
Comments by luckyone (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How often do you go to SCs?
    Probably average about 2-3 times a week. Majority of times it is just to have a few drinks and hang out so I rarely spend a lot. Probably blew about $200 this past weekend but that happens very rarely.
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    14 years ago
    Going to the Strip Club on your Birthday?
    Have gotten free drinks, free dances and a gift or two over the years. One dancer brought in a cake. One offered to come by for an "afterparty" but my phone died when she called. Probably just as well. She was a kind of messed-up.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like dancers who are interesting and somewhat different. Give me a really tall girl or a really short one (I do draw the line at "little people" as there was one of them working in a club I went to for a while.) One of current faves (she has been for a while) has got to be 6 feet tall flatfooted.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Sonic Girls
    I say you tip them if they're hot young girls. Otherwise, forget it.
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    14 years ago
    Vegas, baby!!! Here I come
    Well, I just got back from Vegas and I love the place and always hit a few clubs. That being said, the place is generally pricey and low-mileage. Not too hard to find a girl who will meet up with you OTC and, if you go at a slow time, you might get lucky and get one to just hang out with you for a pretty small investment. I like OG in the late afternoon but you will get hustled constantly. Treasures is good. Get there when they open at 4 and suck down as many dollar drinks as you can while you watch mostly mediocre topless chicks. Some can be pretty friendly. Rhino is the best collection of girls I've ever seen in a club but a little too busy. Definitely skip Cheetahs. Used to be a fun place but the dancers are mediocre at best. Have had a good time hanging out at Deja Vu Ultra Lounge (the old Seamless.) Dancers are OK and value is pretty respectable. Should have checked out the new Hustler Club while I was there but I guess I'll save it for next time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers Offering Their Numbers/E-mails...
    Have never asked a dancer for her number but have sure gotten a lot of them the last few years. Mostly a pitch for more business, inside or outside the club. Kind of weird though. Don't think I've gotten so much more appealing as I've moved into middle age.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Big Props & Thanks to Joe from NJ
    I sent him a message thanking him as well. Very good research, particular for a Las Vegas "regular" like myself.
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    14 years ago
    what does this mean?
    Wow, I've also gotten the Steve Buscemi thing from several different dancers in different states, including one in Vegas who seemed pretty excited about it. Actually gotten it from several "civilian" girls as well. And, yeah, it isn't exactly flattering but what the hell.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone ever considered inviting a dancer over to your house?
    Had one ask me last year if she could just "stay over" for the night and she would leave in the morning. Think she was having some rough financial times. Even though I liked her and trusted her more than most, I still said no. Though the follow-up that she probably would have "raped me" anyway did make me think. I'd say no.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers with boy's names
    One of the hottest dancers I have ever met called herself "Kevin." Never could figure that one out.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Thanks guys
    Enjoyed your many reviews. Now, that's my kind of trip to Vegas!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Vegas - where to go?
    Have had some really good times in the afternoon/early evening at both the OG and Cheetahs. Spearmint Rhino is worth seeing, just for the spectacle of it but it is pricey and I wouldn't even try on a weekend.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrity lapdance
    Megan Fox...the end.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Several years back, there was an extremely attractive blonde who lived in the same apartment complex. I'd notice her coming and going and even bumped into her a few times in the laundry room. Later I saw her dancing at a local club. I don't think she recognized me but I just had to get a dance. Truthfully, it wasn't that great but she was hot. It was during the summer and she must have moved shortly thereafter and I never did see her again. So, really this comment isn't meaningful in any way to the topic. Oh well. I enjoyed remembering it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    I remember a number of clubs in the Kansas City, KS area before the local DA decided he had to shut them all down. Jackass! My favorite was Leggs. First club where I was a bona-fide regular. Some pretty hot girls and the dances were usually OK at least. Almost certainly mobbed up but it had that wonderful quality of being seedy and classy at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
    Trying to figure out "why" a Dancer does anything is kind of like reading tea leaves. People do it but I'm not sure if they really learn anything from it. The real question is "why did this particular dancer" give me her phone number. Good luck with that one too. It is pretty reasonable to think that she is hoping this will lead to more income for her, either because she is open to entertaining OTC or because she hopes you will come see her more often, partially so you can figure out what she is up to. I never ask for a dancer's number though one did give me hers the other night without being asked so I'm in that "wondering what it means" phase right now. I doubt I will call her though there probably is enough alcohol in the world for it to happen at some point. I guess I would defer to any other poster who has a large sample size of experience here. Mine is pretty limited.
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    17 years ago
    Paying more than the advertised/posted Lap Dance fee
    Tipping extra would depend on the initial cost of the dance and how satisfying it was. Am fortunate enough to frequent a club where dances are only $10. If I get an odd number of dances, I usually round up to the nearest $20 so I might give $40 for 3 dances or $60 for 5. Sometimes I'll do the odd number on purpose to reward someone who is a personal favorite. Of course a particularly breathtaking dance might also warrant some additional cash. Most of the girls seem to notice that I'm giving a little extra and remember it. There are also ladies I'll generally tip $2 on stage. It isn't that much more money and, again, they seem to notice and are more friendly. Must say that I find it a huge turnoff if the dancer expects more than the going rate and I will rarely repeat a session with someone like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage vs. ethnicity
    When it comes to high mileage, my experience has been that black girls give the dirtiest dances. Not all of them do but most of the really oh-my-god-did-she-just-do-that sort of experiences were with black dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Martini, anyone?
    Ahh...a Martini. That does sound good. Has to be gin (I'd also go with the Tanqueray. Don't really see the appeal of the Bombay Sapphire) at a reasonable ratio (4-1 or maybe 5-1) since it is just cold gin if there isn't any vermouth in it. Must admit that I prefer a twist to an olive. Biggest problem is that there just aren't many bartenders who seem to have a clue how to make a good one. Don't think I'd trust any of the ones I know at a strip club to do that. Besides, if I started drinking martinis at a club, I'd probably end up dead. One martini...good; Two martinis...better; Three martinis...bad; Four martinis...dead.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    British Columbia
    Clubs that are no more
    I remember Main Street and Cheeks very fondly from a few visits to ESL back in the 90's and they were a lot of fun. Closer to home, there was a club in Kansas City, KS called Leggs that was my one-time regular club. Still think it is my all-time favorite. Then the DA closed down all the adult entertainment in that county (sure they were pretty mobbed-up) and Leggs was one of the victims.
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    17 years ago
    Ever give an electric shock to a dancer?
    I think I have the same problem with building up excessive static electricity though I can't recall ever zapping a dancer.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Used to drop by my nearest Hooters a couple of times a month. I genuinely enjoy the chicken wings but not much else on the menu. Similar to a strip club in that some of the girls have "regulars" who must tip exceptionally well and get a lot of attention. Generally, I haven't found most of the girls to be much more attractive than what you would find at a good sports bar but there is the occasional girl who will knock your socks off.
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    18 years ago
    COMPUTER problems (not strip club related except when strippers have them)
    You've got to just give up on the Microsoft shafting and move on. I've been running Linux for the last year and pretty much full time since the beginning of this year and, unless you are one of those people who play PC games, I haven't found much of anything I can't do. Oh yeah...and it is all free.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to screw up a strip club visit!
    Would tend to agree that bringing a S.O. is probably a bad idea unless you've done it before (which was a bad idea) and it went well. OTOH, bringing open minded women along can be a lot more fun than dragging some guy friend who just sits there drinking and bitching and never tips anyone. Some of the best fun I've had in a club was watching ladies just like that really enjoying their lap dances. I don't even mind paying when you get to watch something like that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Club Reviewer Faves
    Can't say that I have a favorite reviewer. I have to admit that I was pretty impressed (or maybe frightened) by the guy (Bones I think) who hit all those clubs on a road trip. That was pretty cool to read. I tend to look for reviews by someone who has obviously just visited a city and has taken in a number of clubs. Those can be pretty interesting. I mostly look for reviews of clubs in places that I might visit in the near future just to stay current on what is happening.