Flight attendants

avatar for JohnSmith69
Does anybody remember an era, like I do, when flight attendants were mostly hot young women. Those days have been over for quite a while. These days it seems like being over 45, overweight, and unattractive, are strictly enforced requirements.

So I was quite shocked to get on my flight ten minutes ago and see a stunningly gorgeous, very young, flight attendant. And yeah, she's a redhead. She's practically as hot as the DS except for smaller boobs and a few years older. I haven't seen a flight attendant this hot in at least a decade, probably longer. I'd be willing to bet that every pilot is trying to fuck her.

I think the change took place when we had to stop calling them a stewardess and instead they became a flight attendant. I'd much rather have a stewardess.



last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I want to hand her a large stack of Benjamin's and take her home to play.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
I had a stewardess in1979. She was 25 and hot. I met her at a party and ended up flying to Naples, FL to spend two weeks with her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Fuck. I think she's stationed in first class. I'm gonna see if it's too late to upgrade.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Blame it on
Gaëtan Dugas
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Only in porno
avatar for grand1511
9 years ago
Is it safe to assume you are in a locked & upright position?
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
Shit, nowadays about 1/3 of the flight attendants that I see are guys. A couple of the regional connection carriers still seem to use younger and more attractive women, but otherwise that model has been gone from the mainstream carriers for a long time now.
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
Hot flight attendants would make your flight a LOT better.
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
Many years ago I worked with a gentleman who had been a Vice President of Eastern Airlines. Part of his responsibility had been hiring stewardesses. We used to ask if the typical interview started with the question, "How badly do you want this job?"
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
In the 80's I was on a flight that apparently was a training orientation for new flight attendants. There were about 10 young women. All slim and pretty. They are probably the middle aged ones we are seeing now.
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
I will say Flight Attendants on American carriers are largely not the most attractive, Foreign carries? Much better- Virgin Atlantic / British Airways? Pretty damn good. Air New Zealand and Quantas? Fuck yes.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
+1 Korean Airlines. Nice
avatar for vegaslad
9 years ago
Haven't had a chance to fly them, Googled them... Oh hello...I wouldn't say no
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
Yeah gotta get the foreign airlines to find hot flight attendants.

avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Yes. I saw the changes. I started with Western Air lines in 1967 and retired from Delta in 2009. It is no longer the glamorous job that it once was.

i was there to see the first male flight attendants. I was in the cock pit(flight deck now) when a gay attendant came in to ask the captain if he wanted anything and the captain told hime to get his gay ass out of there and to never come back unless asked to. That would get him fired today.

I was also there when the first female pilots started getting hired. The air lines were forced to lower, and lower and lower their standards in order to find enough qualified females to meet their quotas. In the past they got there pilots from retired military now they had to hire women that had only flown Cessnas. I do remember one. Valerie Petrie, daughter of the actor Clint Walker. See photo:http://archives.chicagotribune…

First time I ever wanted to fuck an air line pilot. :)
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
I remember those days. Today... :(
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Ricky is right - I see much better looking younger babes on regional carriers.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
This is one area where unions legitimately fucked us all over. Before unions the airlines could make sure all stewardesses were young and hot.

There also is a bit of air travel going mainstream. Cheaper tickets mean a cheaper overall experience.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Isn't the starting pay at the regional carriers shockingly low? Less than $30k per year. I think that's a reason have younger women.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
The job opportunities at the major air lines are tough. The older gals are staying on the job until they can collect social security. So there are fewer openings. So the young ones start with the regionals and hope to work their way up. Most don't make it. Same with pilots.
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
Quick Quiz:My father owned a regional carrier flying under the U.S Air banner.
What was U.S Air called before it was U.S.Air?
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
@td, are you referring to All American Aviation?
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I thought they came about from a merger of Piedmont and Allegheny
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Isn't that why Pittsburgh and Charlotte were major hubs
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
Moto with the win.
avatar for sinclair
9 years ago
This Southwest pilot has it right. The American carriers' flight attendants are all gays, grannies, and grandes.
avatar for sinclair
9 years ago
Alot of the foreign carriers are very discriminating on their hiring choices for flight attendants. Take for example Gulf Air: You can't have any visible birth marks, you have to be single, and you must be under 30 years of age. At the airports recently, I saw Air France, Emirates, LAN, LOT, Turkish Airlines, and Cathay Pacific flight attendants that were pretty sexy. I wish I would have gotten the chance to fly Hooters Air before they went belly up.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I knew a dancer that worked at Hotters Air. She never stripped before but was a flight attendant on Hooters. She started stripping when the airline went out of business.
avatar for Daybreaker
9 years ago
Swear to god all of my recent flights have had as many gay male flight attendants as female ones. And most of those guys have been more attractive than their female counterparts. Interesting how things have changed.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
JS69 and rick: Its called accruing seniority and keeping your travel bennies. United even had a FA in his 80's who only recently retired after 60 years of service. He was a native Hawaiian who was hired before Hawaii became a state. Originally hired as a purser, he held seniority #1 for quite a while.

@Corvus- Anyone who can actually remember flying on All American Aviation back in the day is real old fart.

@motorhead- Not quite right. All American became Allegheny- changed name to US Air shortly after the Deregulation Act of 1978. Merged with Pacific Southwest Airlines and Piedmont in the late 1980's. Can anyone tell who Allegheny merged with in the 1960's without leaning on wiki or google ?

Lastly, a lot of foreign airlines are like that because they don't have the anti-discrimination laws that the USA does.
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