smallish things strippers do that stop them from being a fav

avatar for dogchain

I think we have all been there. You see a new dancer. She is hot and appears to check off all the boxes. You are into her maybe you get as far as having dances or even VIP then X happens and it is back to the drawing board. For you what quality in a dancer takes her from being a potential new fav to no thanks. Here are mine in no particular order.

-Get dances they are great then at the end she over counts on dances. You both know it isn't a mistake she is just trying to take you to the cleaners. -She gives you her number but does not want to do anything outside of the club. Shes just begging you to come in the club all the time. -Coming around for too many stage tips. At the club everyone knows how many times the dancers come around for tips. Could be once or twice or what ever but then she comes around an extra time just trying to squeeze out ever last dollar she can.


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avatar for TheeOSU
2 mos ago

'-Get dances they are great then at the end she over counts on dances. You both know it isn't a mistake she is just trying to take you to the cleaners. -She gives you her number but does not want to do anything outside of the club. Shes just begging you to come in the club all the time.'

^ there's other things but i don't have the time right now to think and post about them but yeah these 2 apply.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 mos ago

If #1 happens, she's tarred as an ROB for life On #2, I've only done it 3 times and never with the hopes of OTC On #3, there's only one dollar parade place I ever go to and after I give a tip or two, I tell them I've already tipped them.

There was one at Desire I had some good times with but then EVERY GODDAMN TIME SHE SAW ME she'd come up from behind no matter what else I was doing and tickle me to get my attention. Bitch, do that again and you're gonna catch an elbow to the jaw.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

Overcounting dances isn't smallish to me it's ROB.

I don't know why a PL would see exchanging numbers in itself as a promise of OTC. If she isn't enough of a fav that I intend to try to come to the club when she's working, I decline to exchange numbers. (Hypothetically, I might meet a stripper who wasn't my fav as a stripper, but we both wanted to be friends. Hasn't happened so far.)

It's not a big thing when they ask for tips or drinks, I typically say sorry, no. I'm a wanna dance PL, so that general sidesteps the issue. If they do it excessively during the dance, then it's the last dance with her.

avatar for PAWG_Patrol
2 mos ago

When she has a great body but wants to do dumb tricks like headstands during LDs. It's called a LAP dance for a reason.

When she demands a specific tip amount. Always bothers me for some reason. It's bad enough asking for a tip after a dance. (I always tip for exceptional service.) But a couple weeks ago a ROB demanded "at least $40" for mediocre dances.

My most petty was she was cute but had shitty taste in stand up comedians. We were talking about good comedy and she said "I LOVE Chris D'elia!" Lost all attraction to her knowing enjoyed such a hack 😂

avatar for skibum609
2 mos ago

I love when dancers do a head stand, because as it continues her face is in my crotch and her crotch in my face. At least I loved it last night. My pet peeve is anything shitty for a few extra bucks, such as the start 1/2 way through a song count it as one or overcount. I always pay the amount demanded and they never get another dance. If they ask they get told why, but nothing they can do ever gets them another dance. Why? It has nothing to do with the money and nothing to do with the cheating, other than the price of someone's honesty being $20 - $30 dollars. Same with golf when people cheat. Its not the cheating your friends part which I might consider for 6 figures, but the cheating for $20 fucking dollars.

avatar for Manuellabore
2 mos ago

The offer of a phone number is rarely a suggestion that OTC is on the table, unless she expressly says it is. Being able to figure out when she's working is a good way to figure out if she is fave material and, maybe, OTC material. My fave fave never suggested OTC

avatar for ancientlurker
2 mos ago

Bad dances. This includes air dances, zero effort, and unwillingness to take reasonable direction. Kinda related to zero effort is when their dance makes you think "she has never had sex in her life, doesn't have a clue how to arouse someone". Dishonesty. Miscounting, starting mid-song, and not delivering on promises if any were made. Inability to consent, aka stoned/drunk-off-her-ass-ness. This is just for the one night though, unless it happens again. Bigotry. This one was complaining about the "ay-rabs". Greed, sometimes. Demanding payment after every song. Demanding tips during the dance.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

For me it's always been the case that there are trade offs. You tolerate some things if they are outweighed by others. Strippers are more likely to come from families built on trauma bonding. You have to keep it business-like, calmly tell them that if X happens again, you can't continue to be their customer. If you start venting about how they wronged you, that makes it like a personal dispute. They may have little to no experience in resolving personal disputes in a reasonable way.

avatar for Mate27
2 mos ago

Not really a small thing, but gaining too much weight. Also, when they get a new boyfriend and stop providing you with the same type of service you normally receive.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 mos ago

" At least I loved it last night. " ski ftw!

  • overcounting, starting during the song - ROB
  • air dances - Lame
  • standing there jiggling their ass like its a rap video - WTF do I look like? And WTF is wrong with these kids today?
  • bad smells - it happens
  • moaning - I know its fake. She knows its fake. I know that she knows that I know... just don't bother please
  • weak extras... getting to the point of a poorly executed BJ or HJ is just sad
  • upsells that interrupt the LDA experience - there's a time for closing and this isn't it
  • vague promises - I can smell these as well as the bad smells above
  • complaining - not my job, honey
  • banging on about political whatever - I don't fucking care what some dancer thinks about geopolitics, the local sw union, Trump, Biden, whatever. I'm there to have fun not reenact every other social situation where someone can't shut up about this

You know what I DO love? Girls who work hard. A lovely little model with huge tits and a great attitude was gagging on my dick in VIP the other day. She ATTACKED the dick. Tonguing the dick through the Breath On shorts so strong and well that I was in danger of LDKing. It was full on. At the end, I noticed sweat under her tits, and her eyes were watering. She WORKED for that nut, God bless her.

They should give out awards for this kind of performance!

avatar for Rightfield
2 mos ago

Implying things will get better in VIP, then grabbing my wrists to move my hands away from her like we are on a high school date.

I mean, I will respect their limits, but let me know what they are ahead of time. There is nothing so unsexy as a girl's hands on my wrists.

Related: Quoting one price as we head to VIP, and then finding out it's going to be more. ("Oh, that's what I get. The house charge is on top of that.") Nope. It isn't. Goodbye.

avatar for DandyDan
2 mos ago

I had a favorite whose time as a favorite came to a sudden end when she spent the whole conversation talking about Jesus and how she was "saved". I don't go to the strip club to hear about your religion.

Then there was the conversation I had with a dancer once where she wanted to know how the "Dallas Patriots" were doing in football. I have bought dances from girls who like teams I don't like, but if you don't know Dallas is the Cowboys, you are beyond stupid.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 mos ago

^ I was at Vivide with my Atlanta buddy, and the woman who just fucked him actually said she wouldn't be in Sunday because she had church. Cognitive dissonance is amazing.

avatar for loper
2 mos ago

Hey, Puddy, church ladies have to make a living too!

  1. overcounting by more than a quarter of a song
  2. asking for a tip instead of just waiting to accept one graciously 2a. asking for more than the posted amount
  3. ineffective lap dance
  4. inconsistency. one day: no limits. another day: can't touch her titties
  5. too much perfume, bad hygiene, glitter
  6. too intimate without warning: pulls out dick from bottom of shorts and sticks it in, expecting HJ, get BBBJ.
  7. too much tobacco -- excessive time spent smoking, smell on body/clothes
  8. too stupid to live!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

Vivide isn't open on Sunday. So she should go to church, with all those people who voted for our President-elect, who's always been so faithful to (all) his marriage vows?

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 mos ago

^ Her words, not mine. Maybe she worked a different club Sunday?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

The one dancer from Vivide I text with, her biggest worry is how to help her mother and younger siblings back in Cuba. If she can't make it into heaven, none of us have any hope. She said prayer was the only way she kept going through all the months in immigration detention.

avatar for Manuellabore
2 mos ago

Any perfume is too much perfume for me Does anybody like perfume on a dancer?

avatar for captainfun
2 mos ago

Yes someone should tell dancers that no perfume at all is ideal

avatar for dr_lee
2 mos ago

-Vaping. I’ve seen a few really attractive dancers recently, but as soon as I see smoke coming out of their face, she’s a no-go for me.

-I always have to ask her for a dance, she never approaches me to ask if I want one. Recent dancer I was into was like this and I just stopped asking her.

-A few other things: Loud, moves too fast, always in my line of sight, always pairing off with other dancers, stay having a drink in their hands.

The best dancers are the ones who are always alone, in the club sparingly, quiet, and about giving dances, none of that sideshow act stuff I mentioned above.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

I wonder, when they don't avoid perfume and glitter, are they in denial that most customers are there on the down low?

If they use eau de cologne instead, does that evaporate off the customers fast enough, so it's gone by the time they get home?

avatar for WiseToo
2 mos ago

My pet peeve is when during a lap dance I politely ask her to do something simple, like turn around so I can see her boobs rather than her back, and she ignores me and says something like all my other customers like my dancing.

And then she has the audacity to ask if I want another dance.

avatar for elmer
2 mos ago

Gotta agree with nearly all from above but Smoking is absolutely number one (cigarettes)

When a dancer agrees to a dance says after I get off stage and/or a trip to the dressing room. Then either keeps you waiting an excessive amount of time or goes directly to someone else

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 mos ago

A stripper might want to face away from you because her back is aching, and it's more comfortable to lean farther forward. Or, her boobs are sore from her monthly cycle or PL mauling, so she's afraid of putting them in easy reach.

I guess not everyone prefers to adjust their expectations to avoid repeated frustration. It's not unusual for people in their 20s to be fine with making "enough" money rather than as much as possible. Don't jump to the conclusion that she's a moron or on a power trip. Motivation in a dancer correlates with Cuban, 30+, kids, shop-a-holic, roughly in that order.

avatar for JamesSD
2 mos ago

Maybe this isn't small, but reeks of marijuana or cigarettes.

As someone who almost always rejects a stripper the first time we talk, if she asks for a tip for talking it definitely ends it for me. I don't pay to hear sales pitches, if she views talking as the product her dances are gonna suck.

avatar for Rightfield
2 mos ago

^ibbaicni: If a dancer does not want to please me, I don't assume she is a moron or whatever. I just don't see why I would give her any more money. If she has already made "enough" she doesn't need to be by me.

The other comment I was going to make about dancer turn-offs: When they are pitching VIP and I try to ask what her parameters are - and they get indignant and say "I'm not a prostitute." Well I didn't say she was. But she is implying we can have more "fun" in VIP, and I am trying to find out what that means before we have a misunderstanding.

avatar for dr_lee
2 mos ago

Also the most obvious reason is bad lap dances! lol There are super attractive dancers I've seen in area clubs in the last year that if their dances are not good, then I just stop getting dances from them. I used to care about being seen with the best looking dancers, but that's not a premium for me anymore if their dances are terrible.

And just general malaise from a dancer. If she gives off the vibe she really doesn't want to even be there, then I'm definitely not the guy to pick up her spirits.

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