
Comments by phoenixxxblaque (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone been REJECTED by a stripper (in RELATIONSHIP) after his MONEY ran out
    hey rl....you keep coming up with all these HATE STRIPPERS,THEY ARE SO AWFUL threads,why dont you mention things in opposition that REALLY happen..like strippers who happen to hook up with guys who have jobs,then turn around and try to sponge off their stripper girlfriend and treat them bad?why dont you ever mention any of that huh?oh wait....then that would paint a bad picture of a guy and not a stripper so it CANT be a rl thread...not hateful enough towards strippers.i dated two guys(who werent criminals)who tried to be golddiggers after i started making good money dancing and i kicked them to the curb when it was obvious that they saw me as a walking atm rather then a woman to be loved and respected....and i,ve known PLENTY of strippers who go through the same headache....yes,there are as many male golddiggers and bottom feeders as there are women..and they are just as rude and shameless as you make strippers out to be.suprized to hear that?dont be.but now that you know that,wake up and stop hating strippers so much........tear up that I HATE STRIPPERS,AND YOU SHOULD TOO" sign and get the hell over it..move on.you hate strippers....we ALL got that point,ok?trust me..we did.now move on to something different to talk about.if you dont know of anything else,i can halp you.....i,m sure you,re a smart guy,you,re just showing one aspect of yourself that is getting old on this message board.i find it ironic that your name is romanticlover and yet to spew out nothing but hate and bitterness.whats with that?time to move on to new pastures rl..the grass of bitterness you,ve been eating isnt doing you any good.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancer Refuses to Dance . . .
    maybe the dancer in question just wanted to get her head straight and wasnt in the mood to play "femme fatale"sometimes there are personal things going on that you really dont want to share with anyone,yet you have a job to do and thus,you do it anyway-even if you really should take the night off and just relax instead.sounds like she was "winging it"...just enough to make scratch money,but not really hustling too much..sometimes you just have to do that.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    REALITY CHECK for customers who think they have "rescued" a stripper from stripp
    then again.lets switch it the other way..what about CUSTOMERS who form FRIENDSHIPS with STRIPPERS then come into where she WORKS and expect her to sit and talk all day and not give her a DIME for her time spent,and worse,when she GETS UP to go find someone who will pay her for her TIME that FRIEND/CUSTOMER gets upset because the dancer wants to make MONEY while shes there and hes there too........why havent you made a thread about a situation like that,huh rl?too tame for you?not mean enough? or how about REGULARS who come in and just want to sit there all day and not do dances,just talk and talk and the dancer has to find a polite way to excuse herself after awhile so she can make her money without pissing off her regular?...OR does the regular REALLY have a reason to get upset if he comes in and doesnt spend anything,and she has to make her cash..and he has decided that day to not spend a dime...and want to talk for HOURS on end. where is your concern for topics like these rl?
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    20 years ago
    shadowcat...if a person such as yourself is in that good with all the dancers,to the point you have personal info like names,email addresses and such and you didnt ask for any of it,then that alone seperates you from the other group that aggressively pursues such things and dancers dont want to give it up.you must be in that rare category where you are genuinely liked.if a guy like yourself gets info without being asked,then that alone will let you know without question that the friendship you have with that person or persons is real....but i have to ask you shadowcat..i know you have your favorites and all,but would you touch,grope or lick on a new girl that you arent on familiar ground with already?or are you one of those gentlemen that waits to get to know the young lady before behaving in that way?something tells me you are of the latter because you do indeed have things like email addresses and such and that is how you got them....patience...am i right,or wrong on that?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote (apparently by a stripper) that you might be interested in
    hmmmmm....i guess guys who make up 16 hate stripper threads on one message board are ALSO lacking in self esteem,huh rl?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    REALITY CHECK for customers who think they have "rescued" a stripper from stripp
    listen dear.dancers dont go to a club,put on 5 inch high heels and tight costumes for 8 hours to find friends,ok..we are there to make a living....if i want to find a friend i,ll go to a decent setting where i can dress in normal clothes,have my conversation heard without the interruption of a dj,and not have to worry about making money at that time...if you go to a strip club looking for a friend,well,let me just say you,re lookign in the wrong place and bothering thw wrong people with something that requires time and emotion..and getting to really know the other person...later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancer Refuses to Dance . . .
    forgive my ignorance...i know what gfe means for an escort,what exactly does that mean for a dancer..its a different setting,how can a dancer be a gfe in a club?just curious.
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    20 years ago
    looking for love
    (lol)oh my goodness...are you serious in thinking strippers are looking at you for love?uh....no,they arent.more like looking at you as someone who is stable and they want to get attached to that life.love has nothing to do with it.dont get me wrong...not saying you arent worthy to be loved or anything..but lets get it straight...you walk into a club,you are offically a mark the moment your toes step over the doorway line...and your name is BILL as in phone BILL,water BILL,rent BILL,got it?thats a hateful joke,but its true....when you come in as a customer,you are there to suplement some girls income with tips and dances.every dancer i ever knew wasnt there for love-and was always looking for a combination white knight with a credit card and bank account/sugar daddy to get her out of the personal drama/financial mess she was in.i never did that route because i,m not that kind of person..and tying yourself to someone you dont care about for the sake of money is always bad karma PLUS most sugar daddies have quirks of their own PLUS once you become their playtoy,you are THEIRS ..and that idea never sat well with me. sorry to pop your bubble about dancers loving you,but i,m just telling it like it is..they want to attach themselves to you and your stability...they could care less about your heart dear.thanks..bye
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    looking for love
    ridin...doesnt matter what age you are,or if you,re rich or not,you can still be a potential sugar daddy to a stripper with drama and problems hungry for the taste of the normal life via riding the coattails of someone elses job or lifestyle.and someone brought up an interesting point..we stripppers get preyed on too by golddigger men..happens in high frequency more then you might think.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote (apparently by a stripper) that you might be interested in
    one more thing to rl....if a guy wants to spend more just for conversation,whats the harm in that?thats no different then a guy spending lots of money for a steak dinner instead of being practical and going to the store and buying groceries...we as humans like to indulge in things that are on the side of luxurious and pleasureable...and some men might find just conversation with a beautiful woman as a luxury..whats the harm in that?let them have that pleasure without critism..they might have worked hard all week and find that to be their reward at the end...better then being bitter and writing 16 hate stripper threads on a site.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote (apparently by a stripper) that you might be interested in
    rl..well,i wouldnt say that 16 plus hate threads on the same subject is normal.you,re supposed to be ROMANTICLOVER...geez...wheres the love? if a guy goes into a club looking for more then a dance its his own stupidity.......dancers dont want or need emotional strings attached.we are there to do a job....and the best do it well and get paid well for it.....we are a living fantasy..our income relies on how well we can play out the part..and we can only hope that the person we talk to understands the unspoken rules and doesnt cross the lines
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who AVOID "taking a stand" on whether or not they are your FRIENDS
    (putting on policewoman cap)alright you.....you are being given a ticket for the following violations...violation #1...the overuse of caps that gives other posters headaches and is generally boring after the third word in caps.#2...making up every hateful angle post you can think of to either a)try to throw hate out at strippers or b)try to piss off and bore other message board posters who just get out and out annoyed with your behaviour(pauses for a moment to think on that)you know what..make that two seperate violations on that count...because everyone keeps telling you they dont want to hear it and you dont listen.you are also in violation of section a-93200...being rejected by a stripper and not admitting to it so the rest of the posters here could at least understand what the hell is wrong with you to cause you to talk like a bithering idiot.then theres section 814-b-543..another violation of not having a life and spending all your time in front of your keyboard making hate posts instead of doing what normal people do and going outside to see sunlight at least once a week(eyeballs the empty tv dinner tins in the trash can,the empty soda/beer cans,visene,asprin,notepad with possible hate thread ideas and angles written on it...sees a picture of a stripper on one wall with a dart gone through the middle)tsk,tsk,tsk...shame,shame,shame.lonley little messy world you got here. because of all these violations,i,m gonna have to confiscate your keyboard and moniter so you cant annoy people anymore..because of talking like a hateful jackass,your privilege of spouting your opinion is being taken away until such time is determined that you are no longer a stripper nazi,and you have been reformed to a normal human being that enjoys simple pleasures like walks on the beach,a good book,and company of others..i,lll have the honorable JUDGE STRIPPERHO issue an order for you to also start back-to-human therapy.......you,ll be ordered to spend at least 6 hours a day away from your house fratenizing with others in social settings in positive enviroments,you,ll exercise and do mediatation(very calming for stressed out people like you)and you,ll go to a shrink for a 100 bucks an hour that you can spout all your frustration at instead of submitting all your hate towards innocent bystander posters online who really dont want to hear your whining.(puts moniter and keyboard in a box,rips off big ticket and passes it to romanticlover)i,m also ordering you to change your name since you really havent felt romance in awhile and not really interested in doing so anytime soon...you wont find romance curled up in front of that pc,friend,best to get out and start your human therapy reall soon to earn your name again(carries out box)bye.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who use TRICKS to get a stripper's PHONE NUMBER: clever or PATHETIC?
    (ropes off this message thread with police tape)this message thread is hearby seized by the decency police as it in violation of many different sections regarding intelligence,creativity,and the fact the accused party,romanticlover(aka stripper nazi,dancer donkeys ass,roman-man-tick-lover)has violated his court order to stop bothering others with his jackass same old,same old threads..he will hearby have to lick the stage grime and sweat off 60 pairs of dancer heels and boots freshly worn after 10 hours onstage and lap dancing,in penance for not appreciating the hard work and physical labor they have to endure..and basically because JUDGE STRIPPERHO thinks mr personality is a pinhead who needs to learn to talk about new subjects.hope those shoes taste good romanticlover.........as for all others,reply not to this thread,as it is now state property and too boring to consider a thought for....thanks,from the adult decency police department.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lap dance tipping etiquette
    romanticlover....i am THROUGH being nice to you friend...i,m pretty sure with your attitude you dont go to clubs anymore(wouldnt do you any good to go anyway,you,re a cheapass the girls would stay away from)so what do you care if a guy tips a little extra on top of the dance price...when guys do that to me,i appreciate that-and them,for that show of thanks,,maybe a pinhead like you doesnt understand the idea that we ladies have tip out ALOT OF MONEY at the end of the night....we dont dance for free..at my club,you tip out 10 percent of the total you make,you give 5 for the house for 10 dances,if you do ten dances(after that,the rest of the dances you dont give 5 for,but still...5 bucks times 10 is 50 bucks.)i gotta tip out my dj,my security(2 guys)and so forth....overall,JUST my tip out is almost a hundred dollars a night.......and whatevers left is mine....so,in order to make 200 dollars,i have to make three(subtract the tip out from the rest)and airheads like you DARE to say that we ONLY DESERVE 5 BUCKS A DANCE?????)WHATEVER!!!!!i have to charge twenty bucks so i can tip out correctly at the end of the night bud!and,if you think about it,if you break down that twenty dollars,i AM really only getting 5 bucks,because the other two thirds go to tip out and staff tip out. and,while we are on this subject,lets bring up everything that i have to pay for to make me and ladies like me that perfect sexy fantasy..taning bed sessions(over a hundred a month)trips to the hair/nail salon,gym memberships(600 a year)nice clothes,nice shoes,eating healthy food so we dont look all flabby,..what,you think all this crap is freei suppose???you want the fantasy,that ok,but realize,just as for you,also for us,it aint for free..we have to pay for it too,ok?and on top of that....considering all that i tip out at night,all that i pay for to look the part,plus all the physical labor that goes into it,i,ll be damned if i,m doing all that for 5 measely dollars a dance...you feel 20 bucks is too much?you have conviction behind your words?great..you get onstage and you do it then for 5 bucks....more power to you.....but 20 bucks is a fair price.guys like you come into clubs wanting that sexy fantasy,well,that fantasy means continued investment in the self....neverending maintenance in every way possible...that 15 minutes you spend in our company(or more)well,be aware that HOURS went into that appearance to make it look appealing.later
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you want FRIENDSHIP with a stripper? Let her PAY sometimes!
    (dumps rl in a trash can and ties the lid on)good riddance to rubbish
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lap dance tipping etiquette
    fondl..what you say is true fondl..i have no quarrel with you..its that moron romanticlover who insists dancers charge too much and that they should only get 5 bucks a dance.i was just simply showing exactly what that 20 bucks a dance pays for.thanks
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do the strippers in your club do this?
    david..my goodness,you sure have a negative view on strippers!and fyi...great dancers dont HAVE to run scams to make money-believe it or not,there are those of us,who can just dance and make great money without lies or deceit.i know you,re probably shaking your head and say ing no,but its true,i do it 4 nights a week.