So,.......What Happened To Tuscl?

I just returned from my Hawaiian vacation and find a completely new tuscl. Old guys like me do not deal with change gracefully. My suspicions are that these changes were done to accommodate those ridiculous hand held browsers.
Old guys like me with fat fingers and Alzheimer's impaired brain functions do NOT use those devices. Give us a break!!
last comment"Old guys like me do not deal with change gracefully"
I know the feeling Art.
Art, right you are. Founder says handhelds are now > 50% of the site traffic, hence the modification. Also, Founder gets more revenue from a greater number of clicks. So, some things, like reviews, now exist as teasers one has to click on to read in full.
How was Hawaii? How many 'eruptions'?
Also, Founder has stated anyone who's not happy -- he'll give them a full refund.
On that front, a rather spicey review came through recently for The Million Dollar. So you may want to read it prior to cancelling.
You can afford an iPhone. TUSCL looks great on it
Hang in there. It was worse. Founder is listening to the complaints and doing a reasonable job fixing things. It might even end up better than it was.
It was a lot worse, count your blessings. Now I am surfing the site while watching tv on my ipad. It does load faster.
Art, you will adapt. Yea, its different, but it has improved since the relaunch in December.
In one way I am glad Founder made the change because 50% of my time in TUSCL is on my smartphone.
But the old website was easier to navigate. Nevertheless Founder is probably ahead of the technology curve on this, so stick around and play with it.
These changes to TUSCL are still a work in progress. I suggest you read through founder's comments since late December. He also said some new features are still forthcoming. He wants to keep those a surprise.
As another old fart, I don't much care for change and don't own a smartphone. I do have a work one, but that is only used for work and a PITA at that!
Hang in there, I've adapted.
I was actually going to start a new thread today asking about your trip and wondering what your response would be to the "new" TUSCL.
The younger guys with all their fancy gizmos may be taking over TUSCL but it is still us older guys that are getting all the pussy. :)))
Love the new format. Desktop pcs are going the way of the dinasour. As was stated earlier looks great on a iPhone.
LMAO, shadowcat. Tis true, tis true.
I can get behind Founder's reasonging for the changes, and at this point my only gripe with the site is that it's just a bit ugly and hard to read. Otherwise, it's not a big deal. Even then, my only real aesthetic concern is that on the discussion pages like this, it's a bit hard to tell which comment belongs to who, or which avatar is associated with which post(er) - like, if the double spaces were eliminated between the avatar and username, username and comment time, and maybe between the comment time and the comment itself, it'd read easier, but then the comment time should be somehow differentiated from the comment content either by size or font. It all just looks kind of muddled right now.
I guess that "muddled" look applies to the main pages for discussions and reviews too - if I didn't know better, since there's only a single space between the teaser for this discussion and the photo of Lemmy, I'd guess that Lemmy is farmerart's avatar instead of motorhead's, since there's double spaces between the avatar, the giant link text, the post orginated by line, etc.
I didn't like it either in the beginning but the first time I saw it on my BB I thought it was intriguing, and then I realized I could potentially post a review while still at a club and be sure I got all the details right (as some of it is obviously a bit blurry to me a few hours later or the next day) - and that I thought could be real interesting.
having not looked here in a couple of months, did not like the look on internet explorer 8 and so closed it and opened up on firefox.. and looks good.. and I have a flip phone and won't go smart phone til I reach the end of my ATT contract....
Hey Art, Founder addressed this question in a previous thread.
"Hi All...
I guess some of you noticed a few changes. The changes were made for the betterment of the site going forward. Nearly 50% of our traffic now comes from smartphones (not cellphones, but phones with browsers), and that number is only going up. The site redesign is to merge the two technologies (PCs and Smartphones) into one site. Maintaining two sites (one mobile and one desktop) is just not in my time budget, nor do I think it necessary for the type of site that tuscl is.
It is for this reason that reviews are now scrollable one at a time (less data per page), and avatars are now resized to a smaller size and turned into png files (rather than animated gifs), along with most other changes. It is to create less data transfer per page. The new design will also allow me to do more things on the back end and I am working on more features, which are top secret right now ;) Also, the new site creates more pageviews, which creates more revenue. If you'd personally like to pay my rent, I will go back to the old way ;)
I'm sure many of you have feature requests. You can post them here, or send a PM, or use the contact link below.
Thanks, and have a great 2012
I actually fired up the work phone today while way away from Atlanta to check local clubs on TUSCL, and I found a giant ZERO. Guess I need to go to a better area. But, it did work well.
It took a few views, but now I absolutely love the new design. I nearly always use my iphone to view tuscl and don't mind the web version either. Ps: it's a fact that iphone users get more pussy!
The meow meow ones don't count. :)
Aloha, art. This fish doesn't like change, either. The initial new version that you missed on vacation was a royal pita at reading reviews- founder made some good changes while you were gone, in addition to his thread explaining the changes. All for the good................