Survey: When a Dancer Gives You Her Phone Number, She Means...
(1) I am giving you my number just to keep your interested, so you will buy dances from me later in hope of OTC. I am never gonna really go out with you PL.
(2) Text/call me to let me know when you will come to the club again; you are a good customer;
(3) Call me and I may want to go out with you when I have time;
(4) Call me after work and we will find a place to get you off.
Please add other scenarios if I have missed them.
P.S. I have got phone numbers from several dancers, but it tends to mean quite different things for different girls. Thought I'd like to know others' experiences. I am sure many others may be interested in this thread too.
(2) Text/call me to let me know when you will come to the club again; you are a good customer;
(3) Call me and I may want to go out with you when I have time;
(4) Call me after work and we will find a place to get you off.
Please add other scenarios if I have missed them.
P.S. I have got phone numbers from several dancers, but it tends to mean quite different things for different girls. Thought I'd like to know others' experiences. I am sure many others may be interested in this thread too.
However, with that said, it's fairly safe to assume that the usual reason that a dancer gives you her number - especially if YOU asked for her number - is to keep you as a continued customer.
Also, keep in mind, even though she has given you a number, it might not be HER number, or it might not even be a real number... maybe just a number to shut you up. Until you've called her at that number, or she has called YOU from that number, you just never know.
I have received many numbers, and it's usually given in the spirit that the number will be used in order to make arrangements - whether it be used to make sure she is working when you will be in the club, or to arrange OTCs, etc. Even though I've been given many numbers, I don't think ANY of the girls - even the ones that I had a "relationship" with ever said "call me whenever you want to talk to me."
As LotsOfFun pointed out, be careful when giving them YOUR number, or when calling them with a potential they can see your number via caller ID. This is especially true if you have a spouse or SO... make sure that the dancer will be discreet when calling you. If there is ANY cause for concern, make sure you either don't give your number out and block your number from being displayed on HER phone. Remember, it's very easy to block... just dial "*67" (you can remember it by thinking NS... "Not Shown") before the number you dial, and your number will be blocked.
That said...
#1 and #2 - Friend
#3 same as your #2
I've got literally hundreds of numbers and all the following are possible but I would rate the reasons in descending order of probability as follows (this is subjective: for true players, or guys with higher game than mine the order may be different):
1) Wants me to call her so we can make arrangements to fuck for pay 79%
2) Wants me to call her so she can hook me up with drugs 10%
3) Wants to go on a normal (unpaid) date 7%
4) Wants to fuck (unpaid) 2%
5) Wants to be friends 1%
6) Just fucking around/wasting time/playing games 1%
I also think it is a bit of a myth that asking for her number as opposed to waiting for her to give you hers is always wrong if you are looking for unpaid action. I've had things work fine when asking for their number. But, OTOH, I just like to skip BS/games and get straight to the point.
1. Wants me to call her so we can make arrangements to fuck for pay: 50%.
2. Wants me to call her so she can hook me up, or I can hook her up, with drugs: 5$.
3. Wants to go on a normal (unpaid) date: .00000000001%
4. Wants to fuck (unpaid): 0%
5. Wants to be friends: 0%
6. Just fucking around, wasting time, fiddling with a new cell phone: 44.99+%.
I just use my cellphone, unblocked, although I changed the voicemail message to omit my name. For a while I used a "Boost" pay-by-the-minute phone for my erotic adventures, but it got to be too much trouble to keep track of two phones, remember to keep them both charged (I'm a cell phone retard), keep loading minutes into the phone, etc.
1. 90 percent, She wants money from you. Any way which way.
2. 8 percent, She's been drinking or seems to be on something and just wanted to talk to you because you were in her phone list.
3. 2 percent, She seems to actually like you. However even though it is a week night, she wants you to suddenly travel over a hundred miles to go visit with her and spend some time together. She's crazy. You're left wondering if this is her natural condition or if she is even sane.
I hope you meant the phone was only for YOUR emergency use. I first started using cells for the same purpose years ago, and I often left mine in my vehicle. The one time my wife really needed to contact me, guess what, it was in my vehicle. Lots of good it did her with it sitting in vehicle!
I have on two occasions taken their number, once because I was pratically forced, I think I deleted it later... and the other, because she was gorgeous, smart, funny, and if I'm ever back in town I want to know if shes working so I can drop by.
I have received or exchanged phone numbers with many dancers, but usually we have already agreed to meet OTC and the number give or exchange is a requisite for hook-up logistics.
Like you, I never ask for a phone number. The ones I have or had were given to me without my asking. In all cases, I know why. See post above.