Comments by minnow (page 69)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Race and NFL
    "They just fired Lovie." Now don't start any shit here. Lovie Smith was fired after a 2 year record of 8-24. Prior head coach Greg Schiano (white guy) was fired after a 2 year record of 11-21. @M_F_M- Yeah they were headed in the right direction until they lost their final 4 games. That the Bucs have changed head coaches more often than someone with a bad case of diarrhea changes their underwear speaks more loudly about the Bucs organization than of the coaches that were fired.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Why have strip clubs slowed down so much since the 90s?
    "GMD" strikes me as the guy who just knows that there are 12 seconds in one year: January 2nd, February 2nd, and so on...................
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Race and NFL
    Part 2- The Coaches: Okay, I'll say it: The NFL ownership is the epitome of the old boys club. Putting job security in the same sentence with NFL Head Coaches is a laughable idea. This isn't hiring for a post office, or metro transit job. Team owners can (and do) fire head coaches if they don't like the way they part their hair (taking hyperbole license here). With the Steelers being one notable exception, many teams have hired more head coaches in 7 years than the Steelers have in 3 decades. Does Marvin Lewis (Bengals) have a long enough leash for you ? His 13 seasons with same team is exceeded only by Bill Bellichick. Yes, as you probably know, he has a winning record (112-92-2), and has coached Bengals to playoffs 5 straight years. Lets not forget that he had losing seasons in 3 out of 4 years (2007-2010), yet the club ownership stuck with him. Another thing is the "doughnut" playoff record of his (0-6, hopefully rectified this coming weekend.). Tom Coughlin, a coach with 1 year less tenure with the Giants, is stepping down. With one less year than Lewis, he has a winning playoff record (try reading wiki on this versus ranting), and 2 Super Bowl rings to show for it. I'll add that life isn't fair, and repeat my acknowledgement that NFL team ownership is an old boys club. Fwiw, I feel that Tony Dungy got shabby treatment when he was let go from Tampa Bay Bucs after all he had done for the ball club. Yet I don't recall one peep from him griping about how he got screwed over because of his race. All he did was build another team (Indianapolis Colts) in the same manner he built the Bucs, and collected a Super Bowl ring along the way. I'd suggest that you strive to model is example, rather than keep pulling the race card in internet rants.
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    9 years ago
    OT: Race and NFL
    Clackport/Ranukam- IMO, you're in search for a pot to piss in. You found the wrong pot here, starting with the choice of the title for the thread. Although you focus on a perceived injustice of treatment of black head coaches, pulling the race card on the NFL is way off base when you stop to think about some things. First, 65% of NFL players are black. The average player salary is nearly $2M/yr. That is more than a lot of "HICE's" (HIghly Compensated Employees) make in a decade. The minimum 2015 rookie salary of $435K is ~ 75% more than what a Delta or United Boeing 747 Captain would make. For such an individual to get to that point would take 20 years or more service with the airline. I'm sure there are a lot of white folks in corporate America who would love to make that kind of salary. FYI, minimum 2015 veteran salaries $585K for a 2 yr. player, $970K for a 10 yr. player. How's that for annual raises ? That's an average annual raise of 7.2% over 10 years, which is 2-3 times the rate of inflation in the last quarter century. That doesn't sound like a race problem to me there. I'll address the coaches angle in a second post.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Dancer in Tampa
    Has anyone noticed that OP waited over 3 years to make their first post. Pretty creative way to ask for the best club for extras, posing as an extras friendly dancer. Oink oink.......................
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Soaps, Bath wash, Deodorant, Cologne and all around smell goods
    Subraman- Just so long as you don't buy "LeMale", or "Rochas Man" because you like the shapes of the bottles, no worries about you being a faggot. Since Nina B weighed in on this thread, I'm curious which mens fragrances she likes or dislikes. If unsure of the name, then the types of notes/general scentl she'd like or dislike.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SC Trip with a butch lesbian
    @sclvr - I've also met lopaw in 2 different clubs. I mostly agree with your comments. Exception being that because of the depth of her familiarity with her home turf clubs (and the dancers), I'd switch roles to her being the leader, and me being the wingman.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    dead cat bounce
    DP: I'm curious what measurable metrics you'd use to determine if an individual were "financially well off", or had "real money"? Minimum income, and/or net worth to qualify ? Minimum liquid assets?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT:How to bring appetite back after flu
    A common medical acronym guideline is the BRAT diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. All are easily digested, have read that in several medical guides for flu, or post "montezumas revenge" recovery. From practical experience, I'd add chicken soup and crackers to the list.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scanning ID
    @gmd- That sounds like a straw man argument to me. Are clubs required to verify the validity of everyones ID that enters the club? Yeah, clubs being busted for underage drinking happens. I doubt gmd, shadowcat, and many other tusclers born prior to Nixon resigning from office will be mistaken for the under 21 crowd. I got carded at a Hooters once. For showing my ID only (no scan), I'll humor them. But scanning into a database, or otherwise retaining a photocopy- I'm in complete agreement with "25". Showing ID is like answering door for a stranger, having ID scan is like letting a stranger into your house. Guard personal info accordingly.
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    9 years ago
    Scanning ID
    As I've repeatedly stated in various threads, ID scans are "no go" for me. I'm genuinely curious what the clubs rationale is for doing this. I'm aware of a few "membership" type clubs that do this to register members. I hope this type of business model doesn't gain too much traction. For the vast majority of regular clubs, anything short of an injunction or court order is just a harebrained scheme concocted by some management puke with a bug up their ass. If enough people walk over this (showing a huge pile of bills in their wallet as they walk away), maybe someone will get the message and cease this practice.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers throughout the years on TUSCL
    Rebecca Avalon- She's also a Stripperweb Dancer, though far from a typical SW poster. I guess posting a single review of 1 club way back in 2010 would qualify her as a Tuscler. She's famous for her "strip and grow rich" videos/courses. Looked better in person than her pictures. As for Tuscl dancers I'd like to meet, I'll say Chrystal (ATL), and Nina (DTW).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Would you Rather see belly dancing or twerking?
    I'm with Subraman, and some others, in that belly dancing is an art, while twerking is more trashy, ghetto, if you will. Go to you tube, type "belly dancer black magic woman" into YT search engine. I defy anyone to watch her ~5 minute performance, and come away unimpressed. RE gmd "Both can be sexy if done correctly." Gee, George, idk, what is the correct way to "twerk" ? Which leads me to a major reason for my not favoring twerking over belly dancing. Most regular tusclers have probably correctly pegged me as an old white guy. This would be the demographic among the least likely to watch, or purchase rap/hip hop videos. Yet twerking ( or some variation of what might pass for twerking) seems to be the favored stageside move of so many dancers who approach me for a tip. C'mon babe, rub your tits in my face, wrap your legs around me, use me as a gymnastic spotter, do a headstand in my lap, anything but twerking.(On second thought, twerking just might be a better option than the headstand for some dancers.) But, you get my point.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Retirement ?
    Sounds like Aaron H is off to a good start. Assuming a ~6-7% average return, portfolio should double in value every 10-12 years. Even if he doesn't make any more contributions, he will probably have $1.2-$1.6M when he retires in 30 years. If he continues to contribute the max for the next 30 years, he'll probably have a portfolio north of $5M waiting for him in 30 years, especially if company matches some of his contributions.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: 12 City Tour Diversions
    Some posters have reading comprehension/thread awareness problems. To recap: I'm talking about Divorced Dudes 12 city annual strip club tour whereby he proposes to stay in 12 different cities FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH each throughout the year. For a weekend getaway or even a 5 day vacation trip- I'm not expecting too much non-club activities. But to live in a city for an entire month and do nothing but visit strip clubs every day- even this monger can't fathom doing that. I chose my list of 12 monthly cities by weighing some factors other than visiting strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: 12 City Tour Diversions
    I'm posting addendum to 2 of some of my cities I left out: TAMPA: I've heard good things about Berns Steakhouse MIAMI- I'd take at least one day trip to the Keys. It has been too long since I last went snorkeling at John Pennenkamp. (Key Largo.)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Way OT: What's going to happen to the USA if Trump becomes our next President.
    Nina- Check back with us when you turn 35 (the minimum age required to be POTUS). Meanwhile, if you're 25, you can run for Congress, and put your moneymaking talents to use there.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Opinions and stories
    Heel clacking does absolutely nothing to make dancer more appealing to me. IMO, the dancers who do this can't think of anything better to do, and/or just venting their nervousness. IME, the heel clackers are generally average to below average dancers in overall skill/appeal.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Orlando area dances
    Papi- The last I looked, Beeline Xpressway to CCB is toll road. Assuming OP is staying at MCO airport hotel, he can avoid the toll portion of 528 by going west on Sand Lake Rd., then south on John Young Parkway to pick up 528 and I4, going to Tampa. If he heads out to club between 4pm-8pm, I'd bite the bullet and pick up 417 toll road south of the airport. That way, you miss most of the Disney traffic. I'll endorse prior poster suggestion to warm up at the Mons, then cap it off at 2001 and/or Scarletts.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    12 cities, 12 months
    Addendum; In case you all (youse, y'all) are wondering why I chose as I did- Besides obvious climate preferences, I designed sequence to avoid feeling like a bloody ping-pong ball too much. I picked Vegas in February because I don't think I could stand Vegas for a full regular month. Or my wallet. As an alternative, I'd consider deleting 2 cities, and "doubling down" on the greater Miami and Los Angeles areas by going to 2 different cities in different (not consecutive) months of the year. In the first case, I'd fly into Miami, and concentrate on Dade County, maybe Southern Broward County clubs. At a later date, I'd fly into Ft. Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach airport, concentrating on northern Broward County/ Palm Beach area clubs. In the later case, I'd fly into LAX first, concentrating on L.A., maybe some OC or NH clubs. At later part of year, I'd fly into Ontario, concentrating on COI/IE clubs. I'd be curious to read OP's TR................
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    12 cities, 12 months
    My choices, in order, Jan. through Dec.: Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Detroit, Providence, St. Louis, Dallas, Houston, Tampa, Miami. You're Welcome. (Re- for not having to scroll too much vertically through my post.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Flight attendants
    JS69 and rick: Its called accruing seniority and keeping your travel bennies. United even had a FA in his 80's who only recently retired after 60 years of service. He was a native Hawaiian who was hired before Hawaii became a state. Originally hired as a purser, he held seniority #1 for quite a while. @Corvus- Anyone who can actually remember flying on All American Aviation back in the day is real old fart. @motorhead- Not quite right. All American became Allegheny- changed name to US Air shortly after the Deregulation Act of 1978. Merged with Pacific Southwest Airlines and Piedmont in the late 1980's. Can anyone tell who Allegheny merged with in the 1960's without leaning on wiki or google ? Lastly, a lot of foreign airlines are like that because they don't have the anti-discrimination laws that the USA does.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL Profile New Look
    Cool new look.I guess being a Level 10 tuscl contributer is like being a Kentucky Colonel- plenty to go around. That said, I recognize some Level 4-6 contributor whose reviews/postings are head and shoulders above many Level 10 "contributors."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tuscl is becomings a circle jerk of Trolls
    Nina, you give trolls too much credit wrt being qualified for admission to a 4yr college, and thus qualified to join a frat. IMO, DB looks more like a 7th grade chat room. Of course you may well think that many fraternity members have the maturity level of a 7th grader. Rick's theory seems as good as any- gotta get those hit counters running.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How important is stage-dancing for you ?
    For me, clubs with no stage dancing is like pizza without toppings. I like the stage dance for many of the reasons listed by prior posters. Except for real dead periods, the 9-10 minutes on stage happens once every 1-2 hours, and isn't that big a deal. I have very rarely encountered less than 5-6 dancers on a shift. A club with only 3 dancers on shift has few options to start with- a whale could hog a dancer for 1-2 hours, which effectively sucks more than having a dancer unavailable 10-20 minutes every hour dancing on stage.