybe let all the Jews move into so part of the US or Canada as their homeland as the Iranian president suggests.
Casualguy, I totally agree with your last post. As a veteran, I don't have much time for critism from people who were too chicken to serve their country. If they think other countries are better, why don't they move? We'd all be better off.
How about genocide in Indonesia if you want a more recent example?
Oh, still not recent enough? How about how we stopped the Iraqis from massacaring Kurds after the first Gulf War?
US will stop genocide if the genocide threatens American economic interests, but otherwise the US could care less.
Fuck you're a retard, AN. Lay off the alcohol long enough to get a fucking clue, please.