
If REASONABLE prices are charged for dances, there may be less problems with....

If strippers charge REASONABLE prices for lap dances, like FIVE or SIX DOLLARS, or maybe TEN DOLLARS at most, there may be less customers who are HUNGRY FOR AFFECTION! When the price of dances becomes UNREASONABLE, customers may start wanting MORE PLEASURE for their MONEY!


  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    Who want to be reasonable in strip clubs?
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    There may be MANY men out there who LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND in strip clubs
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    Where are the men LOOKING for AFFECTION?
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Look in the mirror RL. Maybe you can get a picture.
    19 years ago
    I hate to move one of RL's subjects to the top, especially since I haven't read it, but I can't let one of my pet peeves go by without comment. RL, please don't use the word "less" when you mean "fewer," it drives me crazy. In spite of what you read in newspapers and hear on TV, the two words are not synonomous, learn to use them correctly.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Apparently our leaders believe $50,000 per person displaced by hurricane Katrina in the entire gulf coast area is the proper amount. Let's see, for a family of four that would be $200,000 if the government paid it directly to the displaced family. I think that's enough to get a fresh start, build a very nice new house, two new cars, etc. etc. and have money left over. I'm serious about these dollar amounts though. Of course I do not believe the people displaced are going to get this money. Some of this money may be going to repair some infrastructure but I wonder where all the rest is going? corruption, corporations, someone's pocket? The price of trying to get affection from the public is too high in my opinion. People need to start complaining to their state senators NOW that strict oversight is needed. I heard the cost for this affection will be over $3,000 per person in the rest of the US.
  • RomanticLover
    19 years ago
    What is a REASONABLE price for AFFECTION?
    20 years ago
    Actually, for once RL asks a good question, I've often wondered about this myself. Do guys expect more in places that charge more? Logic tells me the answer should be yes, but my experience says otherwise. I think that high priced places just attract a different crowd than inexpensive places, and that price has little to do with expectations in this case. I go to one place where LDs are $15 and another where they are $30 - the cheap ones are considerably better - less clothing, more touching. But you're talking too entirely different types of place, the $15 place could never get $30. What's especially interesting to me is in which place do the girls make more $$$? I'm not sure of the answer but I do know that some of the girls in the cheaper place do very well because they are busy all the time and get to keep it all for themselves. But they don't get to work in fancy surroundings like the $30 girls do. And that seems to be important to some people, both guys and girls.
  • johnnylingo
    20 years ago
    That's a great point. Rick's almost works like a pyramid scheme - the not so hot ones at the bottom have to get nasty to make money, which leads to the club's reputation as "dirty" and brings in customers. Ironically, the ones that benefit the most are the good looking ones that of course don't have to dish out extras to land dances. I mean, if you're in a club looking to get off and a "10" asks you for a dance, are you going to say no? The average looking ones who keep it clean get completely screwed, and I'm not sure why they keep working there.
  • davids
    20 years ago
    On the other hand $6 does seem a little low for lap dance. My guess is that in a freer market people would not be paying the same amount for lap dances (per time period) as they would for real sex. The prices of lap dances would go down (simple supply and demand here). My guess is that the price would probably settle around $10-12/dance. So if you just wanted lame dances and to talk/be teased for an hour the bill would run you about $150-$200.

    I also beleive it is only because some of the girls do offer high mileage that the other girls can charge $20-30 to those customers who have yet to find a high mileage girl and are trying others out in the meantime. I think it's for this reason, for instance, that the lower mileage girls at Rick's (for instance) are going to do better than they would at other clubs. They are benefiting from the reputation of their peers (whom they are probably contemptuous of).

  • davids
    20 years ago
    Say it takes you 30 minutes of good lap dances before you are finished. At $20/dance 3.5 min/song that will $180. At $30 it will be $240. Around here $20 dances will probably not do it for you, so we are probably talking $240 before you fun is done. These are getting to be the same rates as for paid full blown sex, so I think RL is actually onto something here.

    Again, I think that due to his writing style and failure to respond after the initial post RL does not as much credit for the good posts he deserves. It would be a shame to lose him here.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi Phoenixxxblaque,

    The clubs I go to charge that much and the dancers seem to be in great shape. Of course, they don't make as much as they deserve.

  • phoenixxxblaque
    20 years ago
    when i hear the word affection,i think of hugs,kisses,cuddling..not a lapdance...the word lap dance comes to mind when i think of the word entertainment...if someone is using a lap dance as affection,i think they ought to find the real thing outside the club..much more fullfilling.

    5 or 6 bucks for a lap dance huh?my goodness....the dancer would be EXHAUSTED from dancing just to reach a 100 dollars each night...and probably collapse if you managed to get to 200(20 dances for 100,40 for 200)can you imagine having to dance for that long?the wear and tear it would put on your body?20 bucks may seem liek a lot(and to some it is)but part of what you give her,she has to invest back in herself to keep up with that sexy fantasy image...salon vists for her hair and nails,nice shoes and outfits,gym and tanning bed memberships,eating right,and so forth...none of that is cheap my friends,i,m sorry to say.wish it were,but its not.our tips and dances go into personal upkeep and maintenance,along with paying our regular bills.just a thought..
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    Actually I believe you are wrong there RL. If dancers only charged $5 or $6 dollars for a lapdance, customers would be a lot hungrier for affection (ie. lapdances) and would buy a whole lot of dances since it wouldn't be a big decision to make. They wouldn't worry about another $5 but another $15 or $20 dollars would make them less hungry for affection.

    I suppose there is one good thing about places where dancers charge too much. They get to walk all around asking for dances so you get to watch them. If dance prices were low, some dancers might camp out in the lap dance room just constantly doing dances. You wouldn't ever see them.
  • happylap
    18 years ago
    I don't really get RL's use of the word "affection" here. IMHO LDs have little to do with affection.

    But the prices are based on simple economic supply and demand. "Charge what the market will bear." If the customers are buying lots of dances then they are underpriced. If few guys are buying, then they're overpriced. And every market is different both because of affluence (or lack of) of the local population and the local laws which constrain what the dancers can offer. I usually find that SCs in rural areas have lower prices than in urban areas, but that's not always true.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I've noticed a lot of customers don't seem to get any dances. I may start following this route myself. I already do at one club that charges too much. That particular club doesn't get too many takers on their lap dances so I guess they figure they better charge high prices because not too many other guys are going to.

    Maybe I should be thankful that club hasn't lowered their two for one price down to $30 which it used to be years ago. Years ago the club was crowded and lots of guys would be lining up to get dances. Now the club charges two for $40 on their special and the club isn't crowded but the girls line up to try to get dances. I haven't gotten a lap dance in that club for years.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    You must be smoking something heavy RL if you suddenly want to cuddle a stripper during the middle of a lap dance.

    When you sober up and read this and if you're still thinking about cuddling, just do that when you aren't getting a lap dance. Let the girls dance and grind during the lap dance time.
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    What about cuddling DURING a lap dance?
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