
Paying more than the advertised/posted Lap Dance fee

Does anyone here give the dancer more than what is posted? In other words, after a lap dance, how much do you usually tip beyond the charge. What is expected. The reason I ask is because during my previous visits I tend to keep my expenses in check and to a minimum. Previously the only time I "tipped" was during stage dances or to bartenders.

While we are in the topic of "tipping". Does anyone tip the greeter/bouncer upon entry to the club.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I thought Tiping was a city in China. Lol, just joking.

    I rarely tip dancers anything extra for a lap dance. If they do ask for more and I pay it or some of it, I usually don't ever get another dance from them. Some dancers ask for too much money to start with, if I agree to get a dance from them, I consider their tip already included in the dance price. I do occasionally tip the dancer on stage a dollar along with the waitress if she's bringing me beer.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I have on a couple of occasions given a dancer two dollars for a stage tip but that was mainly because she spent almost the whole time on stage dancing in front of me. The cheapest tip I ever gave was a Cheeto. The dancer requested it as her tip. I think I tipped her again with another Cheeto a couple of minutes after that one. Too bad that club stopped giving away snack food. I seem to often give a one dollar tip to the bathroom attendent if a club has one. I heard one bathroom attendent say one guy wanted to leave a tip but only had 100 dollar bills in his pocket. The guy said he could give change and break it. The bathroom attendent said that was the biggest tip he ever got.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I might be willing to pay more to one or two dancers if I didn't have so many to choose from or had trouble spending my money. As it is, I just say no thanks to a vast majority of dancers and end up spending most of my limited funds on favorites who stick to the same price.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Not too sound too cheap, there are a few dancers I may tip a dollar on multiple stages sometimes twice on the same stage. I like to let them work for their money especially if the stage is pretty empty. A bit of bump and grind at the stage helps to get a tip from me.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I consider the tip to be included in the price. As a reward for an especially good dance, I buy more dances.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    For me, it depends on the club. Sometimes, I'll ask the dancers - they are often surprisingly honest with me. One might think they would always say, "yes, everyone tips" in order to maximize their income, but lots of girls have told me whether or not tipping is standard in their club. And the cost of dance doesn't seem to matter.....almost no one tips at the Hip Hugger despite offering $10 good contact dances. Another Indiana club offers sets of 3 dances for $55 - so out of convenience, I think everyone gives $60 and doesn't expect change back.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I consider the tip to be included in the price. As a reward for a good dance, I buy more dances.

    Usually, I won't buy dances in the future from a dancer who expects to be tipped.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Rarely pay more than the standard fare. Occasionally throw in an extra $5 or $10 if the girls spends a while talking with me or I get a string of particularly nice dances.

    Also, at higher priced ($25, $30, $35) clubs, I will try to negotiate a bulk rate. Standard negotiating strategy applies - be prepared to walk away. However, that is my big head talking; occasionally the little brain takes over, and a negotiation from his standpoint is not "how much money", but "how much contact"; he could care less if I drain my bank account.

    One exception, one club in Phoenix used to have $6 dances in the daytime, $8 at night. I always rounded up for a string of dances, which earned me a lot of half naked friends. Unfortunately, my ATF moved to a different club, and I dutifully followed.

    Now, in my regular club in Phoenix, I tip $2 to the guy who shows me to a table. He probably is tipped by 25% of the guys. In all my time there I have never had a bouncer interfere. I theorize there is a tip/no hassle connection.

    In that same club, there is a bathroom attendant starting mid-afternoon. Again, it looks like 25% of the guys tip him $1. I tip him on my first visit and grab a couple of breath mints. If the beer is flowing through me, I usually don't tip on the next visit 15 min later, or the next 15 min later, etc.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    My tipping depends on my satisfaction from a lap dance. If I feel I got what I expected, no tip is in order. If I get 'great unexplected mileage', legal or otherwise, I will definately tip. How much? Depends on whether I get additional dances from that particular dancer. And, if I am really intriqued with a particular dancer, as far as what her limits are, I may tip her during the first lap dance, just to see if her "talents" improve.

    As far as tipping stage dancers, I have been giving two one-dollar bills in most cases. One for each side of the G-string, just to keep her 'well-balanced'?

    The bathroom trolls get a dollar if they squirt soap in my hand and hand me a towel to dry off.
  • luckyone
    17 years ago
    Tipping extra would depend on the initial cost of the dance and how satisfying it was. Am fortunate enough to frequent a club where dances are only $10. If I get an odd number of dances, I usually round up to the nearest $20 so I might give $40 for 3 dances or $60 for 5. Sometimes I'll do the odd number on purpose to reward someone who is a personal favorite. Of course a particularly breathtaking dance might also warrant some additional cash. Most of the girls seem to notice that I'm giving a little extra and remember it. There are also ladies I'll generally tip $2 on stage. It isn't that much more money and, again, they seem to notice and are more friendly. Must say that I find it a huge turnoff if the dancer expects more than the going rate and I will rarely repeat a session with someone like that.
  • ozymandias
    17 years ago
    I used to, when I first started going to clubs. I also used to sometimes tip larger bills than ones at the stage, like fives or tens occasionally, the idea being that I'd get the dancer's attention better.

    I tip well in restaurants, because I tend to go to the same ones often and I like to develop a reputation as a "good customer" because it pays off in the long run with better service - it was natural to try to extend that ethos to strip clubs.

    I find it doesn't work in strip clubs however. Tipping generously when she's on stage, for example, is useless because half the time she doesn't even realize you're slipping her a five or ten - so you should stick with ones.

    As far as tipping her for the dances, its pointless to tip extra because there is always going to be some idiot who tips more - drunk guys with a load of cash paying $100 per dance for example, trying to be "ballers" or whatever. Unless you can be the BIGGEST tipper, it won't earn any extra notice - so the smart play is to just pay base cost.

    I never, ever pay a dancer for time she's spent sitting with me. I pay only for dances, and I never give a "for time spent" tip at the end of a long evening.

    I've done it both ways, and there is NO improvement of service with extra tips for paying for idle time. So why do it?


  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I always like to give the dancers a "big tip". I usually give them a little extra money, too! [wink]

    Seriously, I was raised with the believe that people working "service oriented" jobs should be tipped if they do a good job. Since dancers are pretty much service based, when I have an enjoyable time with a dancer, I will tip her fairly well. It's hard to tell how much I tip, since I usually get a "block" of time with a dancer, rather than pay by the dance. I'd say my tips are at least 20%, more if I had a REALLY good time.

    Waitresses also receive decent tips from me. Usually, based upon the price of the drinks that she's just delivered, I will give her $2-$3 dollars, or just tell her to keep the amount, rounding up so that I don't get any coinage in change.

    Never have I tipped the door man. Even worse, I will just hand him the "free entry" coupon from the web and walk in, if the club has such a thing (most of the clubs that I frequent have printable coupons on their website).

    As much as I typically dislike DJs, I have tipped them a few times. At BBF, I've tipped Kenny many times for dropping my girl out of the stage rotation for me, in several cases for the entire night. I've also tipped DJs in order to let my dancer leave early so that we can hookup OTC.
  • yndy
    17 years ago
    thanx to slickster505 for this post bc after saturday nite, i was thinking about posting a similar question myself.

    i've yet to review my regular and fav club, but the $10 dances are what you guys call high mileage. perhaps very high mileage. bc of that, i apply the typical waitress 15% and will go to 20-25%. based on other posts, it seems like i'm on the high side, xcept for a few.

    tho i appreciate their fine dances, i wish they acted like they appreciated me and my funding a bit more. for xample, one of my former favs, now 40 and retired (tho still very pretty and in shape enough to dance), would ALWAYS have a big smile and greeting upon my arrival, and hug and kiss me goodbye. many nowadays are just soo "ho hum" about it all.
  • ArtCollege
    17 years ago
    If a dancer takes a hands-on approach to making sure that I leave happy, I give her an extra 20.
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