Take a Survey! Learn What TUSCL Posters Want in a Dancer

avatar for JacksonEsskay
I searched the discussion forums to see what prior threads there were on issues that interest me such as what TUSCL posters think about tattoos. There seem to be quote a few threads of this type, though none very recent. Rather than start a new thread, I though a survey might be a better route. I create a survey with six questions on SurveyMonkey. I will post results in this thread as they come in. The link is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/… (no registration is required to take the survey).


last comment
avatar for arrowman
13 years ago
I took the survey. Good luck.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Thanks Arrowman . . . 14 responses so far! Here are the early results:


Luv 'em! The More the Better! 0.0%
Hate 'em! Visible ink is a deal-breaker! 28.6%
I'm OK with 'em or without 'em. 21.4%
Small tattoos are OK and can even be a turn on. 42.9%

One "other" response "prefer none or little ink, but not an automatic deal breaker"


Nowhere! 0.0% Ears (lobes only) 85.7% Ears (other locations) 42.9%

Eyebrows 14.3% Cheek 7.1% Lips 14.3%

Chin 7.1% Tongue 35.7% Nipples 21.4%

Belly Button 78.6% Clitoris (exterior) 28.6%

Vagina 21.4% and one vote for Nose (now added as an option) and "Everywhere but I'm not crazy about them. I'm not planning on marrying the girl. A tongue piercing makes me think she is into oral sex."

Breast Size

Natural (any size) 86.7% Enhanced 20.0% Flat 13.3% Small 20.0% Medium 53.3%

Large 33.3% OMG! Those Can't be Real! 6.7% and "Proportional to her body size"


Scandinavia 73.3% Anglo-Saxon 80.0% Southern European 66.7% Eastern European 73.3%

Eurasian 46.7% Indian (Asia) 26.7%

Indian (Native American) 26.7% Latina 46.7%

Arabic 33.3%

African (light skinned) 13.3% African (dark skinned) 0.0%

East Asian/Pacific Islander 40.0% Japanese 33.3% Chinese 20.0%

Hair Length

Absent (shaved) 0.0% Short 21.4% Shoulder-length 92.9% Down her back 50.0%

Lady Godiva 14.3% Rapunzel 14.3% Braided 21.4% In Pigtails 35.7% In Cornrows 7.1%


Stage Dances 26.7% Table (Air) Dances 0.0% Lap Dances (One-Way Contact) 6.7%

Lap Dances (Two-Way Contact -- anything that's legal) 60.0%

Lap Dances with Extras (beyond legal, but not FS) 46.7%

Full Service (ITC) 40.0% Full Service (OTC) 33.3%

"plus table dances with contact, plus options with pretty dancers, don't care for every dancer offering extras"

"Phone number and talking"
13.3% 2
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
That "Air Dances" gets no support at all is not surprising . . . But stages dancing is only important to 1 in 4 . . . interesting.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I took it man.....love it man
avatar for TommyMoney
13 years ago
For me, everything starts with the stage dance; she better excite me on stage or 8 times out of 10 I'll decline all subsequent offers (laps, CR, ITC, etc.).

A few I let slide (bad stage work) if I'm outrageously attracted to her, like her personality and we're chatting along having drinks.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Thanks for setting up the survey. It's much better than a mere discussion. But of course, the population being surveyed is not all strip club customers but only the guys on TUSCL, who are probably not representative of the larger customer group.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
ya ya what that guy ^^^ said ! Ya !
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
JacksonE, nice thread....

Like you, I'm a little surprised that Air Dances got no support at all....and, the other thing I'm surprised at is that Large Breasts weren't at least slightly favored over Medium Breasts....
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
I'm gonna' go take it again, now that I know what the answers are :-)
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
just took it. nice job on it
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
JE- Congratulations, you're the first member that I can recall that has conducted a survey in this format. Too bad Tuscl doesn't have a similar capability that, ahem, the pink site has. (Nice, but not a dealbreaker. You guys don't strike me as a very introspective/analytical bunch anyway).

Still, survey has flaws, re: the last question. I like stage shows well enough, but didn't bother marking it, as I (mis)interpreted question to mean what level of "service" that I seek on club visits- I marked only 1 answer. A better way of asking the same question would be to ask one to prioritize from 1 to whatever the levels of service they would like, with 1 being the minimum "dealbreaker". Example- Monger A expects at least 2 way mileage (anything less would be a dealbreaker), then rates a lower number to , say FS, then takeout. (i.e., things he'd like to do, but absence of it won't deter him from visiting club.)
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I put my 2 cents in.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I weighed in as well. I hope specifying all racial types was OK. :)
avatar for uscue13
13 years ago
Took it. surprised at the number that like belly button piercings. I don't want anything that can possibly cause a problem during the dance
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I put in my 2 cents, also.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
54 Responses so far. Based on these results, we can say that the “average” preference is for a dancer with small or no tattoos, with pierced ears (lobes only) and belly button, medium sized natural breast, of general European or (leaning toward Anglo-Saxon) Latina ethnicity, shoulder length or slightly longer hair, and who offers two-way contact lap dances with just a little more than the local ordinances allow.


Luv 'em! The More the Better! 3.7%
Hate 'em! Visible ink is a deal-breaker! 29.6%
I'm OK with 'em or without 'em. 25.9%
Small tattoos are OK and can even be a turn on. 35.2%

“None are OK, but I can deal with a couple of small ones. My ATF has a few, but her being Asian over rides them.”

“Don't care for them but will tolerant a few.”

“prefer none or little ink, but not an automatic deal breaker”


Nowhere! 5.6% Ears (lobes only) 87.0% Ears (other locations) 48.1%
Eyebrows 11.1% Cheek 5.6% Nose 13.2% Lips 5.6% Chin 3.7%
Tongue 27.8% Nipples 25.9% Belly Button 57.4% Clitoris (exterior) 18.5%
Vagina 14.8%

“Everywhere but I'm not crazy about them. I'm not planning on marrying the girl. A tongue piercing makes me think she is into oral sex.”


Natural (any size) 79.6% Enhanced 11.1% Flat 9.3% Small 25.9%
Medium 57.4% Large 33.3% OMG! Those Can't be Real! 7.4%

“Proportional to her body size”


Scandinavian 49.1% Anglo-Saxon 67.9% Southern European 49.1%
Eastern European 56.6% Eurasian 35.8% 19 Indian (Asia) 17.0%
Indian (Native American) 17.0% Arabic 17.0% African (light skinned) 22.6%
African (dark skinned) 13.2% Latina 49.1% East Asian/Pacific Islander 32.1%
Japanese 28.3% Chinese 18.9%

“it doesn't matter”


Absent (shaved) 0.0% Short 22.6% Shoulder-length 83.0%
Down her back 56.6% Lady Godiva 9.4% Rapunzel 5.7%
Braided 11.3% In Pigtails 15.1% In Cornrows 1.9%

“NOT Blonde”

“don’t matter”

“Silky, straight, jet black, and long!”

Level of Performance

Stage Dances 44.4% Table (Air) Dances 1.9% Lap Dances (One-Way Contact) 3.7%
Lap Dances (Two-Way Contact -- anything that's legal) 75.9%
Lap Dances with Extras (beyond legal, but not FS) 50.0%
Full Service (ITC) 35.2% Full Service (OTC) 29.6%

“bare back full service”
“plus table dances with contact, plus options with pretty dancers, don't care for every dancer offering extras”
“Phone number and talking”
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I liked this.

My only confusion was whether multiple answers answers were allowed. I picked the "best answer"
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Pussy and Tits would be important requirements
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
multiple answers were allowed on all questions except the first. However, as the purpose was, more or less, to identify favorite traits, giving the "best answer" is certainly OK.

Consider this a learning experience. If I create another survey, I'll try to make it better and more clear.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

I see you mentioned my tat response. Thing about it is, she really has a few large ones, but now that she no longer dances, I don't see them when we are together. Makes it better.
avatar for chimark
13 years ago
nice survey.... more of these would be interesting!
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Good first attempt JE!! A little tweaking and this might be useful for a lot of topics.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
great survey
avatar for how
13 years ago
Upon reading the thread title, my first thought was:
"Negotiable virtue."
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
You could have asked another question such as
Have you ever seen a dancer that did not look as pretty after her breast enlargement because they were too big? I would say yes I have. Some dancers didn't seem to think this is possible or not when I asked about it.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Nice survey and thanks for sharing the results.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Yes I agree with everybody else I fuckin loved this.....I'm crazy about stats and numbers iny ways ! A little ocd !.....you should do more on dif topics !
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Final Results. Thanks eeryone for taking the survey. I will design another one soon.

84 Reponses


Luv 'em! The More the Better! 3.6%
Hate 'em! Visible ink is a deal-breaker! 25.0%
I'm OK with 'em or without 'em. 22.6%
Small tattoos are OK and can even be a turn on. 42.9%


Nowhere! 3.6%
Ears (lobes only) 91.7%
Ears (other locations) 50.0%
Eyebrows 15.5%
Cheek 4.8%
Nose 15.5% 1
Lips 7.1%
Chin 2.4%
Tongue 29.8%
Nipples 31.0%
Belly Button 63.1%
Clitoris (exterior) 25.0%
Vagina 17.9%


Natural (any size) 82.1%
Enhanced 15.5%
Flat 11.9%
Small 25.0%
Medium 53.6%
Large 31.0%
OMG! Those Can't be Real! 6.0%


Scandinavia 52.4%
Anglo-Saxon 72.0%
Southern European 54.9%
Eastern European 59.8%
Eurasian 45.1%
Indian (Asia) 19.5%
Indian (Native American) 19.5%
Arabic 18.3%
African (light skinned) 26.8%
African (dark skinned) 14.6%
Latina 54.9%
East Asian/Pacific Islander 35.4%
Japanese 31.7%
Chinese 23.2%


Absent (shaved) 0.0%
Short 22.9%
Shoulder-length 83.1%
Down her back 55.4%
Lady Godiva 8.4%
Rapunzel 6.0%
Braided 8.4%
In Pigtails 10.8%
In Cornrows 2.4%

Level of Performance

Stage Dances 46.4%
Table (Air) Dances 2.4%
Lap Dances (One-Way Contact) 9.5% 8
Lap Dances (Two-Way Contact -- anything that's legal) 79.8%
Lap Dances with Extras (beyond legal, but not FS) 64.3%
Full Service (ITC) 38.1%
Full Service (OTC) 31.0%
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