Second thoughts

avatar for docsavage
There have been several times over the years, most recently last night, where I backed out of doing a lap dance with a girl at the last moment before it started. This usually involves her looking a lot worse up close than far away, discovering she has bad body odor, or her giving me some rule I decide is unreasonable. Have you ever backed out of doing a lap dance before it started, why did you do it and how did you handle the situation?


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I once had a lapper with this gal that checked most of the boxes real well. Pretty, friendly, real cuddlely even before dance started. NICE breasts. By a minute in, I'd brushed them sideboob, buried my nose in her cleavage, let out a happy sigh holding one. THEN she announced she preferred her breasts not be touched.

You're kidding I replied. But she wasn't. Went with it. Fine dance except for that, slow and erotic like i like. Few months later, didn't recognize / remember her, got to LD room. This time she made the announcement before dance started.

No thanks then, I replied, gave her a 5, stood up and left. Too bad. Loved her manner and looks, but at a dime a second, I just gotta feel 'em some.
avatar for rattdog
New York
10 months ago
one of my reliable girls in my rotation one day brought over a real nice friend. i asked who she was and would she mind if i tried her out that night. she said sure as she's cool with that.

i bring newbie to the lapper room. maybe it was her her demeanor, the way she settled down her purse, or the way she was about to undress, but my radar within inside of me told me to get the fuck outta there. she's going to really suck. my solution to the situation was to just simply run out of the room as fast as i could.

reliable one: "why that was real fast. you ran. why did you run?"
me: "she sucks. you wanna go back with me instead?"
avatar for rattdog
New York
10 months ago
forgot to add. and i was right-she did indeed really suck. i never saw her again after that day.
avatar for MajorBoobage
10 months ago
I don't think I've ever backed out at the last second. Definitely had more than a few that I stopped after one dance because I just wasn't into it.
I have learned to forestall most bad rules by asking before we go to the lap dance area. At one club near me (Atlantis in Ford Heights), it's supposed to be nude but a lot of girls have a rule that they won't take off their panties until the third (or fifth) song. So if she asks if I want a dance, I ask her if it's full nude before agreeing. Similarly, if I'm at a club I haven't been to before, I might ask a girl "what are the dances like here" or "how much touching is allowed."
As for BO, well, my sense of smell kind of goes in and out, so sometimes I don't even notice.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
10 months ago
There were two times I backed out before it started. Once was at a club you had to go up the stairs to get to the lap dance room. I picked out a girl I had known from a different club, so I thought she would be reliable. We got to the stairs and suddenly, she decides she needs to use the rest room. She came back a few minutes later, all high on something. I told her I didn't want one anymore. She got all pissed off, but then security came over and eventually, they told her to leave.

The other time was much easier to explain, as she just simply had bad BO
avatar for ClubFan81077
10 months ago
I've backed out of a lap dance at the last moment, and what usually causes that is if the girl suddenly provides contradictory information, typically as part of an effort to up-sell.

I'm a gentleman, so I'll always ask about things like touching boundaries, and of course, I'll always respect those boundaries. But I've occasionally had a girl say one thing initially, then suddenly "remember" to tell me something else just before the dance started. Example: "oh, yeah, breast touching is fine, like I said before, but only with the $40 dances, not with the $30 dances." And stuff like that can happen even when it was crystal clear from the start exactly WHAT dances you were asking about. But whether it's genuine miscommunication or an intentional effort to up-sell at the last moment, there's no better way to get me to back out of a dance than providing contradictory information. I have zero tolerance for that sh**!
avatar for ClubFan81077
10 months ago
And if I DO back out of a dance because of contradictory info, my response is usually just like "Aw, hell no", and then I might also throw in a really disgusted look at no extra

Would a cease-and-desist letter be too much? :)
I’ve sometimes ended a dance mid song because it’s been especially bad. I threatened once to end one before it started but had already paid a room fee. We proceeded with predictable results. It sucked. It’s rare, but it is part of the game.
avatar for wallanon
10 months ago
I've done it. Not lately I think. I usually purge those moments.

Any time it's ever happened is because of something that came out of her mouth or her ass. Dick breath I can deal with for a song by a subtle zig and zag but smelly ass gets on the clothes and doesn't come out without a full wash. Stank vag is tougher to pick up but I'll stop a dance immediately if that happens.

If I'm traveling I'm usually not packing enough clothes to have my club pants go down lol. But it has happened and that's what Walmarts are for...
avatar for From978
10 months ago
Any time they say, "I've found it best if you pay in advance."
avatar for dirtyburt
10 months ago
Only one “Walk Out” for me at the Flight Club…. Met dancer while with my ATF, talked it up at a second meeting with her, then on third meet up, we went upstairs to the VIP. She originally wanted $800. We discussed activities in advance, then settled for $300 +$100 tip if I had a good time.
Paid the $25 entrance, then it went south fast. The rules changed and she basically became a bitch once the curtains closed. So I tossed $40 on the floor and walked out of the VIP. I told the bouncer what happened, and he said the next trip upstairs was on the house. ( It pays to tip the bouncer)
Needless to say the next time I saw her, she turned her back on me and would not speak to me ever again.
She left the flight club shortly afterwards.

avatar for uniquename
10 months ago
I’ve bailed more often one dance in than otherwise because by the time we’re headed to the back I know what is expected and I have been up close and personal enough to have inspected the goods, so to speak.

Set your spidey senses on high alert and trust them.
I guess it depends what you mean by just before it started.

I've sorta decided I'd like a dance with a girl after spotting her across the room or while she was on stage or something, then after the exchange of pleasantries or introductory conversation, decided I didn't. That's fairly frequent. I've had a few scenarios where we agreed to do a dance and she was called to stage, then while she was on-stage I found a better option or decided to just leave. That's rare, but it's happened. There's been similar scenarios where the girl decided to go to another customer, or otherwise disappear for longer than I was willing to wait.

I don't think I've ever agreed to get a dance and started going to the lap dance area & then cut bait. I kinda feel like I spent the money on one dance the second I said yes. So, it would have to be something quite significant for me to call it off. I've cut off dances midway quite a few times, and had many one & done encounters. I view it as a cost of doing business. I've had quite a few girls surprise me in a positive way too.
About a year ago at Desires paid the 15-minute room fee (I do not negotiate in advance for extras, since until the dance starts, I have no idea how interested I would be) sat down and the first thing she says is: "My tip is $300, in advance". I respond: "Your fee is $100.00 and tipping is at my discretion". Her response? "I am three times better than every other dancer here, so I am worth the $300.00". I leave, tell the attendant the above and he pulls out $40.00, gives it to me and I giver her 20 and him 20 and walk away. The last thing I heard as I walked away was him asking how much she wants to go job search....She is no longer there.
avatar for WiseToo
New York
10 months ago
One time when the dancer said that if I didn't like the dance she would refund my money. I couldn't stop laughing.
avatar for ClubFan81077
10 months ago
^ you get at least 14 days to decide whether or not the dance was truly memorable enough to be worth the money? :)
avatar for Pussylicker2
10 months ago
Dirtyburt paid $25 plus tip for vip, walked out as the first song started, and still gave the rip-off dancer $40. So $70 bucks for nothing. Actually, it was $70 to get his car keys back.

I've walked out several times, usually because they demand to be paid first. Sometimes it's because the rules have changed. If it's the first 30 seconds, I leave without paying her anything. As I walk out I tell the bouncer I changed my mind. If the first song is half over I'll pay the minimum for 1 song, usually $20 or sometimes $10. The bouncer won't do anything.
I can only recall once a long time ago I backed out. Otherwise, what usually happens is that either 1) The dancer starts to do obnoxious stuff that turns me off and so I’ll be prepared to say “no thanks” when she asks if I want a dance or 2) I only get 1 dance and politely send her on her way to get her to leave me alone the rest of the night. Also, I’ve had several dancers I’ve found attractive but their dances are so garbage, I always turn them away in the future. Not wasting money on terrible lap dances.
I was at Club 205 in Portland a couple of years ago. I agreed to a dance with a girl. Once back there but before the song began I said ‘how much per song?’ She said $80. I said no way and walked out of the cubbie. We had only been back there for about 10 seconds and no dancing had started. She complained to the bouncer and I got kicked out. Most irrational strip club experience ever in >1,000 outings.

I’m almost never in Portland but I would remember the girl if I was ever back. That move didn’t align with the otherwise chill vibe of the club.
I did also go back in a private room a couple of weeks ago in East St Louis. I paid the $35 room fee and headed to the back. The girl’s vibe totally changed and she starting running through rules so I bounced. Didn’t bother asking for room fee back. Again, among 100s of 1:1 sessions over the last many years this was a total outlier for me. I’ve been largely fortunate over time to not have experiences like this
I Talk With The Stripper - Dancer Before Heading Back. She Only Has To Have ♥️Heart & Care For Me & Not B Greedy With Her Body To Make It Good $$$ With Me | 🤸
avatar for rickmacrodong
8 months ago
@gsteph that dancer would have had a boyfriend or SO who she probably shared her income with too. The reason for no breast touching is some women can reach orgasm from nipple stimulation alone. And so, dancers may consider that to be “cheating” if they’re non extras dancers in relationships. You can basically pimp check a girl by seeing if she allows you to rub on the pussy or the nipples. Both those things can lead to an O for the girl, so the pimped girls usually wont allow it. They may lie and claim they have pain in the area also.
avatar for rickmacrodong
8 months ago
“ One time when the dancer said that if I didn't like the dance she would refund my money. I couldn't stop laughing.”

That sounds good. I imagine her dances must have been really good?
I can only remember once. We were on our way to the lap dance room when I spotted a dancer that I had had the hots for, for a long time.

I faked feeling ill as my reason for not going through with it.
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