Interesting link. Guessing interviewer might be Phil-W.My guesses on the dancers: Dancer with glasses and big boobs is Brigette. Brunette fox in the middle Daisy Delfina (handle kikiwiki), not sure who 3rd dancer is with English accent.
They're just venting, and being a little self-righteous. They would starve in a market like Detroit, but in some club somewhere else, they could earn a living until their looks give out. I would say no these girls, and no means no.
@F:"I don't know who annoys me more; the girls or the interviewer"
For me, no contest, the interviewer. Frustrated comedian asking the lamest questions then interrupting the girls to deliver some pathetic attempt at humor. Interview was all about him; maybe not gay, lg, but probably a narcissist.
For the most part the girls acted like any twenty someting, catty, competitive, and jealous. Listen to their comments about civilian women in the clubs. The civilians have a BF / SO and the stripper goes home to pet, booze or drugs, and a dildo. They want to see themselves as high-class Vegas showgirls not as CSWs working to arouse men in order to extract $$$. Combo phone sex / webcam girls without the protection of distance from the mark.
We blog about PLs & RILs but it seems from this & stripperweb that strippers also engage in fantasy: That they are just regular entertainers and men come to the club just to spend money to look at them or much more money to get one-way "intimacy [big boobs mentions this as one of her LD goals]" , whatever that means.
This fantasy gives them the illusion they are not part of the commercial sex business; they are basically good girls with an honorable job in the entertainment industry; they are only in it for the $$$; and they have more control over their own fate in the club then they actually do. It's not them who are deluded about why SCs exist; it's men. Clearly, they like passive, overly compliant guys and hate men who react in a normal, healthy manner to being deliberately aroused. Just like men seeking relationships in a SC, these girls can't afford to give up the fantasy and confront their reality.
Reminded me of Diablo Cody's "Candy Girl" where she starts out doing it "just for money" then gets hooked on the excitement of doing risky things and competing with other strippers to make the most $$$.
What joker44 said. On stripperweb you can read all about how "it's just a job" and "boyfriends don't understand it's a job" and other bullshit... until their dad, brother, high school friend... walk in and off to the dressing room to hide! All the jobs I had didn't have me hiding in shame in the back room - it was more like "Long time no see guy!" There is definitely make believe going on both sides of the rail.
So many things perceptively true in your guys' comments. I would just like to add that in my many inside/outside sexual escapades with strippers, I can honestly say that only once did _I_ do the propositioning ( years ago on Broad St. in Augusta when stationed at Gordon).
It's just how I like to roll: I sit at the stage, tip well, engage in conversation over drinks and Voilà , I bat about as good as Josh Hamilton in attracting the "extras" girl(s). (I've rejected more times than partaken.)
The delusion oft times put forth by strippers like these 3 that they are 'entertainers', so don't think of them in the _sexual acts_ sense yadda yadda... is fantasy of the highest order on their part (and explained so well by joker44). If it wasn't for strippers bringing up the sex -- or flat-out initiating the sex ITC -- my resume would consist of that lone Southern Belle in Georgia.
And while I don't make it much of a habit to watch the guys while strip clubbing, the only bona fide "wide mouthed bass" look I've encountered in the club is when one of the gals is sliding up & down my cock.
Truthfully, not every girl in a given club is going to be partaking in sexual activities with her clients. I know this to be fact for some girls (one of which happens to be a -top- earner). But this is going to be more prevalent at upscale places, not at sleazier places where sex ITC (and OTC availability) is more of a norm.
My problem isn't with these girls' lack of desire to be whores, but rather with their automatic assumption that *wanting* a whore is some kind of evil thing. I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy, and if you don't want to fuck me in exchange for my money, then so be it. I'm a sex fiend, not a rapist, so I don't have a problem with that. But don't turn around and call me an asshole when I won't spend *my* money on somebody who doesn't want to do what *I* want. Just as it's your body to do, or not do, as you please, so is it my money, to spend, or not spend, as I please.
Now, I'm sure they get plenty of *real* assholes who won't take no for an answer, but save your ire for them, and stop assuming tbat because somebody shows up in sweatpants that he's gonna splooge all over your face. You *can* say "no" to him, after all.
The girl I've been fucking almost every week for about the last three months is a "respectable" girl, i.e. worthy of some measure of respect. She does what she says she's going to, does it moderately enthusiastically, without complaining, doesn't complain when I'm short of funds and can't afford it one week, and makes no excuses for what she's doing.
The girls in this video exemplify Heinlein's definition of "pride", someone who thinks their own moral code is, or should be, practiced by everyone else. They don't deserve *any* of my respect. And yes, I know that you were being sarcastic.
These 3 dancers are being treated as "experts" & told they'll appear on Huff Post. With swelled heads and enough booze they're ready to thoughtlessly express silly stereotypes and questionable beliefs about themselves and their profession.
Until Mr. Comedian Wannabe starts interrupting them to deliver his lame jokes. Now these gals have to compete for air time by making even more ridiculous claims and telling embarrassing stories about a few customers, including mocking Hasidic Jews [Brit girl better hope none of her employers are Jews].
Finally, Mr. CW confronts them with the fact that SOME dancers DO perfrom extras, undermining their respectable girls fantasy. Big Boobs founders around briefly before boozily announcing that even THOSE dancers have their LIMITS. As if this is sufficient to maintain their delusion of being respectable entertainers!
And yes, gmd, they completely ignore that those silly, ridiculous customers' money is what provides them a job. But they believe their customers should be passive, overly compliant boobs who are willing to pay big bucks for whatever these girls are willing to dole out. They even manage to mock their female customers, too. Hasidic Jews, male boobs & female wannabes -- a trifecta!
last commentWhy, that's just crazy talk. I couldn't watch anymore after that.
For me, no contest, the interviewer. Frustrated comedian asking the lamest questions then interrupting the girls to deliver some pathetic attempt at humor. Interview was all about him; maybe not gay, lg, but probably a narcissist.
For the most part the girls acted like any twenty someting, catty, competitive, and jealous. Listen to their comments about civilian women in the clubs. The civilians have a BF / SO and the stripper goes home to pet, booze or drugs, and a dildo. They want to see themselves as high-class Vegas showgirls not as CSWs working to arouse men in order to extract $$$. Combo phone sex / webcam girls without the protection of distance from the mark.
We blog about PLs & RILs but it seems from this & stripperweb that strippers also engage in fantasy: That they are just regular entertainers and men come to the club just to spend money to look at them or much more money to get one-way "intimacy [big boobs mentions this as one of her LD goals]" , whatever that means.
This fantasy gives them the illusion they are not part of the commercial sex business; they are basically good girls with an honorable job in the entertainment industry; they are only in it for the $$$; and they have more control over their own fate in the club then they actually do. It's not them who are deluded about why SCs exist; it's men. Clearly, they like passive, overly compliant guys and hate men who react in a normal, healthy manner to being deliberately aroused. Just like men seeking relationships in a SC, these girls can't afford to give up the fantasy and confront their reality.
Reminded me of Diablo Cody's "Candy Girl" where she starts out doing it "just for money" then gets hooked on the excitement of doing risky things and competing with other strippers to make the most $$$.
It's just how I like to roll: I sit at the stage, tip well, engage in conversation over drinks and Voilà , I bat about as good as Josh Hamilton in attracting the "extras" girl(s). (I've rejected more times than partaken.)
The delusion oft times put forth by strippers like these 3 that they are 'entertainers', so don't think of them in the _sexual acts_ sense yadda yadda... is fantasy of the highest order on their part (and explained so well by joker44). If it wasn't for strippers bringing up the sex -- or flat-out initiating the sex ITC -- my resume would consist of that lone Southern Belle in Georgia.
And while I don't make it much of a habit to watch the guys while strip clubbing, the only bona fide "wide mouthed bass" look I've encountered in the club is when one of the gals is sliding up & down my cock.
Now, I'm sure they get plenty of *real* assholes who won't take no for an answer, but save your ire for them, and stop assuming tbat because somebody shows up in sweatpants that he's gonna splooge all over your face. You *can* say "no" to him, after all.
The girls in this video exemplify Heinlein's definition of "pride", someone who thinks their own moral code is, or should be, practiced by everyone else. They don't deserve *any* of my respect. And yes, I know that you were being sarcastic.
Until Mr. Comedian Wannabe starts interrupting them to deliver his lame jokes. Now these gals have to compete for air time by making even more ridiculous claims and telling embarrassing stories about a few customers, including mocking Hasidic Jews [Brit girl better hope none of her employers are Jews].
Finally, Mr. CW confronts them with the fact that SOME dancers DO perfrom extras, undermining their respectable girls fantasy. Big Boobs founders around briefly before boozily announcing that even THOSE dancers have their LIMITS. As if this is sufficient to maintain their delusion of being respectable entertainers!
And yes, gmd, they completely ignore that those silly, ridiculous customers' money is what provides them a job. But they believe their customers should be passive, overly compliant boobs who are willing to pay big bucks for whatever these girls are willing to dole out. They even manage to mock their female customers, too. Hasidic Jews, male boobs & female wannabes -- a trifecta!