Are Strip Clubs and Strip Culture Dying Out

avatar for TravelingBoredBusiness
I am saying this because I noticed in past 5 years or so there seems to be less guys in clubs and quality of women has suffered, the old guard of dancers who held the line and were sexy are already phasing out and leaving the business. I travel a lot and this seems to be everywhere. I remember even 5 years ago, definitely 10 years ago the only slow time was maybe dayshift. Night time would be packed and money flowing and dances happening. Now when I get a dance and I look around its like one of the only dances happening and other guys are staring liek trying to get off on your dollar.

Also you can tell because a lot of clubs don’t offer valet parking anymore, or high end services like before. I remember a strip club that had a heli pad and it would actually be in use. Now the helipad probably has weeds growing in it...sad, sad times my freinds.

As far as the girls Here are things I noticed:
• A lot of them just sit on their phones
• A lot of the girls stand by the bar
• A lot of the girls don’t know how to move on stage and stand or walk around
• All they know how to do is ghetto moves like shake ass
• When they sit with you they don’t know how to make conversation
• They are awkward and will just ask “Wanta dance”
• A lot of them have torn up shoes now.
• I remember years past the girls would look stunning. Now most have flabby stomachs, tattoos etc. and dont want to put forth effort working.

I think this has to do with the current Man/Woman dynamic. It’s no secret when you look around the 20 something year old guys and some even 30+ look like weak pencil skinny weirdos and are cheapskates and broke. Being realistic most guys look an act gay and feminine weak now.

The girls that are 20 -30 something are lazy, just want to be on their phones and expect people to just throw money at them. They care more about LIKES and FOLLOWERS on social media than they do about cash. I think they also given up on the beta males of their own age, but they don’t have the skill or confidence to approach a man of means, so they stay buried on their phones. Many of them are 20 -27 have odd tits.

I think it’s from all the birth control and hormone junk they take and it causes weird looking underdeveloped breasts and odd ones. Women used to have full breasts. I remember in college women were full breasted, small waist, no tattoos and fine as hell. I stated my opinion, What the hell happened in your opinion?


last comment
Dunno, but I hate tats on women; I don't want to look at a sailor, I want to look at women.
Imo, most markets never recovered after 2008. No disposable income left to spend on club activities. I agree with the generational change, but I think the main money has always been from older regulars, not young bucks.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
A lot of what you mentioned is human interaction and sociability dying out.

Strip clubs will come and go. Prostitution will endure.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
9 months ago
The tattoos are awful. All
Of them.
Yeah too many women with tattoos everywhere. I even see some with shaved sides of head and tatoos on their faces now.

What the hell was management thinking when they hired these freakshows? Dont they realize once they get one of them then the other degenerates get wind of it and start coming in and dancing in the club. This pushes out any decent girls they have because the club gets known as "The club with the tattooed hoes" eventually the club loses revenue because the only clients they attract are thugs and ghetto types.
What it seems liek is that the guys now mostly act feminine and gay. There is a study that around 30% of Genz identify as gay.

So what happens is the women dont have a manly figure in their life or any prospect of getting a manly boyfriend so they take on the man role, get tattoos, shave their heads, try to act like athug etc. To fill the vacuum left by the low testosterone males. They just end up undesireable to REAL males and bitter toward real males until they finally turn lezbo.
Even regular night clubs or lounges all you see is guys hanging out with guys an girls hanging out with girls. Its liek they are scared of each other and very awkward.

When I was in my 20s going to actual night clubs I was not striking out by any means and picking up a lady in the club and getting them to the hotel that night with their feet in the air was a 98% certainty. One night I went to a club at 10PM and had a woman at the hotel I just met by 12, went back to the club after that since they didnt close until 4AM and pulled another one and took her back to the same hotel and had her feet in the air.

Now it seems like 20 somethings and early 30s have never had those experiences and scared of women. Dont get me wrong the women are to blame as well because they act liek zombies and most now have no personality or social skills. Its getting to the point that even paying one to have their legs in the air is like pulling teeth.
Social media and "dating" apps don't help, either. Young girls' brains get fried on that stuff and ultimately get rewired.

I'm talking about the same top 1-5% of men, in every single major metro area railing all of the girls. It also doesn't help that as soon as they sign on, they also get spammed with dick pics. Depending on the area and the random matchups, the bare minimum becomes something like 7+ inches for them. But the guys who spam by default tends towards 8 - (if rumors are to be believed) up to ~12 on the ultra high end of the bell curve.

And this is for every zip code. All of them get exposed to this, in some way shape or form.

It's been said elsewhere plenty of times, but average guys are no longer considered worthy of below average women.

To be honest, it's actually a bit worse than that as of late. Bottom-of-the-barrel women are now rejecting average guys. It's actually incredibly common.
I'll play along and answer your question.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
@OP - "I even see some with shaved sides of head and tatoos on their faces now."
Man, nothing like those (especially the half shaved head) to make me limp as a wet noodle.

@Freesample - the apps have made dating and gender relations go to shit, but only partially for what you talked about. Yeah, the top guys get most of the women. I'd consider myself top half but not top 5%, and I still had a vigorous dating life (which I'm taking a break from right now to focus on other shit). Problem is, any woman gets so much attention she starts to think she's Helen of Troy. They demand you CashApp them $50 just to talk to them, or won't go out on a first date to anywhere lower than Capital Grille, or demand you buy them everything they need to get dolled up--makeup, a new outfit, new shoes, meals and babysitting for their kids. Meanwhile they have a face that looks like an unwiped asshole and have 5 kids from 3 different dads.

I wasn't scoring every night (nor wanting to) but I was dating high quality women. I like good girls, professionals, nurses, from good families, not mattressbacks. And I was fine with it. I go to clubs for the bad girls. In and out, no connection, no partaking of their fucked up lives.
@PuddyTat69 I’ve actually seen these types of women with full shaved heads, piercings and tats all over and split tongue. (No joke) They think it makes them edgey and different, all it does is make them repulsive.(Some guys pretend to like it out of politeness, which just drives them to do it more) Guys need to start ridiculing them for the freaks they are. Its fine if you want to be like that, but you DO NOT belng in a strip club (At least not one that is worth a damn)

I don’t send anyone CashApp, Venmo or any of that shit. The way it works with me is they want the cash, I want the pussy. We trade and that’s it. I am not giving someone something for nothing.

I don’t mind spending money at all, but the money I spend is to conserve my time and not have to deal with drama, getting to know someone or wasting my damn time or dealing with them for anything other than light conversation and then some sexual activities. If they have kids it can be a double edged sword, if they are good looking I will overlook the fact they had their pussy stretched to a watermelon size. Single mothers tend to do OTC some due to them needing the money. But to me I avoid unless I am feeling extra horny and don’t have time to procure another lady.

I will not buy them new anything, Once their feet are in the air and I'm in then they can take the money I gave them for the leg spread and spend it on whatever the hell they want after we get down to screwing. 100% my style, ("In and out, no connection, no partaking of their fucked up lives.") You are certainly a man of distinction and taste.
The short answer is no because intrinsic human nature has not changed. There will always be a market for unclothed women. On that and as a side note, watching the current left try to deny that in their movies/TV/media entertainment is comically entertaining all on its own.

It’s possible, or not, that SCs are in an ebb but SCs will endure. Like every other business, they’ll change business plans, product delivery, customer environment to churn revenue. So what a SC experience could be in 15 years?? It may be quite different versus now but at its core it’ll be the same thing.
This rick thinks that sexy young females do not want to have a conversation with OP is that he talks non-stop and ends every story he tells with “…and then I told those damn kids to get off my lawn!”
Yeah, Well I'm not old at all and dont actually have an issue getting women outside the clubs. I just have a thing for strippers and OTC.

Plus I have money so, its really just a numbers game as far as which ones want the money and which ones dont. No loss for me either way. If they take the money I get the pussy if they dont then I keep the money. Win/Win for me.

Sounds like you are mad and likely one of those losers who goes into a club, babysits your drink for hours and gets $50 in 1's and hangs out by the stage trying to get a girl to sit near you. Don't be mad that a guy like me has some options. What made you mad, the fact that I told the truth about tatted up shaved head uglies or told you the truth about how broke you are?
I don’t agree that strip clubs or club culture is dying out, it’s always evolving, the one constant in any activity is change, some will always think it’s for the worst, others for the better. I’m sure that there will be some form of naked ladies entertaining men in the future, might be different, but it will always be available.
Didn't Rick's Ceo speak somewhere a couple of years ago, talking about it, how they must be more nightclubish to attract the younger crowd?
Who else thinks this rick touched a nerve?

Yep…that’s right…everyone. ROAR!!!
Another day, another great reason to be old. To be fair my last 4 strip club visits have been fucking awesome, so I have hope for the future.
avatar for Context21
9 months ago
The Seattle clubs are alive and well. I can’t recall a time I haven’t had a successful trip, and I’m not talking about a shitty hj or less.
Strip club culture is definitely changing, but that happens with everything. Dancers have more platforms to take advantage of and incorporate into their club work. It is true, though, that the smarter, harder working dancers can replace strip club work with other forms of revenue.

I like dancers with tattoos and piercings (though some more than others depending on aesthetic choices). I also like customers who hate tattoos and piercings, because they facilitate my fun in the club.

That said, I've watched many dancers with tattoos and piercings not remotely struggle to coax guys (older and younger) into lap dances and VIPs. So, in many cases I suspect that what people post about doing in the club doesn't quite match with what they actually do in the club.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
The pattern is that the norms for vices seem to permanently be controversial in human societies. There are cycles of tolerance and repression, on large and small scales. You could imagine a world were sex work wasn't a vice. But, seems to be easier said than done. Customers are targets of some contempt. Sex workers are targets of a lot of contempt, including, even especially, from customers. Sex workers seem to find the work stressful, to a degree that frequently causes depression/anxiety/bitterness.
avatar for joeyjo
9 months ago
I just did a post called the death of the American lapdance for one of the lower-end clubs in my hood. It's a thing I've experienced at some other clubs that I've gone to, the sit on your lap, facing away and slowly moving your butt thing. One girl who did a lame lap dance like that was definitely a girl who has enthusiasm for the job, she's always doing the costumes for theme nights and puts a lot of thought into what she wears, she's sweet but can't dance though. Another was a newbie stoner chick who might be lazy but she seemed to want feedback about how she's doing.

One club had a female manager, back in the day, who trained her girls on how to properly dance and how to act (and how to get that money). But I get the idea that at some places they just throw you to the wolves. With a girl I was friends with, later on at the same club, she said she basically did amateur night and over the next few months had to figure everything out on her own. And you know, it's like any other job, you can do the minimum or learn how to do stuff the right way, how to dance on stage and how to handle rooms.

Girls can now do OF and other thot stuff and make more money (and use tons of filters) but I'm sure that's like anything else, there's the top 5% and everyone else who just struggles to even get noticed online.

On the other hand, why do girls do this, right? It's either they thought they could make quick cash or because they need to make quick cash. I don't think any girl wants to be a lifer, right? Anyway, SC culture might be changing because the economy sucks and lots of girls are coming to it without any idea what it takes to make more than $50 a night from sad tip walks, and so we're seeing a lot of amateurs with bad attitudes. If you are indeed a hot girl who sort of likes the life, you're probably driving 50 miles or so to the SC so you don't run into acquaintances, you are already in shape and have an exit strategy and limits on what you do (and no weird tats/piercings).

At the same time, why do guys go to SC's? You're either a PL (I just learned this term), you like one girl in particular, or you go with a group of friends once every 10 years for a special occasion and you really have no expectations anyway.
I have been dancing for 14 years, in Utah so I have never done a full hustler club, just casual dive bars, but as far as being a patron I have been going to them for over 20 years- both club and bar. When I started the older women back then would tell me that a bad night used to be $600, now $600 is an INCREDIBLE night.
Even for a shit hole dive bar I am at now, the quality has gone downhill in girls. I have actually been thinking to myself for the past few months that no where in my city (salt lake) has hot women. Oh course you get the hidden gem, maybe 1 out of 6, that is the cliche "hot chick" type and personally that you expect, but you have to look on a club's website or instagram to find them, then plan your schedule to catch them on a day they are working. Back when I was a patron there was a "high end" club that I coild always count on habing beautiful ladies, no mattet what day or time it was. Now (get ready for the old fart get off my lawn comments) girls are young, dumb, and ENTITLED! Girls think that if they get on stage that makes them a stripper and the world owes them money for it. They can't comprehend that they are a product and they have to sell that product. They are blinded by "anti shaming" and "equal rights" bullshit that is all over social media, that they are too stupid to realize they literally get paid for being a MAN's fantasy. The bar that I am at now, we have to actually hold meetings where the older women tell the girls that they have to wear shoes on stage- WTF?! They have to be told that when they walk in the building they should look like a stripper- makeup done, cute clothing, positive attitude, etc. They have been dragging themselves in, late, wearinh pajamas, frizzy hair, and wearing dirty slippers as shoes. Its absolutely disgusting! I do the social media management for my bar and girls have complained that I dont repost their content; I pull up their instagram where they are on stage BALD and dancing with bare feet. I refuse to let that represent the bar I am at, even if it is a dive. *sorry that probably got a bit personal with whats going on at my bar* but I see the same entitled attitude online from young girls -faking the amount of money they make- and its down right toxic to the industry. Dont even get me started in the bullshit "DANCERS RESOURCE" app and community.

So all in all, I agree with OP, and I think its refreshing to see the other members here agreeing that the bald, tattooed, they/them look is not attractive, and recognizing that the industry has been struggling. I feel like the hot women we all used to see at strip clubs, have been run off by high stage fees, drink sales, and lets face it- if a gal wants to do OTC she can go to Eros or Tryst and book her own arrangements without a middle man taking a fee. Also the long distance comfort of Onlyfans has been revolutionary for a working girl as well. So whats left to work at a questionable income, high fee, club with no reliable attendance?- the left over sailor bitches who's value only goes as long as they can bounce their ass.

Personally, I remain dancing because I do offer OTC services, and I use the bar I am at as a safe place to vet potential clients, but the owner I work for is always telling me, "You need to show these girls how to act."
I concur with the original poster. It's been going on since 2005 or so.

I think a lot of what he's saying is simply, "girls don't know how to be pleasing" to men any more. I get sick of the ghetto-shake-ass moves, I really hate it when girls just sit on their phones and avoid interaction with customers (me!) (though I know I don't have a "right" to demand that she does her job the way I want her to do her job, I still would really LIKE it if more of them would do their jobs the way I want them to do their jobs!), they're just poor at being COURTESANS. Many could try out novel ideas such as learning to converse, not frenetic and obsessive, also not glum and drab, just balanced and sweet (or, don't get the customers' money), learning to approach politely and take rejection equally well, and have the bodies and body-types that customers want (or, don't get the customers' money).

Once at Mons Venus (Tampa, duh) I instinctively, automatically, pro-actively tipped a dancer an extra $20 before she ever gave me a lap dance. All for a witticism about her tattoo. It was a picture of a rose, which, she said, "goes with my two lips." She wins. With that one comment she gained the extra price of a lap-dance for nothing, plus the right to start giving me more lap-dances. She looked excellent, though not a "dime." She smiled. She had little to no extra body-fat. She was lithe and supple, slightly muscular but slightly soft. She stick-shifted, some-what, but not so much as to change the nature of the interaction from lappers to "gets him off under covers during a lapper". She made me laugh and made me horny. She was not my all-time-favorite nor even someone I would have returned to seek out on a second night. She was just good. I suspect she made a lot of money, with only a very little detriment to her "self-esteem." She did not have shaved head, did have shaved pussy, and did not tell me her alternative pronouns.

All the weird sociology commentary above is part of it, yes. Tattoos (which I personally don't dislike very much) and shaved heads (which freak me out and auto-limp-erize my dick), lack of male dominant figures, the abject stupidity of insisting on they/it/whatsit pronouns, the pseudo-lezbo of GenZ, etc., all these factors do play some role. But I only think they're minor parts of the equation, perhaps symptoms not causes. IMO it's not about sociology, it's about economics. (OK OK so the two are related but you know what I mean.)

Prostitution and its related fields will probably never die out. (At least, not until human genetic engineering has gone a MUCH longer way to changing our species than has happened recently or currently promises to happen.) The heterosexual male's interest in interaction with hot young women and in access to their sex-related services remains about at the same level as it ever has been (though perhaps some of you disagree, and think that GenZ's "weak boys" don't seek out hot girls any more? OK, maybe ... convince me). IMO the definition of what constitute "hot" and "young" (or otherwise desirable) women have not changed much, either. We like them a bit more zaftig or a bit more twiggy, depending on the decade; otherwise it's all within a rather strict norm. It is not dying out. But the related sub-field of strip-clubbing IS dying out, IMO.

Here are some of the things that are changing. The women involved are less attractive to the men, generally speaking. The venues and locales to draw in customers are less common, less prevalent. The transactions themselves take place less often. Although the per-capita rate of males who are seeking to pay for sexual or strip-club-style services is probably the same as it ever was, yet the similar per-capita ratio of males who DO successfully buy those services falls consistently lower and lower. Nowhere to do it, no way to do it, inadequate supply and inadequate liquidity despite adequate demand.

The market has changed. The market(s) for ALL optional services collapsed in 2008-2009, but then never returned. Perhaps a demand for something akin to strip-clubbing remains but the specific market of strip-clubbing itself isn't filling that demand now.

Some would claim guys want less services. The anti-GenZ and anti-Millennial noise out there suggests that those boys don't want to interact with those girls. I disagree. I think heterosexual males still desire the same amount of services, probably, but locations and situations don't cater to that demand through strip-clubbing. Lots of major factors involved in this economic shift --

-- Other outlets: Young women can get money in other sexy ways that are still vaguely related to the category of prostitution, such as via internet performing on TikTok and OnlyFans.
-- Better alternatives: Demographic shift allows female employment in more traditional fields. Ongoing since AD 1920 or so, young women have growing market power to gain income in more traditional ways, and mildly greater long-term hopes of having standard non-prostitution-related careers.
-- Pricing out of the market: for example, the cost of a lapper keeps going up, the level of service of a lapper does not go up, the level of demand for a lapper remains the same or drops, and the amount of disposable income for optional purchases drops.
-- Death of cash economy: we use cards and numbers on the internet and at the checkout for everything else. I cannot recall the last time I bought anything at all with cash, except at a strip club, for entry, drinks, dancer tips, lap dances, and dancer services. I only go to the ATM when I'm going to the strip club. People are unfamiliar with those green sheets of paper.


One thought: cheaper lappers. The demand is there AND THE SUPPLY IS THERE. Dancers, IMNSHO, generally are willing to do the following. Honestly, if we want to bring strip clubs back to what they were in the middle-1990s (roughly), what needs to happen is the return of the dollar grind. Remember those days? Thirty women cycling through the room, every man with his chair rolled back from the table, half-a-song for a dollar, then the DJ yells "change" and the girls move to the next guy. Three songs (six half-songs) and then "special" price on lappers in the private rooms. Shazam we're all going back there with whoever is in our lap ... So, I think a five-dollar type performance of this kind would generate a LOT of revenue for the dancers who otherwise don't make much at all on a slow night.

Another thought: maybe if the economy gets to where it really stinks (it's moving that way right now) the more enterprising attractive young women will realize that income their present from internet-performing is much lower than a potential income from in-person performing. Perhaps it is just that we haven't fallen far enough.

So this thread is about two things. A. Dearth of desirable looks and behavior in the women, falling standards at clubs. B. Changes in market dynamics.
MissVicious, thanks for your reply an agreeing with the sentiment. Some great detailed info from you and Book Guy. What you and I stated are just facts, the other people got hurt by it because likely they are the types that are bringing club quality down. MissVicious I have also been seeing clubs stuggling to get these lazy younger girls to even show up for shifts. Many times I have gone ito a club that opens at 2PM and I go in at 4PM and there is 1 dancer. (A good looking late 30's dancer) I only know she is 38 because she told me. She literally looks way younger, in her body and face. They always say one is getting ready in the back, but likely they are messaging the other dancers to get their asses in the club fast. I see guys walk in , look at the deserted stage and no dancers and walk right back out. I know the drill so I stay and get a couple dances from the only dancer 1. Because she is hot, 2. Reward for showing up and making effort. I actually had OTC with her once. It kind of is a turn on that we had some hot sex and then a couple days later I go get casual dances. She is really good to talk to as well. She has a lot of life experience as far as travel and hobbies. I respect her hustle and her attitude, unlike the lazy ones.

Some other members tried to attack my age. I am actually in my 30's. I have been going to strip clubs since I was allowed in at 21 so Im not old and by no means a noob to clubs and the quality they used to be, I get regular women outside the club but I have a thing for strippers and regular women don't compare. As a customer I have seen the women out on the floor literally eating chicken wings and BBQ and having sauce on their mouth. This goes into your point that as a guy we go in to see women loooking like a dream, acting like a fantasy etc. Instead more and more you are seeing them look and act disgusting. Getting a woman on Eros, Tryst and other sites is risky because they might try to set you up , be cousin Leo etc. At the club, you know they arent going to be after a couple lap dances and they initiate the touching. Also meeting them through the club is more discreet. You can then get the vibe and then ask if they offer OTC or depending on club layout ITC.

As far as "Death of cash economy" I think its oly going that way because most people are broke as hell now and are living off credit cards and off the money they get from equity from their home using their homes as ATMs due to the inflation. You dont see cash as much anymore simply because most people dont have any. Credit cards are an easy way for people to live beyond their means and "Buy now pay later" but cash ....either its in your hand or its not, there is no faking it. Plus there are no transaction fees, no interest, no electronic bullshit that someone will try to Chargeback, or say "Hold on my card isnt working". You either have the damn cash in hand or you dont.

The market for clubs isnt so much dying but I think its shifting to other countries where the women dont have all these idiotic tatoos, shaved heads and still have feminine features and offer more mileage for the dollar.

I respect the seasoned dancers like MissVicious who respect the hustle and keep the standard high. I always give them extra tips and if they do OTC I know they are usually professional and discreet and wont post shit online or gossip, which I respect their discretion. MissVicious, ont hang up teh heels yet, the REAL customers need women like you.
Yeah, It's Society, Economy & Internet Factors Involved. Also, The Way 🌎 Planet Earth Is Changing In Itself With Global Issues Could Also B Effecting The Body & Spirit Of Our Strippers. I Can Notice Differences In Recent Years Compared To Earlier Years.
🌎 🌍 🌏 ☀️ 🌌 - SC Cheersss
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
It seems like, in TUSCL discussions, there's a big faction that's convinced that 80s glamrock video vixen is the eternal standard that all strippers should strive for. But the "in" look always has and always will change overtime. There's no such thing as an "in" crowd if too many people are in it, so what's "in" has to constantly change. The good thing is that more and more people reject conformity. So BBWs or women who are wobbly on heels can have their fan base. Even if "purists" think they don't belong in the club.
avatar for RoyaleWithCheese
9 months ago
They are getting worse. Social media has ruined a generation of women and I have to laugh at some of the requests from these younger women. They aren’t even attractive or friendly and ask for insane prices for CRs. They expect $500 to just show up and do nothing. The dating apps are horrendous too. Something is afoul, but I look for unicorns.
avatar for nicespice
9 months ago
In addition to some other comments I agree with, I have some other possible explanations.

#1 There is less of a potential supply of dancers for club managers. And many managers have held on to their post-2008 stance that they contract dancers in a way to maximize their potential house fees. (From what I’ve heard, things were a bit different before then)

I think some of the it is what families are stronger than ever, many young adults still live with their parents.…

I did know some dancers whose family members knew where they were working, but I figure for every one of that type of situation, there are quite a few more that is “OHHH HELLL NO YOU WON’T WORK THERE”. I’ve seen a bunch of stripper board posts over the year of “I wanna start but idk how to keep it hidden.” I’m sure the vast majority of them never make it into the club. Heck, it was a couple of aggrieved mothers.

The next one: increasing protective attitudes towards young adult women. The legislation requiring 21+ to dance in Texas was bipartisan, ditto with Florida.

That puts a damper on the potential dancer supply. That will get even worse because starting in 2026, the potential supply of young adult women is going to start dropping as well. (18 years from 2008)

#2 there is the obvious economic anxieties. But culture also affects potential club customers.

With vanilla dating, age gaps have gotten more stigmatized. Can probably blame the #metoo Hollywood cretins and the Epstein-and-co cretins for a lot of what they were doing. With the increasing public stigma there, that probably demotivates more and more 40+ year old men from wanting to play with the 20somethings

. I know this site thinks such notions are absurd, and going to the club is the point. But my guess is that that trend won’t reverse soon. Heck, Leonardo DiCaprio has gotten several memes of public shaming for never dating someone over 25, when some other colleagues of his have gotten into much more than that. It’s tougher to convince the boys to go out to the nudie bar when they are afraid of looking like a creep.

If that’s true, then a decline in sites like Seeking will follow. At least with the dynamic of “go out to places in public with the dating facade”. I’m sure meeting in private spaces to boink and possibly chit chat about whatever will still be a thing.

#3 As far as attitudes of dancers in their 20s to early 30s…meh. I’ll give my own perspectives and maybe speculation of some others?

I personally am completely guilty of some of those things. A lot of strip clubs are overstimulating environments in large doses, and the phone is a pacifier. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Even dayshifts at some clubs are too obnoxious with the noise levels. A lot of the customers who like me like me very much, some customers will drop either their arrogant attitudes or ambivalent attitudes at me if I start to walk away from them and come back later, and the rest of them may be a sale I could have gotten, but meh. Is it the money maximizing way to go about things? No. But on the other hand, I haven’t really gotten the same level of traumatized that other dancers have reported feeling after a while. So idk, by my standards I am doing okay.

As far as anybody else, I think a lot of us grew up learning in the k-12 system that working hard just means the standards get raised to something ridiculous. God forbid, if the students achieve and do well on tests and then schools have to get funded because of that, so those always get redesigned.

Then you go into the workforce in the vanilla world. A few above and beyond people working suddenly turn that type of scenario the standard, and now lean staffing is the standard with people constantly overworked and stressed because that kind of output would be okay occasionally, but now it’s ridiculous. Especially for the lower paying jobs that people from lower SES backgrounds (potential strippers) would get to see.

And strip clubs follow a similar pattern. Working that has to do with “outcompete the other through grit and rise to the top” is less appealing, and therefore many lazy dancers.

And as for the ones who do have a competitive drive (and are probably different than the phone scroller goof off), they will have studied sales skills and are negotiating for the highest they can. Can you blame them from trying to charge the highest amount they can (even if unsustainable) when that’s the standard practice for many businesses at the moment? (Restaurants,housing, rental complexes, university tuition, etc) Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

#4 And sadly, the Pleasers brand of shoes has declined in quality in the past few years. I haven’t noticed much with torn up shoes, but that observation probably is common.
Great post, nicespice. As always, your comments are insightful and well-expressed. We are lucky to have experienced dancers like you contributing to TUSCL. (founder, where's that "like" button? 😄)
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
Society is an odd mix of opposing forces. You have beta pussified thirst trapped men who put all VJ on a pedestal, so naturally women don't care as much about looking good because at least 3 out of 5 men would fuck them on the spot if offered. On the other hand you have the red pilled "women are trash" crowd who pretend they don't even want to talk to women, which leads to a lot of weird behavioral interactions.

As for tattoos, I don't seek them out, nor do I disqualify a girl if she has them. The health of the body itself is far more important to me. If she's fit and sexy, tattoos can be nice. A little heart here and there doesn't really count. I'm talking about pretty heavily tatted. If the tats are simply indicative of a rebellious nature, and not an overtly masculine lean, then the girl is basically telling the world what she wants, and it ain't to be fucked politely.
I totally agree many modern dancers are very awkward, but I actually prefer they just get to the point and ask me if I want a dance. I’m not in SCs to play 20 Questions and tell my life story. But, yeah, I’ve had dancers in recent months who I actually wanted dances from that were so annoyingly awkward and weird or just gave crappy dances that I couldn’t care less if I ever saw them again, much less get a dance from them.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 months ago
Important to always keep in mind that sex didn't evolve to make us happy, it evolved to make us breed. Even in an evil, nasty world, into which it dubiously makes sense to bring more people. Not really the sex worker's fault (or women's fault in general) that they don't feel obliged to give us peak sexual satisfaction at a bargain price.
The idea that sex evolved to make us breed only ignores the entire history of the human race and the fact prostitution has existed forever. Any business, sex work included, has other options for buyers should anyone actually believe it is not their role to perform and get paid. If I take a court appointed case I do my best 100% of the time, despite the fact my pay is 80% per hour less than a full pay case. I feel obligated to perform and many dancers do as well.
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