
Comments by phoenixxxblaque

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who refuse to tell their (real) name - generally not friends!
    dtrippers dont give out their real names or info for a few honest reasons..1)because in the club they are a fantasy,and fantasy doesnt include REAL info that is private..2)because you can never be too sure about who you are talking to...and if the guy might become a stalker or a sicko 3)it goes both ways,personal info about you is neither our business as ours none of yours--unless we volunteer it....thanks
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers: What is Your Ideal Customer Like?
    my ideal would go like this..he is nice,is easy to talk to,humorous and we just "clique" from the get go..intelligent,clean,smells nice,and well mannered..not handsy or pushs for extras or dates outside the club..doesnt haggle over the price of a dance or hesitates to buy me a drink(i drink only soda or juice,not alcohol)..i dont care if he dorps alot of cash on me(although that is nice)i care more about how he talks to me and treats me..thnaks
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    i understand why some men feel like they do about strippers,but let me assure you,not ALL of us are bad..i,m 34(looking 24)i dont drink,smoke or do drugs..and i work out 6 days a week.i,m an entertainer.i like what i do.as a dancer,i will tell you nothing is more sad in my eyes then a dancer who ruins her chance for a better life by being in a club drunk or worse,not saving her money,and generally just living a life that is unfocused and full of drama.its an eyesore to those of us who are the total opposite.when i,m working,i want to be the fantasy for every person i see,or,at least,entertain those who watch me...i,m dedicated to what i do..its too bad there are so many who lack the care and love for their chosen craft.later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper who you are spending money on refuses to tell you her real name
    strippers are there for entertainment only..and thus we arent obligated to give out ANY personal info no matter what amount of money you give us..but to switch it the other way,WE arent entitled to YOUR info...like name,ago,marital status,ect,either.fantasies,even in flesh form,arent reality..besides..even if you pished for a phone number or whatever,the dancer might just give you a fake name or whatever just to shut you up and keep getting money..how would you ever really know if what she told you was true?i,ve known dancers that gave out phone numbers to dry cleaners or car washes when guys pushed for a number....if you REALLY want to know if she likes you,then DONT ASK for her info..if she likes you for real,she,ll give it to you without being grilled.just my 2 cents.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Which social groups spend the most money on dances?
    when i dance,i avoid the following for the following reasons...1)low class mexicans...usually no money,VERY HANDSY,asking about sex,and pretend to know no english..2)young guys(18-23)especially those who act or look thugish..not worth it..very arrogant,no money,talk alot of b.s no money to back it up..2)arabian men..they usually like blonds,but they are also very arrogant,they smell bad,and are cheap.3)thugs..again,cheap and talk alot of slang and no money....4)most men in a bachelor party...usually only one or two of the group will have money,the rest are broke and want to touch everything they can get their hands on for free..and worse,they are drunk. i usually steer towards men who are closer to my age or older(34 or above)they know how to talk to me and treat me,and arent so much the hassle. just my thoughts
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    for shadowcat..yes,i work at bikini bar so i guess you could put that in the low mileage category since there isnt any extras or heavy sexual touching going on in the vip room..to address you comment about being around awhile,yeah,i,ve been in the business a long time,but to say i dont know much about men,well,i,m afraid i,m going to have to correct you on that.i simply stated an opinion and a thought,then asked others to post their thoughts on the matter,which some of you did...the only difference is,i didnt insult anyone in doing so....yes,i,ve posted reviews and topics for discussion..so what...i thought thats what you were supposed to do on a board like this....if this board is for MEN ONLY or you men would prefer that all woman stay off the board and not contribute anything for discussion,then perhaps you should put up a post saying so..maybe thats why ladies who might try to post here dont last long..their greeting is less then warm and made to feel that what they have to say doesnt matter.. and i havent posted here about where i work,hours or so forth,so anyone who says i,m doing public relations for my club needs to take a good look again....theres nothing mentioning anything of that nature here...i didnt come here to spam the board....just state what i feel.if it isnt welcome,my apologies for barging into the he-man woman haters club and not knowing it.have a good night
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....
    when i hear the word affection,i think of hugs,kisses,cuddling..not a lapdance...the word lap dance comes to mind when i think of the word entertainment...if someone is using a lap dance as affection,i think they ought to find the real thing outside the club..much more fullfilling. 5 or 6 bucks for a lap dance huh?my goodness....the dancer would be EXHAUSTED from dancing just to reach a 100 dollars each night...and probably collapse if you managed to get to 200(20 dances for 100,40 for 200)can you imagine having to dance for that long?the wear and tear it would put on your body?20 bucks may seem liek a lot(and to some it is)but part of what you give her,she has to invest back in herself to keep up with that sexy fantasy image...salon vists for her hair and nails,nice shoes and outfits,gym and tanning bed memberships,eating right,and so forth...none of that is cheap my friends,i,m sorry to say.wish it were,but its not.our tips and dances go into personal upkeep and maintenance,along with paying our regular bills.just a thought..
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    davids...everything within a club is by choice my friend...and you have plenty of choices as a client on how you want things to go...if you dont want to hear about a dancers life,you could always tell her to either not talk or talk about something else..you direct how you wish things to be....some guys dont like dancers just walking up and asking for a dance without a few minutes of conversation..you may or may not find what shes saying interesting or may be of interest to you,but at LEAST shes trying to let you get to know her first before you spend money on her(or not)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is Strip Club Business Declining? Why?
    i think the economy has alot to do with what dancers make and what clients are wanting to spend.usually,if dancers are having a tough time,then so are alot of other people who work on tips elsewhere.like waitresses and taxi drivers..thats why so many dancers look for people from out of town-usually,those who are traveling have more cash to spend and are willing to spend it in the name of having a good time then those who are local and can go to said club anytime they feel like it.i also feel that some people are opting to do the escort thing rather then the club thing for what they are looking for..and if what they are looking for is on the risky side,well,then i,d say that they,ve made the correct and right choice for their needs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    There may still be "men" out there who think that they have formed a FRIENDSHIP
    There is such a thing at "club only friendships"meaning,you meet the young lady in the club while shes working,talk to her,and you strike up a friendship of sorts that stays ONLY at the club and no other place,because that is the only place you can talk to her...if you are a man,and you step in a club,you are a client,first and foremost..you are business.even if we talk to you and we strike up a friendship with you,you are STILL business...what we do is the same as if we were sales clerks at a mall,or cooking food at a resteraunt...we have a job to do to make money,thats why we are there...in club friendships are just nice bonuses that happen from time to time...talking to nice people makes the night go by quicker and easier. friendships are no problem..but if i sense that a person is getting too emotinally attached to me becaause hes lonley or whatnot,i,ll do the right thing and politely and carefully set the person straight,without hurting their feelings and rejecting them...i have a heart too,and i know what its like to have that heart hurt,so i dont do it to other people.some dancers prey on lonley,emotionally hungry men..i dont...as a dancer i have many responsiblities...to entertain,to make a person feel better if they,ve had a trying day..and if they start to go down the wrong path and want more then entertainment with me,to gently put things back into place....i think dancers who coo love words or pretend feelings they dont have for the sake of fattening their purses are disgusting..and its also risky...situations like that can lead to stalkers.broken hearts and hurt feelings can make a person do harmful things if provoked in the wrong fashion.thats why i keep things straight and honest.i try to see things not just from my point of viuew,but from th epoint of view of the person who might be looking at me...later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If stripping became acceptable ...
    well,i think that dancing is not really becoming more acceptable,but the dark cloak that once once over it about what went on and why is getting smaller and smaller..and who can argue over a person having a job that rakes in hundreds or perhaps thousands a week?used the right way,stripping can pave the way to better things in life..a nice home,car,education,savings....used thw wrong way,you just waste your life and your chances for good things doing it....later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    fondl-you bring up alot of true facts..there are alot of girls who think just because they dance totally nude that they will make more money then say ladies who go topless or wear bikinis..which may or may not be true,depending on the girl and atmosphere presented..and her attitude...i know ladies who think just because they get implants that they,ll make more then the ladies who are natural..or ladies who are really pretty-they assume that men will just fall at their feet and hand over their wallets..two examples of other unreasonable expectations..i also agree that if you go into a club without strict self rules and criteria about what it will take to be good over bad,you might have more fun that way..cheers!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If stripping became acceptable ...
    being a car theif means you are stealing and thus breaking the law to earn your scratch..dancing isnt against the law
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Emotional involvement
    usually if a dancer is playing the "poor me,i need you" role shes setting you up to be played for whatever she wants and needs now and later.not to say that there arent any nice girls in the clubs,just beware of ones who seem a little too friendly and needy
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are some strippers looking to CONTROL customers' EMOTIONS by not doing REASONABL
    RL..my friend.The words EMOTION and CONTROL keep popping up frequently in your posts..I,m a dancer,and i can truly tell you that what i do (at least for me..i cant speak for other women)is NOT about control or toying with other peeoples emotions..its about entertaining others and earning a living.you talk as if dancers have total control..we dont...as a metter of fact,its YOU,the client that has MORE control,if you really think about it.you go into a club looking to spend money..while we are there trying to earn it...as a dancer,i go into work at night not knowing if the night will be profitable or not....i can only hope that lady luck will be on my side...and i dont walk out empty handed..from the time i start work till closing time,i,m silently holding my breath on the inside and praying for the best.you,as a client,have the power to either spend your cash or not when you walk in...while we are there to make our living--and hope that we do..stripping is very lucrative..there are no gurarantees when you dance what will happen..so i think its safe to say if ANYONE has control over ANYTHING its you. we get paid the way we do just because thats the way it is..like it or not...and if you dont,you have the choice to partake of the entertainment or leave it alone.dacing isnt an easy profession....we have to put up with alot of doo-doo from clients who arent nice to us,maybe they smell bad or are VERY grabby...or a host of other things that could prove to be wear and tear on the nerves.and then theres the dancing...lots of that..every night.all those nice sensual moves,pole tricks,lap dances..do that for 8 hours in high heels and tell me if its not exhausting work.that 20 dollars you pay us compensates us for all the bruises,aches and pains and general rudeness we have to tolerate sometimes.that money gives us a toleration to condituions that maybe ordinary women could not and would not put up with..we talk to gentlemen,but we also talk to men who act like sadistic beasts and pigs too..comes with the territory..cant get rid of that factor..if a girl only got paid a measely amount for what she did,i,m sure alot of dancers wouldnt do it at all..too much work and not enough cash to justify the hassle we gotta go through each and every night...and you gotta stop and think,,,,not every client who walks in wants to spend anything..some dont spend a dime...and if you have a roomful of ladies,and they all want to do well,then every dance and tip counts.at 5 or 6 bucks a pop,each dancer would have to do 40 or 50 soungs to reach the 200 dollar mark...and the club would have to have a VERY HIGH client count(all of which who would HAVE to spend money in order for all dancers to walk out out with something) for that 5 or 6 dollar dance cost to work...we,re talking a club that would have to have close to a thousand guys walking in every night (40,50 dances per girl..times 15-25 or more girls on staff)thats alot of people....hence why dances are so costly.just my two cents.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper is LYING, MANIPULATING, and/or STEALING from others, what makes yo
    hate to tell you this rl,but there are cheats and weisels everywhere and they could be anyone anyplace,dancers arent the only ones who do such things.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who THROW AWAY customers' PHONE NUMBERS
    rl...i,m looking at all the posts you,ve started,and it seems you like making up posts about every angle of hatred towards strippers..and using CAPS to emphasize your hatred.i think either maybe you got burned by a stripper or two,or had a bad relationship someplace,or maybe you,re a little "off" in the head to harbor such meanness towards women who dance..i would like to think you,re perfectly alright,and perhaps somewhere along the way,you just got emotionally hurt by woman someplace who made you bitter..anyway..on to my answer for this post. listen rl....more then half the time when a guest gives us a phone number to us WE DONT ASK FOR IT!!!(how ya like my use of caps??lol)its pushed upon us...sometimes before a lapdance,somethings afterwards....we dont want to be rude and screw up our money,so we take it politely,then throw it away..some guys come into the club hellbent on finding a girlfriend and will stop at nothing in the pursuit..they are determined to put the dancer of choice in a bad position by giving her the number in the first place..first of all,if we dont ask for it,then we TRULY dont want the doggone thing,and if we have someone we care about on a love level already at home,yeah,we,re gonna throw it away(DUH!!)I,m a dancer,ok....i dance..i entertain...i,m on the same level as the cashier at the grocery store or a waitress at a resterraunt....i got a job to do..sometimes its not so easy,sometimes it is,and sometimes there are things you have to deal with that you really dont want to...like guys pushing off their phone numbers on you...but what ABOUT that cashier and waitress....just because they served you a meal or rang up your groceries does that mean you have to give HER your phone number and she HAS to call?????Certainly not..she was just doing her job..same as i do.If a person walks into a strip club and gets pushy with their emtional wants or puts a stripper on the spot by pushing his phone number into her hand,she has the right to handle it any way she wants to,in the name of being polite and not pissing the guest off.....and if that way means the number gets thrown away,so be it...if she didnt ask for it(and most dont)then she has the right to get rid of the pushed-on number,most certainly.besides,its a club policy IN MANY CLUBS that girls ARENT ALLOWED TO DATE GUESTS THAT COME TO THE CLUB ANYWAY!!!thanks..
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    "Men" whose only reason for buying dances is to get a stripper's PHONE NUMBER
    well,i wouldnt call it friendship,i,d call it more of them wanting to get laid(sorry,lets call a spade a spade,shall we?)ditto that using dances to outright proposition her to do "extras" outside the club..if thats your thing,then calling an escort would be an easier and wiser choice,i would think.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    but as you can see,not ALL dancers ARE crap....there are some like me who give a hoot and will set things right if someone else has made them wrong....btw...this guest in question....he was happy doing dances as it were...my so-called budy just decided to use that extreme angle to get dances.i spent over 30 minutes talking to him afterwards,apologizing for her,telling him that it wasnt right what she did and the stupid wench WASNT gonna get away with what she did to him..between me going to the boss,and her losing out on potential money on the same guest,lest he come back with friends....my friend doesnt stop to think that burning people will mean they wont come back to see her...doign right by them means not only will you make money the first time,but every time they come back and you get a dance from that person..and aside from the money,i told him that i was a entertainer,and i hustled good,but the difference between her and i was that i have a heart-and the way i do things,i can sleep soundly at night knowing i made money and didnt create bad karma while doign so.i treat people very fair.the other tall girl is high maintenance trouble...and her life is screwed up from not being responsible..she is also ruthless when she hustles..draining men dry of all their money and then some..getting them to open up credit card tabs so she can run it up to to the high hundreds and even thousands with food,champagne,and dances..she may make money that one night using that method,but no one ever comes back to see her...and she likes to try to shark her way into two girl dances to make money...trying to sneak in the vip room while another girl is giving a dance to worm her way into that dance and take money out of the other girls pocket....did you guys know that at several clubs the dancers use their drinks at your table like"flags" to mark territory?you buy them a drink,they sip at it,excuse themselves,approach other guys at the club,get drinks from them,and then just go back and forth between the "flag" tables because the rules at clubs like mine state(or rather,they did,until the rule was changed)that if you have a drink sitting with a guest that you can sit with him,even if you have THREE drinks with THREE guests,you can sit with them all,just because of that beverage?girls will try to monopolize men that way.speaking of girls doing that,the tall girl did that same method..real sneaky..shes the reason my boss put an end to that rule.oh well...shes due to be fired anyway....later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    rl...i could ask the same question about thousands of things in the world..why is it that some people will spend more then a hundred on a nice dinner then just being satisfied with a trip to burger king.....why do some people splurge on bmw,s instead of being smart and driving a volkswagon?why do some yuppies run up huge credit card bills buying expensive toys rather then be smart and stick to things within their means?answer to all.....because no matter if something is smart or reasonable,you will always go for what satisfies the senses,even if on a practical level,you know its on the splurgy side..a pricey whim.....the guy was nice..didnt want anything,i assure you,i talked to him....and if he wants to blow alot of cash on just dances,well,hes no different then the guy who goes to a posh resteraunt and blows money on champagne,caviar and steak.later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Mental Stability
    i,ve noticed that RL has put up ALOT of hateful posts regarding strippers...i think every mean anlge that could be come up with regarding dancers he has posted...and i,ve been asking the question of why since then..hey RL,did a stripper or strippers screw you over or something for you to carry such a rock on your shoulder?i mean,check back through all thoe posts..most were started by you,and most are downright hateful towards strippers..and the use of caps when you type,putting emphasise of your feelings....good grief..so much anger and upset emotions there!...isnt there ANYTHING good you have to say about strip clubs or dancers?anything at all?and if you feel this way,why do you continue to go to clubs???sounds like strip clubs arent the places for you..messes with your head too much. i apolgise for any occasion that has transpired where maybe you went into a club and maybe got ripped off,lied to,and disappointed..i,m sorry not every dancer is honest,and quite a few might be shady....but there are crooks and liars in every kind of business everywhere.spewing so much hate onto a message board forum isnt the way to deal with it though...nor is getting mad because you think a dancer dancing for you(something she is paid to do)means that you HAVE to form some kind of relationship or friendship with her because you paid her money for her time and effort spent..guess what RL,if you paid her for a daance and she gave it to you,thats ALL you,re entitled to....anything else that comes forth is by choice only....dancers are obligated to entertain because they are paid to do so..that 20 bucks doesnt mean you,ll get any kind of friendship,or phone number or whatever..its business..a friendly business,but still business..a lap dance is a business transaction,plain and simple....you pay us for a job,we do it,we move on to do another job.things like emotional attachment just make it messy and complicated.sounds like you were one of thosew ho came into a strip club with emotion needs and maybe someone pissed you off because they treated it like business as it should have been,and you got mad... i,m not trying to pick on you rl...but geez-how many hate stripper threads can you create?i think you,ve about hit the wall with every angle there is....is that all you feel towards dancers....hate?then i advise never setting foot in a strip club again....thanks
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB, it is OFTEN NOT ABOUT SAFETY!
    lol-that was a good reply kyle(lol) listen rl,dancers dance....we dont give out our phone numbers or address or whatever because,quite frankly,its no ones damn business....even the girls i work with dont know my real name or address,so dont feel so left out...giving out real info to ANYONE isnt part of my job,so i dont include it..not nessesary.business is business and therefore it starts and ends at the club.you come into a club,you are a guest of the club,,but you are entiltled to anything other then a dance or watching a girl onstage..if you have emtional needs,get a girlfriend.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB, it is OFTEN NOT ABOUT SAFETY!
    let me tell you something rl..i,m an entertainer..and i entertain...but when my time at the club is done,and its time to go home,i want to leave work at work.that includes other dancers and especially customers.i dont fratenize with anyone.the 20 bucks per dance i get paid or the dollar tips i get onstage I EARN my friend....i get onstage or i get in the vip room,and i dance my ass off and i sweat and i entertain .....and if you think wearing tall 5 inch heels on your feet is easy and then DANCING in them is also easy,you,re crazy...do it and then see if YOU wouldnt want 20 bucks per song,ok?especially at the end of the night when everything from the waist down is aching and exhausted and you,re sportin bruises from doing floorwork or polework onstage all night long.i doubt if you danced a week in my high heels,friend,you,d dare to say we dancers dont earn our money..and no,i dont care if i get a million dollars from a client,he STILL wont get my info.. look at yourself for example rl..i know somewhere somehow a dancer wronged you someplace,and thats why you,re waving this"hate all dancers"banner around....either that,or you,re just one of those people that likes to stir up unrest on message board forums and just doing this for attention..either way,beit a true image or false(on your part)you still sound like one of those kooky,emotional unstable guys that dancers like me RUN from at the club....too much headache,and just not worth the trouble to deal with.lets put all cards on the table rl....i,ve been a dancer for MANY years...and i know quite a bit regarding what i do and dealing with types of people and people in general...when being an entertainer in a field of business that deals with fantasy and sensuality,the enviroment can be quietly explosive and powerful in its own way....lust is such a powerful drug in its own right....thats why as a entertainer i have to be careful....when working in such a sexually provacative enviroment,its like holding a stick of dynamite in your hand that could explode if someone rubs it the wrong way...so i hold it delicately and with respect.i dotn hang out with clients because then there could be the situation where they assume they are on the friendship level and then never see me at the club again,and thus my money is threatened..and honestly rl....most guy clients dont just want friendships..they want to screw your brains out..some are honest with that need,others are more subtle at first,then let it slip thats what they are really after..and pout and give attitude when you dont go there...either way,its a bad situation.easier just to keep the lines drawn and avoid all the drama and emotional messes....and speaking of messes,ho do I know that the "nice guy" or FRIEND isnt a CRAZIE that will STALK or HURT or KILL me later if i dare to make that friendship,huh?its dangerous business rl...there are definite reasons why private info is kept secret..dancers who dont want harassment or stalkers or crazies or any other type of scum who forms an obsession around her making her life a living hell.stop obsessing over hating all dancers and insisting that all dancers have criminal boyfriends and are terrible and so forth...you,ve wasted so much energy already spewing so much hate forth..and where has it gotten you..no place.hate me and others like me whom you dont know,dance,and make money in a club setting...hate us because we wont be fools and give out our info for the price of a 20 dollar bill and put ourselves in harms way for any guy who is lonley and wants to get laid....keep waving your HATE DANCERS banner....guys will still continue to come into clubs like mine and spend money and be entertained...and WONT get upset when i dont get too personal.they,ll understand that its just temporary entertainment(like a movie or a ride at the fair)and its ok to enjoy and then just walk away with a smile,no strings.you,re upset because you WANT strings..you honestly believe that your skimpy 20 bucks should buy a girls personal life as well as a dance....nope...get your head straight rl....dancers dance,and thats all they should do for you.,..dance...later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    wait a minute....according to rl,DANCERS love CRIMINALS,and all their boyfriends are LAW BREAKING CRIMINALS with CRIMINAL RECORDS,so if you become a CRIMINAL,you could attract a DANCER and become her BOYFRIEND,and then get her REAL NAME,FRIENDSHIPS,EMOTIONS,AND PHONE NUMBER!!!JACKPOT!!!!GO FOR IT RL!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers PRETEND TO CARE about customers who have NO SOCIAL SKILLS
    oh,like guys like yourself come into a club looking specifically for dancers with the most elegant of manners right?sorry-not buying it.....its more like looking for the girl with the sexiest costume or t back that almost or does show her private parts off the best..or can dance in a way that nearly or does give you a big "o"..or perhaps you go into a club looking for real info and possible dates...not to say we dancers have no manners(we do)but that really isnt what you,re looking for when you walk in..ms manners...you,re looking for sexy skin wrapped up in a g string and walking in high heels..if manners are present with those thats just a benifit,but not required.i,ve seen dancers who are overly loud,go up to customers with a ciggerrete in their hand,maybe a little drunk,and they still get dances.....some guys even prefer the trashy girls because they want something a little gutterish and taboo because maybe they HAVE a prim and proper ms manners at home and want just the opposite for a minute.and rl....as a dancer,i have complete control over who i do and dont talk to....if someone isnt to my taste,or isnt workable or whatever,then i can walk away at any time..likewise,a client can do the same.yes,dancers are there to make money(oh,we should maybe dance in high heels and get sweaty and exhausted for 8 hours for free,i suppose???)but we dont get emotionally attached to people we barely know and will probably never see again after that night...of all the clients who come into a strip club,only a small percentage are those who return on regular vists to become regulars.....the rest are traveling and maybe its a one time a year thing...i,m sorry rl..but you CANT get attached to a stranger you dont know that you are talking to in a dimly lit setting,amoungest a bunch of noise and chaos,people all around,noise levels so high you can barely hear whats being said.get a grip and get real,ok?guys walk in and want entertainment with no strings,we want to get paid for providing that entertainment with no strings.....real simple...stop bringing emotions into this....its a business.