New Survey: What Kind of Club Do You Prefer

avatar for JacksonEsskay
Responses to the first survey (…) where very good and I've posted the updated results. Taking some of the suggestions on how to improve the survey style, I've created another. This one is about the type of club TUSCL prefer

<a href="… here to take the survey and tell us what type of club you like best!</a>


last comment
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
I prefer the ones that are open.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Funny . . . very funny . . . now take the D*** survey
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
bar options: I don't care. I don't drink but have no problem with others drining.
avatar for Nobodyhere
13 years ago
Wheres the brothel option?
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
You forgot the "nothing matters except for the presence of hot naked women" option on almost every question. :))
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I thought it was a kool survey I just wanted the options for the menu u know : hand job, blow job, full sex, anul sex, cum on face, cum in pussy, cum on shoe kind of options ! That's part of the club man !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Also maybe a survey of prices to...just to see what we all would love to pay for the menu ? Good one ! Yes I know :b
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
One where all Xtras are available & all Dancers are 9 or above! LMAO
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
50 questions
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
Two questions for JE

1) Are you going to post the poll results soon.

2) Who/what is your avatar supposed to represent?
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I took the survey. I often club hop. So I chose no club type for my favorite because I could not pick more than one.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago

Will post the results later tonight . . . and my avatar is how I see myself . . . A Victorian Officer and Gentleman Rogue (it's Sir Harry Flashman, who would fit right in with this crowd)
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
58 Responses


Downtown 20.7%
Suburban 51.7%
Airport 8.6%
Other 19.0%
Anywere with hot women and hot dances
Don't care
clubs with plenty of parking, lights, and security
Rustic Cabin Clubs located in downtown but not near an airport
None of these matter except as far as they affect safety.
doesn't matter much

Style of Club

Gentleman's Club 22.4%
Traditional Strip Club 56.9%
Neighborhood Bar 3.4%
Lap Dance Club 5.2%
Biker Bar ('nuff said) 1.7%
Lingerie Modeling Studio 0.0%
Massage Parlor/Spa 1.7%
Other 8.6%
I like multiple types.
Shit holes yes they exist!
prefer mix of stage and lapdances, preferably nude
Brothel under the guise of a Strip Club
depends on city

Level of Nudity on Stage/in VIP

Bikini 3.4%/1.7%
Pasties/G-string 0.0%/0.0%
Topless 20.7%/19.0%
Nude 75.9%/79.3%

Offerings at the Bar

Juice Bar 10.5%
BYOB 15.8%
Beer 5.3%
Beer and Wine 1.8%
Full Bar 66.7%

Offerings from the Kitchen

No Food Needed 37.9%
Bar Food (popcorn, nuts, pretzels) 6.9%
Appetizers (wings, nachos, fries) 20.7%
Sandwiches 3.4%
Full Menu 27.6%
Fine Dining 3.4%

Club Features that are a Positive/a Negative

Free Parking 94.7%/0.0%
Valet Parking 5.3%/48%
Limo Pickup (free) 15.8%/2.0%
Limo Pickup (charge) 3.5%/6.0%
Membership (required) 0.0%/66.0%
No Cover (daytime) 57.9% /2.0%
No Cover (anytime) 49.1% /2.0%
Separate Cover for VIP 7.0%/34.0%
Waitresses 56.1%/6.0%
Restroom Attendant 8.8%/22.0%
Separate Lap Dance Area (semi-private) 45.6%/0.0%
Private Lap Dance Area 86.0%/2.0%
Champagne Room 33.3%/6.0%
Limo Dances 5.3%/2.0%
Shower Dances 7.0%/1.0%
Hot Tub Experience 14.0%/6.0%
2-4-1 Dances (or similar) 61.4%/2.0%
Couples Welcome 26.3%/2.0%
Amateur Night 28.1%/8.0%
Feature Dancers 22.8%/16.0%
Theme Nights 33.3% /12.0%
"No Gang Colors" Policy 40.4%/6,0%
Dress Code (minimal) 57.9%/12%
Dress Code (strict) 10.5%/40.0%
Non-Smoking (entire club) 59.6%/10.0%
Smoking Allowed (entire club) 10.5%/50.0%

I was surprised by a few of these numbers – especially that nearly 2/3 of respondents wanted smoke-free clubs, and for half the lack of a non-smoking are was a negative. How the times they are a changin’.

There was a strong preference for private over semi-private lap dance areas.

While most respondents preferred some type of food be served, a plurality did not need any thing to munch on (so far as food goes).
Traditional Strip Clubs beat out upscale Gentlemen’s Clubs by about 2 to 1 – not really a surprise I suppose as the $$$ go further at the latter. Probably the same reason 2-4-1’s were so popular!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
A surprise for me that 27% preferred full menu of food.

I never thought it would even be that high.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
As a sports fan I love stats.


For the effort !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I agree with motor thanx man

Motor I saw "full menu" and thought it ment sex!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Lol juice man
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Call me old school, but smoking and bars go together! Might as well visit a non-alcohol club!
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