
Tuscl is becomings a circle jerk of Trolls

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 6:06 AM
Just saying...


  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Just pathetic guys who have too much time on their hands with the maturity level of the type of frat boys who draw dicks with chalk up and down the side walks of the neighborhoods of their dirty frat houses.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    This smells like a troll that started this thread
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    boys who draw dicks with chalk up and down the side walks of the neighborhoods You must be cracking on that faggot ricky boy. He gets like that when he drinks that wisky
  • RossVa
    9 years ago
    I agree 100%. My ignore list is getting larger and larger by the day.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    I agree 100%. My Dick is getting larger and larger by the day.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I guess that the powers that be feel that one or two guys, with nothing to do and a clear willingness to fill this board up with crap posts from multiple aliases, is better than organic growth. No point in complaining about it - the owner doesn't care and, in fact, I have long suspected his active participation in this shit show.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Something needs to be done about the trolling problem. It's gone too far! Start by banning RickyBoy and his hundreds of multiple aliases.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    No point in complaining about it - the owner doesn't care and, in fact, I have long suspected his active participation in this shit show. Ricky should be banned just for starting this conspiracy theory about founder We all know Rick is trying to get attention off of him so he can troll harder and destroy this websites. We should relook at ricks reviews because we all know it's fake as fuck
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Rech lol you trolling ass fucker lol
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    If only RickyBoy could finally get a life. But I guess the market is glutted with used cars salesman, so no hope for him.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    I agree.But at least I know it's pissing the shit out of that jerkoff in Atlanta.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lmfao ^^^
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Nina, you give trolls too much credit wrt being qualified for admission to a 4yr college, and thus qualified to join a frat. IMO, DB looks more like a 7th grade chat room. Of course you may well think that many fraternity members have the maturity level of a 7th grader. Rick's theory seems as good as any- gotta get those hit counters running.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    What a dysfunctional family. At least we all love pussy....
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Warhawk...did you foget that Rick is a faggot now
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    It's too bad that one lifeless troll can bring down the discussion level of the whole board. That faggot really needs to be band.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Ban RickyBoy now!
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Chukko belongs on stripperweb. Just sayin....
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Hopefully the trolls don't run Nina off.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Yeah right. Ask posters on twosheds. Guys there troll me and are haters because I won't fuck them so they talked shit every chance they got and I consistently owned them with my words. Still there, still here. Trolls have neither balls nor kahunas.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Is Alutard still on twosheds ?
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    LOL at "is becoming"
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have been posting on this board for 15 years and I can truthfully say that I have seen the ups and downs and right now it is at it's worst ever. In the past I have always just put up with it without putting anybody on ignore. It was easy to just skip over the juvenile behavior but now they are infecting every thread with their constant babble. I have now decided to put the 4 ring leaders on ignore and I may ad a few more if some of the borderline people don't stop feeding the trolls.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Idiots who still write "_____ should be band" should be banned. My ignore list grew today.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    huh, i didn't know it was a "serious" problem. I don't have anyone on ignore as it disrupts the visual flow when looking at the forum. Guess I'm a weirdo or I'm not on enough.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Look what you did Ricky boy....know shadow dosent want to play because of your faggot ways
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    They should have just band that RickyBoy the instant be started trolling with his ridiculous The System. I think he's chased away several high quality posters over the years with his ridiculous antics.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I added three new names to my ignore list today.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think it important to just let people post it the way they see it. So no, there was nothing wrong with Rick Dugan posting his approach towards maximizing OTC options. Trolling is when you are posting stuff which does not contribute to the discussion, but instead is just negative meta-narrative. It can get to the point that people are trying to drive others off of this forum, and hence ruining this forum in the process. Dougster, Cool It! SJG Genesis, 2007 [view link]
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    And the band played on
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    I agree with Dougster. BAND RICKYBOY
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    LOL Mo head it's true ain't it lol
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    If you look inside MAD magazine under contributors, it says ".....and the usual gang of idiots"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Good Point mikeya02. SJG
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ SJG, what is it that you mean when you state "meta-narrative"? I know what the term means but how does it apply to TUSCL trolls?
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG? Meta-narrative?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    That's why the ignore feature is so awesome.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    SJG? ^^^ See above my question about meta-narrative?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Meta-Narrative is when instead of engaging with a post, someone replies by taking about the conversation or about the poster. Usually it turns into a form of trolling. SJG
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I thought it meant rumors, gossip, or scuttlebutt. Can't see how it relates to trolls, but to each their own. Thanks for clarifying.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Trolls don't respond to what the person said, they say something else which is just an attack on the poster. Trolls aren't trying to advance sensible discussions, they are trying to prevent them. SJG
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    But if someone has a good sense of humor it does advance the discussion instead of what you describe as trolling. Again this should be free speech, not just the speech you want to hear. Isn't that a little bit of meta-narrative on your part? I never once have had an issue with anybody trolling me, nor have I called someone out on trolling practices. I think you either learn how to handle the situation of trolls or else you feed them to do more trolling.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I agree with you in principle, but much of it is so mean and so far beyond the bounds of civility that I would classify it as trolling and destructive. People are getting to post what they want, with no moderation. This is unusual on forums. But I, and I think our OP, are still saying that people are going too far. I try not to add to it or take it personally. On some threads I've tried to diffuse it. I know there are some others who are also doing the same. SJG
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
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