
E St Louis

Avatar for Skyrbuoy
SkyrbuoyPenin of Florida

Hey guys,

I'm gonna be in St Louis in the Fall, is there an easy way to get from the airport to ESL without risking life and limb? Cabs, rental cars, light rail? Coming in on a Friday and out on Sunday.


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Avatar for sandyman

Rent a car. There are a half a dozen cities on the East side that have clubs and you are going to want the flexibility of being able to get around. None of them are near the light rail system. Just be prudent about your drinking. You don't to risk a DWI.

Avatar for DandyDan

I would hope Lambert Airport has a rental car place or two. When I went there a few years ago, I stayed at the Motel 6 just off of I-64 a couple miles east of the Washington Park exit (where Miss Kitty's is at), because I figured I'd be drinking and wanted to be close.

Avatar for harrydave

Just think, 30 minutes after you get in your rental car at the airport you can be sitting in a dirty booth with a 30-something lady giving you a blow job. ESL, gotta love it.


Get a rental, One way there is I-70 east to I-170 north to I-270 east Get off at Rt. 3 in Ill. and proceed south to Brooklyn, Ill. Many clubs, so little time, LOL. From there head to Washington Park and partake of the many clubs in that area, my what memories, got to get back there one of these days. TOS

Avatar for minnow

OP not familiar with Google Maps, et al? Can't type in "St Louis light rail system" in search? Geography 101 Lesson: ESL clubs are at least a 25 mile drive from airport. Anyone not willing to procure a rental car for proposed undertaking ( especially after midnight)should just stay in hotel and jack off to porn.

Avatar for Skyrbuoy

Yep, renting a car is the way to go. I rode the rail downtown a few years back, before I knew about ESL. It was an easy trip. My concern was getting back. Heck, a rental car is only like $30 a day, and I'm not a tightass. I'm seeking the wise advice of those who are more experienced. (and I have a GPS, too!) Thanks guys, October is to long coming.

Avatar for minnow

My "strong endorsement" for rental car choice aside: I don't totally eschew using light rail/subway to visit stripclubs- I've done so in Atlanta, DC, and San Francisco. In those 3 cases (Cheetah 3, Archibalds, Crazy Horse, resp.), club was ~ 5 minute walk from station. Yes, LR's are a boon to downtown visits. You piqued my curiosity on STL Metrolink- it appears that East Riverfront and Washington Park stops might be within 1-1.5 miles of some prospective clubs ( PT Sauget & Penthouse; HC, HSC, & MK, resp). A quick cab ride from there- if cabs are readily available. But, again the issue of getting back much after midnight, plus flexibility. I know I70 can get congested during ballgames on weekends, or if construction is going on. Getting on outer 270 loop or cutting down to I64 could be a viable alternative. This is one of the metro areas on my to do list ( 10 plus yrs. since last visit)- awaiting TR......

Avatar for sinclair

Some roads in that area are in disrepair and there is trash everywhere it seems. I got an industrial staple stuck in my tire driving around Washington Park and Brooklyn in February. It couldn't be repaired so I ended up buying a new set of tires. It sucked. I'd make sure you buy the full insurance on the rental car; this is a rough area where carjackings and break-ins are commonplace. Keep your doors locked and obey all traffic signals/signs. The area is desperate for revenue, so the town clowns will pull you over for anything and everything. Good luck.

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