
Cell phones in the strip club

Avatar for quicknight

I get it, I get it! Most, if not all, cell phones have cameras and clubs are full of idiots and jerks who are incapable of resisting the urge to sneak SNATCHshots of their ATF onstage or in VIP who ruin it for the rest of us. But give me a break! First of all, most clubs are too dark for discernible shots for the camera phone, unless it has a flash which would be BEYOND stupid, because everybody in the dark club would see it. Not to mention, a lot of us are using smart phones now, which do a lot more than take pictures. I saw a drunk dude at the stage actually TALKING on his phone and apparently obvlivious to the DJ CALLING HIM OUT until the bouncers practically gang tackled him and made him cut it off. I think they may have even thrown him out.

Again, I understand the reason for the ban in most, but not all clubs, but there's got to be a better solution. I usually just carry mine in my pocket on vibrate and step outside if I need to answer a call or text to my gf.

Thanks for letting me rant. I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and ideas.


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Avatar for shadowcat

I leave mine in my car.

Avatar for minnow

Personally, when going to clubs, I like to keep cellphone "out of sight, out of mind". That most often means leaving it in car , or hotel room if within walking distance. For those times that I cab it, or subway it, I like to have phone available, and don't care to hand phone over to strangers. In most clubs, this is not an issue. One coworker wasted a subway ride downtown because club wanted him to hand over cellphone during club visit- he was "NFW" with that.

Avatar for nj_pete

I leave mine in the car. We dont need always to be 100% accessible. Enjoy the time in the club without the distraction of a text or call.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

I do not bring mine to the club. I have had too many dancers who want my phone number. I don't give it out. If they see you have a phone, they will want to pick it up and call themselves so you both have each other's number. Let them write it on a napkin.

I had a dancer in Houston give me a card along time ago. She had a great tag line with her number.

"Cindy - Any Time, Any Place, Any Guy, Any Hole"

Avatar for sinclair

I bring mine inside for text/internet purposes. If uglies on stage make the visit boring, you need to pass time until hotter talent comes out. Showing girls pics of your pets, vacations, etc is a great way to build up rapport. A non-flash photo won't work in a club anyway...trust me, I have tried.

Avatar for SuperDude

How can anyone talk on a cell phone over the loud music in a stripclub? When I'm visiting a club I'm off duty and leave the phone in the car.

Avatar for samsung1

I know one club in Ohio (diamond's cabaret) charges you at the door to check your cell phone along with a coat check.

Avatar for DougS

Due to my job (and similar demands to OhioVoyeur), my phone never leaves my side. If my cell phone is ever not permitted in a club - or anywhere - I am not going inside. (hopefully it never comes to that!)

Avatar for biggb011

i cant justify leaving my phone behind just to go to a strip club. ive had a couple clubs tell me no cell phones. i left and went to another club! once i was told no phones by the bouncer, i was leaving when the owner happen to be walking by. he told him to let me in with it. maybe because me and my friends were in there the week before and spent alot of money. either way money talks and i wont patronize an establishment with certain policies

Avatar for potheadpl

I always bring mine with me. Like Sinclair said, sometimes I need to distract myself from an ugly, and the smartphone is useful for building up rapport with girls.

One dancer asked me to take a pic of her onstage, since she "didn't know what she looks like". I got caught and had to delete the photo.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

If they're telling me that I can't bring my phone into the club, they're telling me they don't want my money. Thats fine, somebody else will.

That said, I've never had anyone say anything, and I'm not shy about taking it out when, like others have mentioned, a bit of distraction is in order.

Avatar for uscue13

I've never gone to a club that prohibited them. I always take mine in because 1) it provides the time, 2) if I get an important email or text I know right away and can take the appropriate actions and 3) sometimes the club gets dead and you need to pass a minute or two. And of course the best reason, I've gotten plenty of numbers with my phone in the club. I've also gotten plenty of fake numbers which I don't get because I never initiate getting numbers. The dancers offer them to me, so why offer a fake number if I never asked you for one in the first place?

Avatar for mjx01

again I agree with georg: "If they're telling me that I can't bring my phone into the club, they're telling me they don't want my money"

However, I don't like taking my current phone to clubs with me because it has a poorly designed touch screen that with my luck is going to self answer or dial during an LD. I wish my regular club had a better setup where there was a safe place to lay a phone or glasses during LDs

Avatar for gsv

I always bring it, don't mind having a dancer's number and it's also good to make sure there's nothing else urgent going in your life, just in case. I don't find it to be a distraction at all. The clubs around here that I go to don't seem to have a problem with it either.

Avatar for rickdugan

I always bring mine in, for the following reasons:

  1. To keep track of the time as many clubs do not have clocks and I do not wear a watch.

  2. To take down dancer phone numbers.

  3. To keep track of emails.

  4. So that I can text with strippers from another club if my needs are going to go unmet by the girls in the club that I am visiting. ;)

Avatar for lopaw

My phone is always with me, although here in LA you definitely cannot use them in the main club area.

Like gmd said - if I can't bring in my phone at all, you just lost my business.

And if I have to take a call, I head to the ladies room, which in itself is a great way to chat up dancers ;)

Avatar for Clubber


I'll try that tactic!

Avatar for quicknight

Thanks, to all for your feedback! It seems like I need to move somewhere a bit more liberal than TN. ALL of the clubs here, except for the bikini bar, have the no cell policy, so I don't have the option to say, "no phone, no business." If one of them breaks the rank, then I would have some leverage, but I think that it may be one of the stupid statutes on the book here, so LE might be a factor in the policy here. Fortunately, they don't frisk you so you can get away with keeping it in your pocket, but it sure would be nice to "pass the time" on the less interesting dances...

Avatar for Digitech

Another reason why they don't want customers having phones or taking them out is for exchanging phone numbers with the girls.

A dancer told me how even the girls will be fined if they are seen with their phone in their hand. When I asked for her phone number, she told me to write it on a piece of paper and hand it to her. I thought it was 'stripper s***,' but it turned out not to be.

Avatar for dudeanonymous

A recently went into a SC bathroom, which was already small and cramped, and there were three guys in there on their cell phones. I had to maneuver around them to get to urinal and sink. The only hand-drying option was a loud blow dryer. They weren't too happy when I turned it on.

I never take my cell phone into a SC. Dancers are always asking me for my phone so they can text themselves as a way of exchanging numbers. Not having my phone, and telling them I have no idea what my number is, forces them to give me their number, not vice versa.

Avatar for sanitago

I don't usually take a phone to the club with me. the rule I've run into is most often that you can't use the camera on your phone, but if you use it to take/make a call, they're typically okay with that.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Only in Nebraska a few years back, did the club make an issue of it. I bring it in, the clubs I've been to really don't make an issue out of it. Of course, I don't try to use it to take pics, but if I get a call, at least I know about it, and can make a decision whether to return the call.

Avatar for gatorfan

I bring them to any clubs allowing them

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