Hawaii Theater re-opening as a Rhino?

avatar for bumrubber
Or <a href="http://www.pinksgc.com/">Pink's</a> anyway, a <a href=""><a href="http://www.spearmintrhino.com/">Rhino</a… brand:

<a href="http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/2011/…

Note there's already a Rhino in COI - with some hot girls but it's a dead and boring club IMO.


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avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
The Rhino has become so prolific, that for many years now, it has used "secondary" names for some locations. The Blue Zebra in North Hollywood (and later one outside of downtown L.A.) was the first example of this that I was aware of. Once the compnay felt it had too many locations close together, they started giving the new ones different names. I sense the idea was to avoid becoming known as "McStrip Clubs." Deja Vu has done that for a long time. In cities where they have more than one location, instead of naming them all "Deja Vu Showgirls," they have alternate names they use: Little Darlings, Dream Girls, to name a couple.
avatar for inno123
14 years ago
I think that it is interesting that it will be the FIRST Pink's, so in some way they are thinking of the new club as being somehow different than their other alternative brands like Blue Zebra or Rogue, none of which are nearby.

I don't think it will be food since it really isn't much of an entertainment district. I also am not thinking about an ethnic club because the local area is both hispanic and asian and Bliss, Paradise, and Synn are more central to the Hispanic areas and the asian crowd is more likely to go for Karaoke joints and massage parlors.

So I am thinking about maybe a more edgier feel. More tekno and less hip hop music, more polished stainless and less brass. Less red velvet and yellow and more black, blue, and yes, pink. Dump the elevated island stage in favor of something smaller and lower but with a tip rail
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Thanks for this thread. Interesting. Also Rick's Cabaret uses various names like XTC.

Here is a news link with some info on the new rhino club in industry.

avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
There's a new Hawaii Theater review posted 4/29/11 -- probably BS to keep VIP status, without realizing it's been closed for months.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
I read the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article that samsung1 posted, above. Knowing the area, some things in it actually surprised me, having worked in city planning and zoning for twenty years (see my article on "Strip Clubs in Industrial Areas"). The other strip club on Gale Ave. is curently the Deja Vu, City of Industry. It took over the space previously occuppied by the Sahara Theater when the Sahara closed in July/August 2004. The Vu opened in December 2004 or Jan. 2005, as I recall. So, this has happened previously on the same street.

Also, as I mentioned above about use of "secondary names" for strip clubs, the Deja Vu corporation may still be interested in a second strip club in the City of Industry/La Puente area. Back in the early 2000's, they had plans to open two clubs in that area, and it took them about four years just to get the first one. I don't know if they'd still like a second club there. That would certainly be an example of where the second club would be named "Dream Girls," "Little Darlings," or one of their other alternate names the company has used elsewhere.
avatar for minnow
14 years ago
Yet another "corporate chain" club? I'll stick with indies/local chains, thank you.
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