STRIP CLUBS' WEBSITES - Any good ones out there ?

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
Mrs. m00tpoint brought up a very good point in a recent thread. She mentioned that the best advertising a strip club could do would be to have and maintain a good website. I wholeheartedly agree! Her well-thought out ideas are expressed in her second paragraph in:…

I rarely use strip club web sites. The only helpful information they give (name, address, phone no., hours,) I can find on TUSCL and a few others.

When I lived in L.A., there was a chain of three clubs (now down to just one, I believe), that included the dancers' schedules. They did this for about three years and then had to discontinue the practice. I can certainly understand the difficulty of that.

Here in Washington state, the eight of the Deja Vu clubs at least have a space provided where they list the dancers' names. It's set up so that hopefully the dancers will allow a photo of them to be included, but very few do. This club's website is one example--the Little Darlings club in downtown Seattle:


On screens 2-6 there are just a few girls who have volunteered to have their photos. Even that's a big help. However, it appears that the dancers' names aren't updated very often. In addition to the list of dancers, the Deja Vu websites do have some good photos of the main floor of each club, but, none of anything else that customers would like to see.

Do any of you know of any truly helpful or informative strip club websites ?


last comment
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Detroit's websites are lame and uninformative.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I don't even look at them anymore. Usually no useful/current information on them.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
Some are worth checking out to see if there are free admission coupons, but that's about it.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
Cheetahs in San Diego has a great website (for a strip club). The main page has a window for their twitter feed, which is mostly useless, but does remind you that if you have a sporting event ticket you can use it for the cover to get into the club (still have to pre-buy two drinks at $8 though), and other special events. There's also a little slideshow of club pictures, which are curent with their recent remodeling, and a list of all the girls working the club at the moment, which updates for day and night shift. You get the same list if you go to the "Girls Working" tab from the main page, along with a photo of their Cheetahs Girl of the Month and an embedded video of an interview with the girl and part of her stage show. It's a shame the club is San Diego instead of someplace with better laws.

4Play in LA has a roll call too, but theirs is a little more cumbersome to read. They've also got a gallery of dancers that work there, but there were only two up last time I checked.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

First place I looked was "Contact". All that was there was how to get in touch with them, their address, phone number and such. What a rip off!
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
I don't believe any of them could keep up on dancer photos or schedules so that's certainly no reason to go a site. Photos of the interior of the club and entry coupons and sometimes pricing info have been helpful.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Strip club owners are so stupid and ignorant that they don't understand that a website is a great marketing tool. They don't even try to keep information current. I enjoy the Flight Club in Inkster, Michigan, but their website lists as an "upcoming promotion" a Halloween Party scheduled for October 30, 2009!
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
There's one that has a live webcam of the girls' dressing room, which I find interesting if not terribly helpful. Don't remember which club it is.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
strip clubs have websites then why are we here
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
13 years ago
For those in the Baltimore area, Millstream Inn maintains a very good site. Their dancers' schedules are updated weekly and usually very accurate and the promotions posting are also well maintained.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Several clubs in Richmond VA used to have fairly decent websites with photos, frequent updates on events and features, etc., but they've all gone to pot. Papermoon has a site for its six clubs, but it has almost zero content.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
About the only thing that individual club websites are good for is a coupon or an address/phone number for the club.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I believe one of the Platinum Plus web sites had a game. It claimed if you won ,you could get a free admission pass. I won it. It didn't work as advertised. I should ask the girls if they get free admission passes at different clubs.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
Respectfully disagrees with Lopaw. Websites may not be important for experienced male customers. They are important for couples, women and those new to the hobby. Knowing the layout of the club, for instance, helps one to determine in advance if VIP is a good idea. Don't mean any offense but most posters on TUSCL are not looking for the same type of experience we are so a photo goes a long way in helping us to determine if we want to even pay $40 in cover. For instance, if there are no areas for two people to sit and have a dance outside of VIP I want to know that going in as mr and I never do dances solo. (I set him up for some once and it totally backfired. Not arousing at all and I never got to enjoy it either.)

If every club was filled to capasity every night and dancers were making $ hand-over-fist I would be inclined to agree. However that is not the case. Seems to me that spending a few $ on a website is a much less expensive way than a "free buffet" to encourage visitors and find new patrons.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago

Since I am in fact a woman, I think you should have said "experienced customers", and not specified gender.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Websites could work if management made an effort to keep them updated.

Even the mega chains like Deja Vu leave it up to the individual clubs to maintain dancer photos and schedules and most don't work at it so the information is outdated.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
@jackslash. Possible that present management at Flight Club doesn't even know they have a website.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
Che - I think you missed the boat on my comment. I don't care at all if the dancer pics are on the page or updated. I am looking for the specific layouts of the club, what the seating is like in the private dance areas, if they even are private.

For a customer (sorry Lopaw) regardless of gender who visits a club ALONE as opposed to a couple, the physical layout of the club may not be that important. I can assure you from the private messages as well as the comments we get on here from other couples that they ARE important. Very important.

In a time when SC owners are seeking to increase revenues by attracting a different type of clientele, it is a small thing that can make a big difference. Maybe in City of Industry or some other locals the clubs don't find the need to try and attract couples but here in Chicago (as well as some of the WI and NOLA clubs we have visited) there is a definite trend in that direction. At one club we were even approached by management and asked (mrs m00t specifically) what it was that helped us decide to come there. I was then given two free dance coupons as well. We also got a complete tour of the club which we did not see happening with any of the male customers. (It is also possible they were mainly regulars as it was our first time to the club.)

FYI: we have been told by two different dancers in different states that management won't give out dancer schedules because of too much jealous crap that goes on - both from the dancer side and from the SO/wife/GF side. And given what we witnesse our first visit to Club O, I can see how that could be an issue.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
Che - an NO I am no expecting them to modify anything for me. I just want to know what their set up going in is. VERY few of the clubs we have been too offer very much difference in pricing between dancers at the same club. And I have never felt as if they thought I was out of line to ask or been treated rudely when I have called. I usually just get the standard, "We don't give out that info over the phone."

The exception was IS in IN which readily told me over the phone what their pricing was. What they neglected to let me know was that unless one was paying for VIP there was NO place for a couple to have a dance at the same time. SO, while they bill themselves as a couple club and even have free admission for couples on some nights a week, it is not IMO a couple-friendly club due to set up and seating.

Nor is it realistic to expect that a reviewer on TUSCL that flies solo will see things that couples want to know. The goals for the evening are usually miles apart.
avatar for Chanel
13 years ago
Club_Goer, The Sands (in Seattle) has a pretty good website with photos of some of their dancers.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I had only checked out a couple strip club websites and that was a while ago. I recently checked out the Paper Moon website and found out that they have free admission coupons that you can print off for the Southside AND Downtown locations. :)
avatar for Cheo_D
13 years ago
Interestingly, it seem like many clubs find old-fashioned alternative-press PRINT media a better deal (at least I can't fail but spot their ads in virtually every alterna-weekly I grab, from the City Paper to the New Times).

As it is it would be good if most web presences could just consistently provide a basic functional information (hours, contacts, directions, upcoming events/features, specials, coupons) page that looks like it's been checked out and cleaned up at least within the past quarter. That does provide a bit of a sign that someone cares and bothers to pay attention. If it's going to contain things that pretend to be "current" (e.g. "This Month's Events") but it's obviously a dead link that was last updated in 2008, or the fb news feed/ tweets post nothing but the exact same word-for-word blurb every Friday at 4pm on autopilot, better to not have it.

As others have said, schedule is the first thing to go by the wayside, too complicated to get it online unless you integrated the actual scheduling process to updating the webpage. I don't think I've seen at most a few sites I could count on one hand that provide enough sense of the lay of the club just from the "virtual tour" to determine the availability of semiprivate/couples-friendly areas or just how truly private the VIP is: that's hard to convey plus in the latter case it probably behooves them to not seem like they're making implied promises. And I do not recall any that provide you straight VIP/LD pricing through ANY medium. That's just the standard practice, we're expected to come in and if we don't like the price and "menu", walk out.

Quickie review of sites I've seen:
One of the most complete sites I've visited is that for Rick's New York, which even includes the restaurant menu and the promos for things coming up in the next couple of weeks; though it will not post straight dance /VIP pricing, what it DOES disclose is the rate for "Party Packages", because those you want to reserve in advance. But, this is the flagship club of the corporatiest corporate chain, it had better look that way. By contrast the New York Penthouse Club's site is, once you look past the glitz, really but a very over-the-top-glammed-up basic-info site, its added value content being mostly for the restaurant: the "featured dancer" gallery has had the same girl like forever and the press reviews page has dead links. Larry Flynt's NY gets to do better than PH by having more modest aims, it's not as fancy but it looks good and provides the necessary information - yet also suffers from "News and Events" that only get updated every couple of months and some of the pages are too wordy so some info you may really want can be lost in the pageful of type. Flashdancers NYC, OTOH, has a simple streamlined address/hours/directions/visual tour site that can't get too outdated just because there's virtually nothing to update.
You then turn to other locations and you see that Flynt's NOLA Hustler is actually a pretty decent informational site, but this one more, um, budget-mindedly assembled using screenshots of the print ads AND again, including "party package" pricing, NOT regular VIP pricing. Meanwhile you look at the the non-livecam site for Tampa's 2001 Odysey (2001nude, instead of 2001live) and you see a site that has many tabs but mostly the same information, even the same graphic, tab after tab, "specials" and "club info" are virtually identical save for the free pass, and the event calendar contains no events! Could have streamlined it a lot, seems to be an off the rack template job. Across town Ybor Strip's site seems to not have been touched in over a year and my strong suspicion is they'd prefer you followed them on facebook (but why should I be telling facebook I follow strip clubs?). Inner Room Cabaret in Cocoa Beach's site looks like it was assembled in the early 00's and left there. Camelot's in DC has a very good info set including even current-week dancer schedules (!) but the page layout is quite old fashioned (asking if you want frames vs. no frames? Really?). The Las Vegas Little Darlings has a basic where/when/directions page plus party package prices, but no virtual tour, looks pretty cheap for Vegas. Yet meanwhile the website for the vaunted SR at Vegas seems to be what they hoped would be a grand work some day, that however has been given so many compartments that what info is currently available looks sparse as it is spread among too many headings.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
Disagrees completely that couples at a club turn other customers off. At least in our experience, the tips go up for the girls on stage when we sit there, the guys buy dances from dancers that sit with us and we have had more than one customer take a dancer to VIP telling us his bi-fantasy was stoked by watching the dancer with us. My wife has had lap dances bought for her so that they might watch as well.

Also, just because the customers are in the place does not mean they are spending. Ask the dancers. They will have a better take on it. Couples in a club usually spend, I would guess.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
They have websites ? Since when ? No fuckin way !
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I haven't seen too many couples in the clubs I visit, but the few I have seen did not impact any of the other customers in a negative way. Most customers are focused solely on the dancers, and could care less what other customers do or who they are. Sadly the only negative impact I've witnessed is the avoidance from many of the dancers who aren't couple-friendly.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Penthouse Club's old WEB site is gone. Wonder if they gave up on it?
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago

First of all, thank you for a well-written and thoughtful response. You do bring up some things I had not considered, among them the chance that the clubs we have chosen to visit are primarily in suburban locations and not large cities themselves (with the exception of NOLA which is an exception to almost everything). I grant that in Detroit, for example, the presence of a couple might be received very differently.

At least where we visit, the age thing does not seem to be a factor as there are almost always all ages in the clubs. Clubs around here don't usually admit 18-21. Must be 21 to get in most of them. Nor would I agree that "most" couples have women that have been bullied into it. Of the clubs we have visited, that has been evident once, suspected once (she set him up and I guess did not want him to like it as some sort of pre-wedding test. Dumb woman.), but most of the couple appear to be having a very good time together while there. In a fair number of them the woman is the one doing almost all the interaction and he shells out the bucks. We tend to be a rarity, I think, cause I tend to buy dances for my hubby (especially the annoying dollar dances one club we frequent offers. I hate those things - they tell you nothing.)

I agree that it takes a special dancer to work with couples. As some have put it for us, the chance of it going badly are far greater than a solo male customer. That being said, we have found two types of dancers that are common and a third that is much less common in our visits. There are those dancers who will not even approach and will not show up at your table for a private dance even when tipped and asked to stop by (happened to us at PH in NOLA a year ago), those who are bi themselves and enjoy the change of pace in dancing with a couple (particularly the female) and the third type you describe as those who will take your $ but be uncomfortable. Just as not every dancer appeals to us, we understand that a couple will not appeal to every dancer. It does seem that the dancers who dance for couples will gravitate to them but that could also be a competition for business thing.

Yes, I do recognize that many upscale clubs exist to mainly allow the dancers "fresh meat" for their OTC activities. And, after our most recent visit to NOLA, we now understand that so do some of the awful skanky ones. (Big Daddy's and Dixie Divas to be exact)

As far as the spending comment, we have had strippers repeat the price for the dances we got and had to explain the rest was a tip, comment on how great the tip was and offer us a "thank you dance" at no charge and buy us a round of drinks after the session. So, maybe that is more a statement about us than about couples in general.

Again, thank you for a well-written response. This is what discussions are supposed to be like. Nice how no one has resorted to name-calling or pissy behavior on this one.

mrs m00t
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
Point taken, Che.

Have a great day! I have to quit wasting time on here and get the house cleaned and laundry done before mr m00t comes home.
avatar for Columbo
13 years ago
I've checked for websites for a number of clubs. Most either do not have one, have a placeholder site or have a site that is long out of date. Having said that, a few do a good job. is run by the owners of a club chain mainly in Atlanta. The site is very good and the email list does a great job of listing upcoming events.

Some sites are mainly good for the basics and discount/free entry coupons. Mardi Gras and Ybor Scarletts come to mind. Don't forget to check out Facebook. Some clubs post their regular goings on there and nowhere else. Same goes for Twitter.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Wow !
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
After several volleys, OP finally gets around to saying what features he(they) consider to make a "good" club website. Sounds like the mp's want a build your own Lexus site replete with 360 deg views and colors. I vaguely recall a TX club website having just that (Sugars - Austin, or some Houston or Dallas club). Looked cool for viewing club layout.

I'm like rick, art, etal, in that I don't attatch that much importance to website.For free passes, or trying to get an idea for which club to visit, just as likely to use newspaper, or free pass from hotel bellman. Weighing in on other points raised: Yes, pictures of dancers are nice, but a lot of dancers don't want their picture posted, and many don't stick around long enough to make posting worthwhile. (One CA club website had some dancers on there that hadn't danced there in 4 yrs- still looked hot, though). Some LA area clubs (4 Play, Bare Ellegance, and Jet Strip) are usually pretty accurate on dancer roll call for today, or next few days. Cheetahs- San Diego also good for daily roll call posting. Most clubs that have legit food service are good about posting menu on club website.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
LOL at minnow. How did you know we drive a Lexus??? I have a little red SC and my hubby has a blue LS.
We like nice - clubs and cars. :-)
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Try Mons Venus
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
Mrs. mootpoint: Go to, type in "italian mafia car salesman". Somehow, I picure you and mr. mp as being like that couple customer in the showroom with Robert Deniro in that clip............
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