Strippers and their promises

avatar for phoenixxxblaque
this goes in the same category as rl,s post regarding phone numbers.and inspired by a real situation that happened a few nights ago.

i was working at my club saturday night and happened to see a guest sitting at the bar..i approached,said hi,we made brief small talk...i had to go onstage,so i left his side to go do stage dancing...another girl approached him and they started talking...then another girl walked up and joined them..a friend of mine..a very pretty tall girl with legs for days who likes to manuever guys into two girls dances(thats how she makes her money..that,and she likes to find the ones with credit cards that she can get drunk and make them run up a credit card tab of dances and booze) they go off and do quite a few dances...then after a great while,the two girls leave his side...i go back and talk to him..hes not happy....apprarently my tall friend had promised him her phone number if he took her in the back room to dance...he fell for it..but she never gave up the phone number....and this guy was real nice and spent over a GRAND on dances already....i was furious....things like that make men not want to come back...i apologized for my friends behavior,then i went and told the boss what happened,she told me shed raise hell with my friend(she wasnt happy in the least about hearing what the girl had done)she gave me some free cover cards to give to the guys to entice him to come back....i delivered the cards,we talked some more,and he danced with me..said he was impressed that i went to bat for him and i was cool-he,d be back to see me-and bring his friends.

i DONT LIKE strippers lying to guests to get them to do reflects badly on all the other girls and the club as a whole...if a girl tells you that she,ll give you a number but you have to pay her.guess what..YOU WONT GET THAT NUMBER but she,ll get her money...ditto on all other personal info..if theres a catch attached,you might be getting baited..girls like me have NO LOVE for strippers who play dirty pool and low ball to make money-because the methods the dirty girls choose hurt my money in the long run because the person wont be back..and friend or not,if i find out a guest has been decieved,i,ll do what it takes to make things right....and i,ll do my best to get that girl fired on the spot,cause shes not doing the club any freakin favors acting like that.i make my money being an entertainer..not by conning the guest and potentially pissing him off.later


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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
...... the "sweet, innocent, and real" types. "White knights" please come forward.
There's a third type of stripper promise - the ones they keep no matter what. They make these promises with guys they want to fuck.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I actually think that there are two very different types of stripper promises: those that are made specifically to con you into spending more, and those that made casually and without malice as part of the normal flirting that takes place in clubs. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart until you know the girl. I think all strippers do one or the other fairly regularly, and some girls will do the second with customers they like and the first with those they don't.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
knowing all of that fondl and attempting to fit my expectations (they were low) around the anticipated outcomes (an infrequent heads-up) I still allowed myself to get sucked in, living in Vegas as long as I have and knowing what could occur I should know better.
Most managers know these scams are going on and don't care as long as the money is coming in. If a customer walks away--there are plenty more coming in. Well, that's their view anyway.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Huge, you need to keep three things in mind: first these girls deal with dozens of guys every day and aren't going to remember anything they say, second they are often young and immature, and third they are usually female. All of which means that what you hear them say isn't what they mean. For example, when she says "I'll call you tomorrow" the proper translation is "I might call you sometime if I remember and feel like it." What you regard as a promise they see as casual and meaningless conversation. Don't take anything they say literally or personally. It has nothing to do with you, it's just how most of them are.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
honest I am usually NOT that punctually challenged. Does Guiness have a record for longest run-on sentence? The pics aspect I was referring to was her constantly telling me I'll send you some pics and NOT doing so without prompting.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I am SLOWLY starting to grasp this notion. The girl I was very much into (a party animal) is incredibly sweet but smaller gestures mean the most of me and a complete inability to even send me pictures via e-mail and one too many excuses may have finally turned my thick kitchen light on and even tho BOTH of us know there is zero chance of anything developing the fact that I juss don't think I am getting what I hope for out of this (a few times I felt she was working me) which is an occasional how the fuck are ya? That said I still think of her as a great girl, which prolly tells ya all ya need to know about me.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"I've never understood why so many strippers take such a short-term view. "

Because they spend money on their drug habbits, dead beat boyfriends, whatever so fucking fast they are always low on cash, so need to scam to deal with whatever their immediate financial crisis at the moment is.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I'm glad to see this old tread reappear because I think it's interesting. I've never understood why so many strippers take such a short-term view. Seems to me they'd make more money by treating customers with more respect, especially their regulars, and not doing this crap.

Case in point - I had a regular until fairly recently who I really liked. Everything was great until she started suggesting we should get together OTC. For a while I resisted but she kept at it so I finally agreed and suggested a time and place. At which point she backed off of course. After going through this several times I finally lost interest and am no longer her customer. Why did she do this? She didn't make any extra money from me and ultimely lost me entirely. The only thing I can figure is that she had such a low opinion of herself that she didn't think I'd stick around unless she started making promises. It cost her a good customer and a lot of money.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Were you trying to BUY AFFECTION?
avatar for giveitayank
19 years ago
Hello Pheonix...Thank-you for having the ethics that you have. Over ten years ago a simular thing happenend to me. Dancer X acted interested in me and said she wanted to go out with me. And I did get her phone number. But when I called her for a date, it was always the same, "I can't go out. I'm sick..." excuse after excuse. This went on for about six months, I am embarrased to say. The only way I could see her was to go to the club. She would complain that I wasn't buying dances from her anymore. But, then I thought she was going to be my girlfriend, so I don't have to buy any dances anymore. Was I wrong about that. She told me that if I started buying dances, that she would go out with me. But that first date never happened. And, I even loaned her money so she could make rent. She never re-paid me the 140 dollars even when the club started getting busy again and her income returned to a thoasand per day. I was young and dumb back then and learned the hard way. I wasn't just pissed. I was also hurt that anyone could treat another that way. Afterall, I always like to think the best of everyone and that she was never lying to me. Maybe if she was more like you..then she would have been honest and never expressed any interest in me in the first place. I would have been just fine WITH THAT!!!
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Where are the strippers?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
AN, but I love those machines. I used to have to stand in line in my bank. Now I walk in, take care of business, and am back out in my car driving away while the same people who were there when I arrived are still waiting in line at the drive-through window and the cash machine. And the cashiers are much more pleasant than they used to be because they aren't as busy. It's great.
FONDL, that's ok, when I was bartending I think I never used a cash machine. I doubt strippers do either.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I agree that there are lots of small clip joints. But they're very different from the neighborhood places that I often refer to. I also agree that it's stupid to take a lot of money into a club. Most I've ever taken is $300 and I rarely spend anywhere near that. And I've never used a MAC machine in a club - or anywhere else for that matter. Oops, my anti-technology bias is showing again.
Stories like this one and the $241,000 Scores VIP idiot just go to show that making money in the straight world takes a different aptitude from avoiding the loss of it all in the strip club world.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I never take more money into a strip club than I'm prepared to spend. I didn't feel as sorry for the guy as some apparently. I've never even taken half that amount of cash into a strip club before. What I was wondering is how a guy can be that stupid and still make that much money. I guess when it's comes to con games the guy was completely ignorant.
This story had nothing to do with the type of club and everything to do with the guy being an idiot and a sucker. Anybody stupid enough to fall for that phone number scam isn't safe leaving home without supervision, let along going into any kind of strip club. For every small, cozy, harmless club FONDL sentimentalizes, there's a small clip joint that will rob you blind and break your arm if you don't pay up.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
FONDL, working as a stripper in a tiny shithole of a strip club is not the kind of job a woman is desperate to hold onto.
Don't ever believe anything a dancer says, except her desperate plea for your money.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Hey, I just found this thread again, I had forgotten about it. Just wanted to add, I think this points out another reason to spend your time and money in the local neighborhood places and shun the GC's. A girl could never get away with this kind of crap in a small neighborhood place, she'd be out of there in a hurry. The big fancy clubs are where this kind of dishonesty mostly exists and where the girls who behave like that tend to work. No thanks. I've never had a dancer try to con me in a small neighborhood place.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
What about promises of AFFECTION?
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
It's not just a matter of the MONEY being spent. Some customers at the club may want AFFECTION and/or FRIENDSHIP from strippers OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE
avatar for phoenixxxblaque
20 years ago
rl...i could ask the same question about thousands of things in the world..why is it that some people will spend more then a hundred on a nice dinner then just being satisfied with a trip to burger king.....why do some people splurge on bmw,s instead of being smart and driving a volkswagon?why do some yuppies run up huge credit card bills buying expensive toys rather then be smart and stick to things within their means?answer to all.....because no matter if something is smart or reasonable,you will always go for what satisfies the senses,even if on a practical level,you know its on the splurgy side..a pricey whim.....the guy was nice..didnt want anything,i assure you,i talked to him....and if he wants to blow alot of cash on just dances,well,hes no different then the guy who goes to a posh resteraunt and blows money on champagne,caviar and steak.later
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Phoenix, that's the whole point that I've been trying to make about money. Why have different rules for strippers than for any other form of entertainment? If you're spending $x a month and it's worth it in entertainment value to you, seems to me that's all that matters. And it makes no difference whether you're spending it inside or outside the club, or spending it buying drinks and dinner etc. or just giving her the money directly. I don't understand this hangup that a lot of guys have about giving money to strippers outside the club. What difference does it make where you are?
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Why would a man spend over a THOUSAND dollars if he is only interested in LAP DANCES and/or MINOR SEXUAL SERVICES? Don't you think that sometimes when a customer spends that much (especially if he seems NICE and RESPECTFUL), that he is trying to BUY AFFECTION? Contrary to what some folks in DENIAL may want to think, BUYERS OF AFFECTION may indeed spend MONEY in strip clubs.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Phoenix, I didn't mean to imply that most dancers are crap, in fact I find it to be the exact opposite, that most dancers are pretty decent people, at least at the clubs where I tend to go. If it weren't like that I wouldn't bother going to clubs. As for your flag exercise, if a girl did that to me I'd quickly move and find myself another girl or leave. When a girl is sitting with me, she stays with me until I'm ready to leave, the only exception being when she has to go up on stage. If she goes and gets a drink with another customer, I'm outa there. I don't play those kind of games.
avatar for phoenixxxblaque
20 years ago
but as you can see,not ALL dancers ARE crap....there are some like me who give a hoot and will set things right if someone else has made them wrong....btw...this guest in question....he was happy doing dances as it so-called budy just decided to use that extreme angle to get dances.i spent over 30 minutes talking to him afterwards,apologizing for her,telling him that it wasnt right what she did and the stupid wench WASNT gonna get away with what she did to him..between me going to the boss,and her losing out on potential money on the same guest,lest he come back with friend doesnt stop to think that burning people will mean they wont come back to see her...doign right by them means not only will you make money the first time,but every time they come back and you get a dance from that person..and aside from the money,i told him that i was a entertainer,and i hustled good,but the difference between her and i was that i have a heart-and the way i do things,i can sleep soundly at night knowing i made money and didnt create bad karma while doign so.i treat people very fair.the other tall girl is high maintenance trouble...and her life is screwed up from not being responsible..she is also ruthless when she hustles..draining men dry of all their money and then some..getting them to open up credit card tabs so she can run it up to to the high hundreds and even thousands with food,champagne,and dances..she may make money that one night using that method,but no one ever comes back to see her...and she likes to try to shark her way into two girl dances to make money...trying to sneak in the vip room while another girl is giving a dance to worm her way into that dance and take money out of the other girls pocket....did you guys know that at several clubs the dancers use their drinks at your table like"flags" to mark territory?you buy them a drink,they sip at it,excuse themselves,approach other guys at the club,get drinks from them,and then just go back and forth between the "flag" tables because the rules at clubs like mine state(or rather,they did,until the rule was changed)that if you have a drink sitting with a guest that you can sit with him,even if you have THREE drinks with THREE guests,you can sit with them all,just because of that beverage?girls will try to monopolize men that way.speaking of girls doing that,the tall girl did that same method..real sneaky..shes the reason my boss put an end to that rule.oh well...shes due to be fired anyway....later
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Girls who con customers give all dancers a bad name. Every guy who has ever spent time in strip clubs has had dancers try to do stuff like that. That's why so many guys think all dancers are crap and treat them like it. But you guys already know all that.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
It would be nice if the dancers who did the cons and scams were no longer working the business. They are the big reason so many other guys start always asking for prices and other info ahead of time before they even consider setting foot in the lap dance room. As a customer who is always on the look out for con artists, scams, pick pockets, deceit and lies, it is not necessarily a fun thing to do. However many other parts of society will try scams all the time in our everyday life. Unfortunately, it's not limited to strip clubs. That's why it's nice sometimes to stick to trustworthy people who don't scam whether it's the same dancers in a club or a friendly business that has honest people working at it.

As bad as a few dancers appear to be, some bank officials telling senior citizens their life savings are safe right before they go belly up are some of the most corrupt people I believe. Some of those lawyers are in the same boat. I never heard of suing those who withdrew their own money before a company went bankrupt until now. These people have the dancers beat hands down in the corrupt department. It's nice to hear someone standing up for those who are innocent or are just too naive to know better.
phoenix: Just when I pegged you as a typical dancer on the "take" make a fairly compassionate statement on a man's behalf.

If we could just get you realize that sexual conduct on occasion with a good O.K. and that doing so...doesn't put you in the same category as your example. Then...Just'd be one of the few enlighted Dancers.

At least you're stepping in the right direction.
avatar for Mouse
20 years ago
Phoenix, I agree - this type of stripper should be expunged from the club. She'll hurt all of the other more ethical strippers. I've been baited like this before and somehow managed to get by (mostly by luck) without getting hurt. The stripper(s) never got another dime from me.
avatar for johnnylingo
20 years ago
Wow, that's pretty much the lowest of the low. Thanks for sharing that story phoenix. I'm glad you had the guts to report her to the manager, and took it upon yourself to make the customer feel better. If this guy does come back and brings his buddies, it would be nice if the other girls should gave you a cut of the action.

It emphasizes the point - if a dancer is truly interested in seeing you outside the club, you should not have to pay her money for attention. While we all rip on RL, he is at least trying (in a weird way) to make this point. It cost me $250 to figure this out on my own, but at least it wasn't $1,000.
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