avatar for dr_lee
man on a mission

Comments by dr_lee

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a month ago
avatar for dogchain
smallish things strippers do that stop them from being a fav
Also the most obvious reason is bad lap dances! lol There are super attractive dancers I've seen in area clubs in the last year that if their dances are not good, then I just stop getting dances from them. I used to care about being seen with the best looking dancers, but that's not a premium for me anymore if their dances are terrible. And just general malaise from a dancer. If she gives off the vibe she really doesn't want to even be there, then I'm definitely not the guy to pick up her spirits.
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a month ago
avatar for dogchain
smallish things strippers do that stop them from being a fav
-Vaping. I’ve seen a few really attractive dancers recently, but as soon as I see smoke coming out of their face, she’s a no-go for me. -I always have to ask her for a dance, she never approaches me to ask if I want one. Recent dancer I was into was like this and I just stopped asking her. -A few other things: Loud, moves too fast, always in my line of sight, always pairing off with other dancers, stay having a drink in their hands. The best dancers are the ones who are always alone, in the club sparingly, quiet, and about giving dances, none of that sideshow act stuff I mentioned above.
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a month ago
avatar for Studme53
Literally make your heart race ?
I saw a super tall busty Amazon a long time ago and it was like I was watching a statue come to life. Thought I’d seen the most gorgeous specimen of female ever. That feeling has never returned since.
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6 months ago
avatar for j04n44r
New York
Club is slow: Dancers fault? Or the current times?
Combination of both. Times are tough and slow, but also dancers seem way more disinterested nowadays than I remember them being in the past. Also, in the past, if I was really interested in a dancer I almost didn't care about anything other than her beauty. But times are much different now. There are many things distract me from liking a lot of dancers that I either ignored or weren't that noticeable in the past. Now I see lots of dancers with very low energy, bad vibes, and annoying personalities. Also, when I see a dancer focused on one customer a lot or too much, that discourages me from even ever approaching her because I know she'll never really be interested in me other than a pity lap dance. But there ARE dancers who actually show repeated interest in me and those are the ones worth going to clubs for.
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6 months ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
They're all just too fat!
I see a lot of fit girls with great bodies in the clubs, but the main difference I notice now as opposed to years ago is a lot of modern dancers are just way more unpleasant and indifferent. Too much sitting and playing on their phones, too much walking around the club going nowhere, too much vaping, too much gum-chewing, too much loud talking, drink glasses of whatever are just an extension of their hands. Dancers are just way more immature and unlikable than they used to be. It’s weird how a lot of them seem to take such great care of their bodies, but very little attention to their behavior.
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6 months ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Subtle Hints a Dancer is Totally Not into You as a Customer
I had a dancer a few months ago that I walked up to and asked if she was busy and she said "yes" and I wasn't sure I asked the question right and asked again and she confirmed she was busy. She was just sitting at the bar by herself not doing anything. Some dancers simply dislike you for some reason. My motto is "there's ALWAYS someone better."
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6 months ago
avatar for dickdecker
Wood ya.....
Also, to piggyback on the first reply, I’m more of a body than a face guy, so even if she’s like a 5 or 6 in the face, the body might be more of an 8 or 9, then I prefer that anyway. Pretty faces are irrelevant if they don’t have the body to match. For body, my bare minimum is a 7. For face, I might go as low as 5.
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6 months ago
avatar for dickdecker
Wood ya.....
I was literally thinking about this recently! lol A 5 is a bit too low for me, but yeah, I’d much rather have a great dance from a legit 6-7 than garbage dances from supermodel looking dancers. I just don’t have the mentality to tolerate terrible dances anymore no matter how physically hot the dancer looks.
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6 months ago
avatar for vegetashair
High Mileage in Phoenix?
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6 months ago
avatar for Muddy
What do strippers wear that does NOT look hot
1) Bikinis should be only reserved for women with GREAT bodies, even girls with decent bodies just don't look good in bikinis, in my opinion. 2) I would say tattoos, but I've actually gotten use to those. There's this dancer I got a dance from recently that's my current favorite in this one club and I must have totally forgotten she had tattoos or I was oblivious to it. 3) There's these like ankle things that some dancers wear that I find distracting and a complete turnoff. Not ankle bracelets, those are cool and sexy, but like anklebands? Those things just don't do it for me. 4) Platform shoes is an absolute MUST, so if a dancer is wearing anything other than platforms, I'm out. Also, those Peggy Bundy type low flat high heels with the fur on top are extremely tacky, in my opinion. But if it's platform shoes with the fur on top, that's sexy to me. 5) I don't care for girls wearing flowers in their hair or ponytail hairstyle. Prefer the hair to be long and straight, but with SOME life to it, not just mousy straight hair. 6) Also, I've found that I really dislike girls wearing glasses! I've seen dancers who switch between wearing and not wearing glasses and their sex appeal dips by a lot once they put the specs on.
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6 months ago
avatar for blockbird
At what point do you become too old for clubbing?
I don't care that I'm older. I just adjust my tastes and standards as I've gotten older. I'm at a point where I don't want dances from dancers that are too young, which eliminates a lot of wasting time waiting for young girls to come talk to me. I'd much rather get dances from someone who is both mature and hot. Also, she needs to have a good attitude, personality, and act with a level of grace. I am totally averse to and completely avoid dancers who talk too much, are loud, always walking around the club randomly, always seem to have a glass glued to their hand, chew gum all the time, and who vape. That eliminates a LOT of younger dancers for me.
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8 months ago
avatar for BabyDoc
Wayfaring Stranger
In the Light of Day
Once I see the club lights hit most dancers exposing their faces, it makes me ecstatic that I’m a body guy.
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8 months ago
avatar for TravelingBoredBusiness
Are Strip Clubs and Strip Culture Dying Out
I totally agree many modern dancers are very awkward, but I actually prefer they just get to the point and ask me if I want a dance. I’m not in SCs to play 20 Questions and tell my life story. But, yeah, I’ve had dancers in recent months who I actually wanted dances from that were so annoyingly awkward and weird or just gave crappy dances that I couldn’t care less if I ever saw them again, much less get a dance from them.
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8 months ago
avatar for Ruby3456
Indian Dancer in North Boston
Favorite type of music in the club
Loud, because I don’t want to hear other people talking
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8 months ago
avatar for docsavage
Second thoughts
I can only recall once a long time ago I backed out. Otherwise, what usually happens is that either 1) The dancer starts to do obnoxious stuff that turns me off and so I’ll be prepared to say “no thanks” when she asks if I want a dance or 2) I only get 1 dance and politely send her on her way to get her to leave me alone the rest of the night. Also, I’ve had several dancers I’ve found attractive but their dances are so garbage, I always turn them away in the future. Not wasting money on terrible lap dances.
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9 months ago
avatar for hotgirlsplz
spend too much on dancers 🤯
Does anyone just go to strip clubs NOT for extras? Just to watch?
To an extent but only because I’m SUPER picky about the girls I get dances from. I still want dances, but only from very specific dancers that I think are really hot. Probably 90 to 95% of the time, I’m actually just drinking and stage-watching. Dances can get expensive so I’m not throwing money away on dancers I either don’t find attractive or who have given me crappy dances before and a LOT of them fall into at least one nod those categories.
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9 months ago
avatar for docsavage
Strippers who dislike the customers
I legit believe like 80 to 90% don’t really like customers. But I’m talking more from my experience because I’m super picky about who I get dances from. My standards in dancers are way higher than most guys’ standards. There might be like 1 to 3 dancers I’m REALLY interested in when I go to a club on any given day or night. I’ve had a very few dancers who really seem to be into me for whatever reason, though. Id say like 2 to 3% of dancers that I actually like a lot also like me equally.
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10 months ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Unusual Signs a Girl is High Mileage?
The best lap dance I ever got was over a decade ago in this dive club in Columbia, SC, off some rundown highway. I saw this super hot looking Cuban(?) dancer and so I waited most of the night for her to approach me, but she was one of those that felt for some reason she didn’t have to ask me, I had to ask her. I finally did and she basically was all over me in the dance area kissing all over me and pulling me as close to her as possible. AND gave me her number! She said she lived in Florida and came to SC to work. Another dancer from even years before that caught my eye was this tall, busty, gorgeous white Amazon and I didn’t even wait but went right to stage and asked her. As soon as the dance started, she was kissing me passionately and looking at me like love at first sight. Two of the best dances I ever had were from females I was sure would give awful dances. Go figure.
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a year ago
avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
What’s the best mindset to have going into the club?
Another thing is I don’t get jealous anymore. I used to be jealous and envious of other patrons getting girls I wanted to get dances from and taking up all their time. Now, I look at it as glass half full where it opens opportunities for other and potentially better dancers. Also, if I’m always having to wait for certain girls to finish with other customers, then I know that dancer is probably not someone I want to spend time with anyway.
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a year ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Hard But Good?
In general, not really. I haven’t be attracted to a dancer to even want a dance from them. If a dancer has to talk me into it, then that means I’m not attracted to her and I usually can never get into dances from someone I just am not into.
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a year ago
avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
What’s the best mindset to have going into the club?
I used to like going knowing certain dancers were there because I was guaranteed a good time. Problem with that is they sometimes get busy or have an attitude where they ignore you all night. NOW, I actually prefer it when it’s completely unknown and there’s new dancers I can focus my attention on. Unless it’s a super great regular dancer, I generally always want a new dancer. I also hate slow nights. I do way better on busy nights mainly because there are so many girls to choose from.
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a year ago
avatar for funonthaside
Stick to the Basic Rules
My most basic rule that tend to screw up is getting dances from dancers I really don’t want to because I feel guilty turning so many down. Usually, it’s a good rule because dancers that don’t appeal to me out of the gate never will. Also, it’s just a waste of my time and money. Very rarely, there will be a dancer that surprises me though where she ends up way better than I thought. I know it’s taboo, but I hate stage tipping for couple of reasons (1) Tipping a dancer and she’s unappreciative and (2) Tipping makes a lot of them think I want dances when I actually don’t.
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a year ago
avatar for Nickanme
Approaching Dancers
I just go up to the dancer and ask her if she’s available to give me some dances. I prefer it if she’s by herself. For some reason, I like it when they’re standing rather than sitting, just seems like when they’re standing somewhere (against a wall, at the bar), I’m quicker to approach them.
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a year ago
avatar for Givemegothgirls
Milf lover and newbie nerd
What are your rules when you are at a strip club?
I’m really set in my ways now. Some of my main rules: 1) Sit in an area that’s a good view of the main stage (but not AT the main stage) and where there won’t be a ton of traffic. I hate people constantly walking in front of and behind me. 2) Only get dances from dancers I really want to get dances from. My experience is that most dancers I don’t want (because I’ve actually gotten dances from that pool) give crappy dances or have other issues. It’s a waste of my time and money. 3) Avoid loud, obnoxious dancers at all costs. I can’t deal anymore with girls who talk loud, are always drunk or carrying a drink, always walking around circling the club like vultures, and who act like they run the club. 4) I actually don’t deal with waitresses. I get all my drinks from the bar. I’m like Steve Buscemi in Reservoir Dogs. I expect way better and more attentive service if I’m going to constantly tip. 5) I hate small talk. Tired of dancers asking me what my job is, where I live, how old am I, etc. Get to the point and ask me for a dance or don’t even approach me. Also, I’d rather the dancer start dancing of a song has just started. None of that waiting for the next song crap. My time is too precious and valuable at my age now.
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a year ago
avatar for ATACdawg
Unfortunately, the bastard is rehired😪
One more game!!!!
I wanted both Michigan and Washington to win, Michigan more because I wanted Alabama NOT to win.