
Club Reviewer Faves

Any place that interests me.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:09 PM
Do any of you have any favorite club reviewer? Do you go to particular individual profile just to read their reviews, and glean some tips for the reviews that you post? Some of my faves(have reviewed common clubs in several cases); jettinaround, for his bare bones succint, yet useful style. Chitown, for his prose. Hanky Panky is also good, not too wordy, but very honest in presenting his expectation/bias, and in portraying the various nuances of SC experience.


  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Dirk I know that it is thedirk444. Bruce I have forgotten what your nick name is on here.I know that you email me as Saabman but I also know that you use a different nick name on here. I guess that 65 is getting closer to me. One week from today.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    I have to opoligize to Dirk and Bruce. I failed to mention you in my earlier post. You are both on my list of fav reviewers. Thanks for the recent emails.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Reviews by CrazzzyEd, stinky or louseybuck are always funny and observant. I enjoy all reviews by contributors to the discussion board equally.
  • lotsoffun201
    18 years ago
    Perv that I am, I like lopaw's reviews or any reviews by a female. Wish there were more of them!
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Bones: Keep posting. This discussion board is really getting dead. It is the same 3 or 4 posters debating the same subject matter to infinity. Boring. Shadowcat tried to keep the board active, even though he pissed some people off some times but it was always with the intent of keeping this board active. The replacement has no desire to keep it up. Between the users that don't like me and founder, who denies me, I have no great affection for TUSCL anymore. My friends are still welcome to email me. My favorite club and dancers will contiue. shadowcat
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I do wonder if a reviewer rates one of your clubs you routinely visit much higher than anyone else has. Makes you wonder what they saw that you haven't.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    In spite on Bones looking or sounding scary, he is actualy a very sincere mild mannered, crazy, fun loving guy and the strippers at my favorite club love him. Even his purple thong. Oh god did I say that? I didn't see it. I just heard about it.
  • luckyone
    18 years ago
    Can't say that I have a favorite reviewer. I have to admit that I was pretty impressed (or maybe frightened) by the guy (Bones I think) who hit all those clubs on a road trip. That was pretty cool to read. I tend to look for reviews by someone who has obviously just visited a city and has taken in a number of clubs. Those can be pretty interesting. I mostly look for reviews of clubs in places that I might visit in the near future just to stay current on what is happening.
  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    Don't have any favs right now as I am still trying to see how other reviewers coincide with my own views on the same clubs. I am sure some will develope over time. I do find myself reading more into what people review when they are also active discussion board participants.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Not in any particular order: Bones, shekitout. pop, magicrat. DougS, trogangreg, FONDL, JGB133, TimboATL, StripShopper, isotope, wunhunglow, minnow. ShotDisc, casualguy. Why? Because I have either met them in person or have shared private information with them in emails. I trust what they tell me. If one of them tells me they are doing BBBJ's down at the Pink Pussycat for $5, I'm out the door pronto. The other posters on this discussion board get honorable mention. I look for their reviews when I am scrolling through recent reviews. I have always said "Know your reviewer".
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