
Comments by luckyone (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Frequency of visits vs posting reviews
    I couldn't possibly review a club everytime I visit. I tend to stick to a couple of places local to me and often visit them (admittedly sometimes very briefly) once or twice a week. I will usually try to summarize my current impressions of the place in a review every couple of months. Partially, this is just to keep my membership active but I also think it is worthwhile. Clubs can change very fast and a review from a few months back can be pretty worthless sometimes. If, on the other hand, I visit a new club or one I don't normally frequent, I will pretty much always post a review. I think that reviews from occasional visitors and "regulars" will have a whole different slant to them and the kind of club I would want to frequent in my area is very different from the sort of place I would want to visit on the road.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    bias, TUSCL readers and strip club customers.
    I thought the description of "skeezers" was spot on when it comes to describing about half of the people I see at my local clubs. I think it is probably "worse" late in the evenings because I know a lot of people who would never think about going to strip club until they were already drunk from going to another bar. For a lot of people, going to a strip club is a social activity that is engaged in only on rare occasions. Sometimes these people will end up spending a lot of cash and sometimes they will just sit around and drink. I've talked to a lot of dancers who hate these groups but most of them will at least try to go after these guys. With a large number of guys who are drinking, there is always a chance you'll hit the jackpot and someone will empty their bank account under the influence of alcohol and boobies. More often than not, though, it seems like the girls end up getting a few cocktails and not that much else. Beyond that group of occasional visitors, I think you have a couple of types of patrons. There is the "dyed-in-the-wool" regular (this is probably me) who sometimes gets a fair number of dances but often just has a few drinks, tips his favorites on stage and then goes home. Then there is the "less-regular regular" who comes in more than the average joe but spends a lot of cash when he does. He usually has a favorite dancer (or dancers) and they tend to monopolize his time (and he theirs) when he does show up. Most of the people who post here are probably in the last category and almost all would be in the last two categories. The "skeezer" probably isn't spending his spare time on a strip club review site.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Dream Hypothetical Multiple Choice Question
    A...no question about it. If I'm going to spend it on strippers, I'm going to spend it on the ones who treated me well when I didn't have $3000 to throw around. The dancers who were friendly when I only gave them a few dollars on stage or maybe bought them a drink or just got a couple of dances are the ones I would prefer to reward when there is a reward that I must share.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What celebrity would be the best stripper?
    Jessica Alba (who kind of played one though she didn't take her top off) and Carmen Electra. Maybe we make it an all Jessica club and throw in Ms. Biel and Ms. Simpson as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What if your sexy neighbor was a stripper?
    Actually had a sexy neighbor who was a stripper. Went to a club one night and thought she looked familiar. Next day I see her leave her apartment going to her car. Sadly she moved a long time ago. On the other hand, I live in a small town and see a number of girls who work in my favorite club out and about town. People are always amazed when I tell them someone is a stripper but they know me so they tend to believe me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dances for Free?
    Just got a free one last week. It was my birthday and a dancer who my friend gets a fair number of dances from comes over and starts giving me a dance. I figured he had set it up but he swears she just said she was going to do it for free. One other time years ago and that was on my birthday too.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top Celebrity Strippers
    I'll take any of the Jessica's. Alba, Biel or Simpson. Hmmm...how about Jessica's sister. Hillary Duff or Lindsey Lohan. Lindsey...now there is a girl with "daddy issues."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best and Worst State Capitols for SCs
    Topeka, KS is pretty good. Had a lot of good times there through the years. Lots of clubs and some pretty good looking friendly ladies.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is getting an obvious erection during a lapdance normal or just me?
    It does seem many (if not most) dancers are disappointed if you don't get aroused during their dances. On the other hand, I don't know how many would be thrilled if you "let one go," something I have never done. I imagine that would depend greatly on the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Heading to KC- need help
    Definitely some good times to be had in Lawrence but things can be pretty hit or miss. The Bird and the Paradise would be my personal choices but might not be the best for an out-of-town visitor. A lot of the dancers really like to hang around with their regulars and sometimes the girls who do hustle a bit are, shall we say, not the cream of the crop. Outhouse isn't bad if you don't mind the BYOB, the hefty cover charge and the less-than-fabulous surroundings. If you are planning on visiting over the weekend, arrive early. The place gets extremely crowded at times. Girls do seem to "work the room" a bit more here so that might be good. Your message hints at a desire for "extras" and, while I'm sure that those things happen, it is not something you could realistically count on. You can expect pretty good two-way contact and, if you can find the right dancer, an enjoyable experience. BTW, Bonita Flats is not bad but is very small and crowded and, depending on where you are in KC, is a pretty hefty road trip of its own.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Heading to KC- need help
    Home football games are a bigger factor if the visiting team travels well. Seems like all the nearby Big 12 fans have factored lap dancing into their road trip. Worst weekends this year figure to be Kansas St. and maybe Oklahoma St. Last year Iowa St, Nebraska and Missouri fans all filled the local g-strings (and all went home disappointed.)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?
    There is a lot of makeup, outfits and lighting involved with these girls. I see girls who dance out and about all the time (small town) and, if you didn't know, you'd never guess they were strippers. They often look very ordinary.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?
    Don't think I'd agree with that sentiment. I've generally found that the best mileage has come from the black dancers I've known. And, no, these were not necessarily favorites but just girls who I thought were hot and they usually proved it in their performances. And I'm as white (or white-looking) as they cum.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Hey Guys -- on Saturday evening (2...
    Yes...Naomi is a goddess and Chloe is so sweet and pretty, but almost always busy.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    This will be a combination of...
    You have good taste. Probably the sexiest two girls there.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    This will be a combination of...
    Yeah...both Blair and Bettie Page are pretty cool girls.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    This will be a combination of...
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Rhino is king. Nobody else is...
    You can totally meet some fun girls here, who, if you hit it off with, you can meet up with outside the club. If she's down, she won't really be that interested in anything other than exchanging numbers and meeting up later. Nonetheless, nothing will re
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    British Columbia
    Another trip to Vegas and another...
    Very good review of the late afternoon shift.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Guys -- I stopped in at Paradise...
    Yeah...Chloe is a national treasure
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me (and Customers Like Me)
    1. Don't ask me if you can sit with me. I hate that question. Far be it from me to keep you from taking a seat. Ask me if I'm looking for company right now. Much better question that will save us both a lot of time and avoid awkward moments. 2. If the conversation isn't going well, get a clue. If all I muster as a response to your banter is a "yeah" or "uh huh" or "I don't know" or keep looking away, it just isn't going to happen. Excuse yourself. 3. If I tip you on stage, it probably means I am interested in you. If I tip you repeatedly on stage or tip you more than just a dollar, I almost certainly am interested in you. Maybe it's worth stopping by my table and saying hi, particularly when the alternative is sitting by yourself at the bar. 4. Just because I rejected the first three dancers doesn't mean I will reject you. They, for whatever reason, just didn't do it for me. Pay attention to how I treat you. (See #3 above.) 5. Don't BS me, at least not all the time. I know who I am and what my good and bad qualities are. If you want to compliment me, try and "get it right" and pick up on something real. Don't tell me I look like Brad Pitt or have an enormous cock or am so fit and muscular. Tell me you think I'm funny or intelligent or have soft skin or something I might actually believe. 6. I'm not going to pay you to talk to me. If I like you, I will offer you a drink and likely get at least a few dances with you. I will tip you when you go on stage but I don't pay people to talk to me. You are a dancer, not a therapist. 7. I am human and it is quite possible that, if I find you attractive and fun to talk to and be around, I may get a bit of a crush on you. If you want to make money, don't encourage me to think you really "like" me too (unless you do.) I don't pay the women I know from outside the club to grind on my lap or have sex with me. If you want to keep me as a good customer, just tell me you enjoy hanging out with me in the club. Don't drop hints that you want to see me outside the club unless you really do. If you do, I'm going to see you as a friend or possible lover, not as an entertainer anymore. At that point, buying dances from you is going to feel weird to me. (Honestly, this is probably not a good universal strategy as I think I'm different from most customers in this regard.) 8. If I get dances from you, make sure you at least pretend to be present. Don't stare off into space or look like you'd rather be anywhere else doing anything other than what you are. Make eye contact and smile. Even a little playful banter is nice. (Although this is not the time to talk about your boyfriend or your kids.) I don't care how hot you are. The best dancers are not just objects but fun girls. If you can't at least pretend to be enjoying yourself, don't bother. 9. I am not an 18 year old boy. If you want to arouse me, don't spend all your time focused on my cock. I don't want to be ground down or jackhammered to death. In other words, I like it slow and sensual. Not everyone does but maybe it would be worth at least asking me before you start or picking up on the signals I give during the dance. Some of the best dances I've ever had might be considered "air dances" by some people. They were great because the dancer knew how to tease and arouse without just pounding away at me. Also, I like touching you but I'm not going to try to molest you.. If you want that, you might want to let me know by placing my hands where you'd like them to be. I don't expect you to get off on dancing for me but I'd like it to be as enjoyable as possible for you too. 10. I'm the customer and you're the entertainer. My chances of frequenting your club or your services is directly related to how you treat me. If you are bored and drunk and pissy, I'm probably going to be much the same when I'm around you. How I feel about the time I spend in any club has very little to do with how much money I spent. I've left a club having spent hundreds of dollars and felt good about it. I've left a club after just a drink or two and felt like I wasted the few dollars I did spend. So make my day a little brighter and I won't mind a bit if you make my wallet a little lighter.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Las Vegas Strip Clubs: Dealing With The Hustle
    As with any other club anywhere, the "hustle" only works if there are plenty of people ready to be hustled. In a club full of hundreds of dancers and even more drunk dudes, it will work. I've found hitting the Rhino in the mid to late afternoon a much better strategy. Yes, you'll get hit on by a bunch of women but I've also found that a lot of them will be more likely to take their time with you than when they have another option 6 inches away. Simple supply and demand. Of course, this only works if you know how to say "no" and how to use the odds to your advantage instead of letting them use you.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    The Facade of Anti Strip Club laws & perceived negative "secondary effects"
    Hadn't heard that but very good news if it sticks. Funny how they think that strip clubs, where at least there is some attempt to limit sexual activity, is worse than a situation where the girls and guys go around the law, potentially putting both in much greater danger and likely leading to more out and out prostitution.
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    14 years ago
    In the wind
    First Missouri, Now Kansas: Sexually Oriented Business State Laws
    It would almost be funny if it weren't so ridiculous and it didn't infringe on my basic rights. They think that they are going to "clean up" Kansas this way. Bullcrap! All they are going to do is put honest businessmen out of business and dancers who don't want to be prostitutes out of business. The seediest girls will still do fine and there will be even more "pay for play" outside the clubs than there is now in them. If any of you lovely legislators are reading this, I just want to tell you how full of s**t you are. Thank you and have a lovely day.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Future of Strip Clubs
    I have to agree with rickdugan here. Maybe it is different depending on where you are but I think the general quality of the dancers has actually dropped off. Nice to be able to get more action than you used to but not with girls you wouldn't do it with for free.