Cell phones in the strip club
I get it, I get it! Most, if not all, cell phones have cameras and clubs are full of idiots and jerks who are incapable of resisting the urge to sneak SNATCHshots of their ATF onstage or in VIP who ruin it for the rest of us. But give me a break! First of all, most clubs are too dark for discernible shots for the camera phone, unless it has a flash which would be BEYOND stupid, because everybody in the dark club would see it. Not to mention, a lot of us are using smart phones now, which do a lot more than take pictures. I saw a drunk dude at the stage actually TALKING on his phone and apparently obvlivious to the DJ CALLING HIM OUT until the bouncers practically gang tackled him and made him cut it off. I think they may have even thrown him out.
Again, I understand the reason for the ban in most, but not all clubs, but there's got to be a better solution. I usually just carry mine in my pocket on vibrate and step outside if I need to answer a call or text to my gf.
Thanks for letting me rant. I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and ideas.
Again, I understand the reason for the ban in most, but not all clubs, but there's got to be a better solution. I usually just carry mine in my pocket on vibrate and step outside if I need to answer a call or text to my gf.
Thanks for letting me rant. I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and ideas.
I had a dancer in Houston give me a card along time ago. She had a great tag line with her number.
"Cindy - Any Time, Any Place, Any Guy, Any Hole"
One dancer asked me to take a pic of her onstage, since she "didn't know what she looks like". I got caught and had to delete the photo.
That said, I've never had anyone say anything, and I'm not shy about taking it out when, like others have mentioned, a bit of distraction is in order.
However, I don't like taking my current phone to clubs with me because it has a poorly designed touch screen that with my luck is going to self answer or dial during an LD. I wish my regular club had a better setup where there was a safe place to lay a phone or glasses during LDs
1. To keep track of the time as many clubs do not have clocks and I do not wear a watch.
2. To take down dancer phone numbers.
3. To keep track of emails.
4. So that I can text with strippers from another club if my needs are going to go unmet by the girls in the club that I am visiting. ;)
Like gmd said - if I can't bring in my phone at all, you just lost my business.
And if I have to take a call, I head to the ladies room, which in itself is a great way to chat up dancers ;)
I'll try that tactic!
A dancer told me how even the girls will be fined if they are seen with their phone in their hand. When I asked for her phone number, she told me to write it on a piece of paper and hand it to her. I thought it was 'stripper s***,' but it turned out not to be.
I never take my cell phone into a SC. Dancers are always asking me for my phone so they can text themselves as a way of exchanging numbers. Not having my phone, and telling them I have no idea what my number is, forces them to give me their number, not vice versa.