What are your rules when you are at a strip club?

avatar for Givemegothgirls
I have had many rules come and go during my tenure as a PL, some were meant to save me money in the past when just the act of seeing naked ladies was excitement enough to blow my young mind. More recently my rules are more to protect me from Scammers and ROBs or to ensure I don’t waste money that might be better spent on a different dancer that’s willing to please the little guy;) I’m curious what rules if any my fellow PLs have created for themselves and I f they stick to their own rules…
A few of my rules are as follows
Don’t use the ATM at the club if can be avoided
Girls that break the rules in the main room are typically more fun in the back
Be clear on what you want before paying for the VIP room and negotiate tip before hand
It’s better to go back with someone who vibes with you then someone who is just hot and wants money
Full nude clubs are more fun, but it’s more exciting to see pussy at a topless club cause it’s breaking the rules
Always read tuscl reviews before going to a new club


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avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
Good tips above. In addition:

Don't prepay tip for lap dance

Check your feelings at the door. Understand that you are there to be satisfied (visually or otherwise), and the girls are there to make money.

Don't view a numbers exchange as anything other than a money-call tool for her.

Don't allow a girl to sit with you if you (a) don't want company or (b) are not into her.

Don't tip a girl that deviates from club protocol. If it's a nude club, and she doesn't get nude, she doesn't get tipped. Conversely, if she gives a stellar show, tip accordingly (to both reward her and show those who deviate that there are consequences).

Don't give in to the "one for the kitty", "one for the left tit" nonsense which is used to increase tips during tip walk.

Don't buy drink for a girl simply because she asks, particularly if she asks shortly after approaching you. And, only if there is something in it for me otherwise than awkward small talk. Grinds at bar are more likely to yield more drink purchases.

Don't go to VIP/LD room before seeing her dance on stage. If she zones out in stage, not engaging with PLs with eye contact or enticing show, avoid VIP/LD

Perhaps I don’t get this shit because I’m a frickin’ rick and a frickin’ lion and girls like that shit, but I’ve never been asked for multiple tips for different body parts. I mean really, does the sexy female’s left tit rent a different place than her right tit? How the fuck would that even work? Inquiring ricks wanna know. ROAR!!!
I don’t mind paying a dollar to see the pussy… if it’s a topless bar
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
^ Me neither...in fact there would be more than $1 involved in that scenario.

There is a girl at Playground Lounge in NJ (Gina) that pulls the "one for the kitty" nonsense, but as she says it, she pulls out the SIDE strap of her bottoms, nowhere close to exposing her kitty. She apparently didn't pay attention in health class regarding anatomy.
>>> She apparently didn't pay attention in health class regarding anatomy.

More likely she did pay attention when she was in economics class
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
To me it seems more simple, be nice, have fun. If a stripper walks away from you feeling like you weren't worth it as a customer, that's not a success on your part. It's fine when she asks for tips, and fine if you say no. We all need to stay within our budgets. But, if you overdo it limiting your spending in a strip club, you can sink to the level of someone who goes to McDonalds just to steal napkins and ketchup.

As far as ATMs go, I look for an Allpoints. Strip clubs have no monopoly on rip-offf ATMs.
1. Don't go to the club in a bad mood.

2. Don't bring debit or credit cards into the club.

3. Bring more cash than I think I'll need (related to #2).

4. Don't get shitfaced.

5. Just leave if no one interests you.

6. Don't go to the club in a bad mood.
1. Don't try to touch the pussy.
2. Or the bun hole.
3. Or the feet. Feet would be nice, but they're - ah, working, and you can't stop the dance to wash your hands before

4. Touching everywhere else.
^ Well, don't try without asking first. That's typically worked for me.
avatar for mike710
a year ago
Two rules.

#1 Have Fun
#2 Don't overthink it and always refer back to rule #1

I will play along and answer your question.

Q: What are your rules when you are at a strip club?

1. Don't be an asshole (Subraman)
2. Don't be a little bitch (Subraman)
3. Don’t drink and club, choose to club sober
4. Learn to know now when to hold ‘em
5. Learn to know when to fold ‘em
6. Learn to know when to walk away
7. Learn to know when to run
8. Remember it is up to YOU: “You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce”
9. Make sure your goal is to Have a Good Time, if you are not having a good time, leave, you didn't “win” this time, but you live to try and “win” another day
10. If you really can’t afford the strip club hobby don’t go, don’t buy things you can’t afford.

Let’s be careful out there.

And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

I agree I don’t expect champagne service on a beer budget I was just saying how I think it’s interesting that my rules have changed so much from when I began I practically never did dances when I first started going now I do at least a one most of the times, but there is a difference between protecting yourself and being cheap and I agree with that!
avatar for From978
a year ago
I'm not sure who said "don't expect champagne service on a beer budget," but in my experience that's only true about half the time. I'd say there's very little connection between price and quality, especially in the dark. Example: a dancer new to the club, and evidently having a bad day, offered me 15 minutes for $75. She turned out to be amazingly skilled, affectionate, and enthusiastic, and I became a regular customer.

"Learn Portuguese" is not exactly a rule, but it has definitely paid off. One Providence Brazilian used to give me 15 minutes of lessons each week. If I did a good job, she would take me in the back room for a "prêmio" (prize). She said if I did badly I'd get "castigo," but we never got around to that. One afternoon I said I wanted to work on verb tenses. She said, "OK, gozer means cum.". She took me in the back, and we went through about 18 forms of it, all narrated in perfect grammar.
1. Never use the atm. I don't bring my debit card near the strip club. I rarely use a credit card there either.

2. Tip a girl I want to come over to my table with a $10 or $20.

3. Wear a button up shirt. With chest pockets. I keep my ID and large bills there.

4. I don't share my social media.

1. Have fun.

2. See rule 1.
I have one inviolable rule:

Never propose marriage until after you taken her home at least three times.

Everything else is negotiable.
I don't pre pay for dances. Unless the club requires it.
Be myself. Usually works out great
1. For those clubs that try and sell “dancer drinks” I just politely decline.

2. Be flirty and friendly with all the girls/waitresses/bartenders.

3. Don’t become anyone’s “regular”. Play the field.

4. Don’t gossip about other dancers with other dancers. Don’t repeat shit that one dancer tells me about another dancer or customer

5. Always ask why I’m taking a phone number. If her intention is just to bombard me with a bunch of “are you coming to see me at the club” texts than I don’t bother.

6. Tip the stage often as long as the young ladies are energetic and smiling.

7. Wear cologne and carry gum or breath mints.

8. Never chase down dancers. I wait for them to choose me.

9. Don’t be a dick for no reason - but don’t be afraid to be a dick if necessary.

10. No draws

11. Avoid the drive-by’s.

12. Converse with/address all the young ladies the same way as I would in the outside world.

13. Loosen up and have a little fun….don’t overthink
oh yea. That's the one good thing about USA club s. noprepay.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
FLAP3000. Great points, particularly the one about playing the field. Clubbing became much more enjoyable after I stopped sticking with CFs.

What are "draws"?

What are "drive-byes"? Wanna-dance girls, or something else?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
How can you avoid having favs? Do you get dances that you enjoy less, to avoid becoming the regular of the dancers whose dances you prefer?

Many years ago, I had a problem with a fav declared exclusive ownership of me. To the point where, the other dancers would turn me down if I rolled up on them. I had to stop going to that club.

The other thing is fav pregnancies. Most strippers intend to stop when they start showing, but are forced to keep going by $ realities. You end up having to be the one to break if off. I always end up waiting too long. But, that's my soft-heartedness problem, which gets me into trouble in general.
I don't have any and I look for dancers that don't have any either.
My number one rule has always been to decide how much I'm going to spend and take that amount in cash. Once it's gone, it's time to go home. I don't have to spend that much. It's fine if I go home with money in my pocket. I just won't go over that amount. No going to the ATM or getting an advance on my credit card. The amount I take is my limit.
I didn’t say I don’t have favorites. I just said I won’t become any one dancer’s regular. Meaning I will get dances with my favorite but also other dancers that may intrigue me. There are times where I may only see a favorite and no others that tickle my fancy - and I’ll just not get any dances at all. Once they get that sense of ownership, it gets unpleasant.

By no draws I meant I roll commando….lol
And yes, I generally avoid the drive-by “wanna dance?” girls.
Rules were made to be broken, in other words No Fucking Rules
avatar for StripclubRando
a year ago

Second that on rule 6 - don't go to the club in a bad mood.

Some folks are quite sensitive (think of it as a form of street smart sixth sense) to this kind of thing. Other might react to it without realizing.

This can compound over a single visit, with you having a bad time. If you fork out cash, the whole visit can easily feel like a "bust" regardless of the physical outcome.

Also an easy way to ruin first impressions, which may or may not matter that day depending on your luck (and which girls you may come to "value" in future visits).
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Shadowcat has no rules, he just plain rules. He's the Chuck Norris of PLing.
Tip Good, B Nice, Let The Dancer Know U Really Like Her So She Don't Think Your Just A #Number. This Can Help For Preferential Treatment With $$$ Or Talkin' To & Extras! If You Have Boss Game, There Don't Have To Be So Much "Rules".
My rule is to not get a dance from a girl that I am not interested in. I used to have a hard time saying no. Not anymore.
All good advice. Flap’s “Don’t be anyone’s regular” is good advice but sometimes hard to do. I fall in lust fast but also get bored and need variety.

I’m not into the drama that comes with blowing off a dancer who considers me her regular, so now I check the schedule and go when she’s not working. Pathetic, right?
No Rules For Me Coz I'm The Boss!
✔️ 💲 👄 ♥️ 🔥 👽
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
Don't press. I forgot that one last week to awkwardly hilarious results, but the misstep directly led to much better results than if I'd gotten what I thought I wanted.
I’m really set in my ways now. Some of my main rules:

1) Sit in an area that’s a good view of the main stage (but not AT the main stage) and where there won’t be a ton of traffic. I hate people constantly walking in front of and behind me.

2) Only get dances from dancers I really want to get dances from. My experience is that most dancers I don’t want (because I’ve actually gotten dances from that pool) give crappy dances or have other issues. It’s a waste of my time and money.

3) Avoid loud, obnoxious dancers at all costs. I can’t deal anymore with girls who talk loud, are always drunk or carrying a drink, always walking around circling the club like vultures, and who act like they run the club.

4) I actually don’t deal with waitresses. I get all my drinks from the bar. I’m like Steve Buscemi in Reservoir Dogs. I expect way better and more attentive service if I’m going to constantly tip.

5) I hate small talk. Tired of dancers asking me what my job is, where I live, how old am I, etc. Get to the point and ask me for a dance or don’t even approach me. Also, I’d rather the dancer start dancing of a song has just started. None of that waiting for the next song crap. My time is too precious and valuable at my age now.
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